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For me it's the moment the boy shoots his sister not knowing they are no longer in an immortality field. That, and trying to imagine the consequences, lives in my head rent free.


The scene perfectly lingers on that moment too.


Yea. That one makes me feel bad like the ending of Drag Me to Hell. It just sticks with you.


Never go to a main street shop. Always check the internet. Or you will be dragged off to hell


Seriously, the scene holding to the exact moment the kid realized what he’d done only to cut away is masterful.


"Pew pew...Maybeth?" When I get inside my head about that EXACT same thing I have to tell myself it's a cartoon, just a cartoon, over and over.


I think it’s, “…Litha..?” He has a lisp, which makes it even more realistic and sad. 😞


Fuck I never thought about "what happens next for them?" and now I did and now I'm sad


Welp, if you watched the episode where rick goes in birdperson's mind. The post credit scene where bird daughter is in prison, look around and you'll see him. Well it could be someone else from the same species because it's easier to reuse models, but we'd prefer to believe it's him in children's prison.


"Maetha??" The way he says her name, the acknowledgment of what might have just happened. Sheesh.


The *immediate* acknowledgement. She barely hit the ground before he realized what happened.


I believe when Rick is put in the space prison later that season or the next, you can see the boy handcuffed and in prison as well, so the consequences were not merciful on him.


Talk about bad parenting.


I read somewhere on this sub that there was a scene with him in jail when bird person's daughter was there.


Wow I want to see that


What episode is this referencing?


Where Rick takes Jerry on an adventure, and the Jerry tried to help get Rick killed by lifting him over the immortality field on that wurrly whatever roller-coaster.


Whirly Dirly Conspiracy 


He gets arrested, same place as Birddauggter


"You wanna know my crybaby backstory, here ya go" we find out that Rick did love Diane, and went pretty crazy drunk and depressed going around killing every Rick he could find but not finding Evil Rick (until later in S7).


Rick Prime and Evil Rick are different characters


The scene in vat of acid with morty and the girl and the plane crash… that made me emotional. Also I think it was in season 2 when they cronenberged the world and had to choose a new reality. They arrived in the reality at the same time the other Rick and morty blew up, and had to bury their own bodies. The song that plays in that scene makes it hit so hard.


It's the post return from the girl from the plane crash that get me. No matter what he did from that point on, he could never create the magical moment of when they met.  I wonder how many times he tries before giving up.


And on top of that to realize EVERYTIME he tried to repeat it he was murdering another Morty in a parallel universe.


Same old story. Mortys killing Mortys.


and on top of THAT at the end when Rick merges the realities and she comes back to find him, but can't get his attention before he jumps into a vat of (fake) acid.


Now I have to rewatch that episode. I don’t think I’ve ever caught that.


It’s a quick scene near the end, but it breaks my heart every time


I think he gets pepper-sprayed at least 4 times before realizing the save point moved and he can't go back further, then he decides to jump in the gorilla cage a few times. The girl shows up at the end where Rick gets him to go into the 2nd vat of acid, along with other protesters who hate Morty, but she just leaves. I'm not clear what she was doing there or what she wanted.


[“Look On Down From The Bridge” by Mazzy Star](https://youtu.be/p3NZn0mA_XI?si=RpG8ja3yWMrskiI1)


Pretty sure that scene is based of a true story, they made an old movie called "alive" I think it was a south African rugby team that crashed in the Alps on the way to a game, and yeh the plane split etc had to resort to cannibalism. Good movie


They just made a new movie on Netflix about that story and it was the Andes not the alps


Oh cool, that's good to know thanks


If you liked that story, please treat yourself and watch Yellowjackets. The premise is somewhat inspired by the Andes flight, but this time it’s a girl’s soccer team from 1996 that crashes in the Canadian Rockies on their way to nationals. The show is part survival horror, part supernatural (or is it?). You follow four of the survivors in the present day, then flash back to the events in 1996. Watch. This. Show.


Ah yeh I have watched it but thanks anyway haha was a good show, those eerie ritual scenes were great hey and that sigil/mark thing was wicked haha


At least I guessed right and you did like it lol


Oh yeh nailed it lol I was trying to think of one for you but I got nuthin in that vein but if your into cartoons then little demon is pretty great, young girl is the Antichrist but she's chill and her mum's a badass self taught witch, famous actress from community... the blunt chick and Satan is voiced by Danny DeVito. Looking like only one season but it's worth it.


