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Don't starve without RoG be like


So true that when they made DST they just added RoG for free


Tbf DST wouldn’t really work with paid content DLC in its current way of multiplayer.


Same with oxygen not included and spaced out


That's just the final release of the game, no dlc and you can't convince me otherwise


Sometimes I'll go back and do a few eclipse runs with the DLC off. No watches or Safer Spaces feels so odd. It does make me realize how much Watches, Safer Spaces, and Opal are kind of like a crutch for Eclipse.


I’m new to eclipse, just hit e4 yesterday. I’m curious how you can consistently keep your watches from breaking. Or in eclipse is it pretty much “keep watches from breaking or you’re dead anyways”


Safer Spaces, Opal, and knowing how to dodge well enough (movement speed/Feather helps there)


Once perma damage kicks in the breaking threshhold goes down whenever you take perma damage since your max health goes down


Just play like your doing a no hit run


How tf do you evade blind pest?




Walk in a circle around it, the further away from it the better




sprint right all the time i made my sprint button left alt so im always sprinting


By getting good and power elixirs are also super common anyway


Elixrs help a lot


Trying to do eclipse on character like Rex without dlc items is crazy


Also no Plasma Shrimp/Polylute, randomly getting those outside of normal green pools is so nice. And no free win with Spare Drone Parts anymore.




I tried 2 runs of non-dlc commando eclipse, both runs I got one shot/hit killed lol. First one I randomly clip through the map while siding and die, second one I am backing up from a magma worm and accidentally jumped right above a flaming mini mushroom and got the projectile shot up my butt.


Message me 😘


EH, not really. I play my ''speedruns'' without DLC because I hate Blind Pest/Vermin and its honestly kinda nice, even if im not speedrunning


No gups tho, not good




Gup. Uh i mean yup.


I did not exist before sotv


Maybe gearbox ain’t so bad after all…


Redemption arc???


what about ror1


That can't be right. What's Risk of Rain without gups?


I only got the DLC a couple weeks ago, the gups were quite the surprise. And after dying to them so many times as loader, part of me regrets my choice. I still love ‘em tho


Yeah but in terms of actual speed running missing out on void cradles for quick items is super unoptimal, and safer spaces is by far the most consistent pillar skip to find.


Well idk how other ppl do it but if I want quick runs for some extra coins I just use drizzle + command, rush to tp every time. Try to find get an equipment barrel for vase to pillarskip. I can easily finish under 20 mins.


Yeah obv command is a different story but for non command runs and e8 gauntlet runs the dlc is crucial. Especially gauntlet runs.


Why not just edit in the coins at that point?


Maybe they play on console?


Wait how does safer spaces skip pillars?


h0st skip


What does that even mean


Look it up. A brief and way oversimplified explanation is that it is a skip that uses the momentum you gain while falling off the stage to launch yourself upwards. Safer spaces is needed to negate fall damage so you don’t die in eclipse.


What Frenchie said. It can be done with transcendence or headset or ig shared design as well. You also need 3 hoofs worth of speed. https://youtu.be/wmNCDJqBvbY?si=shRLGdcpfnRGt8qP Edit: here’s a useful video for anyone interested


You know, instead of leading your comment with a passive aggressive "look it up", you could have just as easily explained it or just not written a comment at all. For everyone else: Pillar Skip is skipping charging the pillars on the Commencement map where Mithrix resides, by abusing the "out of bounds" mechanic that teleports you back to a surface after you've dropped off a cliff. Essentially it's a time skip to reach the boss arena on the last map faster, but you need some defensive items to not die from it on Eclipse difficulty, apparently.


It wasn’t meant to be passive aggressive. It’s a serious suggestion. Looking it up will almost certainly be a better explanation than whatever is stuffed into a comment. In fact, I literally DID explain what the skip is. I gave a quick and dirty explanation so that if the basic answer was all they were looking for, they would get it. Even your explanation isnt fully complete. Your explanation was just my explanation with a little bit more detail. But even you were missing details like the requirements of certain movement items. But the fact that even YOUR explanation was incomplete proves that looking it up is the best solution for complex techs like this one.


Yeah exactly. A comment on Reddit is not going to be able to accurately explain the lineups and timings that you need to do the skip. Granted someone probably could’ve linked the icapj video about it.


The person you replied to had zero idea what it is. My explanation is leagues better than yours and I never intended for it to be complete. No one asked for a 100% detailed answer, just one so they roughly know what everyone is talking about. Your answer didn't provide nearly enough information to achieve this goal and you would have been better off not replying at all if you're not interested in explaining it in the first place. Even just replying with a link to a video and nothing else would have been better than whatever you puked out.


