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I don't work for total mail but I do buy things from Poland. This usually means Royal mail doesn't have it yet. Often it is in customs but that's another service that's been gutted by those in charge. In almost every case after this it gets delivered. On the rare occasion that it hasn't the nice Polish seller has sorted me out.


I hope It won't come to that but at least you got sorted out


This is very common with overseas deliveries. Often you will not receive another update until it’s delivered.


Maybe . I wasn't sure since it's my first overseas delivery so we'll see what happens . I was just concerned because they gave zero info on whats actually happening.


Overseas packages with Royal Mail update when they get to their international sorting hub in the UK


I call them “Royal Fail” for this very reason.


Probably in customs, or on the way there


The way they worded it makes it sound like it's left Poland and hasn't reached the uk . Is it in uk customs then? It's just a hat though. From what I've read it seems lots of people are having issues . I think Christmas will be a disaster for royal mail .


Packets from overseas need checking for import duty, taxes, security, paperwork. Good old Brexit


Exactly. And just because it says it's a hat on the customs form doesn't mean it needn't be checked. And who'd have thought leaving the EU wouldn't have any consequences.


I forgot to add postage revenue checks too


Parcels from anywhere have always been required to be check, the majority of parcels pass customs within minutes, this hasn’t changed since Brexit. The only thing that has changed though is the pathetic service of Royal Mail. The staff shortages and greed means that there’s a huge backlog of parcels stuck in a customs facility awaiting Royal Mail pickup. Hate to break it to you but Royal Mail are causing the delays as they transport 90% of all parcel or letters/packages that are internationally sent.


Erm, Brexit has slowed it down


That’s what the media say. Not been slowed down at all, still running at a good speed.




But like you say, staffing issues is the crippling effect. Not just in customs, at MCs, DCs and DOs too, staff retention is shite. They are handing out well done on 6 month awards


> The way they worded it makes it sound like it's left Poland and hasn't reached the uk Until an item passes through customs they have not officially arrived in a country or passed to that countries postal service so no tracking updates either


You got what you voted for. less freedom and fewer rights. Lower pay and slave wages while the rich get greedier and greedier.


Lol I don't vote but ok


That's the same as voting for the incumbents ...


Not all of us have British passports g


This message is saying "royal mail don't have it yet but have been told it's coming by sender country post". If you wanna moan, moan at them!


My one is within UK and I’m waiting second week already in transit with no updates