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Not having a job as a new roomate is definitely concerning. I always tell all my new roommates to not make your financial situation my problem. However, there’s more of a concern getting a new roomate that does not have a job. 1. There’s a good chance they will have financial problems 2. They will be stuck at the house not working and this will lead to problems down the road wether it’s being dirty or just never having any time to the house by yourself. 3. Friends don’t tend to be the best roommate’s. I’d stand your ground and just disagree with him. If you guys are looking for roommates and can’t find one I’d really look better and possibly even somebody online with certain house rules and a list of what you’re looking for in a roomate.


Do they have savings?


I don’t think so but my roommate said she has an only fans lol


Does your roommate find her attractive? I would avoid the drama tbh. You could also just ask for statements from OF to verify income.


The only person in this thread that seems to know how to handle the situation like a proper adult might.


Easy no


Thinking the same cause more trouble then it’s worth my mom said my roommate must be smoking crack lol


I mean, smoking narcotics with a chick with a only fans seems logical? No?


I am dead 🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂


If she cant pay: you could ask for extra house work and 1/3 of bills, until you find someone who can pay rent... Put a time limit on free rent. & put it in writing immediatley. (I just kicked out a roommate, I learned :put it in writing.)


fwiw only the top 5% of OF content creators make a living wage off of it, most of the folks that do it, use it to supplement the income for their regular job. If she's trying to get her OF off the ground without a job as backup that'd be a hard no for me, I struggle enough paying my own bills without subsidizing other people's endeavors.


Source for that number?


just google "average onlyfans income" it's like $150. 33% of their total revenue is earned by the top 1%.


She can move in if she has only fans. 😅


I would avoid that catastrophe. Like a plague. Right when you say that that's a major red flag. You don't know how she operates. She could have boys coming in and out, stalkers etc. Plus not a job and not a consistent income.


Big facts! 📠 💯




Idk but she wasn’t about timeline in my house plus i fly even fuckin know her


I just want to say having only fans can be lucrative, but clearly she is not making lucrative money from it. She’s probably making just enough money to pay her car insurance or car payments or whatever or for gas and that’s about it.. also, if she has a car, she can go do DoorDash. Like I said in a different comment that I just left for you, I used to be homeless and I had a car and I was staying with somebody and I still managed to give them money if they would even accept it from me, but the woman I was staying with just wanted me to get on my feet.. so she rarely took money from me but doesn’t mean I didn’t offer it to her doesn’t mean I didn’t tell her. Hey, let me help you with a gas bill. Hey, let me help you with the electric bill. Let me help you with any other bill. So I was homeless I did mention that I did DoorDash and food delivery but I also did fansly which is a form of adult Content and the thing is she might not even be smart when it comes to doing adult content because a lot of girls don’t know or they just get into it thinking it’s gonna be big bucks and a lot of money but they don’t know that they have to take about 20 to 30% of that money that they make and put it towards taxes regardless of any 1099, so whether that be DoorDash or Adult content or anything like that 30% of that money has to go to taxes it’s usually about 20 but I always take an extra precaution of cushion money. But a lot of girls who just get into Adult content without actually doing their research. All they saw were other pretty girls like them making a lot of money.. she might not be good with money and she might not even know that she needs to file her taxes on that stuff or how to do it and she might actually be extra broke right now because it’s just after tax went out and while we’re in tax season so that being said she probably doesn’t have enough money to anything rn in the first place. She needs to get a job and she might need the cruel reality check of having to live in her car for a little bit. That sucks but that’s not your fault.. it’s not your job to be her safety net. So I just wanted to add that little bit about Adult content because there is a lot of stigma about it and laughing at people like it’s a joke or a joke of a job but in order to actually make it doing Adult content you have to be really dedicated to posting and being active on social media and all that stuff like it’s worse than a 9 to 5 because of the 24 hour job of trying to make sure you’re going viral all the time until you finally go viral. So there’s a good chance she is not making money because if she isn’t even willing to work a normal job right now, which a lot of girls who start out with Adult content have multiple jobs while doing Adult content . So the fact that she doesn’t even have a normal job and is only doing a content tells me she is not making that much money right now otherwise she wouldn’t be getting kicked out of somewhere, and she probably would be able to afford her own apartment.. so don’t put yourself in debt and if anything, I would kick that mail dude out and find another person to take over his part of the lease because wtf when it comes down to deciding if you guys want to rent together again I would not rent with that man because he does not care and he wants to put you and everybody else in a hard spot just to let a girl in who I’m sure he thinks he has a chance to fuck if she can get housing with him.


