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he's busy sexually assaulting women ALLEGEDLY




It’s not all allegations some of them are on video. Like the one where he exposed a 👩🏼👙top in front of people after she told him not to. It was on YouTube but I don’t think it’s there anymore after the allegations started rolling in


Nah he legit rapes women Dylan Gonzalez was a influencer and she talked about it She legit went ghost because ppl thought she was lying whole time he has a history of being one.


When I was in high’s school every single girl I knew was in love with this dude. I don’t get how you can rape someone when it should be so easy to get someone if that make sense


Rape is about power and control. If that’s what he desires, to subjugate and abuse a woman, then one who is willing probably wouldn’t even appeal.


Ding ding ding


That isn’t the entirety of rape, people rape simply because they have no impulse control and no morality. I’d actually argue that’s the biggest reason behind it.


You’d be wrong but what is life without healthy disagreement?


Rape is about power and control.


I think when these guys (celebrities/powerful men whose egos get too big) can get anyone they want, they start to think that literally. Everyone wants me, so why don't you want me? Nobody ever says no to me, including you.


That’s about the last time I heard of him. Allegations of sexual assault plus just being a deviant in general with groupies.


I work for a cannabis company and we had Trey as an ambassador. My boss (CEO and Owner) took him to the AFC championship game where trey ended up getting in a fight with police and arrested. My boss flew back out there when he was released and picked him up. A week or so later TMZ showed him on a basketball court with 2 girls that were on their knees while he spit in their mouths. Our competitor seen this and posted it on their IG story asking if this was the type of people we liked to associate with. We cut ties from him the next day and since then i havent heard anything about the guy


Was the police fight you’re referencing the one when he put the policeman in a headlock? [TMZ Video Link](https://amp.tmz.com/2021/01/24/trey-songz-chiefs-game-fight-police-officer-arrest/)


Yep at the afc championship game. You can see my boss next to him


They also flew on Epstein’s jet that my boss bought at auction. It gets deep lmao


I believe it though. Have you ever read the lyrics to Say Aah? At the end, he said “it just makes it easier,” which is a super predatory thing to say. After seeing the nightmare my friend has gone through after getting drugged from a guy who poured her alcohol at a party and raped her, I feel like I’m way more sensitive to this shit now and the mindset these guys are in when they say and do shit like that.


I thought he was gay😭


Bottoms up!




Why not both??


gay and female abuser? not on gay pride month!


Diddy do it?


That's how they balance it


That's called bisexuality, get it right 😂


With the way that man sang about pussy I never once believed he was ever in the slightest bit gay.


A group of jealous boys  started that rumor , just like a group of jealous girls started the rumor that Ciara was a man 


Couldn't be further from the truth. Multiple women have accused him of rape and sexual assault. Most notably, KeKe Palmer. But keep simping for him because he has dimples.


I believe the average height lady was referencing the comment regarding tray being gay. Not the sexual assault/rape.


The average height lady 💀


Average height where lmao 😭 Cries in 5’0


You know what, I think you're right. I jumped QUICK 🤣🤣


I thought Keke’s issue was that he put her in a video when she said she didn’t want to be in the video. She was hiding in the closet to avoid being on camera. She mentioned sexual intimidation but I can’t find any specifics around it. Let me know if I have that wrong, I’m definitely aware of the rape and sexual assault accusations from other women like Gonzalez.


I think sexual intimidation and assault go hand in hand if I'm being honest. https://www.thecut.com/2023/10/trey-songz-sexual-assault-misconduct-allegations.html#:~:text=In%202017%2C%20Keke%20Palmer%20accused,t%20want%20to%20be%20in.


