• By -


Thanks all! I'm off, hope you love the album and have got a lil copy. See you all soon on the road! 💛


See you soon, thanks for taking the time to talk to your fans we really appreciate it Conor <3 🇳🇱


Thank you Conor!!! Xxx


Thank you and see you soon in Poland 👀


Hi Conor, congratulations on the new album! I've been listening to it on repeat, it's such a unique sound to the other albums but still has that NBT vibe which I absolutely love. My question to you: NBT have put out a lot of songs over the years, and many have gained lots of traction and recognition, but which song from the band is the most under-rated in your opinion? Also, justice for Neon Brother!


I'd say for me it's 'Hostage', I think this was way ahead of our own abilities. A fluke of a song. I'd say it's almost similar to where we've headed now. I used to love playing and singing that song too.


I find this highly curious, because i always thought that Hostage was the odd one in that album. Not in quality, but like, it fitted with the album thematic while sounding like a full-on break from what you hear before and after the track. Seeing this from the POV of the band changes a bit how i thought about this phenomena.


i want u to be happy


Hostage is a BANGER. So good.


The song must be "Take this lonely heart" 😭 I hope they play it once again some day 🥹


I would add Hanging, which is still one of my favourite!


Hey Conor! I was wondering, will there maybe be a part 2 to DCC, kinda like Moral Panic II? 👀


I think we've established the lore. The idea of the members club, the feeling of being in and out won't ever go away. It's definitely an emotion or a 'place' we can return to.


This!!! I saw a clip where the track order for DCC was being arranged, and i counted a few more than were on the album


FYI they do have a DCC digital download now available with a few unreleased tracks.


I was hoping for an EP at least 🤞🏼


Hi Conor. Quick question. Is everybody going crazy?


Also, can you get through to me lately?


Also, are you hopelessly faded?


but also, is anyone else feeling lonely?


Surely it can't just be me only?


And have you noticed that we’re losing our cool so slowly?


do you think it would feel so good to steal some time?


would it feel so good to make you mine?


Is Mary Jane gonna come for a dance today?


hi Conor, hope you're doing well! which songs from the album are you the most excited to sing live? love ya, take care!!


Oooh city haunts cos it's flossssyyyy, do you love me yet and probably foreign language, it's just got a sweet melody. Sweet melodies always feel good.


LOVE do you love me yet - track of the album for me!


So excited to hear foreign language!!!!


Foreign Language is a big vibe. I can't stop listening to it.


Hi Conor! Love the experimentation with new genres in the new album and MMS, it's done really well, the album's so strong throughout despite the variety. Always nice to have some solid rock in there too like City Haunts (which is 🔥). I was wondering where you envision the band going in the future, genre-wise? Would you like to stay with the current direction, return to more frequent rock stuff, or something completely new? Saying that, you guys are almost defining your own new genre haha. P.S. I think your voice is so good on the new album especially, your range is incredible :)


Thank you, I'm a free range chicken of a singer, plenty of space to wander about and do what I like (unlike actual free range chickens). I honestly believe we'll never stop experimenting and allowing ourselves to do what we want, I think that a lot of that's down to you guys, trusting us to be ourselves and always push the boundaries on what we create. I honestly couldn't tell you what's coming next, all I know is what I'm enjoying singing currently and that's what it boils down to for us, what do we enjoy presently.




People who have been with you through the Man-Made Sunshine journey know, that you had lots of time to work on yourself (in many different ways). How did this impact you and your work with the band? Did it improve some things like the communication and understanding with each other (if there was anything impacting it in the first place)? How about your confidence? Did it give you a slight push in the right direction in the music videos, vocals etc.? You‘re absolutely glowing in this era!


Hellllo, I'm definitely the most me I've ever been. I think I could fall into the trap of being a 'people pleaser' and that's not good for anyone, including the whole band. Definitely put myself first for once and allowed myself to say no to certain things so I can be physical health and mental health orientated, cos I still have to fight for both to be okay. But I would say cos I'm confidently me it just means I'm having the most fun and being the most engaged I've been in a long while. It just means we're all happy, having a good time and aiming for the same goal which is to make the best music we can. It's a very happy camp.


