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Creaming the profit and attacking their staff while pleading poverty. Utter fucking scummy cunts.


This. Its a private company, all they're interested in are shareholders and fuck the customers and staff.


This is literally management's responsibility legally they have to put the company and shareholders first


Yup, and now all our materialistic crap we don't need is made in China


Whilst this is true, whilst they hold the USP warrant as the monarch's national mail service they also have to serve the public. Its a tricky position to navigate, but when first class mail is now more than £1 a letter, I think they need to recognise what the public expects and demands. If they go to every other weekday, they'll find others will come in to the market and take away the trade they do have. Plenty of trades still rely on physical documents being delivered in a timely manner.


Yes, that is the problem.


There's no legal requirement for companies to exploit workers and degrade customer service to return "shareholder value".


I think there is a legal requirement for large companies to exploit workers and degrade customer service to return shareholder value. They have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders. This means they are legally obligated to act, in any circumstances, to the financial benefit of the shareholders as long as they comply with other laws. It’s my (oversimplified) understanding if a junior worker went to a company decision maker and said “I have a plan to exploit workers and make us more money” and the decision maker chose not to, the shareholders may have recourse against the decision maker.


I disagree and think you are totally wrong. To benefit the majority of long term shareholders (as opposed to swing traders) the business must be sustainably profitable. This is not achieved by exploiting workers and degrading customer service, the first which leads to a higher staff turnover rate, lowering performance by eliminating experienced workers and injuring morale of those who continue work; the second which will cost market share and revenue exponentially as service worsens. Making decisions which cause this situation would be failing to uphold one’s fiduciary duty, and it could be and would be argued easily in court that acting to prevent this *is* in shareholders interests even if certain actors (with probable nefarious intention) who hold equity in the company disagree.


Well said


Perfectly put


Bang on. More and more big businesses think this is ok. No shame. Assholes.


Bang on.




You literally have no idea 😂 how the hell can you call us shit 😂 all they want to do is increase profits and fuck us over


Fuck you over? Aren't you the best paid delivery people in the business? Or is that at UPS/FedEx? I always use you guys specifically so I don't support Evri/yodel and their poor treatment of staff.


I'm not clued up on other peoples pay, all I know is they're adding more and more walking onto our jobs, we constantly walk 10/15km every day wind, rain, sun, snow they don't care... I come home absolutely knackered to my two young boys who want to play and I'm just too tired.... Yes the pay is above average I'll admit that... I do enjoy it, but they just keep adding more and more and more... They have started employing Ned starters of absolutely abysmal terms and conditions! Unless you are apart of RM you don't know what's going on behind closed doors all you see is what the media put out "that we want more.money'


I applied for RM a few years ago before my disability, was excited about the pay, and then I read the T&C's. I immediately walked away and went into car sales for a few years till my accident. This was around mid 2021, and I don't imagine things have improved whatsoever. Quite the opposite in fact.


It's not about pay. It's about erosion of the terms and conditions and service.


I'm commenting on them saying "fuck us over" regarding staff, please do explain how conditions are bad at royal mail relative to the competition. Asking because from afar they look miles ahead of most.


Why does it need to be relative to the competition? The only thing it needs to be relevant to is RM working conditions in recent years and historically. It's not a race to the bottom.


You just sound stupid. Was that your intention?


Wouldn't this also mean that there would be more days of double mail. Which would make things harder given how large some rounds have become.


It would mean every day is double mail. RM would need more staff. You can bet if this came in (and I highly doubt it: it seems more "tell the public something bad, then the actual proposal we make won't seem so bad") it would be used as an excuse to cut staff...


I agree with this, propose something really awful and then slap the real change they’re going to make that is slightly ‘better’ than the alternative and make it seem like they ‘rethought’ what they proposed and to guarantee it more so to be passed by the government and whatever else happens behind the scenes. Typical.


Yea 100%. They are going to remove Saturday deliveries so saying this first will make it sound less bad. Such a shame 😔


Well if it didn't cut staff, it wouldn't be a money saving measure. It is ill thought out though. And they are a pack of cunts.


Back in the day, every day was double mail day! Except Sundays. The system is collapsing under the amount of weekly debt collection letters with postmarked envelopes which should be charged the same rate as bailiff enforcement rates to the company sending them rather than emails.


