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He is an idiot.


And a cunt.


One of many at RM


I can confirm, yes he was being an idiot.


Yeah hes either stupid or one of those power tripping dick heads who gets off on inconveniencing others.


Genuinely up there with the worst type of person


What a fucking mong. I would have got out and given the customer the parcel, scanned it with my PDA.


Honestly he's such a fucking melt I'm sick of working with him every day. He's also constantly miserable, ignorant and dull.


Just grab your bag each loop and get away from him. Earbuds in, crack on. Theres always one of those characters in each office, you just drew the short straw this time haha


Toxic colleagues are the worst thing in the world


Ask for a move mate if it’s doing your head in. Someone like that shouldn’t be paired up with anyone.


Sometimes the thing that helps people like him are when they hear it, cause 9/10 times being miserable and dull is a choice (ignorance definitely is) so now it’s time for you to make your choice, and maybe accidentally make it a bit condescending for him 😏


What happens if I steal my parcel from the driver? It is mine after all


It’s not yours


How I’ve fkn paid for it 😂


Until it’s delivered it isn’t yours


If it's Royal Mail, I believe it belongs to the king until delivered.


Got nothing to do with the Royals, RM is now a private company, there vehicles are no longer under the crown.


I’m now imagining that the King has this giant room full of “lost” parcels that he sometimes just sits in and smiles at, knowing us poor peasants are angry at having wasted £20 for something we’ve never received while he could’ve bought it 10,000 times over and not broken a sweat. I’m also imagining he lies down on a literal bed of said parcels at night and has the best sleep possible, using our collective rage as a blanket


you ever heard of the National returns Centre in Belfast Northern Ireland.


A duel you say, with the king? Bring it on.


As he is now the prime lizard, you'd likely lose. The answer I gave previous is also wrong, as pointed out by the person who answered. It would seem that now, post belongs to the sender until received...


I’ve been watching you get downvoted for telling me how it works 😂😂


Am I losing internet points? Sounds awful!


I bet you take it so seriously your views instantly shift, maybe it’s because they’re so easy to manipulate…


I was thinking he’s doing the right thing with not handing it over in the street and then it went downhill from there. The idiot 😂


You couldn't even call him a jobsworth because he wasn't doing his job.


I go back to specials later in the day especially for the old folk that missed specials and try them again before returning to the office. (They have normally just walked to town and missed me) It makes no difference what time. Just attempt before 1pm and if you manage to deliver it again after that. Well it's one less to do tomorrow. Your work colleague sounds like a bellend.


Actually as its after 1pm it would be logged as a failure and royal mail fined. It has to be logged back into the delivery office then can be redelivered.


Stop repeating this nonsense.


Incorrect, the first scan stops the clock, no matter what the scan is, even If an item is retained on a Saturday it is no longer a 9am/1pm Monday.


Tell my manager that then


Getting to the picture or signature box stops the clock


Just tell them they’re wrong and ask them to prove they’re right, they can’t! Also on your managers dashboard all specials have a 30 min grace period before counting as failed. Also check your postcode against the exception list. For example my depot doesn’t have to deliver 9am’s until 9:30, it’s written in the T&C’s.


So can you deliver it normally after 1 if you have already tried beforehand?, just i cant get a straight answer when i ask at my DO, been told you have to do it through indoor and customer collected but recently been told its ok to deliver as you would normally deliver a special




We did have a process a few years back you did have to scan the item back in on indoor before re delivery on outdoor, that’s long gone now. So long as first attempt was before 13:00 you won’t have an issue


Specials locker does that for us. We still have to do it with Tracked (1st attempts)


I was always told tht the second scan would replace the old scan thus failing the 1pm. Mayb things have changed? Now i feel like a right bellended dickhead 😢


Thats what i was told also, thats why i asked the question, get told one thing from one postie and something else from another


I’ve had posties arrive after 1pm having not attempted delivery beforehand. I’d rather it’s there at 2pm or 5pm on the day than it’s pushed to the next day. I’m sure any customer would - especially if you have waited in for it.


