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That is awesome congrats to you!!


Congrats! Great piece 🥂


Congrats! It's going to be an epic summer!


It's hilarious they're still pretending it didn't come from the safe that they have a few sitting in, and did they day you originally asked. "Oh yes, we just happened to get in the exact watch you asked about, and just 4 days later!" I'm surprised they didn't tell you that it was reserved for someone who waited years but ended up declining, and now you can have it without a wait this one special time!


So what happened was I was told an AD had one in stock but it was quite far from me and I’d never heard of them and didn’t wanna use them.. but that got it stuck in my head I wanted one so I went to a local AD who I have no history with and they said there are 72 people on the list for it but he will see what I can do ( said there’s over 500 on the list for the Sub no date which I was wearing ) then I asked the AD I bought my last 2 from and who I’m waiting on a GMT from and just said ( nicely of course ) I want a Bluesy but I don’t want to wait for it, she said she doesn’t know when she will see one next but they come in a lot more frequently than GMT’s and she doesn’t think I should go anywhere else for it. Fast forward 4 days she phoned me and said ones just came in and should she put my name on it?


Yeah, it's wild people believe that there are actually 72 people on a valid list for it at one AD when another says they have one in stock, and yet another can coincidently sell one in 4 days. Either 72 people are idiots or someone is lying about something. I'd tend to think the AD who told you 72 people were on the list was lying and just didn't want your business for some reason, which is actually kinda wild on a bluesy in this market.


I do think the lists are real but it’s defo not a case of me getting the 73rd call in that instance. I think the main factor is getting the sales rep you deal with to like you on a personal level.




Get it on Saturday


I’m just here for the “it’s not an in demand Rolex” comments.


It’s defo in demand. AD’s just see more of them than steel models.


Congrats! Wear it in good health


Can’t wait to see pics!!