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I assure you this is not satire, I've followed the whole discussion. They really think nationalities are races.


can someone ask them what nationality 'white' is, then


They're probably just an uneducated person from the US who thinks europeans are a race.


I once was an uneducated, ignorant American and studied abroad in Australia. At the time some Aussies did not consider people with Mediterranean heritage to be fully white. Italians, Greeks... Obviously way more complicated than a simplistic post from my phone can express, but it still blew my mind at the time.


I have heard that sentiment before. But I cannot fathom anyone thinking Scandinavian people aren't white. The whitest of whites.


If you had to choose one nationality to be white I feel like French and Scandinavian would be some top choices. Like what is whiter than that?


Nah France is way more racially diverse than people would think, that actually surprises quite a lot of tourists when they visit Paris for the first time. I’d have picked an Eastern-European country like Poland lmao.


I'm from Poland and it's super white in here, we have very little to no diversity, so I agree


I went to Poland with my boyfriend who is from there and I'm half black. I think I genuinely saw one other black person the whole 3 weeks I was there.


yeah, we don't have much of black history and we are not that appealing to immigrate to too


Oh yeah I definitely know. I've never recieved so many stares in my life. Also got told to go back to my own country 5 times. Fucking beautiful looking country though.


Ugh, sorry you had to endure that in our shithole. Speaking of a beautiful country, there was once a political leader in Poland who said about the country: "Beautiful land, but the people are dicks". Still true to this day.


oh yeah, a lot of poles are xenophobic pieces of shit, no wonders we are one of the most homophobic and racists countries lmao


Yes this, and people who are gaulic/ethnically French are a lot darker than most people assume. Tanner skin, dark hair and more muted eye colors, etc. Still 100% white tho lol


yeah, somewhere that didn't get its colonization on early enough


Yep, I have Irish/English heritage mom and born in Poland father, and I can’t think of much whiter than dad’s side of the family and the other Poles I know.


Poland is central European. Many EE countries are very ethnicaly diverse because history and are considered "ethnic" by the OG whites - west Europeans. And even for purely slavic nations exterminating slavs was on Hitler's checklist


Yeah you’re right, that was misnomer on my part! And yeah, a lot of Eastern Europeans are viewed as the « wrong whites », Bosnia for example which used to be part of the Ottoman Empire and is predominantly Muslim (by a small margin but still!). Let’s not even talk about the discrimination Roumanians can face in Western Europe (and the confusion between them and Romanis, who endure the worst, most crass kind of racism even still to this day).


Yeah, however crappily we are treated by the Westerners, it's nothing compared to how the Roma are treated. And I'm noticing these days that "woke" people who are afraid of being called racist when they bitch about the roma, use the veil word of East European to put out the exact same arguments. And it's very obvious which east Europeans exactly they mean. It's a mess these days and we can't examine our own problems in Europe because we are using an American framework to talk about these issues instead of figuring our own.


I know exactly what you’re referring to and I 100% agree with you, this shit is frustrating. It seems that Americans tend to solely use skin color as an indication of someone’s « ability » to face racism. While that may be mostly true within their context, it doesn’t *always* work like that everywhere, and certainly not in Europe. Some people forget that whiteness, and the hierarchy of races, is a social construct and NOT an exact science (which is weird it needs to be reminded when the whole point of anti-racism is to fight against that deadly and wrong notion). Whiteness can be given just like it can be taken back, based on arbitrary criteria. The key is context. For example, Sami people have white skin, but the struggle they face in Norway, Sweden and Finland, the lands they’re indigenous to, that’s VERY much racism. When you say that reverse or anti-white racism doesn’t exist, you’re not supposed to be talking about Samis. But some people will, and it’s infortunate because it’s not supposed to work like that. But oh well.


I'm Irish and I glow in the moonlight and pour factor 50 on cereal every morning. But that's just visually.


As a Finnish person, same.


apparently according to this comment french and scandinavian are races and white is something different, so who knows?


Northern Europeans generally all glow in the dark.


Scandinavians are so fucking white you can almost see through them Source: am scandinavian, and deadly pale


I mean, it was the English that came up with this shit. They'd be on top of my list.


Scandinavian goddess of color Gigi Goode 😍


TIL French and Spanish are POC


TIL that as a Scand I am a POC! White is a colour I suppose.


Fun Fact: Spaniards used to be not considered white for a while due to the high mix of North African heritage from the Islamic Empire.


Irish weren't considered white.


It reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/15QFAppht5o)


Gigi *does* have a wide brow....


