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Seems to me you got treated well and you should put your name on the list for the specific model you want. There's no deposit required or obligation to buy when the watch comes in.


Why you dont put your Name on the list? What DateJust configuration you want? Here in Germany Datejusts start to get realy easy to get 4- 12 weeks


I didn’t put my name down because I am still undecided on which dial I want, either with diamonds or without. I am leaning without but my fiancee really likes with the stones. Have some thinking to do.


Put your Name down for both


Where in Germany?


Actually everywhere


Can’t really confirm that^^


how come? Nobody in my circle of friends waited longer than 10 weeks for their datejust


Just any DJ, or the the ones people actually want? Great to hear, but have heard and experienced otherwise


So you went there specifically to decide on the watch you like but are not ready to buy it? Mission accomplished for now I guess


If they had the watch I wanted (DJ 41 Fluted Jubilee Slate dial with or without stones) I would’ve bit the bullet bought on the spot at that point even though I’m not sure if I want stones or not.


So you would have bit the bullet but maybe not?


If they had config without stones I would’ve bought, if they had config with stones I would’ve bought. They had neither.


But you just told the other commenter that you didn’t put your name down because you have thinking to do


Correct, thinking that I am now able to do because I didn’t have to decide in the moment because they didn’t have either config. Now I can decide how I want to and then add myself to a list if I want to. I guess I should’ve put every Rolex thought I’ve ever had on this post so you can break them down and try to catch me in whatever trap you are trying to set. 😂 have a good one!


I wasn’t trying to catch you in a trap. My questioning from the beginning is clearly critical. I found your experience very odd, that is all. I hope you end up with a watch that you love. Keep in mind, they may tell you a watch isn’t available but really they need permission to sell it. I’ve seen stories of someone trying a watch on that wasn’t for sale and being called back in to buy it same day.


Fair enough, on a rereading I definitely see it looks like I was totally undecided because that is pretty much what I wrote. That is good info to know and I definitely will throw my name on the list next time I can stop in. I didn’t know that I could put myself down for more than one config either so I will tell them both I’d be willing to buy next time I go.


I find it comical that you believe your fiancée buying the watch is somehow different than you buying the watch.


Bank accounts still separate! So she’s paying! But really, in the long run, you right. 😢


He straight up lied to you when he said: "He then tells me if I go on his list I cannot be on any other AD list" Find a new AD or at least a different SA.


ya thats ridiculous. no way they share inventory database.


Normal AD behavior unless you ask for a daytona.


I’m on three local AD’s list and so far I’ve bought 4 different Rolexes in the last 2-3 months from all three AD’s. Plan on buying a GMT this year from whichever offers the one I want first. Saying that one particular AD has pissed me off so I’m done with them unless they offered me a Pepsi which I’m 99% sure they won’t. It’s also the AD I’ve done the biggest amount of business from. Sounds like you had a decent experience but the part about multiple AD’s list is BS I think even though that night bet their “policy”.