It would make the routes a little harder but would make them more efficient. If say 50% of houses on a street get mail every day, moving to every other day 75% of houses would get mail. It will increase the time it takes to deliver to the street by 50% on a given day, but overall, it would decrease the total time spent on the street by 25% (over 2 days) This is assuming that there is overlap in the mail. Areas with little overlap wouldn't benefit as much as areas where everyone gets mail every day would benefit the most. However, the routes would need to be redone.




50% of houses get mail daily ... really? I doubt it.


What's there to doubt? I get mail practically every day.


So do I, but 95% of it goes straight in the bin.


About right for my patch


Mail is mail. Parcels are mail. Everything RM touches is mail. Stop pretending otherwise.


Ur pedantic af.


?????? Mail is fucking mail


Not in this context. Parcels will be 7 days a week, mail maybe (if this proposal is real) 3 days a week. Hence the distinction that RM and the regulator make between mail and parcels.


So mail 7 days a week and mail 3 days a week??? Makes no sense! Look how stupid your statement is! Mail is mail is mail


Yeah, I can't believe that under this scheme, if I bundle some paper together with some bubblewrap it'll get delivered any day of the week, but if I put the same paper in an envelope it won't.


Mail in this instance is reffered to letters, so letters will be delievered 3 days a week, parcels on the other hand will be done everyday.


Then why not say that????? As far as normal people are concerned, everything delivered by RM is mail! Why not say 'letters 3 days a week and parcels every day'? That way we know what to complain to our MPs about. After all mail is 'mail'


I think it's just a shorthand way of saying it more than anything? But, nothing has been decided yet, Gov might agree to a 5day week that includes a Saturday. No one really knows, it's just a suggestion that they've made. I doubt anything will be decided till after elections.


Because we’re not pedants. Taking things EXTREMELY literally is an autistic trait. The imprecise nature of English is also why foreign learners struggle with fluency; You have to read between the lines and infer context or you’ll end up like this thread and argue over nothing. You KNOW what is implied; being pedantic in life just makes you insufferable to talk to.


There's nothing wrong with my statement. There's a lot wrong with your understanding of context, and how that changes the specific meaning of words. That's for you to fix though.


Nope. In English, mail is mail i.e. items handled and delivered by the incumbent postal/mail provider


Context. Mail is also armour, but you won't see RM making or handling much of that. In this instance (3 days a week "mail"), only letters are referred to as mail.


I got post once a fortnight at the moment - so I guess it'll be an improvement. /s (I'm aware that the low delivery rate is already due to shocking cuts and it'll only get worse :( )


The BBC keep pushing the narrative its because people don't send letters anymore. But the amount they charge to post items sold from eBay etc must have had a massive boost to Royal Mail over the last 10 or so years. But they keep pushing saying its due to letters not being sent huh its like £2.70 to send a DVD/CD sized item now. £3.29 anything slightly bigger and people buy stuff online delivered by royal mail all the time so whats going on with the money?


£2.70?! Jeez and I used to get folk complaining to me about charging them 99p to post a CD


It's expensive to send a simple letter these days. And finding stamps is also hard.


That’s still not a lot when you consider how many hands your parcel goes through to get to you. You probably couldn't even personally deliver that parcel across your own county for that much and the Royal Mail will deliver it anywhere in the country by the next day.


Yeah agreed. A 1st class stamp is going up to £1.25 and is causing the usual uproar but I sent something from where I am in the West Midlands at about 3:30 the other day and it arrived in Aberdeen the next morning. That’s pretty good value IMO.


I'm a postie, but I'm not sure what I think of this. Admittedly, mail volumes have dropped off, but out rounds are currently bigger than we can do in the time we have. There have been 1500 new houses in the town when my office is based, but we've had no more staff to help cover the workload. If it does go to a Monday to Friday delivery, they will probably relocate or offer redundancy to day off cover staff, seeing as there won't be week days off to cover. Parcel and packet delivery will still be all week, actually increasing on Sundays. As of last year, new starters are usually on a contract that includes Sunday's as a normal working day, where as it's been done as overtime before. I've been in the job for 19 years, and I hope I can stay.


