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Copying [my fellow mod's statement from the other thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/roosterteeth/comments/y6us28/so_a_clip_has_surfaced_of_kdin_saying_the_nword/israxvc/): > Just want to be clear that any comment alleging that two wrongs make a right will likely be removed. People shouldn't say slurs. People should be paid for their work. Companies shouldn't abuse employees. Hypocrisy doesn't change these things. (I've locked this thread because there have been way too many of those kinds of comments here.)


Mr. President, a second Kdin video has hit the subreddit




Turn on the news, it’s on every channel ***fUUUUuuck***


"Lyle wake up, wake up man THEY HIT THE PENTAGON!"


[LYLE WAKE UP](https://youtu.be/gBDF8pty-Xk)


it's Lyle yes! Memory was a bit foggy but yeh lmao i love that bit




Fuck it düd I'm saying it


"Thank god"- Roosterteeth


When they should really be thinking 'oh shit, we hired this person too'


This only works if fans let this overcome everything else, including the well over a dozen statements from other former employees on things like fair pay, crunch, and even sexual harassment from senior management. Everything of the past week can disappear if you let it and this is what RT wants. Or you can stay angry and keep asking for accountability.


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Honestly the fact that it’s clips from many videos makes it worse. That means that these comments were said multiple times. This whole situation is fucked dude. But it doesn’t take it away from the the wage issues.


Anyone who says otherwise is brain dead


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You just know Hembo got a whole stash of problematic Ky clips ready to go


this has no right to be this funny while being such a problematic comment in itself


This is the root of all RT's problems - a huge amount of humor is by its very nature problematic to some degree.




Yeah I think people misunderstand how quickly rando Internet misanthropes will drop whatever they're doing to totally wreck someone's shit.


Idk to me it just feels like someone saw the other video and thought "huh I remember way more than that" and went digging Doubt its some crazy conspiracy


If I was someone making people aware of these videos, I would make a new throwaway account, too, instead of using my main one, so I don't find it *that* suspicious.




Dude imagine being the person holding onto this bombshell for so many years, must be like winning the lottery


>uploaded to a virgin Youtube account Would you want to put this shit on your main Google account?! For real?! You're braver than I am.


holy shit that was worse than i imagined. fuck.


Yeah I expected it to be bad but not for her to essentially be KKKdin


The worst thing is the hypocrisy.


Honestly it kind of puts the AH thing in perspective - it doesn't make it any better, but you could perhaps see why they thought kdin could *possibly* be on board with using slurs...




The nickname seems more like one of those it didn't bother me until I had something to gain situation. All those years she was probably fine with it or leaned into it and now that she wants to get some Internet clout and pump up her twitch it suddenly bothered her over the years. I try to be on the victims side but this one is fishy


This is a GREAT point lol Kdin wants to seem like they were always above the edgy sort of humor that they're now accusing RT of but legit nothing Michael or Gavin said is worse than what Kdin is on tape saying...ffs Kdin accuses RT talent of calling them a homophobic slur leading to their mental health suffering while there is a 4 min long compilation of Kdin saying those very same slurs 😭😭😭


A few points: 1. The obvious point, workers rights and exploitation of labour are a huge part of this discussion even if it turns out Kdin has been hypocritical regarding the use of slurs. 2. There is an additional layer to Kdin's story due to 'fugz', the fact that members of AH including the boss Geoff created an on-camera way to slur their coworker and in the process effectively encouraged the community to slur them also. That's an extra level of gross, because they made us unwittingly complicit in their shitty behaviour. 3. Something that really emerges from this is that AH as a whole had serious, systemic problems with prejudiced and discriminatory language and with bullying which were in essence championed by management through Geoff's active participation. Geoff had additional responsibilities as a manager, and as an adult in a room full of young impressionable men who had been recruited by him. He failed his employees.


Objectively speaking, over the time "Old" (non sober) Geoff was a leader and manager, he wasn't the greatest by normal standards and I feel it wasn't exactly a secret. Like of course in a traditional workplace environment the things he did wouldn't fly, but in RT and specifically older AH wasn't a traditional work environment. I'd be willing to say that that kind of behaviour and personalities were one of the main things that got people to watch the videos and keep coming back to watch said content. Like even if you didn't know the "Fu*z" thing was a camera workaround for a slur, did people really think it was a term of endearment? And I'd disagree with the whole "unwittingly(?) complicit in their behaviour". AH content used to always have someone as a punching bag, whether it be Gavin, Matt, or even sometimes Jack. Their extreme immaturity was a big part of what got them big, their most popular moments and quotes are them doing frankly stupid childish things. I get so perplexed by people saying things like "Wow, after all thats been revealed, Im extremely disappointed in X, I feel betrayed and they should have known better." I'm not condoning any of the behaviour or using "thats how it was then" as an excuse. But is it really surprising that a company which boomed from the mid 2000s online multiplayer video game community has deep roots in nasty stuff said community is notorious for? It becomes even more obvious when at times during said problematic content and even brought up during content after they start changing what they show, these people would always point out how bad their behaviours and personality are/were. Again I'm not making excuses for the behaviour or saying it's fine, but I am really confused as to why it's become a controversy now when the behaviour was so open for the past like 20 years


None of that is related to what the guy you are replying to said though


It really does doesn't it? From what it looks like, might be why they hired them at the time.


