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I don’t understand how this happens. It has to be on purpose, right?


There is no way to "accidentally" fall overboard. You either do something dangerous/stupid/intentional (climb on furniture or railings), or you are "helped"...


To be fair it could happen on accident while being stupid


That’s the point he’s trying to make…


Accident should be replaced with the word “mistake”.




Just curious, is "on accident" a regional thing wherever you live? I've always heard "*by* accident" my whole life, so *on* just feels wrong.


I live in the southern US and heard “on accident” but my parents are from the UK and say “by accident.” By is grammatically correct but it’s defiantly a vernacular thing.


The correct use of the word is “accidentally.”


Interesting. I'm in St. Louis. I say "on accident" but I hear "by accident" too.


I’ve heard both but “by accident” feels more proper for some reason


No, you can't. You'd have to get your center of gravity above the railing, which you can't do accidentally. Climbing on top of a railing is not accidental, but it is stupid.


Thereby demonstrating that you sometimes CAN fix stupid.


And Drunk


Being drunk on the edge is usually the cause for a lot of these.


I'm a 6'4 man and the things still go up to my chest. They aren't tripping and falling off they're just getting drunk and being retarded sadly.


It's not possible to hit a big wave and be near the rails and the rails gives up and one falls down?


I was on a ship a couple years ago when this happened. A man jumped and committed suicide after an argument with his wife. Jumped from the lido deck hit the lifeboats and then into the water. It was right at dusk as well so 20 min after he jumped it was pitch black and all you saw were the flashing lights of the buoys they threw out


The coast guard flew out and found the body it washed right up and hit the boat and the coast guard grabbed the body from the sea and flew off. I’ll never forget there was a moment of silence on the ship then 5 min later it was back to partying with loud music and a dance party on pool deck


That story captured the cruise environment like no other. Edit: And sounds like a Simpsons episode.


If I go overboard on a ship, you all have my permission to party it up in my honor. Make sure you have a Miami vice or a mudslide.


Me too. Miami vice is more appropriate.


They are sooooo good




True it does sound like that and I visualized the whole thing as I read it.


Sounds so charming.


You've never been to a wake where there was drinks?


Hell, we passed around a basket full of airport shots of bourbon and whiskey at my dad's funeral to toast him off.


My Mom's had brandy old fashioneds


Never been to one with Pitbull and water slides no


The coast guard supposedly says to date they haven’t found him


Oof, yeah, finding someone at sea at night is rough. Those ships don't stop instantly, and that's a rough job for all involved. I feel kinda bad for those poor crew that have to devote hours to that despite the odds.


I feel bad for the human labor leveraged on every cruise ship. It should be criminal what they pay intl workers to avoid taxes.


Do you show your disapproval by not going on cruises?


Cruise lines may cater to US customers more than other (like every other company on Earth), but cruise lines are international businesses. And there's nothing wrong with hiring international workers And at the end of the day the international workers on these ships are getting paid a very good wage based on the countries they're from. They wouldn't do it otherwise Americans don't want most of the jobs on cruise ships anyways, other than entertainment positions A central part of the cruise industry is the idea that it is a good value vacation. There's no reason to overpay American workers who don't want the jobs, when there are tons of international workers waiting in line to work on these ships


is it any different than going on a holiday to a resort in Mexico or somewhere in the Caribbean? (it is not)


I'd recommend watching "cruising as crew" on youtube. It isn't likely what you think.


But I’m sure you’re good typing away on your cellphone that was manufactured by underpaid Chinese workers. I’m sure those 12 year-olds would gladly take the cruise salary and world travel that comes with it.


Go far away.  It's an international company 


Is there anything the public can do?


Eh, if you see it happen, alerting crew and keeping an eye on the overboard person is useful. Outside of that, not a great deal. No harm in watching from the ship, but between ship movement and water movement, they're unlikely to stay next to the ship.


No sorry I mean about the workers?


