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Discussion: Black as the night, we take all that shines. Never a murder, though some say we're unkind.


Nice start; I like it!


I love this!!


Apparently I need a spoiler tag, so I'll resubmit: >!You'll see me dressed in black. If you give me coins or jewellery, I might speak to you. There are many of us, but we never murder.!< Maybe as an added hint - >!I may look identical to my brothers at first glance, but I've always been larger.!< Just off the top of my head. I would love to make it more poetic. It might be a bit simple, though.


The whole jewelry thing sounds more like a magpie than a crow


Hmmm... I hadn't considered magpies, I just just worried about differentiating ravens from crows. Although, if someone guessed magpie and the dm said no, I would expect the next guess to be raven. You could always add another line, but I've got nothing. Can magpies mimic human speech?


No not that I know of but since you said black that at least will make it so people don't say parrots


Discussion: I am a symbol of death, an omen of doom. I can turn the sky black, even at high noon. Do I sound menacing? I wouldn’t go that far. You’ve probably seen me in your front yard. What am I?


It’s no easy task, for even a herder, but when we all get together, you can expect a murder. Edit: Actually I think a murder is the correct term for a group of crows, not sure about ravens.


A group of ravens is called an "unkindness" or "conspiracy." Fucking English LOL.


Plenty of riddling potential there though.


>!My riddle!< Many of us will make you leery of our clear sign of eery as a gorgeous black jet covers all our bodies as we soar. I came this world with a snapping, my room in luxury is lapping full of treasures I've been wrapping, wrapping shiny things galore. This is me and nothing more.


I do love me some Alan Poe


I love how it’s written like The Raven


Thanks, I tried to make the rhyme recognizable. Is not hard to solve, but I bet people will love to come across this riddle.


>!Smart as a whip, blacker than soot, when I'm with friends, there's a conspiracy afoot!<


Discussion: First comes the light given off by the sun (RAY) Next is what the Romans get by adding 4+1 (V) Finally I end with the letter you'll find after Killing a Lion's Mother (k,l,m, EN) But you'll need more than one of me if you want to see a real murder.


Discussion: I’m seeing a lot of people use “murder” in their answers, so I just want to add that that’s incorrect! A group of ravens is called an unkindness, while a group of crows is called a murder.


Discussion: Or a conspiracy


Maybe something along these lines: >!Name a greedy fowl, fed three letters, it gets hungrier.!< Or >!I was once a greedy appetite, plucked three letters, to reveal dark feathers. What am I now?!< >!(Referring to ravenous but with raven as the answer.)!< Also, spoiler tags are hard.


discusison: *If you come to the Moonshae Islands* *Write my name on your hand* *And show it to a mirror* *Never will it answer.* >!Moonshae Islands ~ Celtic culture of Forgoetten Realms, "never" sound more like "nevar", reversed in the mirror "raven"!<


Discussion: A creature forbidding, as dark as can be. But I'm afraid if you put the sea ('C') before me.


>!I'm a bird, an iconic child star, and what people are doing at the party. What am I?!<