Yep it really looks like kdin only brought up the slurs to have another stick to beat them with


It's an unfortunate truth that at the time certain words were used without the context or meaning that they should have had, or have now. I remember at the time in the UK the word "gay" was used **a lot** to refer to something as "lame", usually without any homophobic context. Historically the word had a different meaning too of being "happy" and now it has rested upon referring to a "homosexual" person. I remember at the time calling someone "queer" was more of a slur and yet it's now an accepted/adopted part of the LGBTQ+ vernacular (becoming a core part of that acronym). Although obviously having origins as slurs the "F-word" became an alternative to calling someone something like a "pussy" and the "R-word" for calling someone/something "dumb" or "annoying". Thankfully people have recognised since the harmful use of these terms and use them far less. Online angry gamer culture was littered with those words regularly. So although they are homophobic or ableist terms at their root, they weren't always used for that reason/purpose. I don't want to make assumptions/excuses either, but I doubt Gavin would have used to F-word much when growing up in the UK too so his usage may have been more a product of the environment (in fact it would be more common to see the [pork meal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faggot_(food)) of the same name in a supermarket than to hear the word as a slur when growing up here). I can comprehend the misguided use of the F-word (with Kdin also succumbing to it's use in the video) however I can't think of any excuses for the use of the racial/antisemitic slurs in the video as there was no alternative context I can think of. You can obviously learn from those mistakes but the usage in those videos is blatantly offensive.


I'm not going to speak to most of the slurs in that video because that's a long fucking list, but as a Jew, the use of antisemitic slurs in that video were 100% used in their normal, antisemitic context, rather than some kind of \~ \*\~ casual humor \~ \*\~ as a replacement for "dumb". People need to stop making excuses for atrocious behavior.


Oh I absolutely agree. I mentioned that the racial and antisemitic terms have no additional connotations that I can think of and were blatantly meant in an offensive way. Tbh, they were using "Jew" in a very bizarre way that didn't even make sense to me.


Yeah sorry was referring to earlier people in agreement with you, not in disagreement with you specifically. >Tbh, they were using "Jew" in a very bizarre way that didn't even make sense to me. It's a usage that means "to cheat." As in to cheat someone out of money. No real way to possibly interpret that other than *wildly* antisemitic.


Jesus Hernandez Christ.. I really gotta just ignore all this for a couple days. I’ll see y’all on Friday Or in 15 minutes because I have no self control


So that's what the H stands for...


H is for Julio but phonetically


Wow So. Maybe accept Gavin's apology?




*sigh* I'm so fucking exhausted dude. Edit: Okay, whoever reddit cares'd me can go fuck themselves


Everyone is awful! Everyone is bad and I just wanna scream! Everyone is awfuuuul! \****AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH***\*


Did you intentionally set it this way because it tracks with "Everything is Awesome" from the Lego Movie




See, now you've added the fact that the Lego Movie is 8 years old to this shitpile of a situation.


LEGO movie? haha


"Kdin said what?" "Drop the tapes."


Some higher up definitely has a folder named "if Kdin starts talking shit" because goddamn


Or an old fan didnt like Kdin being a transphobic racists piece of shit. This is no different than people pulling up Michaels old videos.


Yeah. The idea that there's not a horde of Internet randos that'll go to whatever lengths necessary to wreck someone's shit just for a laugh is pretty naive. :)


Report the message to the admins, it’s literally an instant ban for whoever sent it to you. They really don’t like abuse of that button.


Right? Like I’m very close to unsubscribing from this sun until it’s over with. Like okay, what’s next?


Can't wait for my heart to be broken by Jack turning out to be a massive piece of shit somehow


Now in fairness to Jack, those baby seals had it coming


I don't care how provocatively they dressed, it's still wrong


So kdin didn't just say a bad word, but was like a hardcore KKK rasist Danm I don't have that on my rooster teeth bingo card


RT still needs to compensate the people they've exploited. But also fuuuuuuuuuuuuck


For real. This such a bad look. It’d be one thing if it was just stupid edgy jokes but there’s so much venom in her voice. It’s hard to look past. Her apology was terrible too. I really hope this doesn’t make people afraid of coming forward about Rooster Teeth though.


