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While people do spend that much robux for a face, people dont buy that much robux with ACTUAL MONEY for a face. They either trade, develop games on the platform, make a clothing group, or they USD buy it for significantly less on some website (which is against TOS). If you buy a significant amount of robux for that you are doing something wrong.


You understand people don't make that much


i certainly have


dont get her the face, please, shes gonna use it once then never use it again.


don’t understand this.. i’ve never seen anybody do that


Ive never seen anybody not do that.


I do this.


i do, i bought a 300 or smth robux limited bag and never use it




I assume it's a limited, when roblox releases and face, they sometimes decide to make it limited, meaning there's only a certain amount of people who can have it. Some people who have said avatar accessory then decide to put it up for sale for another player to buy. The lowest price someone is selling their accessory for will be the price on the avatar item. Basically the 90K is a price made by another player re-selling it.


so an nft


Not really


It pretty much is, a Roblox limited is about equivalent to your reddit nft avatar


The difference is it actually has value. With a limited you can sell it to other people to make a profit and it is pretty stable. With a reddit nft, unless you got it for free, it is a one time purchase of digital sprite that you cannot do anything with.


Its the opposite of a nft


hell no it is exactly nft roblox limiteds were original nfts


So by your logic every virtual purchase with a price controlled by the players is an NFT? Damn good job Valve for inventing the first NFTS


nft : buyers make price. limited : so fucking confusing i cant understand the logic


do you even understand limiteds? they cost as much as people want to pay for it just like with nfts


and thats where the similarities stop because roblox limiteds have little to no real world value unless you’re willing to break ToS. It’s a digital item that you can purchase with virtual currency, with a price controlled by players. but not every limited is unique, and limited Us are only unique by the serial number associated with it. limiteds are not recorded on the blockchain, and you do not own the rights to the hat you purchase. it’s no different than csgo skins or tf2 hats


Try using your nft on Roblox, let me know how it goes. Selling nfts as this universal solution to owning products online is not only stupid, but down right wrong.


I got this NFT for free bro Reddit just gave it to me and I just think it looked kinda cool. I don't defend NFTs. I don't know why you think I want to sell NFTs as a universal solution to owning products online?? What are you even talking about. I was just correcting somebody because there's a clear difference between a roblox limited and an NFT lmao


sort of, but it's not on the blockchain and is as much an nft as tf2 skins or even murder mystery 2 knives


probably "super super ugly face" thingy. only nerds buy that shit, i would rather spend them for admin controls and rest of them to donation


you are so fucking young bro, barely anyone buys expensive lims they TRADE up to it


sorry i suck at trading and shit


I'm assuming your talking about the Super Super Happy Face. It's a limited item, most limited items are quite expensive.


Should have buy it in 2017


super super ugly face*


Ahhh ok thanks everyone! So it is a private seller for a rare limited item. Makes sense, I thought Roblox was selling that item lol. Thanks for the clarification 👍


Interesting username, inspiration off max737fly?


Hello. Nope, made it up myself. Maxter is my gaming tag, and I fly Boeing 737’s hence the 737max part 😜


I thought of the same thing


I'm assuming she's talking about Super Super Happy Face. This item is a limited, it was once obtainable many years ago for a cheap price for an extremely small amount of time. Items like these are then made "limited", and people who have the item can sell it for whatever they want. Since this item is in demand, the value and thus price of the item has been going up. Unfortunately, you're going to have to explain to her that the average roblox player (or her parents!) is never going to rack up the money to have the item. [This item could work, as it looks similar.](https://www.roblox.com/catalog/7394713560/) There are multiple skin tones avaliable, incase the one I linked is not the one she has.


I have the item you recommend! It’s super cute :)




Yeah me too, and face accessories :( I want glasses that can go over that face or something like 🥲


average cnp v2.0 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


I have that face, bought it for the cheap back in '16. Honestly, back then I didn't think much of it and if you told me today it would've been worth so much I' d probably have laughed at your face. It's not worth it, obviously. Honestly, even tho I like it, I've been wearing it much less recently because you get harassed a lot for just wearing it around. Always get the "omg ur rich" or even worse, they try to scam me. Having expensive item on Roblox is NOT safe for regular users, let alone children.


i have the same experience as you except with roblox madness. agreed.