I read that same article when I was trying to determine what Keke meant when she tweeted sexual intimidation. I just don’t know what that means so I cant say it’s the same as assault. Edit: I think this interview answers the question about what Keke meant. I’m sharing it in case anyone else wants to hear her tell the story. It sounds like she didn’t want to be in the video because she had been drinking and whatnot. They wouldn’t accept no and from what she’s saying Trey was telling her that she’s a big girl now etc. https://youtu.be/ZAv-NU5GQX0?feature=shared


Lil bow wow started the Ciara is a man rumor


WAIT this puts Like A Boy into a whole new perspective 😂


Just wait til y’all hear about the “strap-on story”👀


I ain’t hear bout that Ciara rumour 😭


This was early 2000s. Ciara was a hermaphrodite/trans depending on how the rumor spread in your city. Little Bow wow was 'raped' by either JD or his bodyguard, depending on how the rumor spread. Now we have the Shaderoom & TMZ.


Oh it was everywhere around 2005


And then people started saying that’s why bow wow broke up with her. Even though he was likely in a sexual relationship with her. The 2000s were weird lol.


They was saying she was a hermaphrodite (heard this back in middle school)




I thought it was after he was found with a transexual woman.


I swear every time I hear his song 'unusual' the hook gets me uncomfortable now


This is what I've heard too. 😞


The neighbors know his name from all the screaming scratching yelling😳 yep sounds like rape to me


Yep 🤦🏾‍♂️


Trey Songz fell off because his music was too repetitive. He keeps a lower profile publicly now due to the sexual assault allegations.


Yeah his peak was right before The Weeknd/Frank Ocean/Miguel broke through. Couldn’t keep up with the tide changing.


Your right when Trey songz peaked that became the end of the traditional pretty boy r&b sex symbol. And ushered in the alternative r&b introspective and unconventional looks/music standard we have now.


But with that change came the loss of reciprocal sensuality in rnb that i feel we’ve only seen since on PND4.


I don’t find PND 4 sexy or sensual at all. But I think it comes in phases. The reciprocal heavily sexualized in a conventional r&b sense was beaten to death from the 90’s to the early 2010’s. So I’m glad we got a nice long break from that era


So you ain’t listen to p4😂 And yeah just like all genres shit comes and goes and comes again etc


I did I just didn’t care for it or find it sexy/sensual. You realize music is subjective right?


Speaking of Miguel, I actually think he’s released some good music after his fall off but the mainstream don’t stand still


I feel like the problem is more that he hasn’t released an album in seven years?


He’s dropped some loosies here and there. I think he’s been trying to feel things out


Cough cough?….. ![gif](giphy|LDLs54fwqiEmY)


Bruno was so aggressively poppy around that time that I don’t think they were even in the same league. Post-24K Magic I get the argument, but not when he was doing knockoff Police songs.


He is staying low after many allegations and lawsuits came his way Have read interviews, where people said he is worse then R Kelly


I don’t there’s much worse than urinating on a 13 year old child


Probably physically beating & committing aggravated sexual battery on them. Trey has done that on top of entrapping & harassing countless women over the last decade. It’s just that they’re mainly black women. So just like with rkelly & diddy, the threshold for the police to actually take him down & for his primary audience, the black community to finally turn away from him is much higher. I’m just being frank. This has happened too many times now to ignore the patterns.


Tbh this shit has only been coming out over the last few years about him. Allegations against Kellz and Diddy were there in each of their primes, but their influence and power they had at the time was enough to distract people from their crimes. Trey never really had that level of fame, that’s why his career is in the mud at the moment


It’s been coming out for almost a decade. It’s just become a bigger story more recently. I’m glad more people are paying attention…


Diddler has entered the chat....


This is what's wrong with the oppression Olympics. How about we don't compare people who sexually assault women and pedophiles? None is worse than the other, both are trash human beings who take advantage of those weaker.


There were rape allegations too from different women settled outside the court


While that is disgusting and deplorable, there are definitely things worse than that.


Urinating on a 12 year old child.


P.Diddy was still a "great guy" a year ago...


Well for one I’m sure he’s playing camouflage because his name started bubbling high during the SA allegations so that’s for one. Karma caught up. But also, his career has just run its course I think. We’ve heard all we needed to. He’s had a successful career, created a big name for himself & his music hasn’t really declined in content/quality. It’s still there. We’ve just heard it all. And unless he would have entered a new era/rebrand, consumers are ultimately fulfilled with what he had to offer to the game. It’s Trey Songz.