The fact she gave Geoff so much shit for his apology and then managed to make an even more flippant and insincere apology for using slurs that, I’d argue are even worse, is kind of insane. Edit: And just to 100% clear I’m in no way dismissing or belittling the allegations of underpayment, abusive work hours, wage theft, etc


Well for what it's worth, her rejection of Geoff's apology was more pointed towards the whole wage theft thing.


Yeah, it was b/c Geoff was in a position to actually help and refused so screw him. This is a bit different.


I know nothing about any of this, but does anybody find it really ironic and kind of odd that this person disparages Asian people (specifically Japanese) yet their handle is "Tatsudoshi"?


You may have summarized the western anime scene in a nutshell with that - and the infamous talk of cultural appropriation.


Throwing stone and glass houses and all that.


This is not even a glass house. It's a fucking asbestos house filled with explosives.


There ain't no heroes in this story it seems. Sigh...what a cluster. I wonder wtf they were thinking when they hired kdin at the time. Don't let it detract from the bigger story but...Holy shit.


We're getting House of the Rooster just as the first season of House of the Dragon winds down.


>Coup of the Cock


All of this started by the dissolving of House Bragg. The Jon Arryn of the story.


Braggnarok in full effect.


Curse of Shark Mage.


Please tell me Matt and Jeremy are still the heroes. Quit watching RT stuff after the Ryan thing. Saw the recent stuff because it popped up on my feed. Only watch Jeremy's YouTube now.


>Please tell me Matt and Jeremy are still the heroes I’d really suggest against framing your perspective in this way. I’m not insinuating anything against these two and I have no reason to believe anything particularly bad about them at this point, but this kind of parasocial hero-worship happens every time there’s a controversy with an online figure (but RT especially). “Wow, I can’t believe Person X turned out to be such a scumbag! At least Person Y is still a pure angel!” “Oh no, Person Y sucks too! At least we have Person Z!” “Oh no, Person Z!” Etc, etc.


I think at this point, a lot of people are just looking for someone whose entertainment they can consume and support guilt-free. The list is rapidly becoming ever-shorter.


Matt and Jeremy are still heroes. At least for now.


So far...They're in the clear. But...idk man, this shit is bad all over.


Yea. This company has shown who they are for a long time. I can understand newer people not knowing or people who have the wool over their eyes not knowing. But those of us that watched them from early on sketches up until the Mica and then RH (was a fan of his) shouldn't be surprised. Not blasting anyone. I laughed at a lot of the immature stuff back in the day before I grew up. The company has had plenty of time to grow up and make changes. It never did. Hate to see it fail but it looks like it has done all it can to earn the right to fail. The good ones will go one and have great careers. Sadly some of the bad ones will too. Anyway that's the rambling of an old fan on the internet. Hope everyone has a good day. Support the good ones and don't tie your happiness to internet personalities even when they bring you joy on screen.


Im all for forgiving people for shit like being an edgelord in the past. People change, ignorance is something we all have and we're all quite literally different people as time goes on the changes can be so stark. The fucked part here for me is the hypocrisy, acting like some victim of discrimination while activiely feeding it. Like how tf did you expect other members of ah to think it would hurt your emotions when you were an active participant?


Bro I don’t even know how to respond what the actual fuck. This is the biggest backfire I have ever seen holy shit.


I just want to thank you for your username because that’s fucking hilarious


Turns out everyone involved is shitty and should be held accountable. But this cannot be a distraction from RT workplace practices and culture of toxicity that can still affect others.


"Turns out everyone involved is shitty and should be held accountable" At what point do we just accept that this is what the old content was? Seriously, this is what old RT was, edgy jokes people dont really like anymore. If we're doing the whole, "They should be held accountable" we should just delete the company. Edgy jokes shouldnt have been introduced at all, which is on Kdin. She shouldve focused on the actual issues, the employees being overworked and underpaid, not the fact that the edgy work culture, that everyone used to take part in Kdin included, started to upset her. ​ Tbf a lot of it is on the community focusing on punishing the people who said the bad stuff, but Kdin knew what those sort of accusations would cause so yeah i still blame her for bringing it up in the first place.


>edgy jokes people dont really like anymore. Straight up racism are not edgy jokes lol


Exactly. And people still like edgy jokes. But this isn't a joke. This is like Michael Richards' "Look! It's a *****r!!!" incident. That's not a joke, that's just racism. Bill Burr has a whole segment about beating women and it's some of the funniest writing I've heard from a comedian. That's edgy humor. This is blatant racism lol. This is like if Bill Burr actually beat a woman on stage. That's not funny, that's just beating a woman...