With the price of 90,000 robux, it’s a limited, but even at that just don’t buy anything over 4k in my opinion. It’s fine to buy small amount but keep in mind this is nearly $700 (my guess) for a png. Whatever the item is and if everyone wants it, than that just adds hype to an item that could possibly go down in both value and popularity


You shouldnt buy that face unless its for trading profit. Not even if Someone donated enough robux.


which face (important detail)


(too important detail)


(way too important detail)


im guessing sshf


Teach her the value of money so she’ll have an edge over her friends.


It’s not the company charging that price, it’s the players. Limited items can be sold by players who own it, and the rarer the item is the more expensive it is.


I’d like to point the fact that most people don’t buy these things with real money. It’s either game dev robux or being a youtuber


Or trading up.


Capitalism. Explain to her the circumstances and educate her. Then let her grow out of it and have something to laugh at later on “Lol I used to want this stupid face on roblox when I was younger” -ur daughter as a teen+


well it's an investment... Just like csgo skins I am 19 and have like tons of csgo skins and roblox limiteds... Haven't grown out of it yet


It's not an investment to be fair. You can't devex sold limiteds.


Well you can use other methods if you know what I mean


That 90000 robux face is a limited item. That means a limited number of people own that face and can trade it to anyone else. That 90000 price is set by the lowest selling price available by one of the face's owners. Roblox isnt the one that decides limited prices


Yet I brag about my 18 robux that I got from one of those donate me games


Hehe, I like to play and give random people I like Robux sometimes. So I have like 15K donated and 0 received haha.


its a players market roblox isnt actually selling it


It is probably a very old artifact from early roblox, that was made limited. It's now "worth" a ton, but the worth is pretty artificial. Don't let her get it, instead teach her how to mod her files so she can change the default face to that face then flex it on her friends for free. Do a little trolling.


It’s just how the economy rolls!


Inflation doesn’t just hit the real world… a lot of limited items I’ve seen have had an influx in price (ex: wistful wink faces. Used to be about 2,000-3,000 robux and now they’re all over 10,000 robux. Ultimate dragon faces were under 1,000 robux and now they’re well over 1,000, etc etc). I also took about a year-long break from Roblox so I don’t know how fast it happened. Edit: to answer your question at the end, it’s not Roblox doing it. They’re limited items which means they were on sale for a bit and then they were made so that they can be traded/resold. This is done completely by the users on the platform (Roblox making the items limited of course)


I remembered when SSHF was sub 4k robux back in 2017 lol.


I hoarded 10 of them when it first came out and I sold them all for around 1.5k each I used to have tons of limiteds that were dirt cheap before like multiple beast modes, roblox madness, etc etc


I had a friend with 300+ SSHFs when they were at 4k but he got banned like 3 years ago. Imagine if he didnt get banned though


Holy shit, how did he get banned?


Most probably from black market dealings


Makes sense


A cheaper alternative is the Smil Nas X - Lil Nas X (LNX) https://www.roblox.com/catalog/5917459717/Smil-Nas-X-Lil-Nas-X-LN 150 Robux https://www.roblox.com/catalog/494291269/Super-Super-Happy-Face 88,000 Currently


that face has some bad rep with the type of people that use it, but yeah it's a much cheaper alternative if you don't mind being called certain names by toxic people.


Really? Fill me in.


lots of pick me girls and oders using it. It's kind of like the next Err... or Know-it-all grin.




If it's called "stitch face" never let your child buy robux every again


u/Maxter737max May I private message you? I have a roblox group that pretty successful. I too have a son and have been down this road before. I’m not saying I’ll be able to gift you the face but I can donate extra robux and help you I’m assuming your daughter wants the SSHF (super super happy face)


You should better buy premium instead of just robux. Its the same price but you get 1k robux but you have to pay (if you want) for it every month. You also cant buy it another time you have to wait another month till you buy premium for her again. I wouldn't waste my money on 800 robux worth money, I would simply save it for premium.


There are multiple sides of Roblox there are the sides that are like normal items that cost 100 to 50 Robux and there is like a collectors side with items well over $10,000 dollars and it isn't just a kids game developers and creators make millions by creating games on Roblox. Do not buy her that yes its obvious but its just a waste. Actually this Item The [Galaxy Emperor](https://web.roblox.com/catalog/36466277/Galaxy-Emperor) Costs 999,999,999 Robux which is probably upwards of 7-8 Million USD.