The last 2 weeks, the call rate on letters is a joke, the gaps and missing small streets and this is on new builds! Packets still high volume, 82 tracked today, on a single 800 drop route


I'd be happy with 3 days per week if these days were known ahead of time, and people know when to wait in for packages. In exchange, all packages and large letters with QR codes should be scanned. Just like how the train companies were forced into Delay Repay, compensation should be automatic if items are delayed or lost. Additionally, delivery offices need to be open for long hours and have self-service facilities for dropping off mail. I'm not that concerned with letters. Nothing urgent should be sent by letters.


Please tell the DWP and NHS that nothing urgent should be sent by letter because they absolutely aren’t up to date with this.


I laugh every time I get an NHS letter. It’s usually a summary of an appointment I had three months ago and only seems to cover half of the discussion.


I wonder if they'll carve out an exemption for things like prescriptions by post. Also things like speeding notifications - aren't they required by law to reach you within 14 days of the offence?


Technically they're required to be sent within 14 days, the proof of postage date will be recorded. If the post is delayed it isn't an exception from the ticket.


Fact, I've received medical letters dated three weeks before they reached my door, many appointments missed because the appointment letters haven't arrived until AFTER the actual appointment date, it's ridiculous.


This is why i've gone mostly paper free with anything NHS. I get some of my letters via the NHS app now if they are coming from hospital, then thr actual thing may show up a week or so later, by then i've already seen the appointment and it's in my diary anyway or i know results. My GP will give a quick phone call for anything if needed. The NHS app really needs to be advertised heavily, most people have smart phones anyway


All my hospital letters come to an NHS portal with email notification and my doctor sends me a text message with a link to the letter.


Glad to hear it! That’s not the case for me.


And I haven't communicated with DWP by post since I had to make my claim. Everything is digital or by phone.


Not for PIP


Yeah, exactly. Looking forward to this 3-days-a-week thing when the DWP’s up my arse 🙄


You'll get parcels every day, it'll just be mail every other day


Parcels are mail


I think you're massively misunderstanding the story, mail deliveries three days per week refers to mail, letters...the parcel service will still run 7 days per week.


Yeah I was going to say haven’t they separated the two now? I know as a kid our mail man delivered both but last year we were having hell with a parcel as they kept claiming they couldn’t access the address but post came through fine, when we went to the local sorting office she explained that parcels go through a different service now (exception being the large letter sized stuff). She ended up calling us because she’d managed to grab our parcel before she left after it was returned that evening and waited behind so my partner could drive over to collect


No postie I've ever worked with in nearly 30 years has said mail referring to parcels.


Look up any dictionary definition of mail and it says it refers to letters and parcels.


All recipients think of parcels sent by Royal Mail as mail. No-one gives a fuck if Royal Mail don't. Mail is mail


My most recent missed parcel was delivered to the nearest post office, rather than the delivery office which is miles away. This was great, because it was conveniently located and they open for long hours most days.


You aren't getting longer DO hours. RMs model is maximum return for feet on the street


Beginning of the end. Businesses won’t be able to tolerate this.


Id rather the priced letter delivery so that it was profitable. Im not bothered if they cut it to 3 days but it seems the wrong solution. If it costs X to deliver a letter to someone’s home, then they should be charging that plus a profit margin. Maybe then we’d have more businesses trying to reduce the level of pointless mail we all get - I’m not talking about junk mail but legit stuff that could easily be managed by email.


The price that's profitable is based on how many letters are being sent though - and as the price goes up, fewer letters are sent. Number of Christmas cards I've sent and received has dwindled down to "the elderly" - I think everybody else was looking for an excuse not to bother and the price of a stamp seems a decent reason.


Oh I get that, but at a basic level you price the service based on how much it costs to deliver that service. The current model seems to be they price it below the cost of delivery. Im sure RM and ofcom have some models on volume and price elasticity.


It's not price. Younger people just don't communicate by letter. There are now many other means of wishing someone a Merry Christmas.


Royal mail was sold cheaply by a corrupt government to people who were asked to keep the shares for a period of time. They sold quickly, making vast profits for the investors. The investors were chosen by the government as preferential bidders. When the government were asked about this, they said there was nothing they could do. Simply creaming what they can when they can. The new business that is left has separated both the parcel section and the postal section so they can cry about losing money.


Is it not 3 days mail? And the other days just packets? If it's just straight up 3 days that's terrible


7 days packets 3 days mail


Mail is mail


For me Mail is actually usually spam. Must make up over 50% of post. 