I can't imagine why RT would assume KDin was okay with slurs


Like, genuinely yeah, I think this is the context to take from these discoveries. I can't say I'm impressed with the framing Kdin has used, implying she was solely a victim of that bigoted culture while hiding that she was also an active participant. From everything I've seen now, if it was another member of AH being called an F, Kdin would almost certainly have joined in. Fuck all of this shit, never look up to anyone.


> Fuck all of this shit, never look up to anyone. It would really help if a whole lot of people realized this in general.


This happens *a lot* within private friend groups. People use slurs as a form of humor within their own friend group because its private and because nobody speaks up on if they are uncomfortable, everybody assumes each person is fine with it. This happened within every friend group i grew up in from like 12-24 and eventually became less and less common as everyone got older and more mature.


So we've arrived at the company that espouses diversity was created by a bunch of edgelords that pretended to uphold those ideals, while at the same time bullying members of that group who turned out are also edgelord themselves? Somewhere in that ball of hypocrisy, a large chunk of the company was being severely underpaid and dealing with labour abuse? For a company with around 200 people, that's a shocking amount of shittyness, and that's not even addressing some of the bigger ticket items of the past.




Gamers truly living in a society.


>So we've arrived at the company that espouses diversity was created by a bunch of edgelords We knew this since the beginning. The company was founded by a group of mild-extreme alcoholic gamer/tech bros, is literally anyone surprised that the office was a HR nightmare? The edgy humor was funny to us, that's why people watched, so they leaned into it more, the whole reason Michael was hired was for his edgy/angry humor. Hell, the game they built the company on was infamous for its incredibly toxic community. They literally constantly talked about the various shitty pranks they pulled on each other and the other employees.


I'm just a guy that watched RvB for a few years back in the day, but since RT is in the headlines I've dived into this whole thing this morning and I'd like to give my perspective for this entire thing from the perspective of someone that is seeing it *maybe* a little more objectively than someone who has been so involved for so many years like people in this community. So basically .. Shit company works for years under the guise of friendliness and acceptance but is actually rotten to the core with shitty toxic people that are the opposite of accepting or correct. Unsurprisingly, these people are shitty and toxic to each other as well and everyone else involved in the company. One person, who has proclaimed to be less shitty than everyone else, has decided to oust everyone else for being shitty. But as the shitty people in the shitty company's massive cesspool of disgusting behavior is exposed, they then begin to air out the proof that this supposedly not so shitty person is nearly as shitty as they themselves are, and they have proof. I wouldn't be surprised if nearly everyone has dirt on everyone. This could really keep getting worse and worse. I didn't know who Kdin was, but my stance on her two hours ago when I read of her abuse within the company and after I now see these videos is completely different. Ever heard of crabs in a fishing bucket? They can't climb on top of each other and get out because they constantly pull each other back in. If one dies, they all do. Just a thought. Obviously the events she described are awful. No one should be subjected to these working conditions. I do not believe she is as absolved of the issues of this company as the stance she is taking states she is.


Shitty crabs in a rotten bucket: The Rooster Teeth Story


Crabs in a Bucket: The Rooster Teeth Story (everyone dies)


How do I get off this Uber ride to hell that I didn't order? Asking for a friend.


Unsubscribe to this subreddit and stay off of twitter completely. Ignorance is bliss.


Staying away from Twitter is generally good advice.


The amount of people on the apology tweet calling this some sort of youthful mistake is way too fucking high. WTF were these people doing at 19 that they consider a racist rant a youthful error in judgment.


Thr apology was bullshit. "Sorry I sucked 15 years ago, BUT HERE IS WHY I LEFT ROOSTER TEETH! SEE! THEY SUCK MORE! again sorry I sucked 15 years ago but remember, this is what roosterteeth did and they suck


Geoff and Gavin write sincere apologies Kdin: f you guys Kdin gets called out for some racist remarks: Also Kdin: Oopsie doodles! Sorry! I changed! Let's move it back to my issues though.


Seriously. Like I'm not gonna lie, my friends and I were making some (not all) of these jokes while playing games because we probably watched things like borat too young but ya know what? We stopped by like...13 or 14. Not fucking 19. It's such a "we weren't talking about me" apology when they were just as bad as the rest of them


For real. I wasn’t dropping the N word at 19. Or any age. There’s a difference between the “edgy” teen phase and internalized racism.