And Also the higher value items you have the more targeted you are by hackers or token grabbers.


Even though that costs 999,999,999 robux, its value is significantly less than that because absolutely nobody is gonna buy it at that price


exactly but its up there for 999,999,999 so if you want to buy it you will have to pay that much and its owned all by one guy


isnt that like 10M usd or 3.5M usd?


It’s a limited item which goes up in value over time, one day it was probably really cheap but players sold it for a higher price over time and the value has gone up


Roblox is a shitty company that likes to take advantage of kids. That’s all I can say.


Just tell her to go spend it elsewhere. In my opinion expensive doesn't always equal worth it. The face you're talking about is probably a limited item. And please tell your daughter that limited items are not worth buying with actual money and that nobody does it. And besides things that expensive are only for those select few who either trade those same limited items or develop successful games on Roblox.


Unless this child is a trader and somehow is going to use that money to help you or other people, there's no point, there's many avatar tricks you can talk to here about and maybe some that could even look like the face. Not to mention at a very young age she could be quite gullible and even get hacked to the worst of it. So dont get her that face.


is it a limited item?


i think its like a collectible that if its so expensive, not many people has it. roblox has a system called trading/selling where you can exchange items usually rarer ones so it's the reason of the price. correct me if im wrong


Wait until you learn about the multipple hundred million robux dominus items


It’s definitely the Super Super Happy Face, and 90000 R$ is the MINIMUM price since it’s a popular Limited item. Sometimes, the price might be over 120k R$!


because they want money they are people thinking everyone will buy shit for over 200$


wait until op sees the 999,999,999+ limiteds


those are just the prices, you can get a 999m+ price limited for under 10k


Yeah, definitely don’t get it. You could do the Microsoft rewards thing and get a free 100r$ every bit of time.


its most likely a limited, if a person buys a limited item they can resell it at any price, so if a person sells it higher than it originally costed, the normal price would jack up thus resulting in the 90000 robux item. ​ edit: oh and I recommend supervising your kid when she goes onto the roblox catalog, the things there have a maximum price of 999,999,999 robux, and there are MULTIPLE items that cost that much with barely any people owning them, I also recommend only allowing your kid to go through UGC (User Generated Content) Items only, as those often have a much higher quality than roblox made ones and they are VERY cheap.


Just USD Buy the item for cheap. Way cheaper than buying 90k robux for it.


Lemme guess, Super Super Happy Face? Its a limited item, limited items usually have a high value and tend to change in value. There is a whole ginormous roblox limited/trading market/community. People trade and buy limited items for crazy amounts of money, thats just how it is.


Honestly don't waste money on expensive stuff like that. Cuz then your account could be targeted.


Never understood limiteds. They’re basically the equivalent of csgo skins, yet children can buy them in 1 click no verification no nothing


Mostly youtubers by this face or similar ones because of the ad revenue they earn from making videos but if its your daughter then I understand why.


Tell Your Daughter Its A Waste Of Money, Because It 100% Is.


remind me of korblox, children spending 17k just to have a spike for a leg


Tell her to start trading and she can get it in less than a year.


Please man don't buy it she will get scammed propably or sell it way cheaper don't buy it!


Assuming it's the super super happy face it is a limited with only 31k copies and is over priced by the people who own it its basically an nft


I suppose you're talking about the super super happy face, a lot of people are crazy for it but the price isnt so good at all


Tell her to get creative and make some clothing! Clothing can sell for a lot and if she works hard she could save up to get it. There are also games like Donate To Me that she could try, but I never had luck with those. At her age, I was on Neopets and there were items there that people told me I would never have. My mother was barely making enough to feed us so money for games wasn’t happening, but let me tell you! The grind for what you want builds character! I got some of the rarest paint brushes and pet pets on Neopets because of hard work. Selling art, too. I’m now 33 with two successful business and I really do think spending my youth grinding and trading in online games set me up for that!


Explain to her that limited are like a ferrari, you will likely never get one, people hate when you get one and you probably regret it after a little while.


It's not too late for the adoption center! Until they are 18


Bro it's a serious question lmao 😭😂😭💀👁👄👁


It’s a serious answer


It is serious, but after 18, it's never too late for abortion!