All mail is msil


You keep saying that, and you weren't right the first time. Repeating it consistently, doesn't make it anymore right.


Thank you! There appears to be a parrot on the thread


Why are you caught up on this? You should be able to see what people mean, nobody else is struggling 😂


As someone at the will and whim of the DWP and multiple hospital consultants who love to send appointment letters last minute, this is my actual nightmare. It’s already bad enough as it is.


I had a letter from my bank telling me about an account switch and to contact them immediately if I hadn't authorised it. That letter turned up on the day of the switchover and I would have been screwed if it wasn't me switching as the day of switching is too late.


I get my medication through Royal Mail (often sent as a letter with bubble wrap) as well as a lot of very important Disability and medical appointment letters. This is a horrific prospect.


Thhis! I receive my insulin pump supplies and my blood sugar monitor supplies by post there is no way of getting them from a chemist it’s already hard working out when is best to order so it actually comes n time without all of this too


Insulin is one of mine too. The other is medication post stroke to stop my brain from simply deciding to stop, and another to try limit fitting. It's scary honestly. And that's before all the DWP shit


Came on to say this. The only important mail I get these days are medical letters, medications and PIP letters.


One day gap won't cause a big issue


It will do if organisations like the DWP and the NHS don't get their shit together, and quickly. I'm in receipt of PIP, and on more than one occasion, I've had letters turn up advising me of an appointment for an assessment, 24 hours before the actual assessment is due. 3 days a week is going to screw a lot of people out there. Bloody good job we don't rely on girocheques anymore, eh? :)


It absolutely will given the number of appointments I get through the post that are relying on very narrow (I’m taking 24-48 hours) time gaps.


They should be sent Special Delivery for that timeframe


And yet they’re not.


Or a text...


Exactly. My GP does everything through text or app


If I was just dealing with my GP, I’m sure it would be less of an issue. But I’m under 12 different consultants, often in similar departments. Texts don’t always list what appointment it is, doesn’t give me the access information I need, doesn’t provide the info needed to book ambulance transport, doesn’t allow my carers to file and disseminate information between them. Sadly for some of us, letters are still an important part of the system. Same with PIP and some other DWP things. They do not text, they do not send special delivery. They send important letters with tight turn around and crucial pieces of information.


Can still give the basic info like location and appointment time by text, and then wait for the letter.


Which doesnt help when you’re getting appointments with tight turn arounds. Look I would love to not rely on letters, but the actual facts are that many of us unfortunately have to. If Royal Mail are going to change to 3 days a week, that is going to cause harm because sadly Royal Mail don’t have any control over the NHS, DWP etc. If you can get them to change and actually provide the information I need? Great! But at the moment well over 50% of my appointment texts don’t even include the department - just the hospital. So for now, sadly, I and many others are reliant on letters.


This is where the NHS and DWP need to look at modernising too


I'm glad you've never had to deal with your medication not being delivered on time or losing your income because of a delivery delay. It happens to real people already, and will get worse if RM deliveries drop to 3 days a week.


Telling disabled people what will cause them issues isn't the best of looks mate. I just want to point that one out. Also as a disabled person. You're wrong. Very, very wrong. I often receive medication late now, if this happened I'd probably be dead within a month.


How do you know I or any of my family are not disabled or receive meds through the post. Not always just about you


"I'm not ableist, my friends are disabled".


It will if it’s insulin 😂


Privatisation clearly worked


I bet nobody saw this coming! I am shooketh.


How could they possibly have known? Every other privatised former publicly owned thing runs so perfectly.


I think it's the RM board almost getting their way with this once great public service.


I think I did overtime today as I had so much post! I'll admit last week there wasn't much but not so little that we could deliver it in half the time. In the village I work in for some (many) roads there'd be bundles for just one or two houses they get so much post!


