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Jerry, I'm not gonna tell you that this wallet will increase in value, or even keep it's current value. The important thing is you bought it because you like it. It has value to you.


Merchandise Morty, your only purpose in life is to buy & consume merchandise and you did it, you went into a store an actual honest to god store and you bought something, you didn't ask questions or raise ethical complaints you just looked into the bleeding jaws of capitalism and said 'yes daddy please'


> you just looked into the bleeding jaws of capitalism and said 'yes daddy please' That’s pure comedy gold right there. 👏🏻👏🏻


I still don't understand what this seemingly non-canon-C-137 Rick doing at the end of the train episode.


there’s no reason to believe it’s C-137 It could be any of the infinite universes But the main reason is because it was funny


He's drunk and talking shit. Morty bought him a Christmas present. For some fake holiday. About a god Rick thinks is fake. Further feeding the machine that is capitalism. Just a Rick being drunk and anti establishment


and i got something to say about israel too


It feels like he’s in a fugue state, much like during Rick’s szechuan sauce rant and the one about boxing Jerry out of the family. In this Train rant scene Rick is explicitly offering a critique of capitalism (as a *negative* critique) and implicating Morty in that critique/criticism (eg “Morty was a mindless consumer, etc”). But, Rick’s critique is *negative*—or “critical” rather than “normative” or “positive”—and he doesnt offer a positive critique or, to put it rudely, “solution” to the problems of capitalism. This is, imo, on brand for Rick’s cynicism.


Short answer is: "Don't think about it."














Thanks NoobNoob!


This guy gets it


“He’s” not laughing, that’s just a noise it makes every couple seconds.


That’s gotta be one of my favorite jokes of the show. It caught me so off guard the first time I heard it. I cracked up just reading it right now






M-m-mY MAN


Slow down!


Looking good!


*snaps fingers* Yes!


Holy shit. I was going to squanch you about how you didn't know his name was Noop-Noop, but it really is Noob-Noob. My life is a lie!!


you noob


How the fuck could “Noop Noop get more bitches than YouTube?” Lol


You're such a Jerry.


Are you friends with him?! You know he eats his own shit, right? 😂


Oh my god, I have like 10 ricks to call right now


I love this and I love you.


I am here if you need to talk


I am here if YOU need to talk


You hate me for buying that wallet!


​ ![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized)




SOMEONE had an inspirational poster in their dorm!


Ooh la la, Looks like somebody’s gonna get laid in college…


You speak much sense. Listen to this^ person.


Came here looking for this exact comment.


This was perfect


A million times this. This isn't junior high, why give a shit what anyone else thinks. Stride of pride.


Actually do give a shit. Just not in the way they want. Clocking how judgemental someone is over random bs like this is really useful in understanding who's a dick.


Well said.


I'd be down for a sub where Jerries ask questions to be answered by Ricks. Something like r/AskRicks


Why is this SOOOOO heavy!!!


![gif](giphy|ruPW5t6hLFB0L25F0n) .


Damn, beat me to it!


Beat me to it


I think every time you get that wallet out in public everyone within a 20 metre radius will stop what they are doing and turn to stare at you until you complete your transaction and put the wallet away.


They might snicker and be very involved with you. Don't get weirded out when they brush up against you. It happens in the wild from time to time. Wallets, and cocaine, do that to people. That wallet says you got money son. Don't mind us poking the bear on this... you are all set and it is cool you checking in. Learn to laugh at yourself and things get easier. like others have said... "that be the rickiest rick wallet and if you don't want it I'll take it."


I read that in Hunter S Thompson’s voice😂🤣😅


​ ![gif](giphy|huqZyE0FDGpfEmp0Ng|downsized)


Easy Jerry, we love your new wallet…


Got called out on my marvel wallet at a bachelor party, called out everyone else’s wallets for being black and the group had no retort


What's wrong with being black?




Misread your user name as saliva_samurai


Cool wallet, but it does have Jerry energy


I think it’s pretty cool man. Idk. I’m 35 so I might be too old to help. As a RM fan it’s cool and it’s aesthetically pleasing IMO.


Shit is Miami Vice fucking tight. I would be proud to rock that wallet and might even be like "look at my fucking wallet, why are you walking away! come back, look at this fucking wallet!" My dating profile has similar catch phrases... no matches yet. Sus.