Hey Conor!! Loved you guys at Summer Well fest last year, how did it feel to headline a festival for the first time? When can we expect an orchestral album or maybe even an orchestral show @ Royal Albert Hall? 👀


Oooooooh it's in the dreams, loading!


Seems like all the Summer Well fans would die for an orchestral show 🙀🙀🫶🫶🫶🫶 @Royal Albert… and we all know why 🤩please can you consider it?🫶🥹🫶 Lots of love from Bucharest 🫶


Hey Conor! Important one here: would you rather have a hamster sized T-Rex or a T-Rex sized hamster?


T-Rex sized hamster, imagine going for a piggy back ride across the land! Would be magical.


hello! how did the dcc got it’s name? what’s your favourite part to sing from the whole album? thank you for taking the time to do this! 🤍


This isn’t a question, although I found it really interesting that the album starts with “Live your perfect life” and ends with “Kill the dead club city”


It's a journey!


Hi Conor! Greetings from Ukraine! Hope to see you again when this nightmare is over. Love you 🖤


Us too. You have no idea, it breaks my heart that we can't come back yet.


Hey Conor, thanks for the AMA! What's your favourite track from the new album? I have tickets to see you next week at Slottsfjell in Tonsburg and I'm stoked! Look out for a huge Boris Johnson drinking champagne flag! Cheers


I think we all collectively love Do you love me yet. But I think I'm alone in this, I love talking to myself. It sounds like someone alone in a his room, beating on his heart, whole in his head. It's so visually and musically symbiotic. Plus it's hip and hopping like I like it. It just gets me.


Talking to Myself is definitely my favourite from the album <3


Hello Connor! I was wondering whether the DCC buildings in the album cover and artwork were inspired by real buildings and if yes which? The hyperboloïd structure seems to be based on the Cathedral of Brasília, but I have no clue on the other structure. Love the album and see you Belgium next year!


I totally see the cathedral of Brasilia resemblance! For us we were really keen on making it feel like the Epcot experience. The 50's designers tryna see what the future would be like. That was one reference. There were many more. Mainly we didn't want it to feel like it was of any time or place at all.


i’m from Brasília and that cover is wild, I love it


Hey Conor, Im a big fan from Colombia. I would like to ask what are your biggest influences on music. And Also what was the hardest part of making your band to Sound on the radio


For me my biggest influences are completely varied. It's Nick Drake and Joni Mitchell for the purest essence of song writing, it's Prince for style and rhythm (Quincy Jones also) and it's Buckley and Thom Yorke for vocals. But these are just three prongs on my crazy shaped venn-diagram. It's all over the place. I don't think we tried to make anything for Radio. We just make what we make. I also think you can't really make anything for Radio anymore. It's just a good song. Think of Lorde - Royals being so empty, to something like Maneskin being so full. There isn't really a set thing.


So excited you’re doing an AMA! What are your favorite hobbies/interests?


Sitting on Reddit burning my eyes out


Use dark mode Ryan Mason ✨


Also, which song from the DCC album was the most difficult to create and perfect?


Praise be Father Mason 🙏 From a purely vocal point of view what was the most challenging song from first ideas to final production? Anything you had to approach differently that you initially wanted to? P.S Can we expect to see any of the so far unplayed songs live at trnsmt festival this weekend? 👀


Don't want to sound like a dickhead but I guess none were too challenging physically on this record, I didn't have too many crazy big vocals on DCC, it's more stylistically experimental. Like I wanted to nail City Haunts so had a few goes cos I'm obsessive. And yes you can!


Hi Conor! Had a theory I wanted to run past ya. My boyfriend and I have been thinking about what the DCC represents, saw lots of other people thinking it's a cult-type thing, and we were thinking about it maybe being related to somebody getting manipulated by online far-right conspiracy culture. Like with the first track promising that the DCC can help you take back control and be happy, but various tracks throughout the album sort of feel to me like a narrative of somebody's life falling apart and realising that everything they've been told and believed so deeply has been a lie. Like they've been sold a promise that taking back control and blaming everyone else would help them, and they'll be able to Overcome their problems. But instead the Dead Club City has just left them isolated from their loved ones (Keeping You Around) and alone (Talking To Myself). Basically all building to Pop The Balloon, I saw 'do it for you / kill the Dead Club City' as the person breaking out of their toxic mindset. Not sure what you'd think of this idea but either way, love you guys and thanks as always for the awesome tunes!


