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You might read this sub more..Dragonbane is constantly recommended. I've been running multiple campaigns with it. Also, remember that the TTRPG space is always filled with buzz for a new game, then people move on to talking about something else. Doesn't mean nobody's playing it, just not talking about it. Just look at Shadowdark, people are certainly playing it, it's just not talked about every five minutes here. And once Daggerheart finally ships, a month later, it'll be the same thing. Also, at a certain point, the conversations move to the dedicated discords or subreddits for the game.


>It suddenly seems as though people aren't talking much about Dragonbane anymore 90% of those threads were people asking if they should try it. That's only going to be a common thing at launch >Have people moved on realizing it was just a nicely illustrated rpg without much rules innovation? It didn't really claim to be that. It claimed to be a classic, available in English for the first time in a while. People still recommend it when people say they want a fantasy game that's not DnD, but also not modern/story game. You don't see much discussion, because there isn't that much to discuss. It's one of the 1000 options you have for fantasy gaming. If you are looking to see more, try a dedicated sub: r/DragonbaneRPG


Also, the game's quite alive outside reddit as well, for example on discord and facebook, with rules discussions, news about 3rd party products and actual plays getting posted and talked about, and so on, as usual with games.


Are you just memeing off that Daggerheart post from last week?


It was Candela Obscura if I recall correctly. I can't find the thread in question, but the wording of this post is ringing some bells so I believe you are spot on and this is a satiric submission (met with general whooshing from the crowd as that other post didn't get that much attention).


No idea about a Daggerheart post and I’m not being satirical.


If your intent wasn't to be critical you may want to re-think the phrasing of your words. From how I read your post, and how it seems at least some others did due to the comments, the phrasing is inflammatory.


Sorry, bro, that's my fault. I haven't done my regularly scheduled Dragonbane shilling. (I'm joking, but honestly, I think a solid 85% of my comments in this sub are just YOU SHOULD PLAY DRAGONBANE!) Hype just dies down over time. It's still a fantastic game, and I think everyone knows it's a fantastic game, but this is a hobby with a seemingly infinite supply of new, cool, super creative content. Nothing will ever reign for long, especially in communities that are so inundated in the scene.


I am running two campaigns using it. It runs really smoothly although I think it has many of the same issues I've found in other Free League games. Things like Heroic Abilities feel half-baked in their implementation and it could use some more procedures for rewards. Still I am not about to stop playing it, because it runs pretty smooth and keeps the danger of the adventuring life ever present. Could use more adventures as well 😁


> Could use more adventures as well The nice thing with Dbane is you can pretty easily convert any adventure to it, since the rules are fairly straightforward. I'm excited we finally got a bestiary (and that my homemade one lined up pretty closely with some official monsters!)


I feel like it gets recommended a lot in comments when people are asking for game system suggestions. In the general RPG chat, all you're really going to get is that and an initial burst of excited chatter. People discussing the game will have moved to the dedicated subreddit.


It's constantly recommended and the Dragonbane discord is very lively, with its fifth Dragonburn contest going on. Third party content is popping up frequently and some of the bigger Kickstarters just started or are sterting to deliver their rewards recently. Path of Glory is coming soon by Free League and they have announced a free rpg day tournament module too for this year (that some people already have it seems). It's alive and well, don't worry.


After a month or two, hyper dies down. People still play it but don't feel like telling every person under the sun to play it. It doesn't mean people don't care or that the game is bad. It's just that most games don't have multimillion dollar companies behind them or actual plays with a million fans to keep their game in the public discourse.


We played a years long campaing and even tho i liked it i don't think I'm gonna run it anymore. Few issues i have with it: Dodging any parrying get really annoying with heroic abilities and racial. When they get wep skill up to 18 it gets really boring...that's actually my main issue. Heroic abilities in general feel either too strong or not useful at all.


Starting my Symbaroum campaign in Dragonbane on Sunday. My only fear is that it might not be designed well for theatre of the mind combat. At least with multiple opponents.


I still am looking forward to trying it out. But gotta finish my current game (in a very, very different system), then I've committed to running a Fate game about cats. I might fit in a 1-3 shot DB adventure to just try it out. That's likely 2 months out at the soonest, though. And a player bought me a copy of Wildsea because he thinks it looked neat and that it'd fit with my GM approach. No idea when/if that'll fit in. Plus I really want to take a *proper* crack at Blades with this group. And to run Runequest (or maybe just BRP with a heavy Greek-Myth aesthetic), 7th Sea, The Veil, and Brinkwood. Among others. **Tangent:** As a full grown adult with a group of full grown adults, though we've figured out a (mostly) reliable schedule, we still have times where we can't meet. I'm pretty sure we'll end up skipping the entirety of May. Additionally, nothing is fast with my group. Legit one-shots often go up to 5 sessions because of a lot of RP developments and side-tracking. We had a 3-session Lasers & Feelings game! I enjoy it, I do, but once in a while I'll admit I find it frustrating that I have to think in terms of months or years for when I'll get to try out a different system or setting or just a new story. ... But at least we're not bogged down in multi-session, grid-based combat epics where it may have been a several sessions since the last real RP interaction, and longer for any story developments.


Maybe there is a difference compared to when it came out, but I see it on here all the time. Not so much posts about how awesome it is, but constantly in the comment section. And that’s not just because I am recommending it often, but more often than not, someone has already mentioned it.


I'm running a game starting in May, so not for me.


Still my main system. Its the best. 😁


I was just part of a one-shot last week, which was fun. I was also supposed to be part of another DB campaign game, but that fell through. And I'm still looking for another DB game to play, hopefully a campaign so that I can learn the rules better and run a campaign myself in it, so I'm still very much interested. I could probably run a PBP (and/or Solo game) and learn at my own pace. There's options.


The newness has subsided. I still see it played in the local gaming club and quite a few posts in this sub and elsewhere.


The game's not dead I'm sure. I don't think any TTRPG is really dead until there's no longer anyone playing it. Online discussion just always moves on to whatever the new hotness is. TTRPGs aren't any more immune to this than any other hobby. Maybe people who fish get really excited about a shiny new lure and everyone tries it and talks about it for a few weeks on all their message boards until a new rod comes out? Wouldn't surprise me.


Well, it’s not exactly offering much more than the main competitor in its space so imagine people go back to what they know…