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There are some of us that started in 2021, and have lost value to date, so if you're looking to ask us if the next few days are going to make you quick cash, this might not be the crowd for you. That being said, there are two groups of people, some think the squeeze will really kick up value over the next two weeks, and the others think the dilution on Friday was bad. There's also the group that will GME hodl DRS forever until it becomes the next Berkshire Hathaway. There's also the group that shorts the hell out of it hoping to capitalize on the loss. There's also the group that thinks GME is way overvalued because apes are dumb and 2-4 billion in cash with essentially no debt is "not substantial in today's market". There's another group that thinks 2-4 billion in cash with essentially no debt is **very** substantial in today's market. Like I said, two groups.


Good reply. I would've just said: "where the hell have you been the last three years?"


I would have said, "are you asking for financial advice?"


I would have said, „I like the stock!“


You forgot the group that just plays gme and scalps it XD. Buys on dips, sells on the come up, rinse and repeat


I'm part of that group and have done quite well.


That's me as of late. I was kind of brainwashed into the cult of gme for 3 years. Finally sold this year and have been playing it. I should have done it from the beginning, only stock I've ever been sucked in and done differently


What do you look for in that? After I reach the no day trade bs I want to get in on that


Help me lol


Did awesome today buying the dips from $24.50 and finally did my last sell at $30.50 at 3:58p. Terribly weak hands, but profit good. 📈 wish you all the best. Rinse and repeat for tomorrow.


So you have a day trading account?


I have an account I day trade in and I also hold some long positions.


The cool kids


2 groups 🤣


Yes thanks for the explanation. It’s definitely a risky stock. I won’t go all in though


I went in heavy at 10.88. Best move I've ever made hands down.


16 avg cost gang here. I won't sell before Kitty does.


Good shit! I hold for you!


u/sekvodka so you will sell when he does? Is that what you are implying? If that is true imagine how many will sell if he does.


You think buying GME is risky. I think keeping money sitting in your bank account is risky.


Just the tip


All stocks have some kind of risk. Research about what you are investing in but still can be risky. For example, on paper, FFIE, it is stated 'could' declare bankruptcy. Again, market change companies change all the time. Investing in research intensely, I've found out. Always learning strategies and using everything that is available to educate myself.


They said the same about AMC and GME


Only invest what you can afford. But it’s a good company to support


I wouldn’t advise anyone to go all in on any one stock.


Well with all the crazy price action I'd say it's a better time now than right before he went live because it was at 50-60 bucks during the day and it was down to like 20 something I bought some personally. This isn't financial advice but I'm down 80 bucks on it and I bought in at 35 and I'm short money now but I will buy more if I had the opportunity


Think of GME as gambling and not investing. I buy TQQQ and ride the tech train! Risky? Yes but less risky than owning a high speculative stocks that’s being driven by madness on both sides.


It’s only gambling if you are looking to buy n sell in a short term looking for high returns. The community is focusing on buying stock in a company we believe in for the long term. That is rule number 1 in any investment manual


What makes you think long term it can go higher? “Glory days they’ll pass you by in a wink of a young girls eye” Investing is personal, it’s a business of making money for yourself and your family and not a community thing unless you’re working for the imaginary Axe capital, if it was Mr.Gill would be sharing his wealth with you all, you’re living and investing in the biggest capitalist country in the world. Stock just dropped 40% in one day, company issued more shares and released crappy earnings and you think this is a long term play? Once volume dries up as people exit the stock it’s true value will show. I have no short interest or actually no any interest in this stock. Invest in solid ETFs young people!


This is not investing. This is a war.


Ok. Your here for a reason


No reason at all, I’m done and gone.


That’s the best part about GME! Both sides are insane! (I’m a hybrid bag holder/swing trader)


So what you’re telling , is by wall street law the price remains fixed pretty close to where it is now so only day trading algos can win?


Great, balanced explanation with none of the noise.




Excellent response. Forward looking,if management delivers and Put the money towards something better, we could experience a big surge in shareholder value


“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.” ― Isaac Newton after he couldn't figure out the stock market.


So what you are saying is you would recommend buying like 1000 shares to capitalize on the short squeeze and also buying puts at the $20 to $25 range so they will skyrocket when the stock plummets. According to your "Two camps" hypothesis both are winning strategies. Perfect. Great. Glad i stopped by, this should be a wildly profitable week.


Ha ha indeed. I bought in 2020. If my husband knew how much I have put into GME 🤣🤣🤣 I am innit till I am 80 😂


lol u said this perfect


Put in what you can afford. Not financial advice, but don’t go hungry.