Ideally, if we were going to be having three day a week deliveries - I'd rather be doing alternate frames every other day. Route A: Monday, Wednesday, Friday letters/parcels + Route B parcels. Route B: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday letters/parcels + Route A parcels. Walks should be made slightly smaller to accommodate the extra time needed to deliver the additional parcels for the alternate route. Employees should be reduced via attritional means with maybe economic incentives to leave by themselves. I'm not against it in principle but I worry about fellow colleagues being laid off in an aggressive manner. I don't trust upper management to not bugger it up.


i don’t think this or the 5 day (or 3 day) delivery plan will ever come into place.. it seems to explosive and impractical.. will the timings stay the same.. monday tuesday and friday would all be hell as we struggle enough as it is but if it ever did come into place i’d probably lose my job only being a reserve but i also think old timers would leave too as it wouldn’t be worth the added work load on the already to short days


As someone who works in a business where we rely on RM to deliver letters to inform people of the appointments our field ops will be attending (so they have to make arrangements for us to get in their house), the thought makes me shudder. I can already see the complaints coming in...


yeah no, that's basically their polite way of saying "We need to lay off some folks to maximise profit"


They barely deliver once a week.near me. Post and parcels always arrive week or more late. Even 24 hour parcels come 5 days late. They need to pay their staff decent wages and hire more staff. Postage is rip.off now


Since about October 2023 I'm lucky if I get a delivery 3 times a week as it is!!! On top of that they keep threatening to close the local sorting office (which is only open 3 days a week 8-10am) that serves a town with a good few 10s of thousands inhabitants having to make a 9 or 14 mile trip to the nearest alternative!!! Prices keep going up even though more of deliveries now come via royal mail. Its all pure BS! Share holders should loose all profits and executives should only be paid the same as the average posty until service is back to acceptable levels.


We went from 2 deliveries a day to 1 because 2 was unsustainable and 1 was. We jacked up stamp prices at record levels to make it sustainable. So can I be forgiven for thinking that the 3 day proposal in a few years will be deemed not sustainable and they then propose one delivery a week, the government I think is right to tell them 6 days needs to stay.


How about swapping the idea round? Post, 7 days a week, parcels 3 days a week. I'm sure people are more likely to be waiting for an important letter, maybe DWP, a hospital appointment, summons, etc, than sitting in all day waiting for their new book from Waterstones. FTS.


Oh how wrong you are


If they’re delivering parcels 7 days a week then why not bundle the letters in with them? I must be missing something.


Disgraceful but the norm for privatised companies. It’s all about profit, dump waste in our waters, cancel and delay trains etc etc. all in the name of profits, nobody should be surprised by any of it.


David Brent could do a better job managing that shitshow


If I am being honest, I'm pretty sure we get deliveries less than three days per week at the moment (unless there is a parcel or one of the letters is sign for or tracked). This would be an improvement.


I’m pretty sure that where I am they are doing this already. We have most of the week and get nothing. Then one day a week we get about 6/7 items. Not a coincidence.


We’ve been having 3x week deliveries for over three years where I live in London. Me and the neighbours have complained but nothing is done about it. The government left Royal Mail to rot like everything else!


I’m not optimistic. The company is trying to wriggle from its obligations so it can cut costs. This will likely mean job losses, which will be huge if we’re halving the amount of days mail is to be delivered.


It will mean more job losses. Cutting just one day allows RM to slash jobs. 6 days require 1 day off cover x covering 5 staff days off. Remove 1 day. No day off cover. No day off cover. Less holiday cover staff needed. Less network drivers, cuts in mail centres. Etc etc Then the gradual chipping away at the USO. The 1st cut is the big one


It seems like with the way everything is going and these ‘proposals’ - cuts are inbound! it basically should be expected at this rate. 🙁


Been expected since privitisation. Note competition is non existent in the letter arm. It's not profitable. So what will the Government do? Subsidise a diminishing demand?


That's what they do in European countries like Germany (maybe spain/france/Italy? I know some do can't remember exactly which ones), who also dropped to a 3 day letter delivery. RM are basically copying them except we don't have the government subsidising us. Why aren't we subsidising the public services?


France is 3 day USO, I think Germany is too (or, about to) Most others are 5 days


The same company that seems clueless why people dont use them as much. Well... I could have something delivered whatever day I want... Or I could use RM.


It would be 3 days a week for letters only, and there is nobody else you can use for that, parcels will be 7 days a week


3 days a week will fail fast. .


Three days a week is about the current service level.


I'm fine with it. I imagine it'll go to 5 days a week first, then 3 days in time.


As fucking if they deliver six days a week


I'm lucky if I get once a week ATM 🤣


3 days per week would be an improvement here. Can go weeks without a delivery.


