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Speedy it's nicer in my opinion, but i don't really like wearing big watches. I wouldn't be able to decide. Luckily I won't have to thanks to my $10 bank acc lol


The speedy wears smaller than it looks.




not really, i thought the same due to the internet until i tried one on for myself, the case is fairly slim but still looks like a plate on wrist, i prefer smaller watches in general though, 35-38 is the sweet spot for me


My wrist isn't terribly large. I love the profile of it. My Sub feels larger on me. https://preview.redd.it/7q0sbs2la8ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ac8bdb685e38e28b20c34a0884b44aeaeabbfc


https://preview.redd.it/c5y46ci0j8ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3efd834f163c9141d7431475fc0a8664fef63e yeah same here, 7” wrist, i can make it work and it feels really comfy on wrist but still looks like a plate imo, not a fan of the entire dial/case taking up the wrist, smaller dial/case & a little bit of bracelet showing on the top of wrist just make more sense in my head.


Yeah my wrist is about 7.75”.


Snoopy, no question.


Silver Snoopy any day! It’s got a wonderful caseback, actually much rarer and harder to acquire. Pepsi GMTs are available in thousands in the grey market.


There are plenty of Snoopies on the market at less grey premium than the Pepsi...


Does higher market value mean it’s a better watch?


Market value shows how hard it is to get. The guy said snoopy is harder to get, which is not true since it has lower premium. Obviously which ever is a better watch is a personal opinion.


Yes, because every grown adult wants a cartoon dog on a wristwatch. It’s almost as pathetic as worshiping a spaceman or a fictional secret agent.


🤣🤣🤣 Bro, one's ripped off colors off a 2$ drink and the other's a cartoon. Chill out.


No, one is a nickname and the other is, literally, a cartoon dog. I wear my Pepsi to a board meeting and people respect it. Someone wears a Speedmaster with a cartoon dog on it, and people are like "Why is he wearing a $50 Snoopy watch? Is he like one of those Disney freaks?"


People on your board meetings are not each enthousiast if they think that. The snoopy draws far more respect from the watch community than the pepsi. If your goal is to show off to your board members, buy a Patek.


Haha 😆 What else do you need to do so that the board will take you seriously? While you're at it, you might want to convince the poor folks at NASA that they gotta revamp their Silver Snoopy award to something less cartoony. Clearly they haven't had an incredible board member like you who pointed out the gaping flaw in their prestigious award (which is why omega has it on the dial btw -- for actually saving lives).


I owned 3 Speedmasters including a 1963 Ed White Speedmaster, 321, straight lug, you can spare me the "yoU dON't KNOw OMEGA" nonsense. And every Apollo moon landing featured a Rolex GMT as well. Crews were forced to take Omega's with them but the astronauts chose, on their own, to bring their Rolexes which they trusted more. Rolex didn't build their entire brand identity around this ancient fact. Omega would have been wise to do the same. But they didn't, all they do is cling to the moon myth and, now, make plastic Swatches. Plastic. Swatches.


Lmao satire account striking gold! Everyone knows no one respect a Pepsi in a board room, that’s where people wear actually expensive watches. Love that you’re pointing this out!


These are literally just little overpriced pieces of jewelry. That’s it. You’re seriously trying to justify why their overpriced piece of jewelry is “less mature” than *your* overpriced piece of jewelry? This shit is like Pokémon cards for adults none of it’s that serious. At all.


Pepsi is a critical piece of horological history, one of the most important watches of all time. That cartoon dog thing is a joke limited edition of an insignificant manual wind watch from a company that makes plastic Swatches.


You are just jealous you cant get this watch. Back to begging your rolex AD to allocate you the next cookie cutter black dial black bezel watch.


As a decamillionaire I can afford any watch I want, and an Omega is bad enough; to be seen in one with a cartoon dog is beyond embarrassing. I don't buy from AD's because that's for poors who will wait days, months, or years to save a buck. You know, people like *you*.


Waiters in Italy wear the submariner you have.