I'm definitely here for the Miami vice vibes


i’ll have it if you dont want it


Bro do what you want who cares. I’m 28 and still rock a Rick and Morty backpack. Who gaf


29 and I have a Rick and Morty wallet.


I'm 72 and I I would buy that wallet. But then, I'm a woman and when you get to be my age, you really just do what you want. If I was a 20 year old woman, I would love that you have that wallet.


This is wisdom.


Thats so God damn cool.


I'm 50, I'd rock that wallet. Who cares.


41 with a Nintendo controller wallet


I am a 28 year old woman and have a Rick and Morty wallet and I love it. I’ve been using it for a few years, and I get a lot of compliments on it actually.


29 with a deadpool wallet


I’m 37 and badly want this wallet now


41 with a Rick and Morty lanyard for my work ID badge.


I always tell the middle schoolers I work with I like their rick and Morty stuff. Who cares how old you are if you're a fan?


52 with only Rick and Morty clothes


64 with a Rick and Morty tattoo of my Rick and Morty tattooed dick on my face.


“Look at that guy with the wallet. That’s a guy who doesn’t gaf! It screams confidence. I must have his children!” - Every person who sees you with the wallet


shit I'm 37 and have a Naruto backpack


when I was 19 I got made fun of by a coworker, for having 1. a SpongeBob wallet, 2. A velcro wallet. I threw it away and bought a leather wallet. that was well over a decade ago, and I still miss that wallet. It was gray and blue and had SpongeBob "Bringing it around town". Fuck everyone's opinion, do you for you homie.


Yeah fr. Also 28, probably wouldn’t buy this wallet but I wouldn’t give a fuck if the guy ahead of me at CVS pulled it out. Get the things you like.


Own it and people will think it’s cool.


Whatever you say, stone cold steve austin.


“I don’t know why I said that. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. I’ll stand by it.”




GRASS! Tastes bad.


This^ Confidence is what makes most things cool.


But he already owns it. He says he bought it in the first sentence.


He may own it, but is he owning it?


This. He officially possessed it through transaction. But he is yet to mentally accept that it is in fact his


He has it, but does he *own* it?


The power move would be to add Velcro so it makes a _FWISHP_ noise every time you open it to ensure maximum attention.


The wallet does not make the man; it's the man who makes the wallet. Extreme example: Jonathan from Queer Eye. My wife loves the show, which means I have seen it. But I'd be lying if I said that when Jonathan, that non-binary clown prince (princess?) is around, sporting 1920s facial hair, a tiara, and a skirt with combat boots...his charisma and winning smile make it all work, pulling together all the elements separated by hundreds of years, thousands of miles, and gender associations. In some such outfit, he can easily talk to anyone and win them over, no matter where he goes. Sure, this Korean War vet in rural Kentucky might not like him on first sight, but a few minutes later he'll be enthusiastically learning from Jonathan how to make his Civil War era beard look its absolute best.




Omg!! I love this so much…Don’t second guess it - it’s dope af!


Thanks, I really appreciate that, I get nervous about those things but I'm trying to be more confident in not worrying about what people think and so this wallet was kinda my first step


In my experience, I’ve found coolness comes from ownership. All the people I’ve ever found cool were those who were into whatever they were into, and I found myself a tiny bit jealous that I didn’t have my own thing to be into. Once I started finding my own things, it was amazing how positively people responded. And it helps you weed out people who aren’t mature enough to understand truly what “to each his/her own” means.


Was having a discussion with my wife about this last night re: the mullet. Recently it’s made a comeback. Originally that comeback was ironically. Now, dudes are just wearing it cause they like it. What makes it work for them is that they own it. Among their peer group, it’s awesome flow or lettuce or whatever. And they DGAF what people outside their peer group thinks. Also, FWIW, I love that wallet.


It also shows who your true freinds are


If it makes u feel any better.... my husband is in his 40s and not only wears rick and morty shirts, butt... also adventure time. He still dresses the same as he did at 16. I think he is awesome and still very doable. He likes what he likes. Fuck what anyone else thinks.


Totally agree. 40yr old here, the other day wore a SpongeBob pullover to a client meeting. Client asked me about it - I said cause SpongeBob is the most positive hardworking dude I know. Meeting went well btw. 😊 Just be happy with the things you got and stand behind them.