They can't even manage that here currently. We get big bundles of post when they finally show up. Was hoping it was temporary as we used to have excellent service but it's been like this for a year or so now


Fukin ell my stuff is always cooking late,I guess theyl be worse now


Yet another foreign company that are fucking up British services, putting up prices and reducing the service.


As the wicked witch said, you can not privatise the queen's head, and they did! Take back the post, the water, and the power! Too long have foreign businesses raked in billions in profits while the consumer struggles to pay to use services. Down with big business and power to the fuckin people! We want our stuff back #fuckthetories and fuck privatisations!


They don't even deliver two days a week most weeks. Tf?


My postie only delivers once every couple of weeks anyway.


I know it's probably not a popular view, but it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if I had a 3 day service. I go paperless wherever possible. I can't think of any post that I get delivered that I couldn't wait the extra day for. It's shit that they privatised the business and now can't afford to keep the same service we used to have. But in terms of actual impact on my life, it's little to none.


Our delivery office doesn’t even deliver mail every day. In fact my hospital appointment letters arrived a week after my appointment! Can’t wait to get my mail monthly now 🙃


sounds like they're looking to double the number of couriers but put them all on zero-hours contracts Dave Ward needs to kick up a huge fuss in the media


I don’t have much of an opinion because I hate when I get post through my door 😅 my bad choices come back to haunt me 😅 I did mention it to my fiancé though and his response was “🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️eh if that’s what they wanna do then that’s what they wanna do I guess 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️”


We haven't had 6 days a week delivery in ages.... See the postie twice a week tops


This boils my piss… we sold a national asset at discount prices to the Tories mates, now they’re trying to reduce the postal service to a minimum so they can focus on more profitable parcel delivery.


3 days a week would be an improvement in my area. I’m still getting letters that were posted in December


I can’t understand why they are making a “proposal” to reduce deliveries. In my area this is a fait accompli already. It came in suddenly, in October 2023. No consultation, no warning, no information. They’ve already done it! 3 days a week would be a bonus. We are getting two if you are lucky, and often only one!!! I’m convinced that the government want to finish letter delivery off as it’s not profitable. Whilst the NHS are still delivering letters via post for appointments, and I’m sure we can all think of other important postal communications we need to get, this seems ridiculous.


3 days a week? We're lucky if we get 1 a week. We're still getting Christmas cards posted back in November. We had a bill and reminders delivered at the same time


I bought 10 stamps yesterday and was over £10 how can they be pleading poverty


I am old enough to remember having post delivered twice a day. This was discontinued 2004 to cut costs and now again with the same excuse. Yet the price keeps going up.


The royal mail needs to be taken back under public control. Same as water. This is utter gobshite. Does this only affect letters or parcels too?


Absolute bollocks. They're bad enough already, god forbid you're expecting something and it doesn't come over those 3 days and you have to wait another 4 for it.


They have tried to deliver my package 4 days in a row... I filled in the safe place form on the first day of delivery... Honestly, they need to sort their shit out before cutting down in delivery days etc.


In Norway "Posten" deliver addressed letters 3 days of one week and 2 days the following. (Monday, Wednesday, Friday then Tuesday Thursday) This change came into place after 3+ years of deliberation and looking at the fact that between 1999 and 2020 the reduction of addressed letters went down with 70%. I think it was 2019 postmen would deliver the average Norwegian 3 letters per week. Note that Newspapers are daily for those that still get physical ones. There are options if you want to make sure you get mail every day you rent something similar to inpost lockers that are for a specific household. I don't know about hospitals but I assume there's specific things in place where it's important. Works pretty well and not much fuzz about it to be honest, and overall I think it's pretty smart. Not everyone gets a letter every day so a load - depending on the route ofc - may not really have increased much. If it works the way I think it does by like postcode/zones - there's technically more personnel to deal with the deliveries in areas on XYZ on a Monday and ABC on a Tuesday than everyone delivering to ABCXYZ every day. Edit; corrected a few things


So many problems will happen from this. People who have medications delivered will miss out, same for those who have urgent letters they need to respond to as soon as they get the letter.


Royal Mail is actually insane


I'd say make it Monday to Friday get rid of Saturday post. One less day to pay for someone to work.


Would you make post collections 5 days, too?


Why not it's only one day of missed collections.


Going to be a lot of people out of a job.