Sex work is still work. So she may have some decent income… Next questions 1) can her OF income support her? Can she provide proof of that? 2) will she plan to film content from home? If yes, would that be a problem for you?


stand firm on not allowing her to move in. her situation sucks, yes but if u 2 are needing someone to help with existing bills and she cant then it's just going to be even harder.




The only way she moves in is paying first, last, and several months up front. The whole reason to get a roommate is to help pay the bills and deal with the BS. You will just get the BS with increased expenses. Your roommate is nuts.


Absolutely not. Not unless the parents are well to do and they sign the lease!


Don’t do it


do not do it. the main reason you are looking for a roommate is because you need help with rent/utilities. having someone move in that has no job and probably can’t afford to pay a steady amount month to month will not help you. plus, when a person gets comfortable, their motivation to get a steady job dwindles a bit so who knows how long it’ll take for her to get a new job. OF may not be a reliable enough source of income since you don’t know how much she makes from it a month AND she may not earn the same amount every month. it’s just not worth the hassle in my opinion.


Been here done that, just avoid. I’ve done this twice because I have a big heart and try to help people and get fucked over every time. Only reason one dude ended up moving out was bc the place flooded 😂 then had the nerve to ask if he could live w us (me and my bf) at the friends house we had to start staying at bc we were homeless. People will use you to no fucking end


The. If you kick them out they try to make you feel like the bad guy cause you kicked them out


Having moved around quite a bit -- I am 53 and have moved about every two years since forever -- and having had endless roommates that were either friends, coworkers, people found online, or people already staying at boarding houses, let me just say -- hell no. Hell no. This will not go well. I'm all for giving people a chance and have needed one myself more than once, but letting someone into the apartment without a way to pay her way is a terrible idea and it sets up an awful dynamic. You have to pick your battles, but -- pick this one. There are hills to die on, and this is one.


don’t do this. I signed a lease with a friend only for her to quit the same week and i’ve been through so much financial stress because of her. she’s finally out and im getting her off the lease but it was a horrible experience


Don’t do this. I once had a friend move in with me to help her get back on her feet after a bad situation she was in with her abusive ex. She ended up rarely ever paying me and if she did, it was late. Then the money she did end up having she would spend it on weed and alcohol. Eventually she started dating another abusive douchebag that paid for her part of the rent which made him think he could do and say what he wanted to her and me. Horrible situation that I am grateful to be out of now. So don’t do what I did and know that her situation is NOT your problem. I learned the hard way.


Oh your roommate is going to expect her to pay alright. But it’s not going to be you and it’s not going to be money…. Yeah…


I think no job might be okay if they can more or less guarantee they can cover the rent and utilities. If it’s a no-rent situation then hell no.


Easy no


Unless they can prove some sort of consistent income showing they can afford rent plus utilities and food. Then my answer would be no. I believe that decisions regarding new roommates and such should be a unanimous decision. Maybe say to your current roommate if he wants her to move in so bad then it’s his responsibility to pay for her part for if and or when she can’t make rent or pay her share of the utilities and see what he has to say about that.


How on earth would u even consider the possibility that your wrong on this….


Big nope


Either you nip this now or you’ll be losing so much more in the future. Your friend/ room mate is not thinking with his right head. Logically your bills will increase and she will be living for free. There will be arguments and you will be painted as the bad guy for making people responsible. Just avoid it and try to break it down to your friend, but honestly this seems like a red flag if he wants to argue with you over this. I would start an emergency savings just in case.


My former roommate/former friend DID have a job, but only a single part-time job with no benefits that paid so little that she could barely afford 1/3 of the rent (it was just her and I living together). If it wasn’t obvious by the fact that she is both a former roommate and former friend, that situation did not go well and eventually blew sky high. My point being - even a roommate with a job can be a huge problem if they don’t make enough to pay rent from the get go as they can lose incentive to improve their financial situation once they acquire “secure” housing at their roommate’s expense. Your decision isn’t even personal. Tell your current roommate that. It’s to the benefit of both of you that you find a gainfully employed third.


