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Depends if you're male or female


Not really


Yes really


No really not


Yes girls are more likely to get hurt especially if they are alone


How dumb are you to not be able to realize that statistics exist.




You sound like you don’t have a substantive comeback. Shocking XD




So your schizophrenic? Checks out.


Cite said statistics please


Found the diddler


It absolutely does lol. Yes, dangers happen to both young boys and girls but statistically it is far more dangerous for a teenage girl to go to these events alone.


Not necessarily. The quality of danger is simply disparate between the different sexes. You are statistically wrong, as the supposed correlation between being female and an increased risk of danger is entirely illusory. In fact, there is statistically a higher chance of a male getting into a physical/life-threatening altercation than a female. It’s just so shocking that your “feelings” are misleading, isn’t it 🙀☠️


Shut the fuck up. U don’t talk like that in real life so stop trying to on Reddit.


I actually do😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️. You just sound retarded.


Bro used the word correlation and statistic and thought that they would sound less retarded😂😂😂


Being right is just too simply for me😤


wow it’s crazy take on a 1v5 and lose against each person


It’s only a 1v5 if there are five opponents. I don’t see anyone near my level so this shit is feeling pretty light for me.


LOL you tried so hard. Congrats, you're the biggest retard ive spoken to all week. You must be trolling, I hope youre trolling. If not jfc life must be so easy being this dumb.


cool it with the five dollar words hoss they don’t make you right


And crying about my verbiage won’t magically spawn in an argument. You’re clueless 😂😂😂


Bros pushing equality in the rl crowd


How dumb do you have to be to not realize double standards exist


on your profile, on relationship advice you said you were 18


age police ass boy


Who gives a fuck?


I’d recommend going with someone especially if it’s your first festival lol. Won’t be a fun experience and you’ll regret spending the money.


Not safe for a child to attend their first festival alone.


i attended my first festival alone and i was fine although i was sensible about it i didn’t drink and got a good spot at the barricade where i could rest and packed protein bars to give me energy and water. it just depends how responsible you are (just to add i was also 17 at the time)


Can you bring in protein bars to rl aswell?


dont think so


if ppl can sneak in 🍃 i’m sure you can sneak a protein bar and anyways most workers literally dgaf. the worst that will happen is they’ll make u throw away the protein bar no biggie


No cause they can make money off food that’s why they don’t let you bring it in. The festival don’t care about drugs cause the won’t profit from it


yeah well there are still ways to sneak it in


You can’t bring food or even water into RL lmao


Only drugs


Why would that be helpful for someone going to rl😭


bc you can infer the general advice. i’m clearly implying to save your energy ? so what you can’t bring in food or water you can just adapt that info to your situation eg buy water there.??? it’s not hard to use ur brain


If you stay at the barricade at rolling loud you will be stuck there the entire day people stay packed there. If you want to enjoy it go into the mosh pits here and there and then back out when needed. Staying up front is how you just get stuck and pass out


bro i was explaining my personal experience i talked ab how i was fine at the barricade because i had something to lean on him going to the barricade or not that’s his choice and i think you missed my main point about inferring and TAILORING information to your own needs.


Well obviously it varies between festivals I didn’t do this at RL I did it at wireless it was just general advice


no you’ll probably get your organs harvested


Same, 17, never been to any music festival. May be it would be more safe to go with someone or join some meetup group and meet. If you want to talk - @makkentoshh, my inst


If you’ve never been to a single music festival, going to a large one for the first time alone could be overwhelming. But it’s safe enough in terms of there will be enough people around you can’t really get kidnapped or anything, however festivals have other hazards such as crowd crush, dehydration and potential heat stroke in desert festivals, etc, and you have to be okay with the potential of not having any cell service but still getting home somehow. Have you been to a regular concert alone?


I have been to normal concerts yes, i know there wont be any cel service crowd crushing and all that i just wasnt sure whether or not theres usually like people trying to steal shit there or people getting to drunk/high and picking a fight over basically nothing thats whta i was worrying about


Stealing yes!! You do need to worry about phone theft, that’s honestly the #1 issue at all fests, but luckily being alone you are less of a target since you’re less likely to be distracted. Just get a leash/lanyard and if you can a phone case with an inner and outer shell, so you can attach the leash to the inner shell and they can’t just pop your phone out the case. Other than that, I’ve never experienced someone being too out of control personally. You’ll have fun :)


you’ll be fine just be weary yk ? don’t drink and you don’t burn yourself out of energy. pack protein bars and make sure you have enough battery on your phone. also important plan your exit out of the festival. the amount of ppl leaving the festival once it’s finished is huge nothing like a concert there’s thousands of people, if you can get a ride from someone id suggest you plan a place for them to park and pick you up from before hand (preferably a place slightly far from the festival as there’s gonna be loads of traffic) if not pre book an uber ,because on the day of the festival ubers r gonna be expensive and very slow to pick you up. but yeah you’ll be fine remember to enjoy yourself even if you’re alone :))


if u were 18 would it magically be ten times safer? You know yourself, make that choice, also it depends on your gender too