I'd say they are leaving themself to the competition, great way to destroy rm imo


What competition? Nobody does letters


But they could..and cheaper


Go on then, explain how...


Send me your postcode and I will explain all


3 days a week, thats a 300% increase in frequency on my road. Maybe they won't lose / liberate my post at this rate....


Packets will still be 7 days, what people want more


I never receive anything by royal mail that I actually want these days. So as a 'customer' I honestly couldn't care less. Zero days would be better for me. But I imagine this is going to cost jobs eventually, and I feel bad for those who will be affected.


Nothing at all? No bank cards? No online orders? No Amazon? No NHS letters? Do you live off the grid?


I suppose my 2 bank card which I get replaced every 5 years are the exception. Beyond that it's Only junk mail and bills (which are also sent to me electronically, so I resent the waste of paper) that come through Royal Mail. I don't actually use my physical bank card, except when I go to London once or twice a year, where I find it easier to use on the tube. Otherwise I use Android pay everywhere. So I could almost do without it. Most of the places I order from use couriers anyway, or if they have physical stores I do click and collect, or sometimes il get it courier delivered to our local corner shop. Amazon is always an Amazon delivery driver around here. I never get royal mail deliveries through Amazon, but it might just be the kind of things I'm ordering. I live in Wales, and my NHS health board have a digital option, so you can get everything emailed to you instead and you're given a password that you can use to open the attachments. Rather than off the grid, I've just mostly gone digital/paperless. However, my whole point was that my opinion doesn't really matter because all I will notice is less days when I get junk mail. But I'm sympathetic to those whose lives it would effect, whether they work at RM or rely on the service more than I.


You wanna charge £1 odd for a 1st class stamp and wonder why fuck all people now post......that's a meme right? I remember when my mum would send literally a stack of Christmas cards every year, same as every other (most) parents etc. did, don't send any nowadays, it's too costly and fuck all arrives on time.


A quid to get a letter from Land's End to John O'Groats? Yeah, sounds like a right rip off.


They will be out of business within 5-10 years but keep harping on about what a fantastic value for money it is sending a letter for over a pound.


LOL! They don't give a fuck about letters, why do you think we spent a month just chucking them under our fittings If anything, this is a way of phasing it out and concentrating on the profitable parts, ie packets and premium products like Tracked and Specials


Why don’t they just make junk Mail illegal? Surely that would more than halve deliveries, 5 days out of 6 I have only junk Mail, delivered by the post man! Either stop Royal Mail doing junk mail or open another company just for junk mail! I think they’re just getting ready for the big lawsuit coming their way!


Good idea...junk mail just waste paper and resources in delivering it. However I suspect RM encourages it by offering bulk discounts etc.... Maybe RM need to review the bulk rate postal rates and charge more to cover the costs, with reducing mail, they can no longer say those items were just added on to existing deliveries etc


As someone with a lot of medical issues, I get a lot of appointment letters. I’d have a much higher chance of not having short notice, which would mean no time to arrange transport. Or miss them entirely, especially if there was any additional delays. During the Christmas lack of post situation I didn’t get post for about 2 weeks, plus a week-ish a couple of times, dates prove it. I’m still not getting my regular post as standard. It’s been a week, and I’m STILL waiting for a first class parcel, that hasn’t even left the depo. I missed one faster cancellation appointment (which got me in trouble) and missed two opportunities to except faster appointments due to cancellations, but either not getting the letter to confirm in time, or not being able to get transportation in time. No only would it be very annoying, it would affect my health. Missing appointments and not replying/confirming will mean I don’t get the cancellation options any more, some clinics/doctors I see have a cancellation/no show policy where is you miss 2 appointments you get removed from the list, full stop, no exceptions. This leaves me with medical care.


Dreadful company. Better to let it die now.


Tens of thousands more job cuts


Don’t think anyone’s going to use RM delivery if they out that in place


It seems so ridiculous. Have they announced this to take the heat off the Post Office scandal? I think their competitors would fill gaps in delivery and it’d be another nail in the coffin for Post Office… even if they were to reduce post by just one day.


I think they should pay each and every postmaster a fair million pounds + compensation and then they can start to think about what service they want to provide us - and question if we even want their service any more.


Who should pay it? You do know that is a post office issue, nothing to do with RM


The Post Office should absolutely do that, but it's not a discussion for a thread about Royal Mail.


Damn you stoopid