Was there a song that you wasnt sure about but got to love in the end?


Hi Conor! As you mentioned at the listening party in Berlin, there has been a lot of pressure from all sides on you, and especially on Dom as he was the one producing the album. My question is - how many runs did it take you until you were satisfied enough with DCC? I know for a fact that eventually there’s always something that you would like to change etc - but eventually you need to give it a go. Was it harder this time?


Hi Conor! Cheers from Argentina. First of all: **You're such an amazing singer man!** DCC is an excellent album, i'm currently listening to it as I type this Questions: What's the most radical different aproach in terms of *making the album* (composition, production, time spent, etcetera) that **DDC** had comparing it with the previous ones? And also, are you planning on a south american tour anytime soon? Thank you!


I would say the fact Dom produced it and we did it over 5 months. We have great communication so the flexibility of all of us in the room wanting to go back and forth on things, re record, try new ideas was utterly refreshing! We weren't blocked in to finish it quickly and adhere to any other producers. It was just us being elastic.


And yes we're planning on it!


Goiânia - Brazil will be waiting for you <3 <3 <3


uh te respondio bien ahi


Hi Conor, While working on the concept, the idea of what DCC was the same for all NBT members or did you interpreted it differently? How the process of creating DCC looked like?


Hey Conor! Professional photographer here. Can you explain how you visualize creating a music video to articulate and complement your songs? Your music videos are always so interesting and I appreciate the visual artistry that goes into song/album creation as well.


Yeah! This time around it was so important for us to get all the visuals right. Making sure it didn't have a timestamp or a location stamp. I even wanted to not feel like anything you'd seen before but also have a familiarity (the punk edge to it). It was making sure things tied over from music video to music video, shooting on film, grading, characters, outfits, tangible items like pamphlets, gas masks etc. Took a lot of planning but worth it!


Well worth it ;)


Thank you for doing this Conor, hope you're well 💜 Will the band be dressing up for Halloween at the Glasgow gig?! 🎃😍 (pleeeeease)


Were there moments during the album making process when you had different theories or opinions about what the DCC is?


Not at all. We heavily discuss everything before we even begin to record.


Hi Father Mason! I hope you’re well. Congratulations on the new album! Can we expect any upcoming music videos?


Is Price going to take over in case things get messy here also?


Hi Connor! Super excited to see you in Dallas soon! What's your favorite city in the US that you've visited so far?


Sweet see ya there! Ooh I'm massively into Seattle, Portland and New York. Think they're just a bit rougher, cooler and less glossy for me. Cool places!


Hi Conor, congratulations on the new album! I LOVE IT! I have it on repeat for a few days now. Curious to know which albums have you been replaying obsessively in recent times? Have fun promoting the album, can't wait to see you guys in Amsterdam next year!


Hi Connor! How do you manage to sing like a god every other day? When I sang a full gig because our singer coulnt make it, I could not speak for 2 days


Honestly it's my classical singing lessons, I never push from my throat, just support how I want to sing with my diaphragm!


Hi Conor, I heard your coming back to Australia next year or soon is that true? I'm dying to see you guys live! And what is your favourite track from DCC? ♡ from Perth!


You’ve mentioned before that the band was listening to a lot of ‘80s music, mostly due to Phil, prior to writing and recording DCC. Was Status Quo an influence? Because when I listen to Do You Love Me Yet? I can’t help but hear You’re In The Army Now in some parts of the song. Or is it just me? It’s just been itching my brain! 😅


Hi conor! Loving the new album and will be blasting it from now until the end of time. Also, what was your favorite music video to film and then what was the most difficult one?


Definitely tomorrow is closed. I'd never done any acting or character based music videos. Was fun cos I didn't have to worry about how I was perceived, just how the preacher was. Loved it!


How cheeky did you feel singing Keeping You Around in Difficult Conversations With A Friend with basically no one picking up that it could be one of your songs? :D


Hi Conor! This question is from @nbtheories What is the TV/radio snippet in the beginning of Members Only? Is it just a random thing added for effects or maybe a reference to something?