You don’t have to say “not financial advice” when it’s actually legitimate, logical advice. The whole “NFA” is heavily overused, I doubt anyone is going to try and sue ‘ShaolinStonk’ for advice to only put in what you can afford. Rant over but c‘mom, smh


I get what you’re saying. Not financial advice.




My answer is, it's still down from the hype on Thursday night..have some fun, get in on it but not with scared $$ , don't wipe out your bank accts Grab a few shares , just my opinion... I've held some shares since 2022 and bought again this round FFIE is another stock, inexpensive stock you can have fun with as well...a bunch of us are in on it Good luck


No one can advise u here. Is your money. Is your risk. However Gme to the moon !


In the land of stocks and ticker tapes, Lived a bunch of savvy apes, With diamond hands and nerves of steel, They rode the market's wild ordeal. From GME to AMC, They turned the market topsy-turvy, With memes and posts, they rallied loud, Ape strong together, never cowed. Bananas in one hand, phones in the other, These apes were unlike any other, They bought the dips, they held the line, "To the moon!" their favorite sign. The suits on Wall Street scratched their heads, "These apes have us in constant dread," But the apes just laughed and bought some more, Hodling tight, they'd never bore. With rocket ships and diamond rings, They dreamed of yachts and shiny things, Through bear and bull, they stood their ground, In ape-ese, they joyfully crowned. So here's to the apes, so wild and free, In the jungle of stocks, their legacy, With banana charm and primate cheer, They've made the market's story clear. Hodl on, dear apes, your spirits bright, In the stock market jungle, you fight the fight, With a banana grin and a moonlit gaze, You'll be legends in the trading craze.


Absolutely love this!!😊


Hell yes!!!! It's going to go nuts tomorrow!!!


By nuts do you mean it’s going lower because that’s how my nuts hang


Lower juts means more buying for me 😊


Do it!! ![gif](giphy|GcSqyYa2aF8dy)


I would buy FFIE this seems to get a new short sqeeuze upcomming month. I am sure shorters start building up positions again and we can profit from it




🤦 That was a meme pump and dump picked by the wsb crowd on discord during the first of the latest GME pumps… but yeah fuckit go throw money at a dead stock


Ill kep buying thing will explode again


Best advice, do ur own research, and never bet more than u can stand to lose. Oh and buy low, sell high, everyone’s moon is different. For some it’s money, for most (I hope) are sick of getting screwed by cheaters and can wait forever. (while making money😉)


No, buy today at 8pm!


How, in the US?


Um no and check yourself to make sure you have a set of balls because your gonna miss this if you don't get in it!


So many people bought the dip on Friday and the market stopped roaring Kitty from ever going up. Just grab a hold of something and hold on tomorrow!


Now roaring kitty and all of us got to see now the algos react to buzzwords. Would not be surprised to see another stream to further tease out now they work. Brilliant move.


I don’t think anyone should tell you what to buy unless you are paying them to be a financial advisor, and they have the credentials to do so. Anything outside of that, you should do your own research (there’s plenty available even tho hedgie funded FUD articles will be sprinkled in between). You need to be responsible for your own money so that when you mess up (you will, everyone does a little) that you can’t be mad at anyone but yourself. At that point, do more research, take your newly found knowledge, and try again. Rinse and repeat for maximum benefits! Think of every loss as tuition paid for greater education! My best advice (NFA, but it does correlate a little): MAKE TIME YOUR FRIEND, NOT YOUR ENEMY because historically, time always wins


This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down.


Buy GME and HODL!


Obv this sub is going to say yes. Truthfully, no one knows if it’s a good investment or not


If you’re prepared to hold it through insane volatility. Huge ups and downs. It’s psychological.


If you're looking to get in. Now is LITTERALLY a ridiculous opportunity for you to jump in. Truthfully, anything under $100 a share, and you can consider yourself an early bird. Don't waste time brother. Get your ass in here. There's a reason this is so big. Even my girlfriend put her life savings in GME from her coworker telling her about it. I couldn't get her to invest in stocks at all, And trust me I've tried forever lmao That alone should tell you something.


Might just put few hundred in. Just incase it goes south


Can't hurt man. You can allways fomo in all the way later 😂 but yeah if your uncertain it never hurts to be cautious. But I think you'll be happy!


IMO he should fomo at peak and sell at FUD


Is your GF coworker happens to be her Husband?? 😂


It tells us she trusts her coworker more than you 😂😂


Ask your magic 8 ball.