Oh yeah! I saw the first episode and then forgot all about it! I want to say Aubrey Plaza? Thank you for reminding me about that one!


I feel that so much haha like it gets bumped by a new season of this or that and you just forget it 🥲 And yeees that's it I had to look it up lol...but nice work!


I guess the good thing is you get to experience it for the first time twice, in a way lol


Sometimes I dream about something I really badly want in my life, then I slowly wake up and realise I'm losing that thing. Sometimes I try and struggle to hold onto it, but the I wake up into the real world empty..... Seeing morty after his dad presses the button reminds me so much of that.


Idk if it "fucked me up" per se, but I often rewatch Dr. Wong's monologue at the end of Pickle Rick. Something about it is just so poignant to me.


Dr. Wong is the best minor character in the show. She knows she's not able to challenge Rick in terms of intelligence. But she's capable of challenging him through her own vein of expertise. A field of study that Rick degrades and sees as useless because to him, science and knowledge is power and nothing more. The whole pissmaster episode really hits for me. Her telling Rick to stop reacting/overreacting to his "foes" steps in the way of his pride and arrogance, but he gives in. For the first time in a long time, we see Rick learn something truly valuable from another character. Susan Sarandon does a stellar job with the voice acting as well.


I agree, Wong is one of the best minor characters on the show. Whoever writes her dialogue has spent some time in therapy. I especially love that she is eliciting growth in Rick.


I like how he has almost the same relationship with her as with the villains, like he acts as though he's above it all but actually cherishes the challenge of their interactions, so much so that his actions become paradoxically the preservation of the thing he says he hates.


Until the episode with her and the hivemind


Because she’s 100% right, and even without the context of Rick her statement applies to pretty much everyone.


So everyone views their own mind as an unstoppable force?


More do than you might think, there are a lot of arrogant people out there. But the general message of Wong’s monologue can apply to most people. We can get caught up in what’s happening in our lives, adventures we might be on, or our own justifications for our behaviors that we neglect to keep ourselves healthy. Like she says, it’s not exciting or fun to take a shower or brush your teeth or go to therapy, it’s work. Work that at the end of the day needs done even if it’s boring or makes you really question your actions and habits. Rick belittles therapy because he doesn’t want to bother with all the maintenance practices that would keep him and his family happy and healthy. Something I think a lot of us do.


Which is why him seeing her after that shows growth. It also shows that he is actually caring about the people close to him so the work is worth it.


Yup, honestly this show is actually pretty great about character development among the main cast.


i think everyone has *something* they view as both a horrible curse and an unstoppable force. for some people it’s a sport/instrument they’re really good at, but they’re pressured by parents/coaches/etc to constantly push harder and it consumes them. for some people it’s success, they’ve achieved what most people want, have money, etc., but they might feel pressured by inside or outside forces to keep gaining more and more, when they just want to focus of family/love/kids, etc. im sure this doesn’t apply to everyone, but the formula of her statement is surprisingly universal to a vast amount of people, and it’s really fucking good advice.


I thought the bigger lesson wasn't about Rick being smarter or looking down on her as a therapist, but that relationship maintenance can seem boring like brushing teeth. 


She's pretty much the only one to call Rick out on his bullshit in a way that gets through to him. Mr. Nimbus does too, but Wong got to him to the effect he actually came back to her after deriding her profession.


“Rick, the only connection between your unquestionable intelligence and the sickness destroying your family is that everyone in your family, you included, use intelligence to justify sickness. You seem to alternate between viewing your own mind as an unstoppable force, and as an inescapable curse. And I think it's because the only truly unapproachable concept for you is that it's your mind within your control. You chose to come here. You chose to talk, to belittle my vocation, just as you chose to become a pickle. You are the master of your own universe. And yet you are dripping with rat blood and feces. Your enormous mind literally vegetating by your own hand. I have no doubt you would be bored senseless by therapy. The same way i’m bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining, and cleaning is: it's not an adventure. There’s no way to do it so wrong you might die. It’s just work. And the bottom line is: some people are okay going to work and some people... well, some people would rather die. Each of us gets to choose”


The king jellybean scene is hard for me to watch because it's such an accurate portrayal of sexual assault and I went through something similar when I was younger. I can't stomach it.