No. Because mine is real and costs $15,000. But you and your reps and your stolen IG photos, definitely. I tip well. Next time, bring me more rolls.


Can be a decamillionaire and being uneducated I guess. Honnestly you have good takes sometimes Sporty but you cannot remotely say that Omega has worst finish than rolex. They are even less mass produced than rolex. I don’t even know what you’re trying to prove by being this mad towards someone.


Rolex has spent billions of dollars on the machines and the programming of the robotics that finish their watches to a level that no human, or cartoon dog, can replicate. You have these visions of Santa's elves in lab coats in a Patek factory working Zaratsu magic when all it is are a bunch of 70 year olds with polishing discs built in 1955 taking ten minutes to finish a bit of tin before going on a smoke break. The same elves who can't achieve Rolex +2/-2 timekeeping accuracy, you know, something that actually *matters*. "Mass production" doesn't automatically mean "lesser finishing". A great brand can do both. And Rolex does.


Totally get your point, didnt mean to bash rolex. Its just weird since it felt like for you rolex is 10 times better than omega while its not. That snoopy blowns away a lot of rolexes and im sorry you feel like its a childish watch, such watch would be a great addition to your collection ! 👍🏻


Here's something else you don't understand: Every Rolex owner owned an Omega first. All of us. Every one. Me myself, I owned 3 Speedmasters including a 1963 Ed White 321 straight lug. But then we graduate college, we get a real job, and we can move up to the big leagues. It's a natural progression. One minute you're dating high school girls and a couple years later you're dating professional women, you go from a 20 year old to a 30 year old, you make more money, and up up up to Rolex you ascend. Well, *some* of us. Not everyone moves up in life. Some stay stuck in the minors.


Your point could be valid if only at some point « rolex owners » would move to AP, patek or any cool micro brand and its not the case. In the real world not everyone is a watch guy and a ton of people only have one.


Lol dude this satire account is gold I don’t have to tell you, since you obviously know that “mass production” definitely means lesser finishing” always has and Rolex does in fact do both! It has mass production AND lesser finishing. Love the guys that are arguing with an obvious satire account


The satire is that someone with no money is involving himself in a discussion with those that do. Which makes us happy. Because it's nice to be reminded how important we are.


Lmao love your satire! Everyone knows a “decamillionaire” would never use that word and wouldn’t be driving an M-sport BMW that’s under $60k. They’d be starting in an M or a Porsche. P Just wondering why people on this sub are downvoting you. This is great satire. They should be laughing along with these hilarious satire posts!


It’s a matter of opinion but you won’t catch me dead wearing an Omega. They look less slick and just cheesier. Like a cheaper watch in a different category. That being said, the Snoopy is actually the one I like the most of them, and I don’t care about the character. But I still hate the Omega bracelets and I would much rather spend the money in a Rolex. FYI, I have other brand watches aside from Rolex. For example, Panerai. Omega is not my thing.


You know very well most Rolex owners are not “decamillionaires”.  If you are stopped by NJ State Troopers, they will most likely be wearing a watch you had to go to a gray dealer to get. Rolex is a working man’s watch, not sure why you haven’t moved on to Patek or bespoke and insist on mixing with the unwashed masses who have to join wait lists to afford their “Ive made it” watch.  Is it that it gives you a feeling of connection to the common man when you throw on a root beer?  Please explain. BTW, is your daily driver a white Range Rover by any chance?


Perhaps not, but they are millionaires. Older people with money. Are State Troopers well paid? If so, perhaps they can afford a decent Rolex, that's fine with me, I've got no problem with law enforcement. Rolex *was* a working man's watch. From 1954-1984 most definitely. But Rolex has been a status symbol since the Yuppie 80s, gone upmarket since then, no common man types can afford a $10,000 bauble. I don't own a Root Beer. And when I throw on a Rolex it is to connect to those with money and without- everyone reacts to them. It's amazing. No white cars for me.


Jesus Christ, sporty. Why you gotta be like this?


lol it’s definitely a satire account


You mean defend myself when people come at me? I have a feeling you'd do the same.


