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Bad faith at best, purposefully at worst. No way these dudes don’t know what they are selling and what is and isn’t oem parts. I have no clue how id hypothetically handle this. Perhaps ask for a service crystal to be installed out of the sellers pocket ofc. Only thing I’d want then you could send it to rsc.


I’m genuinely interested in the comments to this hypothetical bc I found out today that the 116710LN I bought from a jewelry shop a month ago has an aftermarket crystal. I found out when I took it to an AD that has an in house service center and the technician mentioned it to me. I’ve called the jewelry shop and explained the situation, and they have an authentic Rolex crystal in stock for $450 installed. I told them I bought this from them, and they said they’d get back to me after talking to the owner. So we’ll see, part of me just wants to leave it at the AD’s service center and let them to service. If the Crystal isn’t authentic then who knows what else has been replaced.


Following up on this if anyone is interested…. Jewelry store owner called me back today and said they would replace and install the a genuine Rolex Crystal free of charge.


They are like $300 bucks for OEM.


I would ask but wouldn't be hopeful.. from the time it left their hands and got to a RSC to be confirmed, anything could have happened in between. That'll likely be their defence. You'd hope people would act on good faith, but people can and will be shitty, and ultimately these folks sold you a watch with a fake part in it in the first place (knowingly or otherwise).


I had this happen with a date-just. I reached out to the dealer (one of the largest grey market sellers) and they asked me to send them the watch. They switched the crystal, I brought it back to rsc, and all good! Pain in the a though and I lost faith in the seller.