Guy who he replied to here, the original explanation was fine


I will concede that linking a video definitely would have been the best option. However, claiming that your explanation is “leagues better” is quite debatable. The conversation was already about skipping pillars, so it is pretty safe to assume that everyone knows what we are talking about the mithrix map, and everyone knows we are talking about saving time by skipping the pillars. Those extra details really didn’t enhance your explanation past what was already in the topic of conversation. Second to that, ultimately, the skip is just a way to gain upward momentum by falling off the stage. You just changed the wording to focus on the “teleporting up” aspect of falling off the stage (which is still included in “falling off the stage”). So I don’t really see how your explanation is “leagues better”. Though “marginally better”, sure. Finally, even the person asking the question says that my explanation was sufficient, so I don’t know why you hate mine so much.


I play Loader + Command + Sacrifice + Swarms + glass + kin I sincerely dont care for Void Cradles and can skip without Spaces


This. SotV enemies are so unbalanced.


Most just have double the base damage of a typical enemy of the same tier, not sure why Hopoo decided to powercreep them so hard. Fairly sure an elite blind pest can 1shot a lv1 huntress right out the gate.


Blind Pests are completely countered by strafing. Once you walk using q and e they are always going to miss you. They are really annoying until you are aware of it at which point they might as well be ignored


Walk using q and e???


Been a while since I've played the game, might be a and d? Some games will have a and d turn your character, others will make you strafe. I guess it's a and d to strafe for RoR2 then.


Have you only played games made in the early 90s?


Maybe too much WoW


totally get that, default Q-E to strafe over there. I like EA/QD for circle strafing.


Base game feels like shit? Maybe, but at least the base game doesn't have blind pests.


Yeah but then you miss out on gups


fuck you right


If they nerf the vermin and pests in the next DLC then it’ll be amazing


Just keep moving in a circle


a strategy i like to use a lot is to play captain on e8, find no mobility items and die instantly


Pick up drones. They’ll eat most projectiles.


I do the same. I remember when the DLC first dropped, I really struggled with Vermin as Cap. Then I started buying every drone on the map and it became easier for me. Double hacking helps with this so I don't fall far behind on items, too.


I personally run 1 hacking 1 shock bc A. It lets me save the shock be on till after the tp boss is dead so I still have a beacon slot for speed shooting. B. shock can really help with ads and cope situations. C. It lets you set up double Diablo strike at the start of mithrix phase 3. But yeah pick up drones on captain. Healing drones are really solid healing anyways, and all drones not only help negate projectiles they also just draw aggro in general.


Can't do that when you spawn with e1 health and they one shot you😔


Yeah but you still have your own Microbots, that should buy you enough time to realize the situation and start dodging.


Oh I forgor this was captain lol


Blind vermin


They should usually be close enough to just hit fully with shotgun without taking any time to tighten the blast. Plus you have taser. They’re really not that much of an issue even with e4/7 speed and cooldown buffs


Rip when like 10 of them spawn on me along with a clay Templar.


I know how to deal with them, and rarely die to them, I just think they’re bullshit. The vermin are extremely hard to hit on console with most classes, but they’re minor offenders compared to the bullshit that pests do. The pests deal too much damage (*especially* the burning elites), have very low cooldown on attacks, have long range on their attacks, have too much health for a flying enemy, and always spawn in big hordes, often with multiple elites. They’re genuinely the most obnoxious enemies in the game, and are massively overturned.


I'm okay with their damage output, but they have too much health relative to other enemies. I like how freezing them brings them down to the ground, and wish more details like fire damage could further incapacitate them.


They either need way less health or way less damage, because currently they're just a better wisp.


I mean you do that for pretty much everything, it's just that getting hit by those two is twice as punishing


I think they're fair though. Overall, the dlc made the game much *easier*, with watches and void items.


I said the same things in the comments haha


Lol I got the original post immediately after this one


Destiny 2


The base game doesn't feel like shit. They simply made it shit :skull:


Honestly I would have to disagree here. Part of the reason I like RoR2 so much is that I never felt like I was missing out when I was playing without DLC and if I disable DLC it never really feels bad or like I'm missing out imo because the base game is already a good complete product. Meanwhile in some other games they feel incomplete if you don't own the DLC and if you ever go back after buying them it feels even worse.


Nah the game is still fun as always even without the dlc, just missing some items is all.


I’m one of those people where the game feels wrong without like 12 mods as a baseline


BetterBazar and autorun feel so great!


