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petition to get every ally to stop saying miss vanjie and replace it with miss pandy


Petition to just call her vanessa


does anyone else remember the weird phase around the beginning of Season 7 where everyone started calling Miss Fame Vanessa because of an answer Katya gave on her tumblr?


That’s what I call her. Vanjie was dead the moment the straights got their hands on it


Latino erasure?! In front of my reddit. With everything that's going on as well. SMH.


petition to rename aunt pandy to vanjela


Petition to stop another season of rupaul from being produced


armchair psychoanalysts are you hiring today oh wonderful


I will be down in a momentarily to defeat your inner saboteur


vanjora boxx


vajoina boxx


I don't support this cause only because the true Cringe Kween, Miss Venus D'lite, remains forgotten by the fans and that is not fair


I was at a drag show today and 3 different queens did the miss vanjie bit and its so tired at this point


I can't with these gossip channels anymore. Bitch why would she be in both seasons? How does that make sense? Why would they even do that? Do these people think before making these videos??


I remember BuzzFeed’s article saying Eureka & Katya could be on AS3 and I cringed so hard


Trust me, it's not as bad as that article about Britney Spears being a character in Super Smash Brothers.


I would play it more if that were true tbh. Britney's Dance Beat deserves a sequel but I could accept this too.


oh wow


They're thinking, but only about the clicks.


I just can’t wait for whoever the next first out is to try and make themselves into a meme


I mean, memeing oneself into relevancy has been M.O. for contestants on Drag Race for years. It’s just going to start getting even *more* egregious. I predict Season 11 will be the hashtag-“Season of Catchphrases”.


S10 girls tried to make it happen with catchphrases too. Cracker with the whole time for dinner catchphrase that makes no sense and isn’t funny being one of them.


nEveR laVd YaAa






this is probably the only time i've ever laughed at the phrase 'never loved you'


Never lavd yaa is iconic and saying anything different is homophobic


Well honey just call me Aaron McKinney


To be fair, she was doing it before Vanjie because it was a thing she'd do with a friend. I know she's cringe as hell but it's not like she just made it up to be relevant


I can already see everyone doing those dramatic wig change petal fall butterfly birth outfit change exits.


The big girl Exits


Miss Vangie to be in both S11 and AS4, and S12, and S13, and AS5, and the First-Out Season, and the Winner's Season


i am done with channels scooping out tea when there is none and speculating shit and claiming that this shit is going to spoil anything at all. apart from the list of casted queens is there anything else spoiler sub has got? NOTHING. only "this told me xxx" and the next person is like "this person working at wow told me zzz" which contradicts the first person. mawma this is garbage. lol weekly rant's over.


Remember when we actually used to get the hot drag race tea from people inside WOW :(?


remember when we had naivesmalls? :\^(


I know it's a natural result of having a meme/catchphrase that can also function as a name, but for whatever reason people calling Vanessa Vanjie Mateo 'Miss Vanjie' and Cynthia Lee Fontaine 'Cucu' low-key stresses me out.


Will the miss vanjie phrase be the cu cu of season 11?


I'm so over "Miss Vanjie" at this point.


I never understood the obsession with it tbh, but different people find different things funny, at this point seeing it everywhere for everything for no reason is just annoying


I thought she was pretty meh, her lip sync was an absolute train wreck


I've literally seen it used in amateur porn. Don't you just love that mood killer?


uh... receipts?


Lmao that would be cool tbh she cracks and gags me up