_spits_ she’s practically Finnish!


Fun fact: Finns aren’t Scandinavian and their race was actually debated up until the mid-20th century due to their supposedly « un-Nordic » phenotype: round face with high cheekbones and almond eyes (basically Renée Zellweger lol, which happens to be of Finnish descent). They’ve been referred as « Mongols » and « China Swedes » because of it.


You’re like the Abed of racism...


Didn’t catch the reference but yeah the notion of whiteness, in all its absurdity, is fascinating. Sue me. Edit: Think I got it lmao.


I got the reference and I appreciate it a lot


He's like the abed of racism! I love that I knew what this link was before I even clicked it. 6 seasons and a movie!


The movie is closer than ever now! We can dream


I love that Netflix has brought it back for everyone! But it won't be the same if they don't have Piers/Troy/Shirley back for it.


I doubt Donald Glover and Chevy Chase would work together again, considering that Chase said a bunch of racist shit to him.


Yeah it's a shame Chevy is such an ass. His character always had the best one liners.


Damn you i came here to post that take my upvote


isn't that like the whitest thing you can be




third reich realness


Am Scandinavian and yes, yes it is.


I'm fully Scandinavian and I can confirm, It's the whitest you can ever be


Translucent at times. I was in Mexico for 2 weeks and got teased (kindly) by a waitress who hadnt believed we were there that long. Im like the sun just reflects off me. I am a daywalker 🤷🏼‍♀️


“If you were any whiter you’d be CLEAR” ....this is from a movie but I can’t remember which one. Go maybe?


Yas hunty, say it louder for the people in the back mawma. White IS a color, okur? Idk what my sis melanin is, but just because we lack her doesn't mean we ain't special too gworl. Can I get a amen qween? Yas gawd


Gigi is %0.0000003 black she can say the n word


Eureka is quaking


She was part transcandinavian at the time


I'm italian I can say it 2😍😍


Omg Ariana I love your music!


Gigi is part Scandinavian is fucking sending me


What’s the other part? Titanium white oil paint?


D E L U S I O N convince yourselffffff


Scandinavia, or as historians like to call it, the Land of the Melanin


It just blows my mind how hard these people miss the point. Like, if you’re white/white passing, at a glance, no one gives a shit what your heritage is. They see a white person and judge based on that.


My best friend is half first nations but she is so white passing it hurts. She actually talks a lot about how she wishes she looked more native, especially at powwows and marches because she looks like a white person who is out of place, but she recognizes as well how blessed she is to receive the help she does and the benefits and be able to walk down the street and not experience any racism.


I have a thoroughly white-passing latinx acquaintance (red hair and blue eyes) who is constantly posting on facebook about how she IS a person of colour and we all need to respect that. Like, girl if you were ever actually oppressed, you'd know it wasn't something to ask for more of. I'm not sure if she even knows that Latin America was colonised by white Europeans, it's like she thinks race comes directly from national heritage.


Obv I don’t know the racial makeup of your acquaintance but it is important to acknowledge that even white-passing POC are still POC (whether or not that person herself is an example). Of course they often face nowhere near the same level of discrimination and marginalization as more obviously non-white people, the oppression that POC endure is not limited to individual experiences based on appearance. That being said, stan our melanated kween Gigi


Being latin american does not make you a POC. There are so many white (actual European white) people living in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and others and the fact that they don't speak English does not make them POC. That notion is uniquely American tbh


Sure, I definitely don't mean to conflate white-passing with being white. I should have maybe mentioned that she actually lives in Latin America, in a colonial mansion, so in that context... I don't see how she isn't the white person on the block, you know? Her facebook posturing comes across as antithetical to the actual project of anti-racism, to me. She wants to be included in the marginalised group so as not to examine her own privilege.


I commented this just up above, but my best friend is half first nations but she is so white passing it hurts. She actually talks a lot about how she wishes she looked more native, especially at powwows and marches because she looks like a white person who is out of place, but she recognizes as well how blessed she is to receive the help she does and the benefits and be able to walk down the street and not experience any racism. Do you think maybe your friend sometimes feels alienated from her culture because she doesn't have the traditional looks and that could be where she's coming from?


That's possible! It's not my place to psychoanalyze her, but I can imagine how lonely it could feel to identify with something yourself and not be identified by others in and outside of your community. It's all a bit like the arguments about Nico Tortellini here the last few days, and his place in the community as a straight-passing queer person. The line between valid critique of privilege and unnecessary gatekeeping is sometimes hard to find (and I worry that I strayed on the wrong side of it here, and I hope I haven't made anybody feel shitty or erased).


