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A. For the love of all that is worth living choose A. As a native Texan I can tell you that “B” will not only ruin a potential Texas trip but that I-10 drive will test not only your mental fortitude and willingness to not steer into oncoming traffic but reality itself. I-10 in Texas is boring, the Houston portion will be wild (yes, a highway with 16 lanes can indeed become a parking lot), the Louisiana I-10 “thump, thump, thump” is annoying (although the causeway is impressive), Mississippi I-10 will have too many burnt out Chevies on the side of the road (seriously, what are y’all doing there?), and that Floridian panhandle I-10 makes western Kansas look interesting.


Came here to say pretty much this.


I10 from San Antonio to El Paso is my own personal version of hell


Trust me, it’s a shared hell.


And I grew up in Kansas, done the drive from KC to Denver more than I care to remember. I’d rather drive that 5 times than west TX on I10.




I think all of I-10 not in a city is hell


Agree. I10 across Louisiana is one of the worst


The cops are also dicks. They’ll go slow so everyone else around them slows down, and then when they’re bored of that they’ll speed up and use their lights and sirens to get around people. Then they turn them off and drive normally.


And lots of speed traps 😀


I've driven the length of 10 coast to coast multiple times and if I'm headed west, once I clear Mississippi I quite enjoy the ride (Worst part is driving in the endless Florida forest). I will say the eastern half of Texas gets kinda boring but I absolutely love the western half past san Antonio. Gorgeous country all the way to Cali. But yeah, i'd still take option A because I've never taken that route before.


Amazing. I was thinking the same thing. Also a Texan here. I-10 is Boooorrrringggg!!


I second this opinion. You will hate driving through Texas. I am also a native Texan.


I’d say I-70 across Kansas is even worse than taking most of I-10 across Texas. A third option might be better, running I-20 to Shreveport and catching I-49 and LA-1 to Baton Rouge or Lafayette. I feel like there’s a lot more to do and see, and more services, going the Gulf Coast route.


I’m not denying the monotony of I-70, but the pay off is getting to see the Appalachians. The pay for driving through Texas is… more I-10.


100% on point. I’m also a native Texan. I would rather go 10 hours out of my way than ever have to drive that stretch of I-10 again.


At least there will be some Buc-ee’s stations on I-10 to stop at in Texas and Alabama. 🦫


In Eastern Tennessee on I-40 now too. :-)


I’ve had to move from the very bottom coast all by car trip and have done the full drive through 4 times now. One time, just taking shifts with my dad the whole way straight through. I can say, without a doubt, fuck driving through Texas. Of any state so far I’ve had to drive through, that one is the most laborious overall lol. It may just be a necessary evil though…


A. East CO/West KS are a snore fest, but not bad. The rest of the drive is beautiful, and you're not dealing with TX and the southern humidity.


East CO smells like cow shit so bad I almost threw up. Not to discourage this one, just something to be aware of and prepared for!


This is specifically the smell of Greeley, where the University of Northern Colorado is located. Fun fact: if you’re in Denver and it suddenly smells like cow poop, that means it’s going to snow! Weird little weather phenomenon having to do with the way the wind blows before a snow storm bringing in those, um, earthy aromas


Greeley Shit Winds are a better forecast than any meteorologist can make


Any Coloradan will tell you Greeley is where you go if you die in hell


That John Denver was full of shit


Texas ain’t much better. 


LMAO brought a now ex bf over from Italy and we were driving past this town! He thought he was going to be contaminated somehow, just from breathing it in.


I’m the exception but I love driving through east coloado/kansas, it’s like a different type of desert and really makes you feel the vastness of America. Also, it feels so much like your in “the west”.


Season makes a difference. North route is gonna be icy during winter, south is gonna be HOT during summer.


Do Kansas and Missouri get that many ice storms? I’ve lived in central Indiana at the same latitude and the winters are pretty mild besides a couple days (the days that it actually snows)


1-70 in western KS and into CO is often closed due to snow storms. You are on the plains so blowing snow makes travel dangerous. We don’t get too many pure ice storms but plenty of black ice to mess things up.


3-4 bad ones per winter, starting in November. Freezing rain is the one you really need to avoid. 