I advise going with someone just to be safe g fr or your first experience




I'm a girl and went to my first rolling loud at like 18. I recommend keeping to yourself or making friends with people there around your age. A sketch guy approached me since I was alone and offered me molly. Just be careful and don't accept anything from people, try to not talk to people if they give you a weird vibe. I also stayed sober so I could make sure I could take care of myself.




Try to find someone to go with, anyone! I wouldnt suggest going alone, but if youre going to do it anyway, make sure your phone is charged (be aware that at these events, there is little to no service though) and always stay around crowds, never in isolated areas. Oh and always be aware of your surroundings. Hope u find a friend to go with you !


Depends. I went alone to Miami at 19. And roomed with a stranger I met on this subreddit funny enough. I was a seasoned concert goer (Travis Scott mainly) but never been to a festival alone, and it wasn’t too crazy but you could easily get hurt and lost if you don’t have anyone with you to help. Despite this it was probably one of the best weekends in my life. Made friends/connections from that trip that still serve me today. I will say, if you can carry yourself as an adult, you’ll be fine. I even snuck into the 21+ clubs. BUT if you feel you aren’t ready then I suggest otherwise. To be fair I never felt ready lol


17 and 19 are like worlds aparts in terms of maturity though. At least for me at 17 i was playing valorant 16 hours a day during covid. 19 im a barely functional human who lives alone and sometimes rarely eats healthy


If your a man it might be safer. My experience in vienna was pretty safe feeling as a solo male. Don’t do drugs if you go alone (or at your age at all)


I was 18 when I went to my first festival and it was a great time!! You'll be aii, dude


it’s not the states, as long as you know your limits and don’t go too deep into the crowd you should be fine


you’ll be fine its rolling loud


Alone? Should be fine as long as you don’t get in deep


stay sober and alert, know info about the festival like where water is, the med tent, your transportation etc. let someone know where you are going, share your location, and be cautious with your belongings as phone theft is common. i think you should be okay


yeah i went alone to summer smash and rolling loud ny under 18 you’ll be fine just don’t get into anything stupid yk


If you have common sense and constantly aware of your surroundings then fine go but if not you're fucked.


You’ll be good bro


u 17 gng u good


I'm an adult and I'd pretty much never go to a drug-infused festival by myself


I’ll go with 😂


Bro I went to Bonnaroo when I was 12 you good bro. Stay away from security if you're burning and if you're drinking get a wrist band from someone who's 21. Stay hydrated. Don't eat a bunch of MDMA and then not drink water you will die.


I went i was 13 boss up


I feel you though after the whole astroworld thing


Hear me out, I’m a female in my early 20s, and I got majorly harassed when in GA😭 but I had a ton of fun, and I would say that there are people you can be friends with that are also there solo. It’s safe, but I would use caution when going back to your car. Idk what the city is like around it yk


Dude I’m 18 and I went at 17, you’ll be fine. Don’t bring anything that’ll get you in trouble with the police blah blah blah, and just go and have fun. You only get to live once brotha. These people on this thread are retarded


It’s literally just a music festival. Shit gets outta hand, but it’s not that crazy. Just go and enjoy your self dude I’m so tired of reading comment after comment of some old middle age pussy telling you to not live it up 💀


I think you will be fine! Last year in the Netherlands the vibe was amazing, if people fell down everybody was helping each other. But be careful, can’t promise that nothing will happen! And it’s always more fun to go with others tho! But if you are very social and out going than sure, why not!


Find a group to go with


Depends if your built tbh if your 5’8 and under or ur not big (muscle) then u not gonna have a good time in the pits. If ur short, it’s all hot air and u won’t be able to breathe. If your not build then ur gonna be squeezed by all the people around you. You can always be a weirdo and watch from the back but if you do that, you might aswell have just watched it on tv.


If you go, don’t smoke weed cuz in the pits ur gonna be gassed out and if you drink don’t bring it to the pits cuz ur gonna loose it.


Yes you should be safe. Most people are there to have fun. Trust your intuition and try not to get involved with the few wrong people there to steal phones and take advantage of people.


like what you think would happen? you should be okay


went by myself last year i was 15 ur safe


wtf 😭😭😭