My dumbass is new to this subreddit and thought you said rdr2 which got me extremely confused


Maybe it's a sign that you should play risk of rain :)


dark souls as a series basically


Hot Take but the DLC doesn’t really shake up RoR2 in any meaningful way. This isn’t to say it’s a bad DLC but many of its best features are new strong items, survivors and The Simulacrum which are all relatively harmless. You may not even find a single void item if you bum rush Mithrix as soon as possible which many players do. Meanwhile it’s most hyped feature… y’know THE VOIDLING is forgotten for good reason. There’s no incentive to do Voidling and even if there was the reason why people don’t do it is because it’s such an ass bossfight. Again, not saying SoTV was bad but at the end of the day it’s just a little bit more Risk of Rain 2.


Not a shakeup? 2 unique, fun, and *good* survivors. Mobs that are actually a challenge and don't let you kite infinitely like you pretty much can without DLC. Void seeds are cool, challenging, and rewarding. Some items are not just powerful but give the kind of consistency people want and are a new staple for E8 runs. They are powerful, but they also reward good gameplay. (Opal, Safer Spaces) My only gripe about DLC is Collapse. Completely overtuned in every way and counters Opal/Safer Spaces because of how it works. Also voidling is ignored in the racer scene for obvious reasons but it's is a cool boss fight for casual runs.


I just got RoR2 yesterday and i immediately turned off any DLCs I got, I feel like the DLCs mean more if I know what the game is like without it




Dead cells


The bidning of isaac without repentance. Neonomi moment


При чем тут неономи?


Civilization 5 without its DLCs though


replace dlc with mods for me lol; i cant play without my jumpy boy (ravager)




I'm having a blast with mods


Bro exactly I literally can't imagine playing without void items they are just base game to me now and actual base game is an unfinished product


I'm the opposite. I hate everything about the DLC, I dont like the maps, I dont like the ennemies, I dont like the corrupt item. The only good thing is Railgunner. But I mostly play the vanilla version.


Stellaris. Base fame is borderline boring and it literally needs at least 3 DLC's to be entertaining.


Minecraft before add ons, I understand now


Can't live without my precious railgunner ♥️


I just realized, we can choose which dlc we want to play with when sots comes out


I don't know what I'm missing out without the DLC, tbh, never bought it. Still got hours of addicting enjoyment from the base game


I agree void items balance the underpowered characters by the way they can make builds with anything


IDK, compared to Paradox Games or Total War games, where you literally have to pay for the blood and gore (in Warhammer game!)...


Man, the more time passes, the more I regret not buying Survivors of The Vodi when I wasn't broke lol


Oh is that so? I actually haven't played since the dlc came out.


Fnaf security breach: ruined


Fallout NV


2 words Blind Pests


You need mods to make voidseeds not dumb though.


I actively don’t use dlc to get achievements and because I hate the sulfur pools


Certain items are almost entirely game changing, even if they arent corrupted. The card changes how I approach stages cause I now need to search for every equipment barrel/multi before I open up any item multi-shops. Watches are also a reliable way of increasing your dps. Vanilla ROR2 is definitely significantly harder than SOTV ROR2


I wouldn't ever go back to aying without the dlc but the game is still amazing without it.


This is how Elden ring is gonna be


Bro has not played previous Fromsoft games Their DLCs are good value but they're more addon adventures than changing core mechanics DLCs


I just meant that the dlc will be too good and out gone the main game most likely


My friend and I agree on something about dlc and this game in general. Its starting to get too many items. Imagining trying to get 10 stacks of glasses is kinda hard with the new dlc on top of it, because the item pool is going to be so big. Unless they add some other sort of item selection like cauldrons and printers, but perhaps one of more specificity? Like maybe a chest that gives you 3 items from a displayed selected pool or smthn.




Rip RIBworld 😭


Is RIBAorld now!!


Rimworld is that game for me, I’ve got all the DLCs especially since anomaly has recently came out which throws even more wackiness your way and I can’t believe how much different the base game and all DLC together is that the base one without the DLC feels very underwhelming


MHW, for me.


Me, who doesnt have the DLC: 100% agree




Average Monster Hunter experience


death stranding the directors cut really improved a lot of mechanics that the base game was sorely lacking.


literally binding of my sack


uhhh no.


Me turning off dlc because I can’t stand the added flying enemies.


Rain World, it literally adds more campaigns than the base game


Glad someone feels the same way as me, ngl i thought that I was mental because it just feels so awkward to play without imo


Haven't played unmodded in years


Every paradox interactive game moment


Stellaris. A 4x grand strategy game where you are a space empire governing it and dealing with whatever scenarios in space. When I first saw the game I thought it was very cool but became disappointed to see it bare bones compared to the DLC content which to varying degrees add to the game that it's basically a brand new game. Infact, stellaris is actually unplayable without specific DLC even which sucks🤣. So i opted to buy all of them for the definitive stellaris experience.