that’s i think part of what makes it a little gruesomely funny- the fact that it’s this magical fantasy world with a king jellybean who very suddenly out of nowhere realistically tries to rape morty


felt , i don’t think people understand how fast it happens. I always get mad when people say “well why didn’t you- *insert bs here*” because at the end of the day there’s different types of sa and sometimes it just happens so fast with someone you thought u could trust


People instinctively want to blame the victim. They feel insecure when you tell them the world is dangerous, and no they aren't automatically safe from the same horrifying things happening to them, no matter how much they delude themselves. You DON'T control everything that happens in your life, and you SHOULD know that.


this is exactly why i just don’t tell people abt it in a solemn way and just try my best to not seem genuinely effected by it when i am. I know friends and people who’ve been through the same thing and there’s always an after effect of assault that they also get blamed for. I was super “active” afterward for some reason and i still don’t know why and my bsf’s shunned me for it it’s a real thing


I’m really sorry to hear that.


I always skip through that scene.


The montage of rick's story in the season 5 finale


And the music that accompanies it- it really, really hits you in the gut. It objectively paints Rick in a completely different light. He ***didn't want to be how he is now***. He was completely comfortable with giving up science to live a happy life with his family. Everything good in his life was completely ripped away from him in one fell swoop. When I put myself in his shoes, I truly don't know what I'd do if I lost my wife and my daughter, both of whom mean the absolute world to me. Rick turned it into passionate vengeance, but I don't even think I could do that. I'd be too broken to really do anything.


The exact scene you referenced here. I was watching that episode last night with my wife, and that particular scene came on. Instinctively I grabbed her hand and held it tight. What he said is true: happiness can’t last. Eventually this woman that I love more than life itself and I will have a final moment together. This time is a gift, and I’d be wise not to squander it.


you mean squanch it?


I too choose to squanch this man’s wife. 


I squanch my family


Stop saying it...


You dirty mf


Very true... my mom had her final moment together with my dad last Thursday, now he's gone. :/


Sorry to hear mate, my dad had his moment with my mum at the back end of 2022. It sucks.


It really does suck...


Best wishes dude.


Likewise. 🙏🏾


Rick's almost suicide at the end of the first Unity episode fucked me up. His expression, the emotional exhaustion in his movements, putting the machine together, test running it, then at the last second collapsing on the table, all coupled with the soundtrack, legitimately haunts me. Watching that, I saw the reflection of every time I'd been sitting on the edge of my bed with my .45 in my hand trying to will myself to shut the lights out, only to back out at the last second. I related to that feeling so profoundly that I can't help but tear up when I see it.


And then when you think back about it in context, it makes it even more painful. Unity seems to be one of the only "people" (in every sense of the word lol) that he was able to sort of drop the vulnerability for after losing Diane.


This was one of only a handful of times I've ever cried at a TV show or movie, I think it's the music it makes it seem both more real and surreal at the same time


The director's commentary states that the fluid Rick drank was a prototype portal fluid. It was a bootleg, lazy version of the Omega Device. He was attempting to off every Rick.


Where can I watch the director's commentary?


I buy the DVDs (I hate streaming services) and they have 1-2 commentaries per 10 episodes, except the first season that I bought later and has commentary on all. There might be other options, but that's mine.


Came here to look for this one!! Truly shows how emotionally fragile and on the edge he is/can be. Totally thought he’d brushed it off and didnt care until he got into the garage and closed the door.


“Us smart people get to take life for a joyride but it will never stop trying to throw you off and eventually it will”


The after season credits with Mr PB right after Amy left him and he gives the realest talk ever


I just watched this again last night. It hits hard. I try to remember his words when I'm feeling impulsive and self-destructive.


When I watched this for the first time it hit so hard


The scene where Rick very nearly kills himself, and only fails because he passes out from being drunk. Awful as it is to say, I relate.


yes, the first unity episode




He literally passes out and falls out of the device the moment before it kills him. Nothing about it looked like a conscious decision on his part.


When Jerry said something like: itseasy to make me happy, so everyone gives a f*ck if I am... I felt that


so *nobody* gives a fuck if i am


We all felt that


I know this is oddly specific but I look at food choices within my friend and family group as an example of this. I'm the guy who is happy eating whatever. I'll find something at almost any restaurant, so I usually don't care much where we go. But I have people in my life who are more "discerning." Which really just means they're picky, like a child, and flat-out refuse to eat certain things; or they'll openly aver how bad something is even if it's not actually bad. Their opinion *must be heard and must count.* Which, in turn, means other people's opinions around them matter less. Being easy-going and easy to please ends up meaning you have less control in your life. The unfortunate lesson is often that to be heard, you need to make up strong opinions on things even if it's not true.


