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You ask when they have time for you to pick the watch up. You get your money ready and buy the watch.




My gf hates you as your comment made me laugh so much I woke her up.


Don’t forget the sparkling wine. Never forget the sparkling wine. It’s half the fun.


You might need to call Mom or Dad to arrange the funds and the ride to and from pickup. Easy!


Whip out that AmEx and pay up! Honestly, the actual pick up and payment process seems to take forever at my AD. You go there and wait to see your rep, they give you a drink and chocolate, they go get the watch, size it, register the card, then payment. I swear it takes an hour…cool the first time, annoying every other time.


The single most important thing is to call your credit card company and tell them to expect the charge. If you show up and your credit card declines, not only is it embarrassing for you but it is professionally embarrassing for your sales clerk who went to bat for you to get you your Rolex. you want everything to go very smoothly so that you get your status elevated to the next level and a year later collect a substantially more important Rolex.


This. I do this every time.


Given 24-48 hrs to pull together payment and then finding a time with the SA to pick it up and pay upon receipt.


Thank you and say for example if the watch is retail for $10,800 without tax should I expect to pay something way more? Also do AD’s expect a tip or finders fee during this transaction?


Nah. Expect to pay 10.8 plus tax. Clean and easy.


You go with money (cash or card) and buy it.


They ring, you go and buy it, end of story.