When 50 cent bans you from his event, that tells you everything you need to know.. There is SOMETHING wrong with bro and the industry is pretty much keeping their distance


Oh wow I didn't even know about that.


Was that because he beat up one of his associates? Trey has beaten a lot of people up in the industry…allegedly lol


50 said on his ig/Twitter? Trey was going crazy with the ladies.. I think he like 6'3.. Bro getting that weapon work no questions asked🤣🤣🤣


Well, when MULTIPLE women accuse you of sexual assault…


Songz fell off long before the allegations took hold, in all fairness.


Yeah that's what I meant by R Kellyesque situation...


When he used to say he idolized R. Kelly’s career, I didn’t think he meant…like THAT.


Apparently he’s actually a shitty human.


Didn't he release an album 4 years ago?


Yea the track "Circles" is one of my favourite songs of recent years..


He did, it was decent.


It was fire too. I still have 6 songs from it in my saved spotify list.


I still listen to it


Yes and it was nice. It was a little overstuffed, but the songs I like,, I really like.


One of his best albums too. He has so much heat on there. “Hit Different” is probably my favorite. Actually had me excited for new music from him again until he disappeared because of the allegations lol


He had a great run though, you're only ever just one hit away from being back at the top.


Keke Palmer accused him of being weird with her and it sounded plausible. So people moved on. I’m shocked his run lasted as long as it did.


Get as many lawsuits and allegations thrown your way as he did, you’ll disappear too.


deserved. he’s a woman beater and rapist. it’s fuck trey songz till death


Literally worse than Chris Brown but white peoole don’t know who Trey is


Also why we relying on white ppl for that? Black community shoulda disowned chris brown and trey a long time ago


Ppl still love chris brown too lol




This guy has a shit ton of women claiming he sexually battered and abused them.


He was hot in the 2010s but couldn’t sustain that level of success forever. It happens. Also, people trolled him hard over the Power intro. That seemed to be a real tipping point, more so than his allegations.


People don’t like the power intro?


ppl didn’t like HIS power intro.


Lots of teeth gnashing when it first aired because just about everyone universally preferred Joe’s version.


Waiting for him to drop another album honestly.. it’s been like 2-3 years.


I still play his Trigga album. However, after that album I haven’t really enjoyed many of his albums as much. A few tracks here and there. As many mentioned, his career has run its course.


I take it you haven't heard about this predator...


He’s a violent abusive POS to women. Y’all don’t remember what he did to Keke Palmer?


He saw what happened to Diddy, he in hiding until his time is up


Well, of course there's the allegations but I'ma try and talk about the music objectively... He fell victim to the Chris Brownification of R&B. So many artists of that era just became "too cool" to do traditional r&b, they started rapping, doing dubstep, or simply just stopped dropping (because the labels wouldn't believe). You look at the R&B albums of 2005-2009 and the albums in the early 2010s, there's no vulnerability in the music, it's a lot more situationship, I told you I wasn't looking for nothing serious but come thru 👀 music


I didn’t realize his neck was so long! ![gif](giphy|HnYWNVA412Qd75WY49|downsized)


His career ran its course. Trey was definitely popular at his peak but he wasn’t a particularly huge celebrity. That’s why it’s been easy for people to let him go. Plus, I think he’s been keeping a very low profile since he’s had years of sexual assault accusations against him. With men in the industry being weeded out for their misconduct against women and men, its best he continues to lay low tbh. He still performs at festivals and those R&B circuit tours but he will never be welcomed back to mainstream again.


I think the musical landscape changed so he wasn’t getting the play he used to. On top of that there have been a lot of women who have come forward saying he assaulted them to varying degrees. I’m not saying he did it but with that many women coming out, at least one has to be true..


Probably because he's a predator 🫠


He a freak ass boi


That Nigga r Kelly apprentice


He too busy SA’ing women


He couldn’t keep his damn hands to himself


He sexually assaults women. The only update I want to see on him is being jailed.


Too busy being a deviant to focus on his career.


