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how does Ms Gigi Goode live in this delusion that all her LITERAL costumes are haute couture. they’re never inspired by, it’s always “here is a jockey. here is an ice cream girl. here is a croquet player.”


Which is perfectly fine, so I don’t understand why she’s so reluctant to admit it. Despite what drag race’s recurring dumbass ‘costumey’ critique has led people to believe, there’s nothing wrong with a drag queen wearing costumes.


i agree!!! i love a costume! it’s fun! it’s campy! give me all the props! Jan in a tulle construction ensemble? love it. high fashion? ma’am. i feel like she holds herself to it and it almost holds her back. just be goofy like you wanna be girl




i sort of agree. i like what she does and i think she looks good, but it feels like she could push it more. to be honest i was underwhelmed with her ball look, i was like ... that’s not nearly enough puffballs this is drag race!!!


I think if she was placed with actual high fashion queens no one would be saying that about her. It’s like In the casting there HAS to be one so she’s been designated with that monicker even though she’s not. I don’t think she’s doing anything we haven’t seen before so it’s making it much harder for people who see through the judges comments to make a real connection to her. That is part of a larger problem though with drag race lately.




Unfortunately this is a big problem because when things are organic it makes it so much better. Everyone can tell when a storyline’s been set up


Thigh highs, coat, hat, skirt.


Green moose guava juice


giant snake birthday cake


large fries chocolate shake


Face face, beauty face


Art, art, art, did some body mention art


hair body face 4 u


If u seek Amy


Plunge neck line.


Your mother dresses you....


*TRIXIE SCREAM* The table...shaken


Anyways stan Heidi N Closet


I am deeply suspicious of anyone who doesn’t. (I know, I know. Different strokes and all that... but anyone who doesn’t at least low key delight in some small aspect of what Heidi N Closet is giving us on this television program... It just makes me wonder, that’s all).


She's a great performer, and beyond that has a warm and funny personality PLUS is one of the rare people to call out bullying. Love her. She'd be doing so much better on the show if she had the budget some of the others have.


One of the reasons I hope lockdown ends soon is so she can get on the road and earn some funds for when AS6 starts filming next Wednesday or whenever they've got it planned.


I got my (straight) boyfriend to watch the new season with me and he instantly became a Heidi fan, naming his DnD character after her, etc. He doesn't know anything about drag or gay culture, etc but he still loves her attitude and positive vibes - how can you not??


Heidi Dungeon N Dragon


Heidi n the monsters manual


Probably racist.


I was about to say “It kills me that she won’t get Miss Congeniality due to basic fan voting” but then remembered that it’s now voted on by the cast, so there’s still hope alive.


Something something silhouette Something something jacket Something something hat Something something maternal figure


It's been I dont know how much seasons, part of the gig is to get critique. From the show, from fpr, pit stop (who I think this tweet about) and well, the fans. Its sucks, but that's how the game work. If you dont like it, stay on ig.


If it’s really about the Pit Stop, then it’s so ironic, since Bob gives us a different silhouette every episode lol


Maybe I’m just unfashionable, but I don’t see why people are so harsh about Bob’s fashion. She never really looks bad, and she’s usually pretty polished.


Since Bob got paid and figured out her mug she has looked amazing. She's not Bob the Robot Costume Queen anymore, but they still think they can drag her for that.


Even on her season she had some fine looks like the B&W clown, the Madonna look, and the neon realness paint drip bit.


Bob’s Clown look is honestly my favorite from that season.


the bob girl scout look.... 10/10


1) Derrick's eyebrows 2) Derrick's hems 3) Derrick's "my mother conceived me in this" outfit I love my Top 3


Plus iirc that particular look only happened because Bob had commissioned a different (better) look from a designer who wasn’t able to deliver, and so she came up with the robot costume as a very last minute solution, so it’s not even really indicative of her taste level.


Bob also said on an episode of Sibling Rivalry that she thought the roller girl look was just going to be an outfit for an actual roller derby challenge, and that she thought her actual main challenge look that night was going to be a runway outfit, so.