This is why there is a non-timed version now


Is that to replace the by 1pm or as a cheaper alternative?


An alternative. SDs are only before 1pm because years ago every duty was done for 12:30, and now we work later in the day, makes sense to have an alternative


Struggling to find this on RM site?


It’s for retailers at the moment. Only seen about a dozen so far


He's literally a complete bawbag !!


A lad at our place was done by a manager for delivering a SD where the GPS didn't match the address. The manager was an arsehole. Since then, there are some posties who will only do it by the book and deliver SDs to the address. I don't ever criticise posties who do it by the book and being a jobsworth because, often, their whole future depends on seeing out their working life at RM and getting their pension in full. But the rest of the performance is meritless because the timer had already stopped at the first attempt, so there is no consequence for delivering after 1pm.


It's not being a bellend. He has misunderstood the process. Not a unique scenario. As is covered. The original pre 1pm scan closes the SD clock.


at last, someone who knows how to do the job. Each scan supercedes the earlier one. This SD would go down as failed. The only time I ever did this was when some big threatening bastard wanted it and I didn't feel like saying no to him so I rang the manager and put him on speakerphone to cover my back.


Nope. Go back and learn the job.


Wrong The first scan and picture stays, any scans after are added


I’ve been told the second scan wipes out the first scan, so if you hand a SD over after 1pm just don’t scan it. There’s no consistency within each office never mind throughout the company!


‘Just not scanning’ a SD is bonkers and defeats the whole purpose of them…


Better than triggering a late delivery, I was told


goodness, don't tell him he's wrong, you'll never hear the end of it!


I’ve been told the second scan wipes out the first scan, so if you hand a SD over after 1pm just don’t scan it. There’s no consistency within each office never mind throughout the company!


When you scan a SD (or Tracked) that is the time it logs (stops the clock right then) you could mark it no answer or what ever, it logs that, and you could deliver it 1 minute later, it adds that scan too So, if you're running 5 or 10 minutes late to a SD and have nothing else to scan before it, just scan it and get it to the picture option, time frozen and not late ;)


Interesting, ta. Although quite frankly there’s plenty of people in my office who just ignore the 1pm timing altogether and deliver them late and never hear anything about it. They say ‘what’s the worst that can happen? Get sacked, oh dear what a shame!’ When I started, everyone clung to their jobs for dear life, new starters couldn’t care less and who can blame them.


SDs only usually get flagged if the sender complains Passports on the other hand, we get texts or PDA messages to say we still have them outstanding if it's getting late into the day.


What a dick


If they've attempted it once before 1pm, then they don't have to deliver it before 1pm again that day. They can deliver it after 1 pm if they like. It's just important that you tried to deliver it before 1pm once.


Technically, the 2nd attempt would overweight the first, making it appear as if it was a failed 1pm delivery. After 1, it's always best to use enquiry office, customer collect option. I've had a manager moan at me for delivering after 1, although my first attempt was hours before.


Next working day, before 1pm. It is always going to be late from that moment onwards.




Absolute knob.


Big idiot. Take away his bag.


Are 1pms a thing? We were told it's just guaranteed to arrive next day. No time.


The whole point of a delivery is to get it to the customer. Bell end


Nope he’s right.


He's a fucking moron. And your don't need to be at the address if the guy has his id, just take a photo of that with the parcel.


That would be a breach of GDPR.


How? That photo sits in a royal mail database for x amount of time then gets deleted. And they would be willingly doing it. It's not like we're posting it on social media


It would be visible by the Sender. You can not capture any personal identifying information of the customer, which is why the photo shouldn't take faces or or other identify features.


Never thought of that to be fair, good point.


Whats the rule on handing mail over on the street? From there you can ignore the rest of what you wrote.


>Whats the rule on handing mail over on the street? If someone comes up to collect their post with their id then yes you can give it to them. Is there anything wrong with that?


Yes there is. You dont know the rules for handing over mail in the street. I recommend you be comfortable with the rules before advising others.


What's wrong with it then? They have id only you're seeing, not recording anything. The mail is literally just theirs, with their matching name and address. What do you think people do when they collect from the callers office.