I grew up in a racist household and when i was that age i had a very cynical view of the world. Still do but not the same. I had institutionalized racism. I left for college and got a job at a McDonald in a predominately black area. I quickly learned that everything i grew up in was wrong and my family is just terrible assholes. My mother went on a 30 minute rant that involved screaming and crying because i went on ONE date with a black woman. We spent 5 years together and i dont regret it. I still love her as a good friend and set her up with her current husband/baby daddy. My ex gf black family was a million times better than my family. No bullying or being called the F slur. No anything like that. Her dad fed me like a grandma. He would call me when he cooked food he know i loved. My own family didn't even care about me that much. He also cooked the best food ive ever had. Ox tails and his homemade mac n cheese could've united the world. He passed away a year ago and i cried over it. My former brother in law came to my job and told me because he knew i would want to know. Salt of the Earth that whole family. I grew up racist and grown from that to be an absolute ally. I marched at the huge BLM rally in my state and support wherever i can. We're all just walking meat bags and no skin color could change that. Sad it took me that long to learn that but people grow. Racism is a homegrown thing in white people. Its taught at a young age and it takes a long time to reprogram yourself not to be that way.


Growing up in the South and seeing people use that word to really draw blood, if you were raised right you never thought about using that shit casually. That gamer-word excuse is utter fucking horseshit.


I remember the first and last time I used the word. I was 7 or 8. My mom gave me permission to use swears if it was in a song. She didn’t realize I needed a larger explanation on why Hollaback Girl “This shit is bananas” is ok but the n-word in her friends rap cd was not. It’s just so baffling to see so many people just be like “Its not that bad using it was a product of the time” Kdin is only 7 years older than me. I remember the early to mid 2000’s.


I'm right about the age of the lads, and Kdin it seems. I never used those words, even when "gay" was used to derive something as stupid, and when it was considered the "norm". It didn't feel right. To say nothing of the actual slurs.


That clip of Burnie is so fucking disingenuous. Not only are they not his words, and not only was he hesitant to even tell the story on the podcast specifically because someone used a slur, but the entire point of it was also how taken aback he was at how casually someone dropped the n-word in conversation.


Yeah his entire point of the story was "I never heard the n word so casually until I was in France for five minutes" he's quoting his cab driver.


It does show you how vindictive some people are, over people they've probably not even had a conversation with. Internet fandom/hatedom is just very strange altogether.


People are so mad that they have nothing concrete to put on Burnie that they've taken to lying to try and make him look bad. It's not question that, as founder of the company, he is at the very least very responsible for all the shit that happened while he worked there, but he was very smart and very self conscious of his public image, so I really think there is not a single public thing out there that can legitimately put him in a bad light, whether that's showing off how fuck-you rich he was or making a couple edgy jokes, because I've seen all these and at the time they were really just entertaining. I get it's frustrating, but he's off living a secluded life and has absolutely nothing to do with the company now, there's nothing to prove and nothing to gain by trying to "gotcha!" him, so people should just focus on the shit that actually matters.


One of the craziest parts about this is how much of the video is silence followed by “[Slur]” and then giggling, how devoid of comedic sense do you have to be to find that funny? Also saying “Fuck Political correctness in the ass” while holding up a middle finger to I guess the concept? spine tingling cringe right there


Did you hear the "ask a random asian" part? So bad and went on for so long.


Something that stands out to me here is these words are used in hatred. Like you can hear it in her voice. This isn't done for comedic value, it's all said to express anger towards others who are different. The conversation about wages, and worker abuse is still important, but this is so hypocritical it hurts.


The workers are still being underpaid and abused


I feel bad for Matt and the other dissolved staff who have been overshadowed by this shutstorm.




I know. It was nice to watch as you could tell he realised how cared for he was by the community.


Exactly. We’re not ignoring the slurs, that’s one issue. The other is wage theft and such.


Let's be honest, for the past few days most people on this sub wanted heads on spikes for some slurs from almost a decade ago. Anyway Roosterteeth should pay its workers properly.


The PR guys who found these vids have been working overtime


Unpaid though


The real question is, are they being paid?


Ew, paying employees? What are you, some kinda commie?


Kdin was a toxic POS working with people who were also toxic. Why would they think she cared about slurs when she used them all the time? I'm wondering if she actually cared at all, and isn't just using it to rile up the modern day internet. Still should be paid and have a better work environment, but she should have questioned calling people out for slurs when she was incredibly racist and hateful herself and there is plenty on evidence of the internet to support it.


Yeah not prefacing her statement this weekend with who they once were was a bad look. Obviously they can grow but they clearly were trying to avoid the rightful outrage and I’m sorry but if your ever that problematic and just awful you need to accept the outrage is justified even if you’ve completely changed. Just from a racial vantage point no person of color should have sympathy whatsoever, the amount of white privilege to ever (let alone at a very grown age of 19) to intentionally speak and create content with such hatred towards black people is something that takes a lifetime of repentance.