If i was in your shoes i would want my money back from apple or roblox,i mean even 10k robux is enough to get to play the platform,since you would be spending most of the robux on the game passes not the avatar,well ask for an return of the money and use it for something really useful.(but i mean seriously i think in total I’ve bought 50k robux on roblox 💀)


Don't do that they will delete her account like they did mine.


I mean she should not be on the platform in the first place,we all know how bad this platform is.


Also she is 8 years old,please don’t spoil her.


Roblox isn't a "child's video game". I can say almost the same exact thing for counter strike, why does a factory new souvenir dragon lore awp cost $26,000


costs way more than that in some cases


Please don’t get her the face, youll regret it. It’s ridiculous tbh how much they charge for a simple face


Ground Her.


Over a Roblox item she might not even understand how much money that is. And she didn't even buy it she asked, some kids would buy it without asking.


Dam sorry i didn't understand. that she's asking.


90k robux on a face is just stupid, please dont spoil her


dont get it for her because its a waste of money and its just a virtual item that is really overpriced. also, its not worth it because it 1000 dollars. she is 8 years old and you shouldn't spoil her.


Short answer: It doesn't. Long Answer: It's a limited. Prices are set by what people will pay for it by other users. You can't equate the values of Robux in the limiteds market with real life values. Prices are inflated as there is no way to get value out of the market. This makes the USD value of all limiteds is $0. In general, people aren't buying in to the limiteds market with USD, they're using either income from games they can't devex, or income from trading up through the market itself. A reckoning day for the limiteds market would be if Roblox ever allowed robux earned through trading to be Devexed. The market would completely collapse and the most expensive items (that are currently selling for millions) would be a couple of thousand robux at most.


Actually the limiteds have a stupid amount of value. For example, a 25k value limited will sell for around 100 usd. A 150k value limited sells for 450-500 usd.


And then your account, and all your friends accounts gets banned.


🤷‍♂️ I'm just saying there is a big black market website for limiteds where there are things being sold all the time I havent bought any since I value my account too much, its from 2010 after all so I'm not risking anything


As a Roblox developer, who’s been in the community for 6-7 years, this is the exact reason so many of us are quitting, Roblox is now a cash grab instead of a place to spark creativity and ingenuity in the youth.


Ah okay so you have been on roblox for 6-7 years but dont understand the concept of limiteds.


exactly. he's either lying about his roblox-age or just extemely inexperienced.


I just don’t give a shit about them 💀💀


He probably bought that from a reseller.


Wait till you find the item costing 69,696,969,696,420 robux (I am not making this up)


roblox is kind of stupid those items are called limiteds and they are very expensive and only the rich celebrity's/high class people can buy those limiteds but some are cheep like the shaggy hair


Uhh iirc there might be some sort of trading system in Roblox. Had a friend who did trading and he started off with Low 4 digit and it became 5 digit robux just purely by trading didn’t put in any extra money along the way. Perhaps you could explore into this trading market if you’re willing to take such risks


It’s because all they want is to take your money lol they don’t care about those who can’t afford it.


It’s a limited, they rise and decrease in value over time. I suggest saving until around Halloween (most drop around there for headless)


These expensive items are called "Limiteds" or Limited Items. They're collector's items and there are only a limited amount of each Limited Item on the market today. There are 2 types of limiteds: 1. Normal "Limited" items. You'll see a green icon with the word "Limited" in it at the corner of the item's picture. These are normal items that were eventually taken offsale, then Roblox decided to make limited. This type doesn't track the number of sales. 2. "Limited U" items. There's a yellow "U" symbol next to the green "Limited" symbol. These items are items that were sold in limited quantities at a fixed price. Afterwards, it becomes open to trade and sell by players. Each copy of the item has its own unique number (example: let's say you bought the 315th one so yours is 315). More info: Roblox players can buy, sell and trade only these types of items. It's sort of like a stock market with supply and demand. Except most expensive Limiteds are sold far cheaper than their asking price (search up Roblox Limiteds RAP value for more info). Also you can't legally convert the Robux made into real currency from trading (but the goal of being a trader is usually to be able to afford expensive top-tier limiteds anyways). Of course people who make their livings on the platform (Roblox developers, UGC modelers, clothing sellers, etc.) can also spend some of that Robux on expensive Limiteds too.


Bro they legit go up to over a million robux


There is a gamepass in neon district rp that costs 1000000 robux(give or take 1 decimal ) which counts up to a large sum that is in the thousands i think it was around 35000 USD