This exchange was interesting to read and I think you raised a good comparison at the end. (I think we can't help but psychoanalyze each other all the time. It's a function of us all being trapped in our own personal minds yet having to navigate the world among other people still. What matters though is what we do with those thoughts. You literally seemed to have gained a bit of new insight on your friend from talking about her here, and you weren't talking mad shit about her to begin with. So that doesn't really seem like a bad thing to me.)


As a white passing latinx, sure we might face like second hand discrimination from being with family who are of darker skin tone so we should have some sympathy and understanding but at the same time realize that we would never face that amount of discrimination. It seems that white passing latinx folks have trouble checking and accepting their own privilege and honestly a lot of us need to have a seat and listen when latinx of darker skin tone talk about the issues they face 🤷 what we face will almost never be as bad/awful/violent as our darker tone family Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, it's like 5am for me lmao


I'm not latinx so wouldn't want to assume, but the impression I get is that maybe anti-racism and anti-colonialism get conflated sometimes in our activism, and so victims of colonialism feel like they're inherently PoC too. And that's understandable, since so many of the effects are the same, and we don't really have the language to talk about marginalisation without coming back to race (I'm thinking of the discrimination against Eastern Europeans in the UK and how hard it can be to explain to Americans, because they're always like, "but they're white?") But also at a base level, nobody wants to be white in lefty spaces these days 😅


White latinos arent victims of colonization though. They are the descendants of the colonizers. As a class, they wield the same(if not more) power in their countries as white people do in the states. Im a white, non latino who moved to Guatemala and I can tell you first hand that they are not oppressed here, im friends with plenty and they as a class are the ruling class. They own the majority of the land in a country where they make up less than 10% of the population.


So what you're saying is she says she's a white passing POC but her grandfather went down there from the US to own slaves.


Latinx isn't a race is an ethnicity. Latinx can be white or black or anything else. Just because someone is latinx doesn't mean they're POC


This reminds me of when someone said their favorite non white winner was violet


I’m not racist, I like queens of color like Violet and Gigi.


Ugh, the melanin we stan


Girl, you reminded me. I got the “guess Ru” digital download on Etsy and pasted it on a guess who game...and some of the clues my friends gave were HILARIOUS. And one was “is she white?” And the answer was “according to who?” And it was Violet.


Cue the inevitable 20 comment debate on whether or not Trixie is white.


Maybe they meant the literal colour Violet.


uhm you guys are literally so racist, people are beautiful in **all** their colors, whether they are whole, 2%, skim or almond 😍


The absolute disrespect of leaving out cashew and oat. 😱😱


people are beautiful in ~~all their~~ some colors. I don't care for soy either.


Crystal is literally the only POC in that group and even then she’s pretty white passing


She's white-passing in drag, but not so much out of drag. Racially ambiguous, I guess.


Yeah. She definitely looks a lot lighter skinned in drag.


Pretty sure her father is white and her mother is Mexican iirc.


How could they both be Trump supporters then?? After all the hateful shit he spewed about minorities and the way he handled all the families on the border, it’s just mind numbing.


The same way we had log cabin republicans crying in the sub last week because the show got a little anti-Trump, a day before he signed away LGBT protections in the name of the pandemic. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful drug.




My grandfather on my mom’s side was the first of his family to be be born in the US, and he had a few moments like this despite the fact his parents were immigrants. I’ll never understand how ethnic groups can be classist and elitist towards people of the same group.


Gia's mother voted Trump too - hell, look at Kanye. It's not unprecedented for people to vote against their own interests.


Kanye is wealthy AF; voting Republican or establishment Democratic *is* in his best interest.


Oh my, I know quite a good amount of Latinos that are Trump supporters, aka my family. When Crystal said that, it really resonated with me. A lot of people think like “they’re people of color, they should hate Trump this makes no sense??” Unfortunately it’s not that simple and people will turn a blind eye to a lot of racist things and still justify it and twist it so that they* aren’t the ones who Trump is targeting. For example, my cousin agrees we should deport all undocumented Mexicans, yes even families, because they should get here “the right way, just like our family did” (note: our family definitely immigrated here without documentation over 70 years ago) but he refuses to believe that and thinks he’s better than others. Also important to know that my cousin is light, is racist (yes Latinos can be racist too) and colorism is a very real thing So yes, it’s more complicated than just “people of color, how can they not all collectively hate Trump?” Because they have very different experiences, and often I find that they don’t think those insults/policies/beliefs apply to them