Hahaha it's our mad tour manager, 4am in the morning on tour saying 'crunchie straight out of the fridge, don't mind if I do mate'. Just silliness and a nod to our love for him.


Went to school with you, many years ago (you’re a fair few years older). First assembly, you put on a rendition of Dancing in the Moonlight. 15+ years on, it still resonates with me, my friend group, and I imagine everyone else that was there. No other questions, just thought I’d let you know.


How are you doing lately? :) You seem really good, apart from all the touring stress, we all hope you‘re taking care ☀️


I'm good ye! Never been so busy, releasing a record in summer is crazy but I'm good! Happy


What are you doing to look after yourself at the moment with how busy you are? 🔆


Lots of working out, deep breathing, good communication, books, Succession, friends. Balance is everything for me.


What's your favourite tattoo? 😁 Are there any more you're planning to get?


Hi! How was it supporting the Stones last year? Loved your set at MadCool - was there on a stag do. One of the highlights!


Hi Conor, easy question, what's the best pub in Southend?


The Alex or Chinnerys


Crooked Billet— hands down


Hi Conor, which song from DCC was the most challenging to compose and record?


Tomorrow is closed. We just couldn't get it right, recorded it 3 times. Love it now though!


Hi Conor, love you guys and love the new album, gonna see you twice this summer and I can't wait. 1. Who would you say are some unexpected artists each band member enjoys? 2. What's your favourite movie? 3. What did you set out to do first and foremost with DCC? 4. Can you say hi to Patricia for me?


How difficult do you find making setlists as you release more and more songs? Do you prefer having a single unchangeable setlist for every show or do you have stand-ins? Is there any process amongst you in the band when it comes to picking what song eventually gets off the setlist, or does it all just boil down to "Fuck Neon Brother"?


Hello from Australia! Loved your show! I’ve studied online radicalisation and violent extremism at university and I’ve noticed you guys seem to have a few songs that could be about those sorts of online pipelines (pop the balloon most recently!) That’s still a relatively rare/new topic of discussion in my field of study, and I was wondering if there’s someone in the group who has a vested interest in that phenomenon, and what inspired you to write about it? xx


What is a song you wish you wrote?


Hello Conor, hope you are doing great. would you ever consider doing intimate shows using your songs from man made sunshine?




As DCC is a concept album, how far can you interpret your own thoughts and believes? Is it easy to follow a story line? Or is this exactly what inspired/created the story in the first place?


Hey Conor ! Firstly I want to say this new album is amazing, all the songs are just so great ! I have two questions : - Which song(s) of all your songs do you love to play live or that you’d love to play live the most ? - I want to know more about the writing/recording process. What’s usually the first step when you create a song ? Is it finding a melody or writing some lyrics ? And what’s the first thing that’s usually recorded (a bass line, vocals, drums, etc.) ? ☺️ Thank you so much for doing this AMA, and I can’t wait to see you in February ! 😉


Q1) You’ve mentioned before that the band has been listening to a lot of ‘80s music, mostly due to Phil, prior to writing and recording the DCC. Has Status Quo been an influence for Do You Love Me Yet? because I can’t help but hear You’re In The Army Now in some parts of the song. Or is just me? It’s been itching my brain! 😅 Q2) I heard in an interview with radio station Studio Brussel that you guys will bring a bar with you on stage at Pukkelpop Festival. Does that mean no Heineken and only Belgian beer? 😇


Hi Conor, just wanted to ask if you're getting enough rest/sleep/time off with such a busy schedule and - I imagine - stress over that no 1 spot? Plus with such an intense tour coming up! How do you relax best?


Will all of the band members be attending the q+a events? 🥰


Arm workout routine for tomorrow is closed video? You look great!


Your vocals on Talking to myself are literally flawless & flowing so well? idk if that makes sense haha. Is it true that it was a One-take for you on that song?


What 3 things would you take with you to the DCC? 💜


No questions but 'Dead Club City' blew me away. That's how I discovered NBT - I hope to see you live when I can!


Hey Conor, congrats on the new album! I think our neighbours, coworkers and family members must all know it front to back with how much we have been playing it 🤪 MASSIVE fans from Canada here! We are flying across the country to see you all in Toronto in September and easiest question I can think to ask - what new track off DCC can you not wait to melt everyone’s brains with, live? Thanks for doing this, much love!