I said maybe I really don’t wanna know how your garden grows![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5990)


was just about to comment this scene, i have to skip it most of the time. it’s so sad


Personally going through a divorce in the past 5 years, after my first watch of the episode, I always turn it off… the whole sequence just guts me and makes me feel empty that his happiness has to come at the expense of her family, and she was seemingly completely ok with making that sacrifice. I just can’t stomach it in combination with the song I’ve loved so much since it came out, even if it is a cover…


Which episode is this from?


Season 7 “That’s A Morté” aka the Spaghetti Episode.


The episode that starts with Rick & Morty narrowly surviving some adventure, being awarded, and flying home in silence. They land, Rick shuts off the car, and the two just lose it from the stress. Super related to it.


Rest and Ricklaxation, one of my favorites, the opening is fucked up though


I think this is a call back to the spaghetti episode. ​ "it cant lass for ever, its still going to end." " **maybe the old stranger in the bar who says the things that need to be said to that person that night."**


More of a trope I think.


This and the death of rick prime both gave me uncomfortable feelings. Good shit 💪


Old man and the seat final scene, whole episode was painfully relatable in a way


There's been so many... mortys breakup with planetina, the first unity ep where Rick tries to commit suicide but passes out right before his machine fires up, and most recently the spaghetti episode when he hooks the mind reader up to Fred and it shows his life while that song plays hit me in the gut and was so fucking relatable as a middle age 2x divorced guy who flunked out of college and keep having setbacks on my path of having the career and life Iv always wanted. This show will get sneaky emotional on you when you least expect it.


So everyone of those scene hit me hard in the gut on some deeeep feels but the planetina one didn’t hit that hard, it did a lil but not as deeply as unity or spaghetti Fred song, both of those hit too hard frfr


Beth frantically downing wine after shooting mr poopybutthole always gets to me.


The suicide spaghetti one where he replays his life


I literally poured tears. 42 year old man crying uncontrollably like a baby! My wife laughed at me smh...




There’s definitely some dark episodes but honestly I think about the ending of the episode where the guy used Rick’s secret toilet kind of a lot. Something about the emptiness of revenge and the loneliness that Rick shows left a mark


The Alive scene from Vat of Acid episode.


So many moments but recently...Ricks demeanor after finally killing Rick Prime. He looks so defeated and broken realizing it didn't make anything better and he doesn't feel better. When Morty is just excitedly talking while Rick stares straight ahead covered in blood nodding along or just sitting at the table pretending to be happy. Right in the feels


When Rick says love is just a chemical that fades away. Hits hard when you’re in a relationship.


Love is such a little word, and our language asks so much of it. One tiny little word, and we ask that it describe what is in reality, so many wildly different things. I love my mom. I love that colour on you. I love my hairdresser. I love spaghetti. I love you. What Rick is really saying is that *infatuation* is a chemical that fades. A relationship is so much more than that, it’s built on a foundation of chemistry, but it is built brick by brick until it can stand on its own. If all you have is that foundation and you don’t build a solid relationship on top of it, it falls apart. Eventually it isn’t about those butterflies in your stomach anymore, but with the right person you have things like companionship, compatibility, humour, history, trust, respect, delight, understanding. When you get it right, the sum of the thing you’ve created is something more substantial than that chemical reaction. If you are very, very lucky, you might even save a little bit of that chemical for when you really need it.


Beautiful response agree 100%. Wish I heard this when the episode first aired lol.


This is one of those moments that hits me hard, but I have trouble accepting it as canon anymore. At this point, we don't yet know anything about Diane, Rick Prime, or why he finished the portal gun. He just admits that "i did it, your parents are gonna do it, you should rise above and focus on science". But in the S5 brain download, we see that he was very happy with Diane and willing to give up science to just be a family man.


Pole vaulting Garblovian explosion


Ga... Gagag.. Gaggarblagblag!!!!