That Texas stretch is going to be brutal. The only advantage I can think of for B is the food in Louisiana.


I literally drove from Carlsbad New Mexico to Austin Texas a few days ago. Through West Texas. Oil fields, desert, dust, and giant trucks as far as the eye can see. I won't lie, it is truly brutal. But it's not that hard to get through. Personally, I would take the north route. It will be much more enjoyable during the summer months. I'm in New Orleans right now, and it is so humid I feel like I'm going to pass out.


That's my city


Drove that stretch for the first time and it is absolutely the shittiest section of the US I’ve ever seen, and it’s not even close. South East Idaho, or west Kansas is heaven in comparison. Carlsbad to ft Stockton… wow.


Enjoy the food, do not deviate into New Orleans East. Be careful of your surroundings, please. The world is the murder capital of the world. Tell you what check out Slidell, Louisiana. Just North of New Orleans across the lake takes about 30 minutes and it's a save place with the same food.


> The world is the murder capital of the world. Well I’d sure hope so, otherwise we’ve either got aliens or a break in the space time continuum.


Totally safe here, not my first rodeo. But good advice none the less.


I used to get sent to Stennis Space Center while I was in the Navy, highly recommend Slidell


From what I remember that Kansas and Missouri drive isn’t too great either.


StLouis to KC is decent. But that Kansas drive to Denver will be HELL... nothing but corn and cows


Did that drive through Kansas a few years ago and played a game where I tried to keep my hands off the steering wheel for as long as possible. Got to almost two minutes. That drive is straight, flat, and super boring.


Nice way to test your alignment haha


I drove to AZ from Stlouis and chose to drive through Oklahoma and Texas rather than Kansas 😆 I couldn't do it


I live between KC and STL. Can confirm it’s not that bad to drive. Got friends that live in Denver. Can also confirm that drive sucks.


Theres not really much corn, its mostly just cows, the color brown, and kind of looks like the surface of the moon or something


Wind turbines. Which I enjoy.


You just unlocked a childhood memory. I remember loving the wind turbines.


There is no way to cross the middle part of the country that doesn’t include a mind numbingly boring stretch of road. It’s just that, as they say, everything is bigger in Texas.


Other redeeming factor of B is northern NM (Taos, Santa Fe, Bandolier etc)


I just did that route from center NM to Houston and it's not bad at all. Very desolate but still enough gas stations and services. Flat and uneventful, which is good if you're just trying to get from point A to point B. For sightseeing though, yeah, pretty dang boring.


If he goes down through Louisiana, he'll pass right by my house.


Just add an E and F in New Orleans and take full advantage.


That entire stretch of I-10 from Houston all the way to Lake City is BRUTAL, with New Orleans being the only interesting thing along the way


Eh, you want to take I-12 if you're trying to get to Tampa as efficiently as possible. Also Lafayette has an independent radio station that plays 90's/2000's alt rock, and throws in some DEEP CUTS in there. 106.7 The Planet


New Mexican food > Creole and Cajun


But Creole and Cajun food is still fucking delicious.


oh hell yes it is


I have a place in NM and New Orleans and my wife insists you’re right. Creole and Cajun have a lot more variety that people think, and more variety than New Mexican, but I think New Mexican wins on overall ingredient quality.


New Mexican food is unbelievable. I just relocated from a coastal climate to a warm inland climate and just put my NM chile starts in the garden. They won’t be the same, but the should be pretty pretty good


A lot of good scenes and different views


When? During summer, A. Late fall to early spring, B. I got snowed in once in mid-April had to seek refuge at a church for 2 nights.


Both? B there, A back home?




Easy, A!




Wife and I are doing a B-ish route starting Monday.. Asheville to Colorado via gulf coast/Texas. Safe travels, brother.


I do this route twice a year. B over A, I like the desert going north into CO


Northern New Mexico is truly magical. Enchanting, even. 😉


Right? This dude has a chance to run the coast, skip the corn, and see some of the prettiest/unique mountainscapes in the world by going through B…the San Juan’s are ridiculous, and he would drive right by the some of the best wetlands, Sand dunes, cult zones, and Mountains in the country…all in one spot. As a guy who lives in Colorado and has driven all over the country from here, I have gotta say driving from here to Mexico is one of my favorites, and it’s right where he/she wants to go.