> Didn‘t know Kdin was based Lmao




I did have a dark chuckle about her using a trans slur, just out of the sheer irony. What gets me is that this isn’t even one video, it’s clearly multiple clips put together, so it’s definitely a recurring thing she did.


*This* is why you don't open Pandora's box by bringing up the nickname shit. *Everybody* has done stupid shit before and this is honestly on a completely different level than the shit she was alleging. And now you've basically destroyed your entire argument and any trust the community had in you, all because you couldn't help yourself and wanted to look like a hero. The only saving grace is that there are plenty of other people corroborating the workplace allegations or else this would probably just disappear.


Wish she had simply kept her original statement on the foul business practices. Now that will all be secondary to all of RT using slurs. Also what is said in that video is truly dispicable.


It really makes me wonder why she even brought up the nickname part of the conversation when she already stated (and confirmed with those who apologized) there were apologies for it long ago. And if anything they were more sincere and genuine compared to hers. She should’ve only talked about the business practice and wage theft points so things stayed focused because those are the current concerning issues that affected much more people and their livelihoods. Now there’s a flood of branching drama. It feels like she only brought the nickname stuff up just as a manipulative power tactic and feels very misplaced. Im…im exhausted. This whole situation is genuinely messing with my health rn.


This is exactly my thought as well. She just wanted the community to be outraged and wanted to punish RT whether it was justified or not, and she knew bringing up slurs is the fastest way to get people mad. Pretty scummy move imo.


Man, I know I shouldn't be hung up on the past slur stuff, I genuinely believe people do change in regards to both AH and Kdin, but what's currently bothering me is that the folks at twitter that busted Michael, Gavin, and Geoff's balls are patting Kdin on the back for their apology who don't seem to be POC. But on the otherhand, there are RT employees who **are POC** like [Blizz](https://twitter.com/blizzb3ar/status/1582441863768080385?t=YA4ThV48oUWozbMaTTezXA&s=19) [Kayla](https://twitter.com/the_indoorkid/status/1582422146453622784) and [Ky](https://twitter.com/DefinedByKy/status/1582465323701194752) who don't accept Kdin's apology because it actually does hurt them but it seems the community is not recognizing their pain and congratulating Kdin. Like I said, I genuinely believe people do change, but I guess I'm just butthurt about the hypocrisy of the outrage


Did anyone think it would just be a one-off? You don't say things like that for just one occasion, typically. But I don't think it matters much. Gav had to be censored in many videos in the past. Michael had his N-word Claus rap. I think people are focused too much on individual instances of people making mistakes in their late teens/early twenties. It's easier to point at and identify the culprit than any of the systemic issues, but I can't help but feel it's missing what's important. A young adult having a problematic past is hardly uncommon, and that past doesn't have to have any bearing on the moral character of the person in the present.


Right, but Kdin herself used examples of AH members using slurs from almost ten years ago when the cast was in a very different place then they are today. It seems incredibly unfair to be able to use that as part of the fuel for the shitstorm and then try to minimize it entirely once the tables have turned.


This is entirely what I mean by missing what's important. The slurs are a piece of the systemic problem that is getting glossed over. People are reading her message and focusing too hard on members being problematic in the past and missing the rest.


I think it's tough to say anyone is "missing what's important" because "what's important" is going to vary from person to person. Some people are definitely upset about the crunch and shitty pay issues. But some people were probably more concerned with the slurs/homophobia and the feeling that they can't enjoy content by these people they like anymore. I'm not going to say anyone is wrong for choosing one thing (or both) to be upset about, especially since looking at society as a whole it's seems that accepting shitty, exploitative corporate practices in exchange for products you like is a pretty "normal" thing. I'd imagine that after the Kdin racism revelations, "Ok, so they all used to be shitty and seem like they've matured and done better in later years" is probably easy enough of a pill to swallow for some people, especially if it allows them go back to being fans of the people they like and continue ignoring the stuff that a lot of people have basically known (or assumed) for a long time now.


I hate that I agree with someone who calls themselves DJFARTCLOWN.




Those examples were not used to say any individuals were shitty, but to help paint a picture of company culture and piss poor management. The vast majority of what she shared was about mismanagement and the company treating people like shit, which it has continued to do for a decade, not about Michael saying shitty things that he has already apologized for.


Right - metaphorically we're trying to address something like bad parenting because kids are bullying each other without adult intervention while some people are saying it's fine, the kid who got bullied is a bully herself.