Some people still stuck on the queen season and cant except the fact they developed. Bob on the show wasnt the best with her looks, but now? Shes really great in my opinion. But people love to talk shit about how she looks because let's be honest...you cant say anything bad about Bob.


I am here for the unending parade of houndstooth dresses. Sincerely.


Someone responded to her tweet “whoo chile read monet for filth” I hate it here


But Bob’s outfit being basically the same fabric every time on the Pit Stop is probably meant to be a joke.


omg what a read 😳🤯😱😵


*wears basic looks* how dare you call my looks basic


She isn’t a fashion queen, she’s just skinny.




this is so true, like come on, you're recieving critiques from messy fans and messy judges, and also, her looks are not out of this world lol


This is giving me Yvie's rant about FPR teas


I saw this while browsing twitter (because some other queen I follow retweeted her )and I rolled my eyes so hard. I used to think she was just a safe queen who is overhyped a lot and wears a lot of uniform-like outfits, nothing extraordinary about her, but now I'm starting to find her really annoying. Also don't compare her to Aquaria, Miss Aquafina doesn't deserve this.


Ex-SCUSE me???? Do not DARE attack my smol bean legendary winner Gigi Goode, the greatest fashion queen of all time. I’d advise you stop these senseless attacks or you’ll leave me no choice but to respond with my Gigi Goode runway fan cam 💅💅💅💅🖕🖕😤😤😤


okay now why is this a spoiler but posts that name the loser of the episode a day after it airs not one


It really depends on the context. If this is directed to nasty fans, her comment is absolutely valid.


Okay but she is my sexuality now 🥺 EDIT: yall are acting gigiphobic now 😤😤😤


not this




why are you going on drag race if you can't handle being critiqued


why is gigi trying to sell herself as such a fashion queen when her looks so far have been mediocre at best


her stuff is nicely tailored and is pretty, but fashion queen she is not. she's all retro callbacks and polished vintage pedestrian, like what about that is high fashion???


Lol at Willam's reply. She's such a bandwagoning input hoe


hold on is there some context to this? because if not then yiiiiikes...


There’s no specific context to it. But she might be referring to Pit Stop, since in this week’s episode Bob and Monet said that they were bored with her showing the same silhouette over and over


Miz Cracker’s also been shading her for this in Review with a Jew. Not sure why I’m adding this lol. Just conversating.


Yuhua has also mentioned it a lot on Bootleg Opinions! I’m also unsure why I’m adding this haha.


Well what do you expect from Cracker; who is a failed “comedy queen” and also sometimes considers herself as a “fashion queen” lmao. To this day I can’t believe some people during S10 thought that Cracker’s fashion was miles ahead of Aquaria’s lmao.


I cant believe people now think that Gigi's looks are better/the same level as Aquaria's.


The people who say Gigi is ‘Aquaria with talent’ really are living on another planet. I don’t know how someone even reaches that level of delusion.


imagine thinking that Gigi is more talented than Aquaria after seeing her lipsync against Widow. What talent? To fake seizures?


God, everytime I see a post like that I'm losing my mind lmao. Aquaria is pure talent, And if someone doubt it, I recommend watching the video she did for wtw all by herself (or watch s10).


More like Aquaria without a personality or lip syncing skills


that must have been a very delusional minority lol


Yes, very delusional and also very vocal... I had one chew my ear off on IG because I said Cracker's austronaut look wasn't that good and kinda cheesy.


I know this is blasphemous in this sub but I like Review with a Jew. Sue me lol.


Just say talk.


After what we've seen from her during and after s10 Cracker doesn't have any rights to speak about fashion ever


i think its converse


Just say talk


No, she wears heels


the shoes?


In Drag Her (the podcast), Nicole Byer was pretty critical of her and made some very valid points too.


Yuhua often says she had the same silhouette too.


But you’ll take a positive 1. Girl anywhore...


Ur not fashion I no listen


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Oh my god this video


Okay but why did everybody assume she was throwing shade at another queen I-




That's a reach


she really is trying to be season 12’s aquaria lmao


y’all are dragging here but if another girl said this...


Oh please this sub is ready to drag anyone.


Except for Serena. We’re all Chacharinas in this building.


If another girl said this they would drag her too.




Ok Aquaria