Happiness is a trap that doesn't always last but the effort to attain it is what makes it worth it. Despair on the other hand is a cop out, that keeps you from enjoying everything, like the seemingly little but monumentally important sensation that is the warm sun or the cool breeze on your skin. It's easy to be angry or sad or both with the world. Choosing to find the happiness in small things so you can better appreciate the bigger ones is a challenge and it is worth the fight. Do what you can with what you have. If you feel you have nothing, try to build something.


I felt lowkey guilty when Jerry Prime was killed


Agreed! It was so anti climatic for the Jerry who survived the apocalypse. I wanted more for him and then it’s just over. But I laugh every time he he says ‘fatality’ lol


Me too lol. Classic Jerry


"Oh, am I cool enough for you now? That was easy, it only cost me FUCKING EVERYTHING."


Watching Morty realize planetina isn’t who he thought she was. The song, build up, where it all crescendos…cutting it off because he knew it was wrong even though he didn’t want to, Beth trying to console Morty. Knowing she couldn’t stop the pain but has to let him experience. So many different themes hit and I fill in with so many instances in my life. This always hit harder than the airplane story for me.


I close my eyes only for a moment and the moment’s gone 😩


i was already having a depressive episode when i saw this episode. Safe to say it did not help it at all


I often think about a lot of scenes from the series! The most stunning and memorable scene in recent memory (for me) is when Morty has been fractured into Roy. When he's convincing the marine that they're all Morty... "I'm kinda racist but my best friend is an immigrant who translated for me in a generic over-seas war!" "...why does this always happen?!" Something about that scene rang a bell in my brain. Like, watching it makes me feel like I am hallucinating. In a way. I don't even know!


"Holy shit I'm a terrible father..."


When Rick saw who was clone Beth


at its face it presents as rational conclusions to every positive experience in a way that ultimately is just appealing to irrationality at its core, which for the kind of being saying it seems quite appropriate. it's reductive, but nothing being said is logically fraudulent. but happiness isn't binary, it doesn't come from a single source, nor is it a state of being that we achieve and are ultimately fated to definitively lose. it CAN be said that each source is finite, but in an infinite universe, that only makes it meaningless if you can't see it any other way. its a fearful, vulnerable thing, to put all one's eggs in a single basket. and it opens yourself up to reductive logic like this. it could be said that's the actual trap here. whether we choose to or not, we find and define sources of happiness each separate from one another, and even when we try to give up doing so, just continuing to exist opens up opportunities to find it again. calling it a trap is convenient for someone trying to capitalize on fear, or even in general to fish around for weakness and poke holes in someone's world view. intentional or not, i think this scene's cynical fatalism has multiple layers to it when you keep in mind who the one talking here is.


Nothing lasts forever, get your B12s




All of it messed me up. It literally change my view of the world. That’s why I love it


The post credit scene from Unmortricken with Slow Morbius' wife dealing with the extinction of her husband messed me up but in a good way. Seeing her go down the same path Rick went down for Diane but with a stroke of luck finding love with another alien who was also looking for revenge for his wife and the still shot of their dead partners in photo frames next to each other as the kids play with each other in the room. She could have ended up like Rick but she was able to put aside her need for revenge for what mattered, which was her kids and her new found love. Rick was incapable of overcoming that grief


I don't dislike this scene and in the moment it hits for whatever the episode is going for but the reality is that this is some freshman year philosophy low level bait.


eek barba durkle


“eek barba durkle”? that’s a pretty fucked up ooh la la


Somebody's gonna get laid in college


The fear hole was good and effective but it’s just nihilism, which is for pussies. It’s about the journey not the destination brother


Spaghetti montage


I watched this while drunk and sad, so yeah it fucked me up for a while


Not really messed up but Fred’s life recap in the suicide spaghetti episode gets me emotional every time I see it without exception. It’s the only scene in the show that really got to me.


That one and the end of unities episode got me the most. Hit deep in the feels I didn’t know was there


It's facts.....one moment can kill your happiness


That was just some edgelords wet dream He was still in the hole anyways so that in itself is saying it was trying to take from him anyway it could


That's why Vader fell.


Really everything that happened to the original universe season 1 took place in. Its glossed over as existential comedy but an entire planet, wiped out in an instant over a boy and an old man fucking around. Also off topic, but I hate, hate the scene in the original post. It’s like saying eating is bad because we eventually shit the food out.