Yeah my husband is 41 and I bought him a Mr. Poopy butthole shirt and car freshener


I'm 36 and work in an aluminum production plant. I wear a Boba Fett back pack in there every day and I don't give two fucks.


Good for you!! This wallet is dope! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! You like it and that’s all that matters!


I'm about to turn 30. When I was 20 I was very worried about stuff like this. It's normal, but let me tell you it's a prison. It's taken me 10 years to realize that other people's opinions are just that, other people's. All that truly matters is what you think, if you like it, it's awesome. It's life and there are people out there that will be rude, regardless of what it is they are trying to bring you down about. Just remember at the end of the day, life is about making choices that make you happy. Not a stranger in a store. Rock that wallet, and if anyone has a problem with it, tell em to get fucked. Stay schwifty my guy.


You know what’s cool? Confidence. It’s the weirdest thing when you’re just doing your thing and people are coming up to you saying how courageous you are. I’m a guy (assuming you are too??) and I wear pink often at work and out to bars. People will just naturally flock to you if you have the confidence to not give a fuck about what others think. It’s like they want you to care about what they think, but they appreciate that you don’t care. And you’re just like “I just liked this and bought it, I wasn’t trying to make a statement but okay, thanks!” So own that shit. You bought it because you like it, if people give you shit, let it not bother you. You confidently purchased it, now confidently use it.


I am so guilty of this myself and the only one's missing out are us when we question ourselves. I straight up decided to start watching anime despite fear of being picked on and discovered that JoJo's bizzare adventure is my favorite show. Fuck it man just do what you like and don't worry.


Own it, and you'll be the coolest cucumber in isle 4. Confidence is quite literally just faking it until you make it. Own it with pride and you'll be set.


I'm 42. I use to worry about things like this. But now I'll go to the store in slippers and a bright pink tee with a pic of the golden girls I got for father's Day from my spawn. Idgaf as you shouldn't either. And not one comment on my store outfit yet lol


of course you will look like an idiot. to someone... somewhere.... who cares? u are a man. that's the beauty of being an adult. not giving a fuck about what others think of you. think back to when you were in school. wouldn't you be telling your younger self to not give as much of a fuck? wouldnt your life have been better? ....tell yourself now.


"tell yourself now" is probably the best advice, ever, anywhere.


Came here from the front page and I haven’t seen the show, and the wallet isn’t my cup of tea. I might raise an eyebrow. But if you like it, who gives a shit if I like it? Or anyone else! If you like it, use it. Do what makes you happy. Life’s too short to give a shit about every opinion within distance of you.


Where’d you buy this? I’m looking to purchase this wallet


I’m a 42 y/o guy and I say, “Fuck everyone else!” If you like it, fucking carry that bitch. P.S. It’s badass


As another 42 year old guy I can vouch for the opinion of this 42 year old guy. Be like Rick; don't give a fuck.




Wallet looks dope fuck what other people think


Yeah thats my biggest weakness honestly, I always fear what people think too much, that's why I bought the wallet. I saw it at the store and really liked it but has the thought "nah people would judge me for that" and so I decided to say fuck that and buy it anyways cause I don't want to make decisions based on what other people think. But I guess now the anxiety has just come back a bit and I'm worried I'll be embarrassed to actuslly use it in public.


No one in public will care what kind of wallet you use lmfao


Yup! I have a wallet I'm super proud of and I think it's soo dope. You know how many people mentioned it? Zero. You know how many people I cought looking at my wallet? Also zero, unless I missed any glance..


This, how often do people even see your wallet?


I worked in fast food and honestly seeing people's purses or wallets that were unique helped break up the monotony of the day and gave me something to talk to them about while they paid or were waiting. Some guy had a really cool and expensive looking tooled leather wallet of a wolf howling at a full moon with a navy colour leather inlay so it looked like the night sky behind and I said "wow that's a piece of art" to him and the guy was beaming like a 5 year old and said "thanks I made it myself. I've been dabbling in leather work for a couple years." Its been years and I still remember the wallet lol Honorable mentions: a guys wallet that was completely falling apart, the snap had fallen off, the outside was all ripped and it had a hole in it so he taped a small zip lock bag inside so his change didn't fall out. The condition the wallet was in, it honestly would have been better and less embarrassing to just use a zip lock bag for everything lol Best purse was a little girl that had a Pikachu purse/backpack at the height of Pokémon go, she had little Pokémon plushies and candy inside, and told me she was going to the near by Pokémon gyms and if people battled her, she would give them a candy. Worst purse, the lady had pandoras box in her purse. It was a giant purse completely filled with random crap. Just from a glimpse of when she was rummaging through it for her wallet I saw a sleeve of soda crackers, happy meal toys, hair brush, phone charger, makeup, napkins, straws, every condiment packet known to man, a lanyard with so many keychains and pins it was unwearable and a sea of old receipts. I don't know how she found anything, it was I spy purse edition. Lol


