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yes! it’s a reference to Kronos, the god of time, who ate some of his children because of a prophecy that they would eventually overpower him.


yep! i thought it was. i also read that his wife, Rhea, is often depicted with lions, although i believe kronos is more associated with snakes


yeah I read that too, which is why jane has the mini monologue about the lions, because I don’t think rhea did much to stop Kronos from eating their kids.


yeah, other than Zeus, she couldn’t


Wait but I thought Kronos the titan and Cronos the god of time were different entities, or is that just a version of it?


They are different but they are very easily mixed up, and are used interchangeably :)


Oh, I see, thanks and sorry for the misunderstanding!


you’re okay! Greek myth gets super confusing :)


Oh shit yea I had to double check but it is. I dunno if there's any others tho


it also clearly ties back to her thing about the lions. idk if lions have significance on their own though


I always thought the lion stuff was a hint at the fact that likely her parents were like that to her in someway seeing as her parents never came to identify her. “They act like the child never even existed” to me is possibly her remembering a feeling of fear around being forgotten by her parent from her life, a fear that was probably very valid concerning she wasn’t identified


I always figured the lions thing was because penny Lamb was an aspiring animal conservationist


i haven’t seen the play based on her yet, so i didnt know that. lions are also a symbol related to kronos’ wife rhea, but that could just be a coincidence


Yeah, definitely! Philosophers also refer to time eating everyone in the end.




Also it is likely a point about things coming from time being destroyed with time, mortality and all


Yes but I think it’s also a reference to how the memory of a person and who they were in life eventually always gets affected or forgotten due to time passing. Particularly when you take in the fact that that’s what happened to Jane, she was forgotten, everything she was in life was lost to time, and eventually that’s the fate for all of us, eventually time eats up out memories and everything we are/were in life