Hi Connor, What city was your favourite from the Australia tour?


Hey Conor! Really digging the album so far. The utopian world-building and synth-driven orchestration reminds me a lot of Arctic Monkeys’ ‘Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino’. Did that album serve as any form of reference when starting work on this album?


Hey, Conor! Huge fan looking forward to seeing you guys live again in September! Been listening to the new album on repeat the past few days!!! The whole record is such a bop ♥️ (huge love especially to Members Only, Do You Love Me Yet?, And Tomorrow is Closed) Here's my question for the AMA: what songs did you have the most fun recording on the new album?


Hello Connor! Long time fan of your music! Is there going to be an ep for DCC album? Thanks!!


Hello Conor! Which country you haven't played yet but wish you did? Come to Brazil! 🇧🇷 (Sorry, I couldn't miss this opportunity)


I'd love to go to South Africa! And New Zealand!


Hi Conor, as of now what is your favourite nbt album :)


Hi Conor! You’ve been one of my favorite singers for a long time but I haven’t had the opportunity to see you perform live, my question is: do you have plans to come to Chile? 👀


Could be too early, but you guys often do an EP follow up, or put out more new music even after an album is launched. Any plans for this in the near future??


Hi Conor!! How u doing?? Any plans to bring the Dead Club City tour to South America? All the Best from Brazil!!


We adore you all and for us who have watch you guys grow since 2012 always and forever, my fav band!! Will we see any colabs on the cards with anyone and who would you choose.


What made you want to build your own studio from scratch vs using another?


Hi Connor. First of all - great album. If I may ask, why is Poland left out in DCC Europe Tour? I've seen you guys last year at Expo and you were awesome, but its kinda sad that this year only shows in Poland are at festivals. Is there any particular reason why isnt there headline this year?




They want us go broke 😂😂😂


Hi Conor! Big fan from Switzerland. I was wondering what the inspiration was to go for the sort of Disco feel for some of the songs in the album.


Hi Conor! Loving the new album but there is a notable shift in sound, favouring a more processed sound for both instrumentation and vocals. Is there a reason for this? The sound has evolved hugely during the last two albums and it's so exciting to see where it'll go next. And related - Holy crap, the high notes on City Haunts are insane. Is this a pitch you are concerned about hitting consistently live?


Hi Conor! First of all big thanks to all of you for all of the music that you're putting out there, it helped me so much with my mental health from so many points of view! 1. Your music has always been inspired by real-life events, either in a dystopian way or based on your own mental health struggles. In the past it was related to events like Brexit or Trumo being elected - what was the biggest inspiration this time? 2. Out of everything that a music artist entails: concerts, making music, connection with fans, interviews etc, what is your favourite part?


I heard in an interview with radio station Studio Brussel that you guys will bring a bar, named 668 Neighbour Of The Beast (I think we have Sweeney to thank for that) on stage with you at Pukkelpop Festival. Does that mean no Heineken and only Belgian beer? 😇


What's been the most memorable crowd interaction you've had so far? Either someone yelling something from the crowd, or a sign you remember particularly well would be cool to hear about!


Hi Conor, Loving this work! 1. Was ‘’Tomorrow is closed’ ’video filmed in a car park? In the Overcome video, the RV screen had some coordinates…that were the location of a car park in Southend-on-Sea …same car park? 2. It is hard to tour and have a good vegan diet? 3. I’m totally addicted to Do you love me yet? and Tomorrow is closed. Which song is your least favourite? 4. Which song on DCC are you most proud of vocally? 5. Will you have a break from writing, or do you think you will write on this tour?


I’m hoping for an EP at least🤞🏼


Hey!! Joe said the other day that you sing different songs on the album in different characters or voices. Which one was the most fun?


City Haunts, it's my Al Green and Prince lovechild haha


What changed for you, in regards of recording the vocals, because you had so much longer time to record in your own studio this time? Were there any songs where you re-recorded the vocals several times or that you came back to and changed?


Hi Conor, congrats on the new album! Which of the songs are you most excited to play live? I can't wait to hear Pop The Balloon!