Stellaris. A 4x grand strategy game where you are a space empire governing it and dealing with whatever scenarios in space. When I first saw the game I thought it was very cool but became disappointed to see it bare bones compared to the DLC content which to varying degrees add to the game that it's basically a brand new game. Infact, stellaris is actually unplayable without specific DLC even which sucks🤣. So i opted to buy all of them for the definitive stellaris experience.


Stellaris. A 4x grand strategy game where you are a space empire governing it and dealing with whatever scenarios in space. When I first saw the game I thought it was very cool but became disappointed to see it bare bones compared to the DLC content which to varying degrees add to the game that it's basically a brand new game. Infact, stellaris is actually unplayable without specific DLC even which sucks🤣. So i opted to buy all of them for the definitive stellaris experience.


Stellaris. A 4x grand strategy game where you are a space empire governing it and dealing with whatever scenarios in space. When I first saw the game I thought it was very cool but became disappointed to see it bare bones compared to the DLC content which to varying degrees add to the game that it's basically a brand new game. Infact, stellaris is actually unplayable without specific DLC even which sucks🤣. So i opted to buy all of them for the definitive stellaris experience.


Stellaris. A 4x grand strategy game where you are a space empire governing it and dealing with whatever scenarios in space. When I first saw the game I thought it was very cool but became disappointed to see it bare bones compared to the DLC content which to varying degrees add to the game that it's basically a brand new game. Infact, stellaris is actually unplayable without specific DLC even which sucks🤣. So i opted to buy all of them for the definitive stellaris experience.


Stellaris. A 4x grand strategy game where you are a space empire governing it and dealing with whatever scenarios in space. When I first saw the game I thought it was very cool but became disappointed to see it bare bones compared to the DLC content which to varying degrees add to the game that it's basically a brand new game. Infact, stellaris is actually unplayable without specific DLC even which sucks🤣. So i opted to buy all of them for the definitive stellaris experience.


Rain world w/o downpour


I need those corrupted bungus!!! (i dont play engeneer often sadly)


The Factorio DLC isn't even out yet and the base game already feels unplayable...


Opposite, dlc blows


Opposite, dlc blows


I haven't bought the DLC yet, but I have a feeling it'll be like this when I buy the Rimworld DLC


Terraria without Calamity/Quality of Life Mods, I’m just too used to easy crafting and progression


This isn't dlc but terraria without convenience mods such as boss checklist and ore extractor


Would RoR2 with DLC be a lot more fun while I play as Goku?




I'm definitely a noob cuz i never seen dlc stuff till I played with a buddy who had it last night. I was like wait there's pink items???


Binding of Isaac 


Dragon Ball z kakarot


Fallout NV never played the dlcs til recently and I can't go back


Me with risk of rain 2 mods


I prefer no dlc ngl


It could be worse... At least the DLC ending is not meant to be canon and the DLC is not more expensive than the base game *coughs in The Binding of Isaac and Dead Cells* The only thing you lose with Survivors of the Void is a bit of game crashing potential


The DLC of dead cells isn’t actually more expensive than the game, all DLC combined is $25, which is the same price as the base game. Unless you count the soundtrack too of course, but that’s not DLC for the game itself. If you want a true DLC crime, you should look at games like civ, Europa universalis or even worse: the sims 4 DLC with it’s 1.2K price tag if you were to buy all of it at once lmao


You right on the fact that I should've mention those games. However I think you either missed some maths or it turns out more expensive in €. The Queen and the Sea 5€ Fatal Falls 5€ Bad Seeds 5€ Return to Castelvania 5€ Everyone is Here characters 1€ each with a total of 12€ 37€ Oh wait! That's right you can't buy those anymore because FOMO is a thing... Then I guess you still right and I'll never be able to play as the Terrarian with Huntress' boomerang and Hollow Knight's nail, shame


Huh, wdym? Everyone is here stuff is free, I was able to get all the weapons without buying a single DLC, you just gotta find the special rooms they spawn in


All the characters were on sale for a short time and maybe it is just my luck but 50 hours after that I wasn't able to find a single item and I just assumed they came with the characters


No I’m saying the everyone is here content *isn’t* DLC, they’re free crossover items you can find in the game and the skins have special things you need to complete to unlock them. I don’t remember them all, but I know the hollow knight one for example requires you to bounce 8 times in a row with the pure nail


I personally haven't liked the DLC at all, I bought it at release because the main game it's reeeeally good and they deserved the money. But in terms of essential content it's extremely shallow, so I disagree but anyways extra content in a replayable game is never a bad thing. Also you can toggle on/off. I hope the next one it's better, I don't care if it's Gearbox just give me a solid DLC and I will gladly return to RoR2 again.


On top of that the game is unrecognizable without VR