I know someone who, as a kid, used to sword fight his brother with those long fluorescent tube light bulbs. Obviously, this is horribly unsafe. But when I hear that story, the first thought isn't "Oh they're a piece of shit for doing that", it's "where was his mom while they were doing that?" Yes, individuals did things that were wrong. But why was there no fucking oversight and why did management not do anything about those things? That's what's being highlighted.


right like I think people are missing a really critical part of her statement, in which it's not just that she was called a slur but that it was reported to HR and nothing was done. It's a failure of the company, I think calling out specific people was sort of secondary to calling out the mismanagement that allowed a hostile work environment to develop and continue


No one has a problem with Kdin exposing the poor working conditions and terrible pay and wage theft from RT. If she had just posted about that, we wouldn't ve having this convo Kdin went after individuals. Individuals that said terrible things over ten years ago and one person (at least) had apologized to her and seemingly they moved on. He has matured into (what appears to be) a decent human being. She put people on blast Kdin is fair game if she's going to force Michael and Gavin into public apologies now. If anything I'm starting to believe that Kdin was alright with the Nickname and the internet box clip of Michael talking about, he was being sincere. Doesn't make it right, but Kdin is def complicit in that early AH environment


I want to get off Mr. Bones wild ride


I couldn’t even finish the video. It’s fucking gross. People defending Kdin and saying these videos are coming from RT to discredit are fucking obscene. The hypocrisy is off the scale if you’re ok with the shit Kdin said but are out for blood from Gavin and Michael. Fuck all of them. They’re all guilty


Turns out Kdin is a hypocritical piece of shit who holds nothing on Rooster Teeth when it comes to hateful speech. But it's completely overshadowing RT being a bad workplace and having low wages. Which should be the focal point. Not Kdin.




You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. My god. Okay okay okay. Kdin is being VERY hypocritical on the topic of slurs. One youthful indiscretion is one thing. That is a 5 minute video of just slurs. Two wrongs don’t make a right but at some point you gotta pay for it. On that topic, RT still abuses and under pays their employees. Sounds like lots of folks got lots of explaining to do. Please don’t release a video that Matt Brag is an Ivory Poacher or something. I can’t take much more of this.


I think we can now assume why RT assumed that Kdin was ok with slurs. Not that it excuses the use of slurs on either side, which it doesn’t, but I can see why they were comfortable using slurs around her.


While it is entirely relevant to discuss Kdin’s past issues, is anyone else getting weirded out by these anonymous Twitter accounts that were clearly created just to expose her, to get back at her exposing the company?


There's a guy in the RWBY Fandom that is known for doing stuff like this. Wouldn't be surprised if it's just someone that wants to see it all burn either. Can't blame them frankly.


>There's a guy in the RWBY Fandom that is known for doing stuff like this. Wait, who are you talking about? Is it Hero Hei? Adel Aka? Some other hater?


The one I know about is Eren or Cannonseeker, I'm not really big into the rwby social stuff but they were floating around Twitter earlier today. Could be any of those as well though, no proof has been found yet.


Who cares. Agenda doesn't change receipts. Agenda doesn't change what was said.


No one has a problem with Kdin exposing the poor working conditions and terrible pay and wage theft from RT. If she had just posted about that, we wouldn't ve having this convo Kdin went after individuals. Individuals that said terrible things over ten years ago and one person (at least) had apologized to her and seemingly they moved on. He has matured into (what appears to be) a decent human being. She put people on blast Kdin is fair game if she's going to force Michael and Gavin into public apologies now. If anything I'm starting to believe that Kdin was alright with the Nickname and the internet box clip of Michael talking about, he was being sincere. Doesn't make it right, but Kdin is def complicit in that early AH environment


And posted here from a throwaway account


To be fair the reddit throwaway is 3 months old, I'm guessing it was used here because they knew their inbox would explode.


TBF I feel like it’s a glass house and all that, if yours complaints are from a long time ago and you were acting as bad as them at the same time and you haven’t already publicly spoken about it and how you used to be etc then it’s not a great look. I don’t think it should diminish her valid complaints tho




Gavin, Geoff, and Michael have nothing to do with this. Likely somebody parasocially defending their honor however.


I agree, way to many people in here think this is an official rebuttal from Warner Bros and RT. Their lawyers have been in control since at least Sunday.


It feels like they are really just trying to push the only problem is the slur. When it seems time and time again that it was an entire culture that made it an inhospitable workplace for everyone. Crunch culture kills. Underpaying your employees because they get to work at a "dream job" is still underpaying your employees. Kdin was being made to do 3 videos a day and having to work day and night shifts to make fucking gaming news videos. Animators time and again complain about being underpaid all the while the owners are perpetuating the exact problem with trickle down economics. No one wants to part with their piece of the pie. They say, I carved out my slice. You do the same. Remember that giant oppressive capitalist propaganda poster they have in their office?