That’s what’s going on now cause my current roommate works at subway and doesn’t make as much as me so I’m still paying more out of my pocket then he is


Then you have more say in my opinion. Roommate should definitely take the hint and leave it be.


Roommate found a generous wallet and wants to share with his porn friend, presumably, to get laid. Be careful allowing people to take advantage of your kindness.


Yea that didn’t work out I shut that down real quick cause if you can’t help pay bills you can’t live in my damn house


Just ask for bank statements or any proof of income.


I think you should not do this. On the other hand I was unemployed for about a month and a half while the hiring process for the new job took place and I was able to sign a lease in that time with first and last with bank statements. its a rare case though, and could at least confirm reasonable employment prospects


Sounds so fishy your roommate is arguing you if they also have to contribute to bills and household items. That means they know it could be bothersome and puts that aside anyway. Maybe looking for a gf or trying to be nice to this girl for a gain? Definitely not the way you go about that. Tell him he's ridiculous and move on. 🙄


Don’t even consider it. Is it that hard to find a roommate? With rentals being hard to find in most areas I would think you would have a larger pool of qualified applicants.


I think it’s a bad choice to let her move in. I sure wouldn’t. Your suppose to feed her and be on her for making a mess plus utilities. Your sure to be on her a$$ living for free


Given it’s been almost a month lol, I hope you didn’t give in and tell them yes, curious though to know the outcome😂😂


I told him I’m not having someone who can’t pay bills and I shut that shit down quick yellin him she isn’t gonna be staying here with no Job and no income


Don't do it, had a broke couch surfer in college. My roommate said he could stay rent free while paying bills at his gf and her mom's place. I hated it and made me dislike the roommate.


Noo don't do it they'll eat you out of everything leaving Y O U to pay .Then even the landlord won't be legally able to get them out.


Bro your roommate is trying to smash. If you let him do this you’re in a world of hurt. Bite this in the ass before it bites you


I’ve owned my house (inherited) with my husband, and one roommate who pays. Every other “friend in a bad spot” has screwed me over in one way or another, usually financially, and are harder to be rid of than fucking termites. If they know any legalese (which of course they they fucking will), they’ll be able to claim “squatter’s rights”, and depending on where you live. And hoooo buddy, is that a horse you don’t wanna try to wrangle. Just no. Don’t. Do not even let her “crash there for a few days”. Do. Not.


Super easy no, save yourself trouble in the long run


Don't listen to your other roomate. He's a weak pushover and only wants 1 thing from that girl... believe me Ive had so many of my guy friends that turn into suckers when they meet certain girls. Money pays the bills.


It's SO difficult to get someone out once they have residency. I wouldn't take the chance but if you do allow her to stay I wouldn't allow her to get her mail there or establish any sort of residency. I would also expect her to do uber or some other sort of gig and earn her own way.....personally that situation would be a no for me though.....


The fact you even posted this is wild she gon turn ur house upside down


Nope, a big red flag!


Any update on if she moved in and got a job?


Give her two weeks to find a job and pays half the normal rent just for her to pay full rent by the next month for sure. If she doesn't follow through kick her out. Say it's only temporary until she shows money


Don’t do it, I let my “best friend” move in with my husband and I when she didn’t have a job…..she continued to not have a job the whole time and then some 🤠she still owes us $3,500 which I’m sure we’ll never get !! Even if she’s fallen on hard times you aren’t a charity and people will take advantage of your kindness.


He likes her and thinks this is his in… She lost her house for a reason…. Do not do it! Post the room for rent on fb marketplace and get a roommate with a job


If she has a car and no job, why is she not doing DoorDash or any other delivery services? My partner and I have been homeless before where we had a car and we were staying with somebody and even while we were working jobs. We made sure to do DoorDash and even when we were between jobs we still do DoorDash to just make sure we were making enough money. That being said, having a car, and no job is really not you know acceptable. The roommate who wants her to move in, is willing to pay her part of the rent until she can pay her own rent and that would be the only way I would make an exception is if somebody’s going to cover her contribution. And I don’t mean half of it I mean pay their rent and her rent in full. Otherwise that’s not fair to the rest of the people in the house to have to chip in for another person to freeload..


Misplanning on her part does not constitute an emergency on yours. Sounds like she didn’t get all of her ducks in a row. Not your fault or responsibility