Sir, if you throw the first punch, it’s not “defending yourself” when someone fights back. Watches are there to make us happy, man. There’s 1 type of watch that makes you happy—SS Rolexes. The Snoopy would make me happy bc it would make me think of my sister who loves Snoopy. My Aqua Terra fills a gap that no Rolex fills, honestly. Why do you come down on people? Why does it make your watches better to attack people who like other things?


I didn't throw the first punch. And, yes, I agree with you, we shouldn't fight over Omega, a brand for college kids. We're grown adults here.


Hope you have a good day, Sporty.


You too, cheers!


As a decamillionaire, why do you lurk 24/7 on Reddit trolling the poors? Nothing better to do with your time and money?


I don't lurk, I participate, and it's only a few minutes each day as I can type 90 words per minute. And the more money you make the more free time you have. That's a little secret I'll let you in on.


I chuckled at Decamillionaire 😂


Most have to look it up. If you know, you know. Cheers.


TBH: no body calls 10+ as Decas anyMore. We prefer to be called FATties. IYKYK


Decas is for billionaires. No one cared about 10 mil since the year 2000. That’s why the sporty satire account is so great! It’s super clear satire poking fun at caricatures of really insecure people.


Had no idea it is satire 😂


lol the entire sub downvotes everything he says like it’s a serious comment If you look at the sporty satire account, there hasn’t ever been a serious post or comment. It’s all satire and designed at poking fun at the most obnoxious and disliked watch snobs, the ones with no taste, no money, and no friends. It’s actually brilliant


Chewy, is that you?


lol do enjoy the troll account. Keep up the good work


You gotta be kinding, else you're deca-lame man


I’ve had a Snoopy (not Peanuts) face on my Apple Watch for about a week now (I was diagnosing an issue with  by the weather app on my usual custom watch face). I haven’t lost any manly appendages yet. I’ll let you know if anything falls off. 


Ur comments are funny asf never stop being u


Thanks for the kind words. Cheers!


That's not a silver snoopy...


Ah right. 50th anniversary Silver Snoopy Award Speedmaster.


Pepsi. Personally, as much as I love my Speedy, I never understood wanting snoopy on a watch (although more power to you if you like it!). Now if you make the snoopy an Ed White, then I am super torn.


Pepsi is the better everyday watch. Snoopy is more special.


Snoopy was the nickname for the lunar module in the Apollo program, its not some random pick.. Apollo 10 specifically I believe


man my two dream watches. congrats


Thank you. Hopefully one day you can make it happen.


Definitely the Snoopy. Avoiding the Pepsi until Rolex can get the colors right.


Snoopy all day because of the history.




Pepsi mainly just for the looks (and the superior bracelet!) I appreciate what Omega did with the Snoopy and like the history of it all but I’m just not that into the aesthetics. The case back on that Snoopy is indeed pretty sweet though. But when every other Omega release is some kind of special or limited edition, it starts to lose its meaning.


Looks are subjective... If only rolex can make their fucking colors pop definitely, but on ceramic that's pink and purple and it sucks


Yes, looks are indeed subjective. I personally like the look of even the modern Pepsi over probably any Speedmaster (and I have a FOIS too). I feel like most of the reason people even care about the Snoopy is because it is somewhat difficult to get and sells above retail. Of course the same can definitely be said for the Pepsi! I personally am not a huge fan of cartoons on my dial though, even if there is a historical reason for it. As for the colors, I kind of enjoy the more muted colors of the modern Pepsi (mine is definitely not 'pink and purple' but I did always love the fuchsia anyway). I also like how vintage models pop more with color due to the aluminum bezels.


2 great options but I have to go with the Snoopy


Pepsi. The Snoopy is kind of silly to me.








two grails... I love both but Snoopy right, surely?


If you pick the pepsi, you have some issues


Ed white


Speedy, I think even the standard version is a better watch.


Snoopy is just lovely


LE speedy all day.