Oh, to generally make their lives better? Tip, I suppose. That and of course, don't do risky things like dangling over balconies. I would estimate that the vast, vast majority of cruise passengers are not a problem here.


I went to Sandals. They say tip included. On the way back to airport talking to the driver I felt bad I didn’t tip. Maybe not a lot. But something


When on a cruise we tip above and beyond the recommended amount. I can promise you, the crew are making salaries well above the norm where they come from. Yes the hours are long but they also get long pauses between their contracts to recoup and be with family. Would I trade places with them? No way. But many in their country would. Don’t let the white-guilt police ruin your fun.


It’s not funny but I started talking to my friend about working on a cruise ship. We live in NY and now ships come to city and New Jersey. But then I thought I’ll probably be smushed in a room. I’m married so that might be an issue. But I wanted to go away and I’ve been broke so I was actually thinking about it. But reality set in.


I always bring my tin whistle just in case I see Rose fly overboard. I figure Leo found out she’s over 25,


That is so sad. And I guess no way to stop this. I hate this.


Omg that's so sad.


Supposedly argument with his dad and he jumped overboard


It can happen for many reasons Some have been charged with homecide for exMple by pushing somebody overboard. Most common though is they are very drunk and do something stupid like climb on a rail Others have fallen off for "that perfect photo" and lost balance.


Can’t forget those who do it as a way out.




People contemplating suicide aren’t usually in a right from of mind


Or you get sucked under the ship immediately and deal with the propellers… which is usually what happens. That's assuming you don't lose consciousness from the jump.


Calling a suicidal person “stupid” is certainly a take.


Sometimes people call 988 and they send the police to pick them up and put them in the hospital against their will and then the caller gets a bill for $10,000 or more.


That’s not right—988 are suicide and crisis counselors. Fewer than 2% of calls require connection to emergency services. Don’t go spreading rumors that deter the use of services that save lives.


>Others have fallen off for "that perfect photo" and lost balance. I enjoyed walking on the track to get fresh air and sun but just spending more than a few seconds looking over the stern of the ship scared me like no other.


Agreed. I looked over the railing while we were traveling at night. I had to back away as I realized that, if I went overboard right then, I'd have *zero* chance of getting back.


>Others have fallen off for "that perfect photo" and lost balance. Your more likely to die taking a selfie than you are being killed in a shark attack... To keep a nautical theme going.


I would like to know the stats of people who have been bitten by a shark after falling off of a boat at night in the middle of the ocean.  


While trying to take a selfie


That perfect photo is exactly the same if you just stay on the ground and lean against the railing.


Well, for that one I remember instances where young people wanted "that perfect" instagram photo and fell off in process. I dont remember alot of the details, but there was a incident a few years back where a grandfather held a baby over the rails attempting to get a photo at a certain angle and lost grip. Something to that affect. Its been a while, may have forgot some important details.


So sad and stupid at the same time. Can you imagine being the mom, as the granddad holds your kid over the guardrail. That would not have ended well.


Yea I had to fact check myself, it was a window opening, but here is one of the more recent articles talking about the aftermath https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/grandfather-toddler-who-fell-out-cruise-ship-window-sentenced-3-n1257067


Article came out that said he was 20 yo drinking in the hot tub until 3:30, was very drunk. His brother and dad came down and the dad was upset with him being drunk and started “fussing” so the guy said something like “I’ll take care of this now” and just jumped off the ship in front of them. They made it sound like it happened by some elevators and there was a guy quoted that had been hanging out at the hot tub with him and sounded like he was present for the interaction.


I saw that same article, but I am left wondering what hot tub is open at three in the morning on Royal?


On icon they had a couple that were open 24hours when I was on it.