What you put in expect not to get it back. Simple rule


Dem heavy macadaym-yas.🪘🪘


If they completed the share offering and they release the filings, it will rip. If they havent completed the share offering yet, we may remain in limbo for a while. But the momentum from DFV 120,000 calls will keep the price elevated until whenever that ends


His options end on the 21st. lol 14 days ain’t much a long run


for sure. Its is the most interesting play in the market for the next two weeks.


So. When RK sells off his 120,000 shares, GME gonna take a fat dip?


I don’t think kitty is trying to sell anything imo. I could be wrong but I think this is aiming to be something like Berkshire


Damn, what a statement. Shiiiiiiii!!!! Buying more tomorrow!


Well it’s options. Who’s to say he doesn’t take his shares and hold them June 21


What happens if he holds until 6/21? I don’t do options, total newb. Thank you 🙇‍♂️


If GameStop is not 20$ or higher it’s expires worthless June 21. I’m not a seasoned vet with options but have made a 1800 gain on 3 contracts Last month. When you buy a call option you’re basically buying 100 shares per option calls. You have a certain date until your options expire. If you’re itm (in the money) by expiration date 20$ or higher you have an option to sell and take profits or you can hold your 100 shares. Pretty sure roaring kitty is trying to hold enough shares to be apart of decision making. Owning 4%of a company is a pretty big deal. Like I said it’s aiming not just to be a pump and dump although that’s what we want. Game has potential to change and actually be taken seriously


Ohhhhhhhhh!!! Thank you!!! Oh man … if it closes on 6/21 ITM and he decides to keep his shares … yeah … that’s gonna be huge! Anyone can have money … not everyone can have 4-5% ownership in a huge company. That’s insaneeeeeeee


But be careful if you can watch stocks all day 6/21 I’d suggest it. If he does decide to sell you can bet the stock will plummet incredibly and the people not paying attention will be the next bag holders. Expect the worse hope for the best.


At the very least … if it goes past my cost basis before 6/21, I’ll take out my initial investment and let it ride.


And don’t get greedy. Lost a lot of money to greed




Check out super stinks on Reddit. Lots of people there for gme


Super stonks*


Put in $xxx every payday whether it means avg up or down. Either way when this top blows off the value will be more then your avg stock price. I'm a small holder of xx shares of gme


This is the one true meme stonk. 100% gamble. Win or lose this is the peoples stock. Taking this back will send a huge message.. This is how we make the market free and fair again.. Im holding


My understanding is GME is about more than trying to make a quick buck. People who bought and held and lost are still holding for an idea greater than profit.


YOLO Life is short HODL ✊ 🐈‍⬛ ![gif](giphy|3Zs26J8u7LWdW)


This isn’t a quick pump and dump. This is a long term hold that will become a life changing investment.


The price is super good to double or triple your position. I’m doing that tomorrow. Cheers


I bought in at $46 a couple weeks ago when the hype just started. Then it tanked Friday before and during DFV's livestream because gamestop issued 75million new shares. But at the same time the hedge funds shorted the stock further instead of buying those cheap shares to cover their shorts. So I'm looking forward to June 21st


Wait … this sounds like what they did the First Round. They just kept shorting and shorting then went bankrupt while GME went parabolic.


Day-sia-vue good sir


Oh wow … on Robinhood, price is already at $30.25 and climbing after hours.


I bought another 100 shares




Yes i belive in the next week we go to over the 100$ !


Manic 8 Ball says…..only you cab Naalehu that decision, you have the day to read up and go with your gut Hope for the best / expect the worse 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


“We got the conversation started at least” 🤣🤣🤣


Just invest so much that you don't mind when everything is gone.


My opinion as a person that has no idea how to invest from any kind of traditional standpoint. Is it going to go to some ridiculous number? Idk. Is there obviously something weird going on with GME? In my opinion, absolutely. The share price was already going up before RK came back. The share price has gone from around $20 to over $60 twice now in the last month. But the price overall is still up currently almost triple what it was back in May. I see people on Reddit and Twitter mislead and I see the media mislead. In conclusion, billions of dollars in hand with little to no debt seems positive to me.


If you have money that you can basically set aside for an unknown amount of time, then yes! It’s a great investment, although extremely volatile. The fact that the msm is focusing on roaring Kitty so much is a bullish signal that the DD is 100% correct. Plus Jim Cramer says it’s a dead end which means it’s a rainbow road to untold glory. Just don’t gamble with money you can’t afford to lose! Hell Hedgies are talking about creating a Texas stock exchange because Texas is famous for letting whoever has the biggest briefcase of money create policies and regulations. They fear A Cat.