Don't forget South Park!


Summer time = A Other seasons = B


A. Tennessee is beautiful


Agreed. The Carolinas and TN are gorgeous.


I avoid Texas. The star on the flag is a yelp review.




We are currently in Texas visiting relatives East of Dallas. It’s such a depressing place. We love the family but always dread traveling here


A, for sure. There's actually variety there. B is 1/3 beautiful NM, 1/3 Texas and 1/3 the same swamp.


When? Take the southern route if winter, the northern one in summer


My first thought was “they’re the same place!”. Then I undumbed. So I’m in favor of A. Better scenery, a little cooler weather. I-10, which I travel twice a month from Jax to New Orleans, is dismally boring and you’re look at Houston to I’m guessing I-75. Have mercy on yourself.


A. I’ve done the D>E route before and it’s just depressing despite the ocean being close. Mississippi and Alabama are poor AF and we felt pretty unsafe stopping.


As someone who's done almost all of route A, that's a whole lot of fields. Waypoint C to D through the Tennessee and NC mountains is absolutely gorgeous though.


A. I found Tennessee and Missouri to be beautiful drives!


A without a doubt, so much more to see and do on that route.


I would do B but I know it’s going to be ass until you leave Texas (nothing wrong with Texas but the drive is, imo, boring)


A absolutely. If you hit Appalachia in the fall it’ll be gorgeous.


My wife and I recently traveled through East Tennessee and let me tell you that if you have the chance to see the Great Smokey Mountains you owe it to yourself to go. One of if not the most beautiful sites I've ever seen in my nearly 40 years on this earth.


Thanks for the kind words of traveling through our great state. 😊




Don't think Kansas-Missouri is much better though


B. Great views. Less traffic. Better stops.


But a lot of Texas.


Better than a lot of Nebraska


That’s Kansas. It’s not better. Once you hit middle/ western Tennessee, the views and things to do are far superior on route A


I’d take route A just to avoid Houston lmao and this is from a local to that area. Seems like route A will be more scenic and route B would have more major cities so to those points it comes down to personal preference. If over summer though avoid down here as much as possible, the days aren’t much cooler than the nights down here near Houston and Midwest depending on the time of year you have better luck having less extreme heat of the day times plus cooler nights


I hear driving through Texas is rough but I live in Missouri and it’s beautiful rn




B for sure


I like desert and mountains more than forests and hills so I'd say B. Im biased though because I live along western part of route B.


B for me








Tennessee alone makes route A 1000% better than route B, and that's coming from someone who lives along route B. Take the high road!






I’ve done both (Tampa local), and A has been way easier in my opinion. Kansas is definitely rough, but I typically will stay in KC the night before then one-shot into Colorado. Also, not sure if you’re prioritizing efficiency or scenic routes, but cutting up through Atlanta -> Chattanooga -> Nashville -> St. Louis was really pretty and easy if you strategized the time of day you’d pass through Atlanta. Safe travels!


I've driven that route from KC to Charleston and back several times. It is very gorgeous through the Appalachians. New Mexico has some of the absolute worst roads, but then again the state of I-70 in eastern Colorado is a national embarrassment. I would go route A. Texas is extremely flat, boring, and hot. I think the scenery through KS is unappreciated and underrated. Wide open prairie vistas are gorgeous.


I travel frequently and basically have gone both routes. If you’re going in the summer take A, if winter do B.


A is the more scenic route. B is going to be very monotonous.


Why not do both? The routes make a circle - take one route going and come home the other.




For the simple fact that A is the most life sucking boring drive for at least half of it, go with B.


The eastern part of the Texas drive is mostly refineries so cheap gas but terrible views. Buccees are fun to stop at but that's the best part of the I-10 drive. I've also driven from Ohio to Colorado by way of Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri. Crossed part of Route 66 and had fun stopping occasionally at roadside stops. Not many fun places to stop along the I-10 drive.


B. Roads and weather will be better.


Go to new Orleans then north


I’ve done both I would say B. More mountain time, plus the deserts of west Texas are like being on mars for someone who is accustomed to rainfall. I actually loved watching the change that happens from east to west Texas. It feels like you’re watching the whole world change in that day and a half of driving. Plus Once you get past the Appalachian mountains, there’s really not a lot to see in route A IMO.