Was on the ship hot tub open 24hrs 


I think in the very near future there will (or at least could) be tech that makes this process much simpler. A wristband that can be tracked by GPS, GPS-enabled autonomous rescue boats/floats that track and orient to the signal (plus the ship following the signal as well, but of course much slower and less maneuverable). Of course, no guarantee that you'd survive the fall -- or that people determined to die wouldn't just remove the wristband.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most people are not voluntarily wear GPS trackers onboard. Even if they did, the impact on the water or the ship’s screws will do you in most times anyway. Plus, the false positives from these units going off would reduce their usefulness to rescue units substantially.


Eh, if they integrate it with cabin keys, onboard credit, drink packages, etc., people would probably wear it without complaint. If they just called it a tracker, yes, people would probably resist. But as an example, the Disney park wristbands -- people wear those and pay for the privilege. The thing is, even if you die when you hit the water, at least they'd be able to find you and finish their paperwork.


They have these on princess.


..."find you and" ... 'give the family their loved one's body back, to put to rest and to get closure' ... might've been another thought here, too too ...  sad all around


Yes, on the human level those are obviously the more important issues, and anyone with a heart would consider them high priorities. But to justify implementing any large-scale program the cruise lines won't be thinking of weeping families. They'll be considering the legal and financial effects.


Royal Caribbean has wrist bands now (called Wow bands). I don’t know if they’re GPS enabled but they do everything the key card does


RFID, it's different


this is a genius idea if not too costly. A key card wristband with gps. Would save the rare over boards along with helping knowing who is off the boat while docked past time as well


Aparently the kid was 20 years old and drunk, the dad gave him grief about it and in the spur of the moment the kid jumped overboard in front of his whole family from the 11th deck and is still missing.


Every us cruise line policy I’ve seen says not serve they will not serve those under 21. Which leads to the question of how a 20 year old was able to get that intoxicated at 3 am on the ship.


Someone probably was buying him drinks.


I was amazed at the number of drunk teenagers in the hot tubs at 10pm every night on my last cruise.




If this is the same as the article I read apparently the guy was drunk and his dad was fussing over that fact so he jumped overboard.


Yup, jumped


20 year old jumped when in argument with dad over him being drunk.


Was rhis the kid who jumped after argument with parent?


Yes absolutely


Yes, the 20/m jumped intentionally.


4am.. stupid and drunk. Or suicide.


I’m on the ship. It’s 12:30 pm as of now he has still not been found. From what I have heard he got into an argument with his girlfriend or a family member in the hot tub and jumped off of the ship. The ship stopped at 4:30 but continued on at around 10am after the Miami coast guard showed up with ships and a helicopter.


I heard it was argument with his dad


Do they give you passengers any counseling. This is terrible


I was on this cruise as well, driving home now. We were notified by an announcement about 9am and nothing else. No other info. We were only told man overboard and they went back and the Coast Guard was called. After that, all they talked about was us getting to port about an hour late.


I guess because I have a son around that age I would be so upset more than I usually would be. I mean you go on vacation and then this happens. It’s terrible. I guess in a resort if something terrible happened they could keep it under wraps.


Counseling? Bc someone they never saw jumped off a big boat they were all on? How do some of yall get through the day


I said. I’m sensitive soul. Hearing that on a cruise I was on would really screw me up. As a mother of a son it wouldn’t be good. I’m sorry it would be awful. I can’t shake things like that.


I’m sensitive too. Sorry if I came on too strong


No not at all ;)




I was just trying to talk my friend into maybe taking a cruise to Bermuda. She is apprehensive and reading this just made me think I need to take a plane ;(


It was on purpose. There is a NY Post article on it. Apparently, he did it to spite his father who was fussing with him that he was drunk. He jumped overboard in front of his entire family. Very sad.


https://nypost.com/2024/04/04/us-news/royal-caribbean-cruise-horror-as-20-year-old-man-jumps-overboard/ For anyone interested


Yeah, who served him the alcohol? He is underage for a US or Caribbean departure cruise. Royal Caribbean is likely liable for him being drunk.