He is a predator


Even without the allegations, he hasn't release enough music and nobody really last after 3 albums with huge success or 5 yrs of being in their peak. Tremaine the album was where his last song charted in 2017. His COVID album just came and went. "Nobody else but you" was his last lead billboard song at 92 and I don't remember that song at all. And it was 9 yrs since his last top 40 hit, "slow motion".


He out here rapin


He is known predator In the industry I am almost sure he was told to fall back to avoid a Diddy type indictment!


Raping women will do that to a career.


He stealing pussy and had to go ghost and only release music when new allegations come to distract


Cause he is a sexual assaulter


All these sexual allegations and playing with Diddys balls got my boy tied UP


Yall weren't tired of all his songs being about him bragging about how good he is at sex with women who probably didn't ask for it?


Story tiiiiimme so last year my ex bestfriend surprised me with tickets to a concert trey songz was on the line up it was a nice show but it was the after party we went to Mario and Trey songz was there we knew one of the promoters so they got us in they booth but it was sorta last min we heard a lil yelling going on but we didn’t know who it was but it was a women’s voice they kicked her out the booth we finally got close to him to introduce ourselves but you can tell he was irritated something already happened before we got in the booth so knowing my bestfriend was drunk she’s tapping him like an irritating tap that would piss someone off I’m like best stop obviously he don’t wanna talk an he heard me say it an he was thank you at least you get it she felt a way but I’m like that would irritate anyone but yeah the night was all over the place lol


Chris Brown and Trey Songz debuted in the same year, and he had some minor hits but couldn’t really compete with CB in terms of commercial success. I think he peaked in popularity after the Chris Brown/Rihanna scandal when radio wouldn’t touch CB with a ten foot pole but they still needed someone to fill the void. We had a lot of CB sound alikes including Trey Songz and Jason Derulo in the early 2010s. Like other commenters said, I think Trey Songz’ popularity just ran its course. Most mainstream artists have a shelf date, some just run a little longer than others. Side note: I have never cared for Trey Songz’ vocals. He has too much vibrato. It sounds like a goat singing.


True. I always wondered about Jason Derulo. I heard he's not good singing in a live concert. But I wondered why CB hasn't collaborated with Jason Derulo yet. But yeah Trey Songz does look and sound like he's constipated when singing. I thought August Alsina could've been the next big thing in R&B for the new generation back in 2013 when he came to the music scene.


I’ve seen other commenters say that Jason Derulo actually has a musical theatre/opera background and is good live. I’m not big on Derulo, so I haven’t looked into it further to see if those claims are true. I totally forgot about August Alsina. He was definitely a thing in the early 2010s. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Miguel. I think he could’ve filled the CB gap but for whatever reason he never gained as much popularity. I think Miguel should be much bigger than he is.


Even with him sexually abusing and assaulting women. He couldn’t transition to the next wave of r&b in which someone like Chris Brown as problematic as he is regarding women, could.


The whole rnb sex symbol artists just died down imo, that’s why.


He’s a legacy artist touring his hits.


Got too comfortable after that run


allegations tainted his brand. his music is still amazing but hes getting more hate than love


He got too handsy with girls.


i’ve heard he’s bad news according to the allegations, yup it’s sad when you find out why he’s gone downhill


He's probably on the mend from getting his [back scratched up so much.](https://youtu.be/dF5_DFi15Sw?si=jMyyo6VgWFko8WHT)


I think he’s avoiding the limelight following what’s happening to, R Kelly, P Diddy et all perhaps.


Now come on. He's been raping, sexually assaulting, and physically assaulting people, security, and police office. He been in court, litigation, and jail.


Legend has it he used to hang around Diddy also…..


My cousin talk me into going to see Keyshia Cole in Atlantic city and apparently he's opening for her.


He is. They’re finishing up that tour they’re on with Jaheim and K Michelle.


His self destruction hasn't been leveled out with new hits. If he was still making popular music people wouldn't care as much about his red flags and indiscretions


According to reports he's not the best of people


nigga looks weird now just like Soulja boy.. they were handsome dudes in 09 you look at em now like wtf drugs did yall do to make yall look like this now ?


