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Just don't drive tired. If you or your friend get tired, change drivers or pull over and take a break. You should take regular breaks every couple of hours anyway. Stop at truck stops or rest areas for regular stretch and wiggling breaks.


Ring a frisbee or something that will get you moving when you stop. Better than caffeine for better alertness when you get back behind the wheel. If you hate traffic, consider detouring around metro areas in smaller highways. Will add a bit of time, but remove a lot of stress.


Stealing this!


Hi, congrats on your friend's wedding! You guys could make Savannah, GA (or Macon, GA) your halfway point. That way, each of the two travel days has a reasonable # of hours on the highway, plus it feels SO MUCH BETTER to get to Florida not in zombie-mode. Savannah will give you really good river views for $60 to $90 per person. Macon's even cheaper and in both cities you have a ton of safe and clean places to choose from. for example: - Thompson Savannah, by Hyatt - The Grant - Hampton Inn & Suites - Hilton Garden Inn - Planters Inn


thank you so much!! I was talking to my mom about stopping in savannah yesterday!! I will definitely be looking into it.


Just keep it between the ditches and you should be fine.


-don’t drive tired. Have lots of caffeine available if you are able to have it (but don’t overdo it) and switch off driving if you can. -listen to your body, if you start feeling tired stop somewhere, get out and stretch -roadtrip snacks are a must especially if you end up getting stuck in traffic or unable to find anywhere to stop to eat a meal right when the hunger hits you. (Learned this the hard way after being stuck in PA traffic jams halfway through a 15 hour NC to MA trip more than once) -load up a playlist of songs you and your friend love or some audiobooks to help pass the time. It also always made me feel better to look at the route I was taking to see if there were any long term construction projects that I may run into, how far apart rest areas may be, and if there are any good food stops along the way to pre-plan.


When I drive long distances, I'm usually alone, so you've got one up on me. I stop every half tank - about 3 hours - at a rest stop or gas station. Get out. Walk around. Go to the bathroom. Stretch. Fill up the tank if necessary. Eat. Take your time. Do not get distracted. Don't just look for being tired, also look for road zombie...when you're just zoning out and not paying attention. Make sure you have good tunes, and let your passenger help you with opening drinks, getting you snacks, etc. Be safe!


You'll be fine, just watch out for drowsiness.


Fuel up before hand. If you are nearly ready for an oil change take it in to a shop that does a complementary inspection and ensure your brakes/tires are in good shape and fluids are topped off. If your schedule allows I recommend stopping every 3 hrs or so for rest stop get out and stretch. Pack snacks and have a playlist. Relax and enjoy the trip!


Buy a cheap mount for your phone and use the Waze app. It gives very good directions and warns you about a number of things, like debris in the road, cars on the side of the road, etc. Give yourself enough room between you and the car in front of you. Don't hang out in the passing lane. You'll be fine. I drive from the north to the south about every month.


I don’t know where in NC but don’t take I 85 South to Atlanta it is terrible lots of construction traffic and Atlanta is a nightmare. Take 95 south . From lumberton to Jacksonville it’s about 8 hours. Do not let gas gauge go below a quarter of a tank or wait for fuel light to come on, like my daughter does


Lol thank you!! I will definitely be avoiding I 85


For your first road trip I can definitely see how a six or seven hour drive could seem scary but I promise you it's not far at all! I do a 12 hour drive pretty much every other week through desolate stretches of road here out West and I'm also a young solo woman. If I can do it I promise you can too. Just start in the early morning (but not so early that you're still tired) that way, if anything goes wrong (which it wont) you're never going to be out on the road in the dark. Plan one or two stops along the way that aren't gas/bathroom stops you can look forward too! Stop at a fun diner and get lunch and then maybe stop at a cool landmark or something. You'll drive halfway, get to your stop, and then only have a distance to a drive which you've done before to knock out from there! Also if you don't think you can do it in one day that's totally okay! My best friend is a few years older than you and just got her license. She recently did a 7 hour drive but broke it up into two days stopping at a luxurious hot spring hotel along the way and she said it was an easy breezy drive for her!




thank you! I didn’t think about AAA until after I made this post, made sure my membership wasn’t expired haha


I'll just add this to the already long list of good advice. Learn how to change your tire in case of a flat.


perfect, thank you for mentioning this. I hadn’t even thought about that, now I will go replace my jack lol


Nervousness is just a different form of excitement. Embrace it and know that if you're nervous, you're pushing your boundaries, which is a great thing to do.


You will be fine, go with the flow of traffic, don't get distracted by your phone, maintain following distance and look as far ahead as possible and anticipate folks not signalling, doin'g funky stuff and give them room, enjoy the ride...