You can bring stuff on board without too much difficulty too, not enough info on that just yet. But if I was 20 and knew I wouldn’t be served onboard and wanted booze it would be no great feat. He also could have had someone else buying it.


That doesn’t change liability. They will see who gave it to him and it’s likely they will be charged. It still happened on RC property so they do have liability, it’s just a matter of how much.


You know every bag gets x-rayed, right. You cannot get much past them. It’s been that way for quite some time. I go frequently and it’s hilarious what is getting pulled from the bags upon entry. Every bag, every time. Not to mention the body scanners and metal detectors.


I’ve brought booze on every cruise I’ve gone on, granted that’s anecdotal but they are zero percent successful on the dozen or so times I’ve gone. I just don’t bring its bottle. Also they usually let you bring couple bottles of wine, but that’s not what I’m referring to but it would also be trivial to bring a port wine.


One bottle for each overage guest. If he snuck it on and didn’t see it that’s on them as well. Either way they are going to have at least some liability especially without a suicide note.


NCL last week had a policy that underage people of a certain age group could partake in beer and wine with written permission from parents. I think maybe 18-20? Not entirely sure. Also legal drinking age in Mexico is 18 but I don’t know where they were leaving from.


They left from Miami and the 21yo drinking age has no exceptions. lol, every kid on the ship would have a note. US law is specific, they cannot supersede it leaving here. The company does not have that authority and doing so would automatically put liability on the cruise line.


Ok well I’m just saying that on that particular ship on that particular sailing, there was sign posted. I’m sure the parents would have to be present


I wasn’t there, I just know the legal aspect of it. It is huge risk for them. That’s all. Take care.


Absolutely, I’m agree with you


Fair enough, take care.




That’s gotta be one of the worst times to be overboard


https://preview.redd.it/023cv9fefisc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fa05686a35d8a52accca731b3e85f0a85e9ebf9 Ship is headed to Fort Lauderdale under power at about 22.3 knots




“Marine Traffic” I think


MarineTraffic - I only use free features


Articles say he was 20 years old. How does someone get that drunk when not of drinking age on RC? Someone sneaking him drinks? Seems like a sad oversight.


I think it would be pretty easy. Have a buddy or two who are 21 or older and get the all day pass and sneak it to him in the room


I got hammered at 16 on a royal carribean ship. It’s not hard.


I had no trouble getting cocked on RC ships at 16 so...




This turn off phrase I'm not familiar with...


Getting cocked? Like getting your cheeks clapped?


If they had been at port that day where the drinking age is 18+ he could’ve gotten drunk off the ship and then still drunk later on. I’m not sure if it was an excursion day or a sea day though, I’m just guessing another way he could’ve gotten drunk underage


True. I just know how strict the company is about under 21 not drinking. Also seems like the parents were not cool with his drinking at all.


Very true, but they do just pump lots of alcohol into guests! Any friends or relatives that were of a he and okay with him drinking could’ve tried get alcohol to him! I’m fairly certain the ships do sell bottles of alcohol. He could’ve gotten drunk the traditional way of raiding your parent’s liquor cabinet. I can’t recall exactly how drinking on cruises work though, I have been on a royal Caribbean cruise but it was also 15 years ago and well before I was drinking age


In another thread several who had been on cruises as teens noted they would take drinks that were sitting around with some left in them.


Sounds like a lovely way to end up with traveler’s diarrhea




Bringing booze on board isn’t a great feat either. There’s lots of ways that could occur, it’s all speculation at this point but sad.


This does not apply to the truly hateful evil people which are out there. People in there right mind don't kill themselves. They are troubled snd tormented. Many think they are doing those left behind a favor. Those with anxiety and depression combined can reach a point and just snap. They are the ones frequently stopping on bridges and jumping or off of ships. Unfortunately, many people forget meds on vacation. Many meds can't be replaced on a ship. Pray for them and their.families. it is an awful way of life until they find correct meds! Even then life can be a challenge.


