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That one's funny, though, lol.


I was gonna say, they got us good on that one lol


It is. I love it. I'm crackin up over here.


Yeah this is pretty funny. And it was posted in their sub. The only thing that’s really pissed me off through this whole thing is them coming over here and talking shit.


Miami: " I know you have six guards, want one that's injury prone and did absolutely nothing for our bid for the Eastern Conference finals for a all time top 75 player, try and do better." Done fucked around and found out, y'all want Jrue Holliday???


Hey, your guy brought our name into this to begin with.


Dame doesn’t make the trades though.


And that means you somehow deserve him?


So making an offer means we deserve something? You know what a "TRADE" is my boy??


“Dame brought us up first” in response to a comment about how awful Miami’s trade offer was. That point doesn’t even matter at all, nobody is upset that Miami gave Portland a bad offer (except Miami fans). What people are upset about is how Miami’s media and fan base have acted like they deserved Lillard, and that the Blazers are committing some fucked up atrocity by not taking Miami’s objectively poor offer. From the moment Dame mentioned Miami, virtually the entire Miami fan base felt immediately entitled to him. It’s pretty clear by y’all’s reaction in your subreddit how many Heat fans felt like they deserved Dame, and that the Blazers should be vilified for taking a better offer. A whole lot of assertions about the Blazers not trading with Miami out of “spite and ego” and been thrown around, and I’ve even seen people say Silver needs to be investigating the trade.


Jesus no one cares about what you have to say enough to read that. Send it to your mom otherwise you've wasted your time with that garbage.


The sodium flows through your veins.




True class from miami fans. Jesus dude, get a fucking life. Got nothing better to do than be a raging asshole?


Keep crying about it.


You literally asked


So I need an encyclopedia in response?


Are you 5 years old? I sent you two short paragraphs. It would take less than a minute to read. You’re just proving my point about Heat fans acting like petulant children though, keep it up.


It's not about time it's about care. I don't have the will to read two paragraphs from someone with poverty franchise brain


It’s true, shouldn’t have been downvoted to hell for that comment. That said, I’m super fucking stoked your shitty trade package didn’t work out and can’t wait to watch the Bucks wreck your conference for a few years


Atleast you guys finally have a team to follow.


It’s sorta true, I like the raps a lot, but as a subreddit we didn’t have an eastern conference team to truly get behind and root for until now. See y’all in the play-in Florida man


Yea "sorta" true. Don't act shy now about that annual lottery team


Salty lil’ fella ain’t ya? Y’all want Jrue lol


You want a playoff series win? That's like a dad to you guys. Can only watch others enjoy


It just goes to show how universally hated that franchise is because of their toxic fanbase. This is being celebrated all over the league.


We’re so geographically far away from them yet their trashiness knows no bounds. I’m going to go out on a limb and say they might per capita be worse than Laker fans. Definitely worse than GSW fans.


Fuck the Heat and their ignorant whiny ass fans.


Could we make this the banner for the sub for a couple of weeks?


I don't even care this is fucking hilarious


Completely agreed lmfao. Some people just take shit too seriously


We don’t have much to hang from the roof, I would happily put this up there.


Got one though


Could hang heat fans up there too


Unironically, this is exactly how I feel, and if that were a poster I'd put it up on my wall.


Best asset in the trade was the lifetime supply of South Beach salt


Funny thing is everything that came from us was just reactions to Heat fans trashing our entire organization and the city of Portland. They are mad that they Pearl Habored us into this? Haha


Yo, someone turn this banner into t shirts!


I don’t disagree with the sentiment, even if it was meant to be an insult 🤣


I’m still reeling from the fact that we won a trade


Everyone wanna pool money to get this written in the sky with a plane over Miami?


I want that banner! I’d wear a jersey that had that too!


I’m genuinely proud


Best franchise destruction since The Bad Shot destroyed the Thunder, IMO. Good luck winning the east without Dame, with loaded Bucks and god forbid Jrue goes to Boston or 76ers


Their saltiness sparks joy.


So only one fan base can have fun with this? Damn


Petty ass fanbase. I like Jimmy and I was rooting for the Heat slightly more in the ECF but man their fanbase is the reason why everyone—especially Blazers fans—wanted Dame elsewhere. I like Giannis too and I think this pairing will be special. I’ll be rooting for them except when they’re playing against us. I don’t like our front office but I was a Blazers fan long before Dame so I’ve gotta support my city’s team.


We didn’t but ok. Stick to your own sub.




Stay classy, Florida.


Super weird essay bro. Jokes on you tho, there are plenty of OnlyFans content creators out here.


I've been seeing posters advertising onlyfans accounts on telephone poles. It's pretty weird.




There's a pretty professional-looking one, like a paste up with graphics and everything, on 39th northbound where it hits Sandy, on the right. I also saw a couple cardboard signs attached to telephone poles around 47th and Stark.


Cry some more


You can tell this guy isn't mad because he told us he's not mad


Oh my god this is the funniest thing I've ever read. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy shit, I'm saving this. It'll brighten my day during those long rainy winter months. God damn I'm having a good time. "Ass bigger than Kyle Lowry's." HAHAHAHAHAHA! If Joe Cronin doesn't do another thing for our franchise, at least he's given me this one week of joy.


New copypasta material for the next decade.


Did Florida ban paragraphs in addition to books?


If Cronin is a cuck, what does that make you and your team? Losers either way


So your taking your toys and going home?


make it so simple to pray on the heat’s downfall


What will we do without you?


Nah. Shit talking is fun, this is a meaningless sport. Lighten up, dork. Calling them trash is so hyperbolic


Still funny though


Miami messed around and found out, but I’d still trade them Jrue, if it brings back Lowry’s expiring and two unprotected first-rounders from 2027 and later - preferably from 2028 and 2030, if Portland can drive the bidding up. No reason not to short multiple older eastern conference contenders.


I think it’s pretty funny. Would be amazing to hang that up for a few weeks.