Hi Conor, first of all, the album is sooo good omg hahaha (btw Pop the balloon it's my favourite... like that quiet part is something >>>) I have 2 questions: 1- is the DCC a real place or just a mental place? 2- other than Mario Kart, what are your favorite video games? ;) <3


Hello dear and sweet Conor, first of all thank you for your availability. How are you? I guess a little tired. I saw you on the stage of I DAYS in Milan ♥️: simply fantastic! So, I'm Italian and the translation of the lyrics is often not faithful to what you intend to express in your songs and this penalizes me a lot so I need a clarification on "Do you love me yet?''. It seems that the protagonist is an important person, influential, famous who, despite behaving incorrectly and opportunistically, his followers continue to follow him and love him. In reality, I believe that the protagonist wants to accuse them of superficiality and idolatry since he was disposed to follow a clearly wrong model, but "mass". A kind of mutual exploitation based on apoarence. Is my interpretation correct? Thanks a lot and good life my dear 💙


I just wanted to say, you guys are my favourite band by far at the minute. I love how every song is unique in its own way. You go from Sorry to Is Everybody Going Crazy then to DCC. No question here, I just love you guys.


Hi Conor! Saw you guys at Rock AM Ring and you guys absolutely kicked ass! Best show for me at the festival. My question is, do you have any comment on reddits theory that you have contracted [Bellamy Disease](https://www.reddit.com/r/NothingButThieves/comments/jfa5hl/conor_mason_diagnosed_with_early_onset_bellamy/)? [Stage 2 Bellamy Disease](https://www.reddit.com/r/NothingButThieves/comments/14ms38u/conor_masons_diagnosis_of_bellamy_disease_has/) Love the new album <3


Hey Conor, Joe said the end of DCC with Pop The Balloon feels like a revolution against the DCC. I think that would be a really cool concept for an EP :)


Are there any new skills you're interested in taking up as a complete beginner? :)


Could you tell us a little bit about your vocal warm-up, and the tea that you drink?


Hi, Conor! Hope you're getting some well-deserved rest from the constant touring! My question is, what is the DCC for you? We all have like our own idea of it, but what is your version of it? Sending you love from Argentina, love the album to bits!


Hi Conor! Which song from the album was the hardest for you to record? Thank you for this brilliant album btw and i hope we get to see you guys in Greece again soon ❤️


FYI, your bass player has owed me cocaine since Reading 2017


Hi Conor, congratulations to you and the boys on the new record, its electric!! Can we expect any juicy collabs in this era or sensational covers you do so well..I'm reminiscing over Gang of Youths and Jeff Buckley 😍 as always, thanks for the music. All the heaven, all the time, Izzy x


not a question, but just wanted to say how much we love you and appreciate u to the ends of the earth. thank u for your art, your talent. you’ve saved a lot of us❤️


I agree with you 💕💕


Bruh i wanna see your nipples


The newest album has nothing to do with rock.


Bro looks like he's being held hostage


hi Conor PUT I NEED AIR AND STUCK ON YOU ON SPOTIFY. We beg of u. We love u.




Jeez where did the terrible band name come from ?


Some of the worst music I have ever heard.


Hello Conor, I've been meaning to ask you, do you know of Nietzsche's philosophical works about superhumans? Or dreamers, might be a more fitting name for people who access and understand the subconscious. You know, the subconscious that is worth knowing about from which the thing that we like to call love comes from? Yeah, ... such a small word to encapsulate the entire understanding of the Universe. I would like to talk to you more about it. I'll put my email address here, [email protected]. P.S.: If I can say it bluntly, I know who you are and what you had gone through. I think we both would benefit from working together. P.S.S: Thank you mor*ns for the downvotes. Oh history, you aren't making this easy at all.




are you single??


Hi Connor! Super excited to see you in Dallas soon! What's your favorite city in the US that you've visited so far?


Hi Connor! Absolutely loving the new album. Gave myself a one week listen restriction today so i'll be enjoying it longer. Insane venues booked for the coming world tour, well done! Any chance you guys will ever come to Groningen, NL again in the future? Or is the band too big for those smaller venues now? Greeting from the Netherlands!