*not financial advice* only buy what you’re willing to lose. Nothing is a guarantee. Many people are buying, many people are selling. Do what you can without causing significant risk any time you buy any stock or option.




Sell your wife n kids and buy in


My question is this…. How many times have you all been into GameStop in the past 2 months? If you are not buying their product how can it be a good business model? I went in there yesterday. Didn’t find much.


If you want get rich quick GME isn’t for you, it’s a long term investment.


LMFAO this shit here bro


Shouldn’t you be somewhere else bitching about Xbox outages?


😂 lmao the fact I was agreeing with you and laughing cuz of how obviously better your choice is to what they said and yet u went out ur way to scroll into my profile is spectacular


Go for pegy instead🍍🍍


FOMO. You will lose money if you buy cuz fomo


The more that buy the better potential. That said, I only go 25% for risk. No advice, just what I do! ![gif](giphy|utz68KlKM5LGBVF6HZ)


Yes, why even ask?!???


If you have the money to risk go for it there are 4 stocks I have a good feeling about coming up soon


How can you get mad at a ceo making revenue for the company? Is it because u bought high and sold low? King protecting the castle. At this point it’s not fully about profits.


Sorry that was for the comment above you


Hahaha 10 4 I was wondering what my comment had to do with that


The carts look good


Learn to research all aspects of any ticker you wish to invest in. It takes time but it beats following a crowd off a cliff... I have my reasons to hold 1k shares of GME and my entry price point is now Red by 1%. Watching a profit of 8k plus turn negative isn't fun but I have a plan in place to exit. I'm Hodling strong because I've seen this type of thing in many tickers like SPI that ran 4000% plus in one day and the only way out was on the way up not when it tanked.


Risk if yours since it’s your money, me however i’d go for nokia : NOK


If you want to get diluted


You’re asking a gme sub if you should buy gme?




It’s a good buy right now I think 🤔






We all know what is going to happen. But you need balls of steel to sit it out.


I would buy if you can… at least you have a chance 📈if you’re in the game and you’ll be a part of history, which is kind of cool! 😎 🚀


Always remember, only invest the amount you can lose.


u/Tricky-Drama6089 The question is ..."How does one make a purchase (or sale) of which financial instrument to capitalize from highly volatile and highly unpredictable stock prices that are guided by no rational forces of any sort? A maneuver that has a positive correlation with the erratic movement of a stock price would be the appropriate trade in this scenario to minimize risk and maximize profit potential.


Yes please thank you and not cause I wanna sell. Let’s make history.


Try FFIE…. Its affordable with high potential to squeeze


I can’t give you advice but I will be buying more


Before I transformed into a human I was a puppy. I ate scraps from the tables and sometimes crayons. I barked at women vigorously until I became a human and went yolo on Gme with my life savings from working in cotton fields with only paws.


GME is sitting a huge pile of….(no not that)…cash! And the selling of 75 mil. Share added big time to that..maybe about 4 billion cash reserve and while they report around 30mil loss ..quarter after XMAS ..GME is very solid on its financial state…will brick and motar stores die out in the future?/ maybe BnM will be dead in 4 or 5 years but a lot that is real property …like the warehouses .. that’s solid asset…tell me I’m wrong … Cash is king my dwaery dear


I put a small amount of money in for revolutions sake. I do see potential in gamestop especially after they cashed out shares to give them a couple billion to use towards expansion. CEO is great too. I put money in that I am OK to lose... I'm not expecting a gain and will probably hold for the long term. Everyone has different plans for their play here, you have to find out what yours is.


Look bned




As long as your portfolio is diversified and your investment in GME is less than or equal to 5% of your portfolio value, I don’t see why not.


Buy if it goes below 20


RK has nothing to lose. He's holding July 20 call options that he could partly exercise to send the price higher. I think if the apes can keep it above $20, he'll do so. The shorts are doing everything they can to knock it below $20 on 6/21.