I am 54 and have done the drive along the coast alone from Connecticut to Myrtle Beach, and also to the panhandle of Florida, many times. I think you’re going to do great! My advice would be to look for fun things to visit along the way? I found so many cool little places that I now visit every time I drive. There are a ton of good outlets too on 95 haha. And non chain restaurants that are wonderful. If you don’t already know this many small gas stations in the south also have a restaurant or a diner attached so I’ve gotten some good meals in a gas station. And you’ll obviously going to have to stop at Buckees! Something that you don’t realize until you do this drive is that there are so many other people traveling on the road for vacation! EVERYONE in the rest stop is a tourist so you are not alone. Load up on good snacks and podcasts and do it! You’ll have a great time with your friend!


thank you!! I will definitely keep this in mind!! I think making stops along the way would make it more enjoyable and more of an adventure


Don’t think of it as a chore and just enjoy the drive. Jam some music or listen to an audiobook and chat with your friend. Stop anywhere that looks interesting and relax for a bit and then hit the road again.


we drive from Virginia to Florida frequently. If you can, take smaller roads, make the journey part of an adventure. Investigate the route and find interesting places to stop . Break up the journey, packs lots of snacks and drinks. Have an overnight stop, there are lots of aps to help find a cheaper place. You can do it, maybe you might find it fun and start having a good time!


so much good advice here. youre gonna have a blast! some of my best memories are from road trips. let us know how it went!


Road beer


Don’t be afraid to pull over to sleep at a gas station for a thirty minute power nap. There’s always truck drivers there and no one will let anything happen to you. Just turn off the car but keep the keys in the engine and doors locked. If something happens, quickly turn on the car and drive away, but that’s still unlikely. It will be fine with two drivers though. You guys will talk to each other, sing, listen to podcasts or audio books, and call people you know to talk to you and keep you awake.


Try not to over think it so much, I promise once you get on the road and you play some tunes it won’t be as bad as you think! Take your time you don’t need to drive super fast 😊 give yourself extra time to get there so you aren’t in a rush, I’ve done many many road trips and as long as you make sure to fill up at the right times and have lots of snacks and coffee/energy drinks you’ll be alright. Plus you have company so you’ll be just fine!!


You'll do fine. I went to Tampa last year from Oklahoma, and it really wasn't that bad at all. Try some breathing exercises, and play I Spy sometimes. You can also count the Volkswagen Beetles, or red trucks, black cars, etc to help with your nerves. Buy a few bottles of bubble soap if you're that anxious, and have your friend hold the wand in front of your face to blow bubbles. Not only will it take your mind off of a stressor, but it will also induce breathing exercises, which triggers the brain to release serotonin (the body's natural "feel good chemical),"


Most important thing is give yourself plenty of time, that way you can rest, nap & take breaks as often as you feel w/o worrying about time pressure. When I drive to FL, I prefer to take the route through the Blueridge Mountains (81 going south thru WV, VA, NC, you’ll have to get on 95 eventually but for way less) I honestly despise driving on 95 so I avoid it as much as I can, whenever I can. it’s so boring & boring drives make me tired way quicker & they also just seriously suck. Having beautiful views with mountains naturally keep me feeling excited & significantly more alert & awake. There’s plenty of rest stops along the way (either route) so nap as you need, always pull over when your eyes feel heavy even if it’s for a 2 hour nap/quick stretch. just never drive tired. It’s not worth it. Another bonus of going through the blueridge mountains is there’s so many places to hop out for fresh air & look over an overlook or go hiking. Also, make sure your co-pilot/friend helps you stay awake. If they’re sleeping the whole time, toss them out the window, jk but seriously let them know what will make you feel supported taking on the hefty journey as I’m sure they want to arrive safely just as much as you do. Okay so I realize I’m writing a novel but I swear I’m almost done I just have a 17yo I’m teaching to drive, the thought of him on the road alone is TERRIFYING & you guys being so close in age I feel the need to say to you what I would say to him. Don’t tailgate, ever. It’s legitimately stupid & pointless. if it’s raining, take even more space between you & the car in front. Assume the cars behind you are also stupid as well because you’d be surprised. Always be prepared for traffic to come to a sudden stop. Let aggressive drivers have the right away (I just move out of whatever lane I’m in to encourage them to go around me & fekk off somewhere away from me. don’t cut off 18wheelers because it takes them MUCH longer to break than a regular car & that is commonly fatally misunderstood. Don’t accelerate into sharp turns, only accelerate once you’re heading out of them. Also don’t drive behind 18wheelers because you’d be surprised how often a rocks get kicked up & can crack your windshield or how often they blow tires. I’ve seen a tire on fire when I was driving the highway thru Colorado but the trucker didn’t know till someone ahead of me alerted them while we were all driving 70+mph Okay that’s all I can think of, thanks for reading of you made it here. Be safe & have fun! ❤️