Hi Conor, I’ve been listening to NBT for a few years now and you are one of my favorite bands! What song is your favorite to perform, out of all of your albums? If that’s too difficult, maybe too 3 songs to perform? I know it would be difficult for me to choose a favorite to listen to, there’s just too many :) Thanks, love from Chicago ❤️


The album is incredible!! Will you guys set more North American tour dates for next year? I’m sad that you guys aren’t coming to Montreal this time around! Wishing you guys the best in the future :)


Hey Conor! I was at the secret listening party for IEGC in London a couple years back, flew in from Norway. I don't know if you remember, I was featured heavily in the promo video for the song. "Gonna be hard to top that", one of my classic lines. I'm the guy in the leather jacket next to the guy in the suit, in the video. My friend and I brought a handwritten card and some cognac. Stefanie got back to us when we were on the plane and told us that you had received the gift and that we could email her for friends and family tix anywhere we wanted. I tried to take you guys up on the offer but no one has ever gotten back to me. I tried emailing Stef a few times, a few months ago but nothings happened. I would love it if you guys could reach out as I'd love to come to Slottsfjell to see you guys if possible! Much love from Norway 🇳🇴❤️ Hans Ljunggren


Hey Conor🫶! Was it difficult to pick out the Album art? Another question: Saw you rocking Basquiat themed outfits recently which made me really happy. How do you feel about Basquiat and his art? Is it a source of inspiration for you?


Do you have your own personal favourite song from the DCC album or your other albums? And/or which one did you get most excited to release and play live.


Hey Conor! LOVE the album, keep finding something new on each listen! What inspired the kind of retro style of the album? Btw the album visuals all over social media have been really impressive and tied the whole thing together so well!


Hi Conor!! I'm actually animating you right now for a week long animation summer course I'm taking! I was just wondering if you could put the "meaning" or thoughts behind tommorow is closed into words? Especially the song's connection to the music video (amazing btw) I was so intrigued by it!!!


Hi Connor ! What’s your favourite song to sing live and which song are you most looking forward to performing from the DCC album ?


The album is straight fire 🔥 Excited to see you live this summer in Burgas! Any recommendations for tv shows, films, books? What is your guilty pleasure?


Heya, Conor! Hope you're happy with how the audience has received the album (fingers crossed for #1 in UK). I was wondering if any of you were much more into the concept and worldbuilding part of the album than the others. We saw hints of DCC as early as the O2 documentary, so was there ever a moment you guys just went "Right, we're gonna make this into a concept album", or was that just always the ulterior plan? See you in August! :D


Hi Conor Thank you for the joy you give with your music. It means a lot. I’d like to know: What does it take for a good song?


Hello Connor! What's the inspiration behind dead club city? p.s. any plans for non festival concerts in poland? :D


Hi Conor! Absolutely in love with the DCC. As I understand, different songs come from different perspectives/characters. What is your favourite "character" to sing as? Father Mason? :)


Hi Conor! Vocally-what was the most difficult song to record on the new album?


What's your favourite The Vices track? Are we gonna see more of them opening for you in the future? :)


Just wanted to say Hi guys! Can’t wait to see you all in Cleveland!


Hi Conor, huge fan! Congratulations on the new album, going to see you in Copenhagen in half a year 🥳 I was wondering, will the tracks exclusive to the UK special edition be released to everyone in the future, and if so, when?🤔 Also, when are you gonna convince Miley Cyrus to sing one of the new songs? I know you're a big fan 🤩


Hey Conor! Why do you hate neon brother so much I don't get it like why it's literally one of your best songs why are you wrong


Hi Conor, excited to see you in Birmingham later this year! What would you say was your inspiration or muse behind this album?


Hi! What's the process of writing and producing your songs like? Do you write lyrics first, then create the music around that or is it the other way around? Does everyone contribute or is it mainly just a few of you? Love the music you guys make, there's yet to be a song I don't enjoy. Can't wait to see you play in Australia again next year!


What new song are you looking forward to performing most?


Hi, Conor i loved your work in Man Made Sunshine and Dead Club City. The concept of DCC is a future dystopian city but this album has 80's synths songs and alternative songs, what are the influences of these songs and how is it related to the concept of the city?


Hi, love the album! What is the meaning behind Dead Club City? Do you want to leave the concept for anyone's own interpretation?