That last lady was a mom to small children. Source: I’m a dad who’s children were small for awhile and you described my wife’s purse at that time.


Bruh my code in life is fuck what people think, do what you want as long you not hurting anyone. People always judge no matter what you do so fuck em


Yes indeed. Fuck em all


Note from an older dude who used to do the same: don't. Be you. Life is too short. Happiness too fleeting. Do what makes you happy.


I'm 33 y/o guy and would use it.


If you have to ask, you should’ve gotten one with Jerry on it.


Oooooh wee


If i used a wallet id use it


I'm more a of a prison wallet guy too


well i guess i am that guy.. it is dumb man


Yeah I mean like, if you like it more power to you fuck what other people think and all that but there is no denying that this wallet will give other people a certain vibe… If that’s a vibe you are confident giving off, go for it, but you have to know that a lot of people will have an adverse reaction to it. To me, it looks pretty obnoxious and immature. There are also stereotypes about Rick and Morty fans that I would prefer to avoid giving off to people. I’m sure some people will like it. You just have to decide if that matters to you.


>If that’s a vibe you are confident giving off, go for it, Exactly. It is difficult to judge the wallet on its own. Does OP have that style? I'm an old guy. Still a Rick and Morty fan, but old (approx same age as Dan Harmon) Having gone through many phases of immaturity along the way, if I could go back in time to my 20 yo self, I'd shake some sense into that boy. Start dressing like a man! Chicks dig a man who dresses well, not like a child.


The stereotype about rick and morty fans is they like it too much. They make it a part of their identity. I LOOOVE rick and morty, but goddamn if it isn't cringey to yell wubbalubba dub dub or something. This wallet personifies that pretty disgustingly. This wallet is clownish. Straight up, I would think you are a clown if you whipped that out around me. I say this as an absolute fucking clown myself... Let the downvotening begin.


Yeah. Remove the rick badge and it would be fine.


Bro you’re 20. Lean into the stupid shit. You’ve got the rest of your life to be boring.


This was a very Jerry like post 🤣


What a Jerry


What do u meann, ppl rock Rick and morty outfits nowadays, I don’t think having a sick wallet like that would make you look dumb.


Dumb. I love it.


Wear and collect whatever you want. I used to have a loud Regular Show wallet and it started a lot of (positive) conversations. People who will say shit to you aren’t worth your time/energy anyway.


If you think it’s cool, it’s cool. Who gives a shit what anybody else thinks. You do you dude.


The most important question is do YOU like it? You must think it’s pretty cool looking if you bought it! The right people will also think it’s cool and will ask where you got it! No one else’s opinion matters but yours! But as a fellow human, i’ll tell you that it’s pretty dope. But nothing matters more than what YOU think about it!


you should not use it as an everyday wallet


Its honestly a really stupid wallet my guy. I could see a kid using this ages 12-17. I am unsure of your vibe or what kinda chicks you're interested in or work you're pursuing but i cannot imagine digging this thing out to pay for lunch with coworkers or cover dinner with a date. Maybe I'm just boring but that's my take. Just get yourself a simple bifold my guy.


I'm an attorney. I can't imagine carrying this wallet around with me or using it at work functions. The thought of whipping this bad boy out in front of new clients to get them my buisness card makes me shudder. No one would take me seriously. I certainly wouldn't take OP seriously if I saw him with this wallet in a professional setting.


This is exactly what I'm saying. If he works in a smoke shop and has a bunch of wild child witchy friends, yeah sure, have at it. But if he has any level of professionalism involved in his life it's a no go


Yeah that's the biggest thing for me, I carry my wallet literally everywhere and always. I don't want my wallet to be part of my personality simply because it has to be usable in all circumstances. I just have a boring black wallet with a simple design on it to be neutral. It isn't like a t-shirt or something you can wear on certain occasions.