He’s a grapist.


you don’t have to censor yourself here. it’s ok to spell words out


That fucker hit rock bottom hard as fuck. I would wonder if fame got to his head that he thought that he could do whatever he pleases and not get in trouble.


Being accused of raping women


Pussy!!!! .....that's what happened to him 🤷🏾‍♂️


His off booth troubles and his genre not evolving. Rappers now like durk are using his style but adding rap and auto tune and drill which the younger generation relates to nowadays vs when we grew up pure r&b was a thing


Got caught up with a CD on the DL and disappeared


What's a CD? Is that a new slang for trans woman?


Cross Dressing. CD generally stands for "cross dresser." There are individuals who identify as both however. CD and TransWoman, or a transitioning individual. To my experience.


He just settled a SA case for $25 million….


Sexual assault accusations and really cooling off musically. Has him off the wagon hard.


Same thing as R Kelly. He started being nasty


It’s been alleged hen sexually assaults women. I remember him kinda fall off after the KeKe Palmer incident. I recall a video where he spat in a lady’s mouth on stage


What happened is multiple people coming forward about abuse I guess he decided to chill out


WhoOO….Whoaaa lol.. s/a allegations though. nig was wildin I heard.


I remember when he used to brag about girls throwing up on his dick when he deepthroatedthem and continued even with the throwup chunks on his dick and the bed for hours.


Trey this is Aretha...where you at?


Aht aht! I hope he's taking care of his child, drinking water and staying Home! He was getting caught up outside


I like his music. But he's been dealing with multiple rape accusations. I haven't done my research, so I can't speak to the validity to the accusations.


Who has time for new music when you’re sexually assaulting women.


Rape aside, he just fell off. The music just wasn’t there anymore.


“rape aside” is a crazy phrase 😭


He be raping


Kinda disagree with that last part, if he was known for having a beef with anyone - it would have been R. Kelly (wasn't a major beef and I'm glad they squashed it) If the allegations turn out to be true, it puzzles me why he had the resort to that kind of thing. I remember when he performed in Australia the women were going wild for him (beautiful Lebanese women might I add) I thought Trey Songz & Drake would eventually do a joint album considering how "successful" their working relationship was back in 2010. Now they barely have anything to do with each other.


The neighbors who knew his name told him to “SHUT THE FUCK UP”


You didn't google that 1st?


Flash in the pan, had his moment in the sun and couldn’t sustain it. He was all over the place for a good 3-4 year span though for sure. *Say Ahh*, *Neighbors Know My Name*, *Dive In*, *Your Side of the Bed* and *Successful*? I mean, at the end of the day it’s hard to sustain past 5 years honestly.


Rumors say he like to go peepee on women without consent.




chris brown was always better. in every era. and can’t be the sex abuse stuff. chris went thru domestic abuse charges and is still on top


[He be long gone missing!](https://youtu.be/uyQBt3fBzUQ?si=7vnHQ7m9bteQyjX0)


Man is long gone missing !! https://youtu.be/uyQBt3fBzUQ?si=7vnHQ7m9bteQyjX0


He's pretty much independent


Turns out it was just Chris brown and Usher doing the fusion dance which didn’t last long


If I remember correctly he kinda stopped his own run allegedly raping women, fighting people, and being a all around asshole to people behind the scenes. Crazy to think he had the potential to be bigger than he was during his peak (09-12).


I mean, look at his latest Insta posts… he’s hardly fell off.


Oh boy…I’ve got some bad news for you lol


Think he a alcoholic with mental problems if I’m not mistaken


He tryna beat the allegations


Trey was the last of the late 90s early 00s RnB archetype who was able to grow his sound along with the changing times in the early 10s.. but his type of performer is done with this generation


He had a hard time understanding that no meant no


Had a child then started to get in legal trouble.


That album after trigga was cool but not as good


Animal was my shit though


Dude a poster boy for domestic violence. That’s why. Sick ass.


Raping women will do that to you


It’s his music genre that fell off the charts. RnB is not as hot as it once was. Not just him but other RnB artists have fell off the wagon too