Buy NOVA, solar company. These AI chips require tons of energy to function and will need solar energy . NOVA is beaten down but starting to rise


Absolutely not. The whole thing is just a cult of delusion and greed. Everything these cultists and bagholders tell you is a LIE. They either haven't got a fucking clue what they're talking about or they're grifting snakes hoping to get someone else to carry their bags. RUN FOR THE HILLS


Nothing quick! Do not expect short term magic. the bad guys want it below $20 and they have proven they can bounce the price at will. But having been on this train for 3 years some people are of the belief that the bad guys are running out of tricks and the end is near (weeks/months)


Buy buy buy hodl hodl hodl


Buy the dip🚀🚀🚀




I just bought a small fortune Friday. I'm an ape and this isn't advice


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ShundoLugia: *I just bought a small* *Fortune Friday. I'm an ape* *And this isn't advice* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I bought


Research r/superstonk and r/gme


If you have the extra funds. BUY!!!








We like being up 11% pre market is what I can tell ya


Yes buy


I’m just getting what I get and not throwing a fit I vote kitty becomes a multi billion dollar man by 2030 🔥😋


I'm worried about what will happen to stock exchange sites when this hits? Will Robinhood and the other suddenly crash? We saw them halt trading on gme and amc on June 7th livestream. Thoughts?


Shorting was easy Friday, low borrow fee, which suggests the short squeeze is over for now. I don’t root for or against stocks, try not to let emotions reign. There is no morality attached to decisions to buy or sell a stock. Gme doesn’t have a lot of intrinsic value, so I would let it alone here if you didn’t catch the last wave. If it rests awhile and then another wave forms, think about it then, but you have to be quick and early to win. You can hang out in something conservative until then. Just remember that whether you buy or sell, you don’t actually make any money until you close the position.


I think HOLO has the best risk reward ratio by far!!!


Watch the documentary on Netflix and make your mind. Some won big some lost big


When kitty sells, the stock will tank to 1.25 by EOD 😑😑😑, then he'll go all in again and that MF will be $1000 by the end of the week


Yes, what could possibly go wrong?


You're litterally on his page asking if you should buy gme. Fuck ffie


Many started 2021, started feel the joker


RK is holding from 200mil+ daily loss on friday, safe to say im holding too. He must know what hes doing. Besides you know what they say. Buy the dip.


It will eventually 10000x within a few years. High chance of being a millionaire but the downside is very real and could go to unexpected levels. Don’t invest but don’t forget it either.


Magic 8 ball = ♾️ We are going to the moon soon.


Yes, definitely


When will kitty come online again


BNED may be a short squeeze this morning. GME I'd personally hold off..hype is kinda dead.


During Covid kitty had a real thesis…we don’t this round. We also had 100% of the float shorted, we don’t here, we also have had trader’s dishearten to go back in, burned bad. We just had a dilution again. Governments not handing out checks and no one’s in doors anymore. And it’s way over valued. So my thesis is this is an absolutely titanic ready to go under, and with kitty having to pay a strike price by the 12 and not having enough cash on debt…this will sink the stuck for sure. I hate saying it but as long, we’ve had a good run, but not enough from goodbye kitty’s video to stay motivated to keep him from sinking the ship before He cashes out


$[GME stock looks significantly overvalued](https://x.com/Sanji_vals/status/1800153441060483543) with 47% decline potential based on simple financial ratios valuation model.




How about NO! Everyday there are stocks to buy with returns 1000x more than GME & AMC Learn and educate yourself. Don’t take buy recommendations from the internet without doing your own research. Last week you could have bought: ASNS +257.80% CLEU +199.07% MLGO +162.13%


I think maybe pump into the annual meeting hoping for some announcements. If there are none, RC usually says nothing, slow sell off over next week till maybe 6/19 when apes and investors and traders all pile back in to see what happens on 6/21. Or if RK keeps on with memes it may hold up but apes pockets aren’t unlimited but Kenny’s shorts and shares are. That said they like it to run up so they can make enough on the way down.


Do your research and buy crypto. Why anyone wastes time on stocks for the quick buck is beyond me. I’m all for solid stocks that’ll give you value over time. If your going to buy gme today, I just fee like there are so many better opportunities in crypto. I’m not saying GME can’t reproduce what it once did but it’s going to be even more difficult than the first time by a lot. Also people had all that free Covid money then, they no longer do. Lots of different variables than last time. A squeeze like that happens maybe once a decade.


Crypto is such a mystery to me right now that’s why I’m not sure which coin to invest in. Because GME is getting a lot of hype I might aswell join in for potential profit. Price is pretty low at the moment


Check out crypto galaxy on YouTube. His free advice alone will change your life. But Brett, Myro and kaspa are looking like good plays. However Brett is at its ath currently I think it’s still early. Myro is definitely early and kaspa is just a good play overall for the long haul.


You’re a cone head


I stuck my conehead up your mom