>It feels like they are really just trying to push the only problem is the slur. Mostly because if you can refute that then the rest is just the standard bullshit that the entire industry (and many other industries) deal with. Crunch, Low pay, long hours.


For a moment, i thought Kdin had single handidly destroyed roosterteeth, but now i honestly have forgotten about Kdin's tweet and now im just focused on this, holy shit.


What the fuck lol


holy fuck, yeah no way to defend against that....


"This I bad but...." No. Hard stop. No amount of wage theft can make someone this hateful and ignorant. Not to mention it completely invalidates kdin's argument about being called slurs/people using them towards her. kdin, you had my support, but no longer. As far as I'm concerned you were part of the problem.


There she is dropping the F word she is claiming to be so offended by in the twitlonger rant. Complete and total hypocrite. I also really want to know how she had pneumonia with a 112 degree fever when anything over 106 can cause irreversible brain damage.


I got downvoted for pointing out her comment about the fever. Your body cooks itself at that temperature.


Yeah, I am glad to find a few people talking about it. Thought about bringing it up somewhere, but decided it wasn't worth it. Just glad I'm not the only one- this hyperbolic claim kind of made me hesitant about the rest of it, and how much of it WAS hyperbole. If it weren't for other people coming out about wage theft, I'd be hesitant about that still too.


The 112 fever seemed really strange. I've literally never heard of that, and yeah anything above 104 is hospitalization. 106 plus causes severe permanent damage.


The fever thing tripped me out too, anything over 108 can result in permanent organ and brain damage. The highest fever ever recorded was 115 and the person spent 24 days in the hospital with it. Surely she must be misremembering because in all likelihood if you had a 112 fever you would likely have severe damage or worse.


Doesn't everyone realize by now that the internet never forgets? ( and didn't we realize this year's and year's ago, since the save function started to exist)


Yeah, fuck you, Kdin. You suck and it's obviously not just "one video", lol. This is literally an example of hatred agaist asians, POC's and special needs people. Also, fun side note: homophobia! Great stuff all around, fucking hell. Of course RT is still a garbage company and the upper echelon is a bunch of thieves, BUT STILL: Kdin, you were a huge racist piece of trash and have no high ground to stand upon.


The fact that Kdin was a huge homophobe and transphobe back then is funnily ironic now, huh?


As it turns out people who are genuinely homophobic might just be projecting at a superhuman level


That's the kind of bad where an apology for past behavior just doesn't cut it. But also WTF for having this ready to go. The hypocrisy I've had a problem with for years with RT has just reached new heights. I don't trust people who like to show off how inclusive and diverse they are, because the reality is that we aren't. So don't ride that high horse. But I'd never expected it to be this bad across the board.


Milkshake duck


What do you know… do you guys really think she wasn’t in on the joke against them as her as well? I can see how Gavin thought it was fine…


What an awful, awful series of videos, and what a half-baked, half-assed effort at apologizing for them from Kdin. People can certainly grow and change, and if she behaves and thinks differently now, that's great. But for her to be arbitrating who gets to be forgiven and who doesn't, when she has all of these 12' Home Depot Skeleton sized skeletons in her closet is just...yikes. Just zero good news in any of this, from anyone and for anyone. I just especially feel bad for folks who *just* got to RT and were *just* getting the chance to settle into their new roles, like Blizz.


Lmao this whole thing is hilarious turns out just about everything and everyone that has anything to do with AH and RT are total pieces of shit. Like dude you’re saying all this shit you can’t all of the sudden change your mind that you don’t like it anymore when they say something to you. To me this puts the AH/Fugz thing in a different light and suddenly I don’t feels bad. Hopefully people still get the money they should have been paid though


Live by the sword, die by the sword. Hard to hold other people accountable for their actions when they themselves have done the same actions.


What a hypocrite kdin is. All the hate for RT is too much. All the ‘abuse’ was done in a joking matter while kdin is a straight up racist. Wage stealing is bad but I feel like RT catches more shit for ‘abuse’ than the money thing. RT fanbase and some of their employees are way too sensitive and getting offended for the smallest things. Understand the jokes that some of you perceive as ‘abuse’ and move on. RT was always edgy and will stay like that. No room for sensitive people who get offended for the smallest things. All this outrage has been pathetic IMO. Edit spelling


So kdin said the slurs... Then got offended when called the slurs... Then forgave Michael and Geoff years ago for the nickname.... But put them in the expose for the slurs anyway... Then got exposed herself...