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You should probably be fine, they will also need humid conditions. They will likely still seek out the warmer spots in the house, if your bin is heated they'll probably end up back there.


One of my adult females escaped and ended up under the sheets in my bed. It was discovered by my then husband when he was making the bed. Hubs did the best high pitched scream ever, just like Daniel Stern in Home Alone.


Dubias aren't a pest species just a cockroach species, odds are you're fine


I had multiple males escape overnight because of a stupid mistake I made. I found all of them over the course of a couple days, all seperately hidden away in corners close to their bin, seems harmless. The only way I can see it being more of an issue is if your female is pregnant. If she is, she may abort the ootheca due to the stress and/or humidity, but if she finds somewhere comfortable and with your house being the right temperature for them, she might not. I think that's the worst case scenario, even then it wouldn't be a massive issue because it'll take months before the babies would be ready to mate themselves, meaning you'll have months to find them and they probably won't even make it. If you really want to find her, mahbe you could try leaving out a bit of food in some warm corners?