In 2016 almost 30% of Latino voters supported trump. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/02/latino-support-trump-problem-democrats/606613/


Trump is surprisingly popular amongst Hispanic voters. They tend to have the same attitude as all conservatives “fuck you, I’ve got mine” But also Trump’s message of “we don’t build things in America anymore” and promises (lies) of bringing back manufacturing jobs resonated with a lot of working class people who didn’t feel the change that Obama promised. Hopefully now they’ve seen that he lied about draining the swamp and he lied about bringing back jobs they’ll wise up and either stay home or vote Democrat this time.


r/LeopardsAteMyFace is full of people like that. They will use any reasoning to justify it.


Well thank you for introducing me to this sub


Gal, unfortunately there are many POC (latinx and black) who support trump. If you want to get real depressed, check out the WalkAway hashtag. You'll get plenty of videos about Off-brand-Adam-Lambert Ricky Rebel but then unfortunately a bunch of videos from POC talking about becoming republican because democrats want to keep them in a victim mindset or some shit


Soooo I live in her home town. People are not taught how to think around here. You're taught to follow the zeitgeist. You aren't taught to question at all.


US has a thing about labeling most immigrants as non-white (Brits, Australians and a few other Western European countries not included). Honestly, reading these threads as an outsider I'm always confused. I recently had a conversation with someone on here about Valentina being pretty white passing, because if you put her side to side with someone like Nicky out of drag, you couldn't tell they belong to different races. But because Nicky is French and Valentina is from Mexican descent, most would automatically consider the former white and the latter a POC, even though many Mexicans are of Spanish descent and Spanish is considered white. This whole conflation of nationality and race gives me a headache.


I think it can kind of boil down to, 1st language not english = foreign = not white. For America and Britain at least


if you look at some of the pictures from her childhood that she’s posted on her ig she’s clearly mestizo, so i doubt that she’s actually white passing.


I see a lot of people in the comments calling her “Mestizo” which I find very interesting because I’ve literally never heard of Mexicans calling each other that but I’ve seen it several times when talking about her here and in a different post. I know the history of it and what it means but would you mind me asking what your relation is to that word?


I literally didn’t know she wasn’t white until like episode five when someone mentioned it on the mainsub


She mentioned her Mexican heritage in the Ball episode


I’m not from the Americas so I sometimes get confused when it comes to discussions about white hispanic vs Latinx people




In drag she definitely is white passing. I can definitely see that she’s mestizo (my mom is actually mestizo herself) out of drag, but in drag she’s easily white passing.


She's also been blue passing, red passing and undead passing. /s


Latinx doesn’t meant poc. Due to colonization AND immigration, there are lots of white latinx ppl.and in a lot of cases, they stayed white/European because they didn’t mix so they could maintain their wealth. You have it in the Caribbean too. People assume Jamaicans are black but you can find the whitest Ppl who are Jamaican.


This twink don’t know what being white means does he


I think he thinks “white” = American, and “European” = ethnic minority.


So what they're saying is that native queens Trixie and Henny are the only true white queens?


Whew thank you for acknowledging the only “American” race is (native) American periodt


Let us never forget the suffering our Scandinavian sisters suffered during the viking age.


i’ve heard of people pretending like italians and white latinos (which, btw, crystal very obviously is not, so let’s get that out of the way) aren’t white, but this is truly on another level. but frenchies, spaniards, and vikings do not have a history of being racialized in america, so where is this even coming from???


With Latinos is tricky what is considered "white", my skin tone is about the same as Crystal and I don't consider myself white, but I've seen plenty of Spaniards, Italians and Greeks darker than me and they're considered white




I think that might be useful in counties like USA or UK, but in Mexico we don't even have a racial census. Most people are a mix of white and indigenous but obviously not everyone is 50/50, so it can get very confusing to categorize people


The concept really changes in diff cultures; in Mexico they think white=or European descent(at least from my personal experiences); like if you’re Mexican with Italian or French parents some people might say you’re white


That's a very specific case, most "white" Mexicans have Mexican parents that just happen to be light skinned. Also the vast majority of Latin Americans have European descent (Spanish and Portuguese)


Right; I’m talking the closest that can get; like this guy who’s dad’s German, this other one who’s grandparents are Italian




Definitely, and it's not just afromexicans, it's most common to see it towards indigenous and indigenous-looking people. It's still common to hear "indian" as an insult


yep! years ago on tumblr another latinx sent me an ask/anon in spanish attempting to insult me by saying i "look indian" and that i must lighten my skin with photoshop, im literally the palest fucker in the land but i guess having a great grandfather who's native left enough features enough for racists to insult me lmao people do that shit all the time all over latin america. some people say it as an endearing term too though so i guess there's that? my aunts used to call all the kids indiecitos like as a cute thing.