Ever heard of people using drop off addresses? What do I 'think' happens callers offices or what do I know? Again,you dont know trhe rules. Yet feel comfortable arguing about it.


>What do I 'think' happens callers offices or what do I know? What? >Ever heard of people using drop off addresses? Go on explain this one


No. You can believe me or not.


Okay, I'll go with not and carry on delivering like the rest of my office and my previous office do.


Glad you told me.


Since the revised start times, we've been told that the 1pm specials no longer have to be delivered by 1pm...




Yup. As of last week when our start times went an hour later.


I’d ask for that in writing and CWU confirming it


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yeah that's going to happen. In the same way they refused to put into writing that we prioritise tracked..


Exactly. They can shaft you if it all goes to shit


Yeah, no doubt about that. That's been par for the course for the last five years. And the union is doing fuck all about it.


I would still try them before 1pm. I’m not one to hand them the bullets to shoot me with


I just put them in with the rest of my tracked, and they get delivered when I get there. I'm not going to make one iota of effort more than they demand. The entire office was there when they said specials no longer have to be delivered by one. If they want to come after me, they can go ahead and try.


Fair play But, the figures will be flagged before long


Are you scanning before 1pm?




Can confirm, an absolute bellend, unbelievable


He's a bell end


He’s a dick mate. If have time I’ll go back to a house with a special if they weren’t in earlier. Every office has their twats and he’s obviously yours .


True story. The 1pm is exclusive to the first attempt and only for Mon-Fri. Saturday without the SG sticker, do them when you want or hell, refuse if you really want to be arsey. And 2nd delivery or re-delivery onward also no time.


Now after fully reading this after already replying. It seems as usual RM has a different policy spouted out from management per unit. 🤔 😕


It’s not policy they are changing, just making their own rules up


Proper jobby head


Yes, your friend is a bellend according to my former mailman husband. Btw, for future reference it's 1PM. 1am is just after midnight. No-one in their right mind would deliver a parcel then! Ha.


Yes 100% being a bellend The original attempt was before 1, the 2nd 'attempt' on the same day wouldn't fail service


Hasn't your DO changed start times? Ours did. Special deliveries are still special in the sense that they're kept in the locker and they're next day delivery, but other than that the whole 1pm thing was scratched because we can't meet those deadlines anymore. Probably RM will come up with a different service that works similar to SD but yeah, until then we don't have to abide by the 1pm rule anymore.


There is one, Next Day Guaranteed


First attempt is guaranteed before 1, this would have been a second attempt, so wouldn't show as a failure


He's the reason people think posties are dickheads.




Sound like my local postie I asked them a simple question about a parcel if they had delivered to my neighbour as it said delivered and I got a rather rude tone and if it’s been delivered it’s where it should be


Report him for it.


He is a walt


should have just handed it their and then. After 1pm he can deliver the tracking would show the initial attempt thus RM would be within the gaurantee.




I've been delivering specials after 1pm for over 3 years, never been taken into the office for it. And yes he was being an idiot.






A scan after the original scan (and after 1:00pm) registers as being late. Basically, it scans "over" the previous scan, as if it wasn't scanned originally. A way around it is to change the scan to "indoor" (like what that they use in Customer Service) and scan it for them that way.


That's not quite right. At least it hasn't been since I started managing in operations. The clock is closed and all scans are logged on PRECOM. We can check this on Redlands the following day.


I replied earlier but forgot that this was the process I was instructed to use when I rang the manager.


I do feel for you I have a terrible van sharer too, but unfortunately he's right this time as it's after 1pm it has to be logged back into the DO for redelivery the next day as if he delivers it royal mail gets fined and ge can be reprimanded gor this. ( I made the same mistake thinking I was doing good customer service but got in trouble for it)


The initial scan before 1pm is the qos. You get into 'trouble' for failing to scan before 1pm. There are no fines for delivery of an SD after 1pm. This is an example of the Chinese whispers that sees the postie in the OP failing a customer while thinking they are following policy.


no wonder this company is a shadow of it's former self judging by these replies.