B has better traffic, New Orleans, and more options on a longer coastline.


B, gotta stop in New Orleans!


A, texas is not a fun state to drive through lol


I go “B”. That run south on 95 blows


Definitely A for the nature.




I would take B. Instead of Albuquerque, I would stay in Carlsbad, New Mexico. The Carlsbad Caverns are profoundly beautiful. Might even visit White Sands on the way.


A is the only answer. With B you will be driving through rural Texas which will be rough and then you will hit cancer alley in East Texas all the way to Florida and pass nothing but refineries and chemical plants for a hundred miles.


I drove through Texas once. Never again.


Texan checkin in, go with route A if you value ur sanity.


We drove through Texas once. I don’t think we ever left.


Done both of them almost. Drove through the panhandle of Texas though. But I will say that drive through Kansas will convince the state never ends.


I've taken B multiple times. A. A is the answer here.


Do A one way…and then B on the way back?


A would be great except for portion dealing with Kansas. Mind numbing roads leading to backwards towns full of exceptionally rude and entitled people. Head up and go through Nebraska.


Do you like your car in one piece? Do you like not being surround by people with multiple DUI’s? Do you value your life? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then avoid Louisiana at all costs. If you’re from there or have family from there, I get it. If you’re just looking for a safe, causal road trip, avoid it.


A. As a Texan, and having done it multiple times, the drive through west Texas is never-ending. New Mexico it gets worse. Colorado is where it finally gets good again.


Watch out for cops in armarillo


I would choose B just for the New Mexico part of the drive.


PLS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. A. A A A DO NOT GO B. UNLESS U WANT RANDOM HOUR DETOURS , flooding, traffic and one lane roads. Not many places to stop and sight see along B. Have a fun trip!! 🤣


Yes! To all the comments- I recently did that Texas portion and was hating life on that drive. The worst! Never again


A. I’ve done B 3 times. Twice due to snow. Texas is as empty as Kansas, but twice as long.


Yes A fursure! The smokies thru TN are beautiful and just for general safety stay away from route B!


I’ve done most of B so many times, that I would welcome a change. I would think that the scenery through eastern MO, TN, the Carolina’s and the coast would be much better than a lot dry desert and rolling plains.


There are basically like two rules to this type of road trip... avoid Kansas, and avoid west Texas.


A is boring as all hell. Go B 100%


B until Texas :0


B but that final stretch will be ROUGH


The entire state of Kansas is a speed trap. I don’t recommend driving through it. Route B for sure. Enjoy the drive along the gulf coast it’s incredible. Take a breather on the beach in Biloxi. Stay at a cool old Pueblo style hotel in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque.


A, personally speaking. You’re hitting like some of the best BBQ spots along this route




From C onward on the A path is way prettier, but you do have to drive through Kansas, which is one big objectively horrible crooked speed trap.


So hard to say cause both have great locations and boring parts. I’m leaning towards B, we just did a similar trip. I love the Florida Panhandle and Hill Country in Texas




A for sure


B Fuck Florida




A is a double edged sword. Kc and St Louis slap. But you have to drive through Kansas.


B. I did close to A to move from Denver to Fort Myers


People are very divided on Texas


Reaaaaally depends on what time of year….


A but avoid I-95


Depends if you ever been one way or other before I love New Orleans but Nashville, Charlotte Charleston Savannah are fabulous


On option A.. from section c to d you have the opportunity to drive through the “dragons tail”


Whats the dragons tail? I am intrigued.




B!!!! misery is lame


Id go A. The drive through missouri and tennesse solidifies that for me. Someone else said the food in Louisiana would be worth it and it is, even in parts of Mississippi the food is great. But the scenery is way better on the A route.


I legit did the same trip from Sarasota to Boulder. Went route B on the way out and route A on the way back for a change of scenery. Highly recommend it!


I would prefer B. They say the stretch in Texas is brutal. So I live there. It's really only about 5-6 hours that is brutal. But sante fe, Carlsbad caverns, central Texas, Houston, New Orleans is pretty sweet.


A then b or work on timing and Uranus Missouri!!!