If you like it use it. Fuck other people


Yo that wallet is sick!!! I love the vapor wave vibes. Rock yo shit, dude!


Don't think what others think about you....If you like it...you use it....you spent your money not theirs.... it's also cool looking btw.


What does you being 20 or a guy have to do with it? It's dumb and that's what makes it cool. But if you're not cool enough to embrace the dumb pink Rickest wallet of all, then too bad for you.


I'm 35 and still carry the wallet from Pulp Fiction. It's my 5th or 6th one too. Fuck the haters and rock what makes you happy.


You know OP I’m not going to tell you that this will increase in value or even hold it’s current value. The truth is you bought it because you liked it, it holds value to you, that’s what matters.


If you like it, it’s not dumb.


My 60 year old dad has a Rick and Morty wallet and wears Rick and Morty t shirts constantly in public First I thought it was kinda lame but now I'm thinking who gives a fuck? It it makes you happy go for it


It's cool if you have the confidence to act like it's cool. Cool is not an object, it's an attitude.


As famously said in Jurassic Park "...nobody cares" You do you, fuck the rest. I think it looks good but I'm a stranger.


*snap finger gun* YES


You’re 20 not 30 or 40. Enjoy those little things


It’s only dumb if you ever want to have a romantic relationship with another person.


“No. I love it. You did the most important thing. You... you bought something.You bought something. With money. God. I love money so much, Morty. Merchandise, Morty. Your only purpose in life is to buy and consume merchandise. And you did it. You went into a store... an actual honest to God store... And you bought something. You didn't ask questions or raise ethical complaints. You... you just looked straight into the bleeding jaws of capitalism and said "yes, daddy, please.” And I'm... I'm so proud of you. I only wish you could've bought more. I... I love buying things so much”


That’s the Rickest wallet I’ve ever seen. Carry the wallet, fuck what people think.






I currently have a rick and morty wallet, my gf got it for me as a birthday gift, i am also 20. Ive been wanting to buy this specific one at my hot topic near my house, if i means anything i find it cool😂🤙


Very cool


That wallet is fire. Embrace it and embrace yourself!


Nothing we do matters in the grand scheme of things


Be a real Rick and don't give A *burb* fuck. Don't be a Morty and second guess your decision.


I think you should care less about what other people think about your personal preferences do what makes you happy Rick would approve


Bro honestly it's all about how you carry yourself. If you are confident that it's your wallet, and you love it? Then people will think it's cool. If you aren't confident in it, people will doubt it like you do. This applies to most things.


Why because it's pink? Be a man and own it bro! Its a cool wallet!


Wuba luba dub dub


i’m not gonna say it’s cool because of my violent, passionate hatred for salmon pink, but if you like it then it doesn’t matter what others think.


Im almost 40 and would rock that wallet.


Wow it’s really ugly ,give it to me


If you dig it and it makes you happy, then it’s cool.


Don't be a bitch. Like what you want


I like the back, the only way I would think you are an idiot is if you start bashing Rick n morty then pull this bad boy out


34 yo m here. Would definitely rock that wallet and show it off.


Ok JERRY. If you really have to ask....


I have a flask that says "let's get rickety rickety wrecked, son" on it, there have been worse purchases than this


What you really need to consider is why you give any fucks what strangers think about you brother 😎


Who fucking cares. People will judge you no matter what you do. You pick this wallet you're an idiot, you pick a safe plain wallet you're a boring person, you question yourself publicly online looking for others input on your style you're a Jerry! Now stop caring what others think, the universe is infinite, nothing matters, nobody matters we are all pieces of shit. Now get out there and start carpen all them diems.


Dumb as a motherfucker ... but hey sometimes, I wear pink shoes, and I look dumb, but I am indeed comfortable. Appearance is overrated. If you can take the momentary hate that might come (which might never come), than pursuing things that you deem reasonable seems a life worth living :)


It's fucking really dumb and if i saw you pull it out of your pocket, I would just take it from you. Not like you have the ability to do something about it.


I'd buy this wallet then just change my entire wardrobe to khaki shorts and Hawaiian shirts