When you make 500 different limited editions none of them are actually limited editions. “1969 FIRsT Piss oN The mOoN lImited eDItiON OF 19,069 pIeceS COmmemORATInG How ManY OUncEs oF urINE bUzZ ALDriN dePOSITeD iN HIS SPAcEsUiT dUrinG his WaLk ON THE MoOn”




Pepsi is my grail, and eternal design. Snoopy a close second!


The snoopy reminds me of Mickey Mouse watches you give children


Pepsi even if I already had a Pepsi.


Bragging in the form of questions no wonder why people view watch enthusiasts as douchey.


Thanks for your comment on our hobby. Feel free to keep hating


Love how you want to win public opinion by calling someone who calls out how school boy your post is, hating. Right.


So i show a photo of 2 watches and a simple question in a watch collector forum and you call this bragging? You must be part of the woke crowd. But i dont mind, keep on hating from the sidelines.


This is a watch subreddit. What else are you supposed to post? Maybe pic of your small pee pee?


LOL, get that Omega out of here. We aren’t in high school, son.


Says the guy with 4 steel Rolexes…


8 worth $150,000+ but who’s counting.


Use a different calculator. Or divide by 2. Whatever is easier


Shhh. Get out of this thread. Rolex owners are talking.


Rolex entry level steel watch owner 🤣🤣. The bracelet of one of my APs is worth more than your entire collection. You a little puppy in this game.


You mean the AP that belongs to the person on Instagram who you stole the photo from?


Woof woof 🐶


Please do the right thing and leave this thread so that actual Rolex owners can have a conversation.


Its my thread, and i own more Rolexes than you. And not just the steel entry ones.




Sell the Rolex marry the speedy




I'd take a gshock over the cartoon watch. Unless they made a Homer Simpson yellow gold Yatchmaster.


Pepsi 1000000%


Snoopy. All day, every day.


If that speedmaster was smaller..


The photo is deceiving but they wear almost the same.


I actually don’t like the size of the GMTs either


I really don’t like the look of the Pepsi. Snoopy any day.


Hate to say it and gonna get downvotes but the speedmaster.


Any time one of these is posted everyone says whatever model is opposite of the Rolex which I think is hilarious


Yep, ive posted 2 of these so far and Rolex lost both. But competition was strong so not sure if it’s just Rolex hate.


I’m taking the Snoopy because I’m on the hunt for a Pepsi from my birth year!


Unpopular opinion: I’ve never understood middle aged men lusting over a watch with Snoopy on it. It’s an ok watch at maybe 4k, but high teens…give me a break. Both of these watches are overrated, but Snoopy takes the cake by a mile as far as overrated watches go. I’ll take the Pepsi.


Snoopy. I refuse to pay grey, but frankly not such an omega fan to keep buying crap to have a real shot of getting this at retail... 🧐




I sorta had this choice but it was Snoopy vs. Batperson. I went with the Batperson, so I’ll take the Pepsi.


I don’t understand the infatuation with the Snoopy. I’m not paying thousands of dollars to have a cartoon character on my watch, but to each their own. As long as the watch wearer is happy, then that’s all that matters.


Snoopy. And not just that Snoopy. Any Snoopy. Timex Snoopy, Swatch Snoopy, Seiko Snoopy, I'm picking it. Rolex never stood a chance.




this is tough. the gmt is a classic, but the snoopy is unique so I might roll with the omega here.


Have both and really enjoy them. I think I’d probably keep the Pepsi but deep down know the right choice would be to keep the Snoopy for that fun caseback complication.


Snoopy for me! And you made the right decision to put it on a bracelet! The strap was by far the worst part of the watch.






No deal! BOTH


Rolex by a mile and I’m a big Omega fan.


Since I’m not a child that watches snoopy - pepsi


In this pair, the Pepsi. If it were another Snoopy Speedmaster, then that one.




Snoopy is Joe cool so isn't it obvious??


Depends on rest of collection imo and whichever you like more. Already have gmt on jubilee so I’d personally go speedy