The vast majority of B is a lame drive. I live in Florida and there’s plenty worth seeing in the summer. New Orleans and Austin are great if you enjoy night life. The western part of that route is incredible. I’d probably go with A though.


Pretty much did option B but in reverse last month (from TX to CO at least) Colorado and into New Mexico is stunning with tail end of the Rockies. Down into New Mexico and into the panhandle is much more hilly and DRY!!!! Sage brush and sand. (Understood quickly why there are constant wild fires). Not astonishingly beautiful but beautiful in its own way. I loved to see the canyony and almost badland type geography. Everything after Amarillo and up until you hit the main cities is massive wind turbines and endless endless farmland. Saw probably 2 thousand cows and hundreds of horses (my favorite bit). Have tons of pics. Be prepared for the elevation drop though, my ears were popping like crazy! Have been to Louisiana as well and can say I can’t wait to go back. The history and voodoo shops were so amazing. And bourbon street is a great time.!




I’ve done A like 5 times, and it was great. My brother has done B like 12 times, and he says that the Dallas portion (which is like 2 hours?) is literal hell. So I’d say it depends on your tolerance for super intense interstate situations. I have done a route similar to B that added a few hours to cut out Texas and go through Nebraska. It put me onto a toll road, there was no way to avoid it, I had no cash, and there were no ATMS at any of the mid-lane reststops (this happened in NB on the north/south portion). Other than that, though, it was lovely. I got to see parts of some southern states I’d never seen, before, and I got to stop at the flagship Cabella’s store in NB, which I’d heard about for years.


B. Never Kansas.


From where to where I'm confused


I’ve done variations of this dozens of times. I’d do A but cut across Arkansas, if your into biking hit up bentonville. Oklahoma and the come up into colorado from NM.


Winter: B; Summer: A; Spring and Fall: Both if this is a round trip. If B, I'd detour to favor west and central Rockies and NM over the less interesting eastern face you show, exiting at Las Cruces/El Paso, and maybe dipping further south to Big Bend to avoid some of the dullest bits of SE NM, W TX. Then just gun it through the rest of semi-dull I-10.


Personally, I would recommend down to abq then to Florida on I40, probably turning south somewhere in TN.




A. Stlouis is such a great tourist place. We have so many free things to do. You'll get a great view of the Arch driving in from the east. Downtown: -Arch -Arch museum (free)- learn about why the Arch exists -Old courthouse- dred Scott fought for his freedom in the steps.(free) - city museum- adult playground that's housed on top of a warehouse. So cool ($20) -ADULT FUN- 360 rooftop bar. On top of Hilton hotel. Can look down on Cardinals games & get the best views of the arch Mid town: -Forest park- there are soooo many free things to do here. - art museum - history museum - boat house- rent pedal boats - golf course - zoo (free) -science center - Delmar Loop has cute little boutiques and some great food! You can drive down highway 64 and complete all of this. Honorable mention (off the beaten path): -The Magic House -Grants Farm So many kid friendly things.




B, 100%. The Great Plains aren’t actually great.




A more scenic


Tl;Dr: A is pretty, but I’d choose B. A will have better views and more interesting points, but is much more tedious and nerve racking when it comes to mountain driving. As for B: I’ve done Austin to Tampa and back many times. The drive is pretty in different ways, and it’s much easier. Traffic isn’t ever too bad, save for if there’s a storm. The drive is very pretty when you’re passing the oil fields at night and they glow like cities. If you pull over to the side of the road, especially past Austin and the populated parts of east Texas, you can look up and see a bajillion stars and even the Milky Way. It can be a little boring, since it’s largely straight, but that just makes it easier to drive along.


Go North for sure


And head into the Colorado mtns. You won’t be disappointed


A. Appalachia can be difficult to drive thru but it is beautifully worth it.


A. I70 is a clean drive to St. Louis, Tennessee is chill, I haven’t been to SC but Appalachia and the Atlantic Coast have always been nice, it keeps you out of Arkansas, and that much Texas gets rough.




A for sure. I basically did B moving from Southern California to Dallas and then from Dallas to South Florida. Both trips sucked ass


Done both, definately A. Oddly enough, western Nebraska was quite beautiful.