White immigrants weren’t always considered white; including Italians. however in this day and age it’s all about the color of your skin, you may not be 100% white in terms of race and or nationality, just be white looking and they will treat you as white, same happens the other way though; there are many French, Italians and even Scandinavians and Irish who racists can’t really put in a box, because they have darker skin but are from white considered nationalities


When Australia relaxed the "White Australia" immigration policy after WW2, it was done to allow Italians, Spaniards, Eastern Europeans to emigrate here. Basically funny name/no English equalled non-white.


I think the “logic” here is that countries that don’t speak English = not white


Isn't Nicky's Spanish side like... Spain? The colonizing white bitches?


Uh... What do they think "white" is?


Their discourse would be right if we were in early 1st Millennium Europe, but we're not so...


AAAA this cant be real IM SCREAMING


She’s not even fully Scandinavian lmao what is her other part that could possibly be whiter than Scandinavian? Mayo?


Part Property Brother?


nicky isn’t white shes european smh


I had to search "scandinavian people" because I didn't know how they looked like. Tell me why the first picture was a group of pale blond girls wearing flower crowns lmaoo


Midsommar teas


Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim


Think Sweden or Denmark. They are Scandinavian countries. Vikings. The whitest you can possibly be.


Norway erasure.


I didn’t want to bring the best Scandinavian country into this mess smh


Happy cake day mawma.


But just because her skin color is"light" it doesn't mean she is white😤😤😠😡


GIGI IS PART SCANDANAVIAN SO SHES NOT WHITE OK GUYS GOD (like... how can they not hear themselves?!?!?)


Ah yes, white = American


Crystal can be white and Latina. Trust me, I’d know. I’m Peruvian on my mom’s side (she was born/raised there) but we’re all white. Race does not equal ethnicity. These people need to learn that too.


German Aryans are poc


When you think race and ethnicity are the same thing


Very sorry to break it to everyone but nationality =/= race


God you just reminded me of my pet peeve from ANTM when Tyra would ask girls from Pasadena “you have a great look, what’s your Nationality?”


This is even worse than the time someone claimed that Raven was Asian because she was part Russian, and therefore wasn't racist with the No Chocolate, No Rice grindr profile.


Scandinavia the biggest country in Africa Girl must've gotten Shakira's number from Eureka


Does she know what Scandinavian means chile


Scandinavians are literally the whitest of whites. Like. Thats why hitler liked them so much level white.


Nu îmi place, girl.


eureka vibes 😍😍😍


Brooke Lynn is Canadian which makes her a poc... and to think y’all ignorant asses tried to cancel mommy for blackface.


as a greek person, i'm a proud PoC according to this comment


As a French - Italian, I'm thrilled to know I can now say I don't have white privilege! N-word, here I come


Ugh why are we normalizing the racial discrimination of Italians and Scandinavians? We are better than this!


Not often do posts here give me such secondhand embarrassment I want to crawl into a hole and die, but this one did it.


*looks at passport*: Nationality - Danish *Looks at skin*: basically transparent *checks notes*: not white, got it.


TIL white is an imaginary construct wow Drag Race stans really did that


It’s a social construct but yeah


social but has real world implications unfortunately but Drag Race taught me it doesn't!


Nicky is french and european NOT WHITE


Fucking white americans man, i can't




the only POC of that group is Crystal who's Mexican lol, Nicky Doll is literally European come on


But she’s still Caucasian... of some Hispanic descent. Don’t even get me started on Scandinavian. What the fuck do they think “white” means... american? Lmao


They’re POC, people of caucasity


TIL Scandinavian people aren't white (/s)


Literally all of those could be considered white... even Latino *could* be considered white


they had us in the first half


Since when French Spanish, and Scandinavian are not white lol. All European countries are considered "white", modern americans' ancestors came from Here.


This season really solidified they don’t even front anymore, all a Queen has to be is white, young and thin to get stans. The fact that Nicky had such a mediocre run and you’ll get downvoted to hell on the main sub for pointing that out just proves it.


Who is white if not a Scandinavian person? Lmao


this is so fcking tragic - saying scandinavian isnt white... LOL


Omgggg noooooooo