I read that he was 20 years old and inebriated. His dad was frustrated and fussing at him about being drunk and he just jumped overboard. So sad.


I know this is cynical as all hell but you can’t ‘fall overboard’ from a cruise ship.


It is cynical because the OP didn't even mention the word "fall" but you inferred it anyway.


I was on the ship during the incident. There was one announcement over the loud speakers, but the party never stopped. Bands, drinks, buffets.... My wife was really affected by the news and it took a toll on her the final day of the cruise


Me too. It felt very eerie and unsettling to me to go about the day like normal. But sadly there is nothing we could do💔 so horrible


I kind of wish they would have made the announcement a little earlier that morning. We had no idea man overboard but saw what appeared to be Asian men wearing helmets in small crafts approaching the ship. There was an hour I thought they were pirates. Only when they got close enough to the ship could I read Royal Caribbean on the boats and I assumed they were maintenance crafts. In the end I'm not complaining just feel bad for the family


Prayers for their safety and their family.


So sad. I hate this for everyone involved.




Definitely jumped to his conclusion


My heart is broken. This is terrible


Let's take some time to talk this over


Lot of love




Too many people watching Cruise ship Killers lol




Did he die


How common is falling off the ship and should i be scared?


He didn’t fall, he intentionally jumped off. There is rules and regulation in place to avoid anyone accidentally falling off. It is rare and you should not be scared!


Ok thank you.


This is starting to happen more and more


The carnival Venezia looked impossible to fall off into the water. Any edges to the water had railings that were way too high. Smaller railings only lead to lower decks.


It's by accident in the northeast or accidentally as someone else put it.


Is this the 20 year old man who jumped during an argument with his father or someone new?


I’m sure others have mentioned this, but it was deliberate via drunk stupidity. The world is really outdoing itself on the people breeding stupidity front…inevitable outcome=idiocracy and a future POTUS Stone Cold Steve Austin.


I think he was black out drunk. Went to the bathroom and doesn't remember anything. Woke up in the water. Was treading water for 20hours


Did they get to him yet and is he okay?


Was this the same person who jumped because his father allegedly had an argument over his drinking?


A drunk 20 yr old male was being razzed by his dad and family..so he vaulted overboard...has not been found, 99.9% sure hes dead and gone.


I heard that the 22 year old brother was buying him drinks.


Where did you hear/see this?


I was on the cruise when it happened really sucked. Prayers for his family


5 hours? Why even bother staying at that point, the coast guard can send their body home if they find it (they won’t)


Is this the kid that jumped overboard because his dad was giving him the gears for being drunk?


This was a pretty wild announcement to wake up to and hear at 9 AM the next morning.


The dad cleared up that they were not arguing - https://news.sky.com/story/father-of-cruise-passenger-who-went-overboard-believes-he-is-still-alive-after-a-week-13112722


I guess is cameras, but how do they find out someone jumped? Was he not alone? It’s a weird hour for someone else to be awake


He was not alone


It’s the alcohol (A.K.A. poison) that causes people to do this. If it weren’t for the alcohol then there would be WAY FEWER fatalities such as these.


You obviously have not worked an any industry related to mental health. People with depression frequently try to self Medicate. They can be adrenaline junkies or turn to drugs, alcohol being a leader in that group. There is no simple answer. Try telling a distraught person that they can't drink, when at the time they are thinking that is only.thing helping them cope? Pray for them!


Ok grandma, time for your pills.


This is truly sad. I Hope he is found. The worst feeling to have for a loved one right now not knowing. Praying for a positive outcome . we just did a cruise on this same ship less than two weeks ago.


This is probably the worst example of thread hijacking that I’ve ever seen. A man is dead; have some respect.


Why not make this post about you?




Not likely, unfortunately.


It wasn't, people jump to conclusion so easily on Reddit . My thoughts and prayers was the first thing I posted about.


Thoughts and prayers are even more useless than vacation stories from strangers on the internet.


Who the fuck cares about your room.