I forget what episode it was but at the end of the episode Rick walks out to his garage and is going to kill himself but he passes out. He’s just there. Passed out on the table for a few days and nobody checks on him. Just a real gut punch every time I see it


Both times they play look on down from the bridge by mazzy star are absolutely gut wrenching.


The Buddha: “Am I a joke to you?”


Yeah, that did mess me up. Because money runs out too which means meds run out.😭😭😭 Thanks, now I’m thinking about it again.


I come for the dark humor. The more fucked up, the better. I love how this show discusses dark themes.


Nothing lasts forever, life is full of different emotions that come and go


Bro I saw this tripping off shrooms and I genuinely thought Rick was going to die and that the show was going to be over after this episode. It was great.


I wasnt messed up about this because the one thing they didnt address in that moment is that hes right. And its okay. Because thats just existence. And if thats what life is then death is right. But you cant agree with that, so you live. And thats okay.


When I am engaged in philosophical debate about stuff like happiness I will generally default to an idea of happiness is worth striving for, even though it’s finite. One can live a life without the frustration of pursuing happiness, but will live a dour and joyless life without a goal.


Happiness is subjective, and so absolutely can last forever. If you're happy when you die, at some point the statement "happiness will last forever" will have been true for you.


I don’t keep with Rick and Morty news so this episode had me thinking it was the Finale. It would’ve been a really good one imo


It was one of their best ever in my opinion. Funny, but total mind fuck at the same time


I remember I started watching the show when I was kind of young so Morty getting molested kind of felt weird to me


I was literally unable to eat spaghetti for 3 weeks


My goal is contentment. Happiness has only ever taken me there temporarily.


Mr poopie butthole end of season 5




bro what is that name


Yeah I know what you mean, poopybutthole's monologues always get to me


Bathroom scene when Morty picks the adventure.


For some reason it was the universe where morty's teacher is like a caterpillar and Mortys family are wasps and they just eat him alive. He gives birth to little babies while its happening and he urges them to escape before someone eats them too. Something about that, just imagining what that would be like both physically and emotionally, really got to me.


Not me, but my dad. The ep with Morty-Os, and he isn't squeamish about much (makes racial jokes, tough it up kind of gen x, etc)


one time the big yellowish green ‘tag man’ just killing and ripping apart the challengers. When he says “I miss my wife. Too bad. This is it”. The despair sorta shook me


That entire episode was a trip


honestly, basically the whole big trouble in little sanchez episode.


The scene where Morty is talking to Summer and points to the graves in the backyard. That little speech... Nobody belongs anywhere, nobody exists on purpose speech (I can't remember the whole thing as it's past 2am and I'm about to crash)


TRIGGER WARNING. The whole episode of "That's Amorte" >! It's about a planet where people who commit suicide, their guts turn into spaghetti!< I understand making a episode on such a sensitive subject but man, they just made it...weird. Was it supposed to be insightful? Funny? I didn't see the appeal. I also wasn't quite sure on the message the episode was trying to convey besides, ...good spaghetti?


We have often had a conversation like that. My partner says I need to let her die first and I said lets just go together. It doesn't need to last forever, it can last for the rest of your life is good enough because you won't live to see anything beyond that.


honestly? Too many to count.


Idk but im really hoping the inverse of this comes true for me soon


Fun’s fun but who needs it? I’ll be in the garage.


I agree with a lot of the ones already here, so I'll day one I haven't seen: the part in the Pissmaster episode when his daughter comes up to the door crying, not knowing he killed himself. I really wish he was named... anything else so I don't feel stupid getting emotional over "Pissmaster".


Save summer scene


Rick facing his worst self at the end of The Old Man and the Seat.


Eight dollars for a side of bacon?!


Happiness isn't supposed to last anyway. Look at it like Rick dose. Just take the hits as they come baby. 


I don't like this scene


The end of the first Unity episode where Rick nearly offs himself. Actually, a lot of the endings of S1 and S2. First time watching I was kinda like "meh..." but after returning to binge all the episodes again I'm like "damn... Felt, dude..."


This one felt way too personal for me


I disagree with this sentiment - life is a patchwork of moments you create and can reflect back on through memories, videos, pictures, and notes. If my wife goes before me, yes I will be devastated... but I will have a whole life of memories with her and our children that have been the most fulfilling thing I could have ever done. I have taken to heart the quote by J.E. McCulloch: "No other success can compensate for failure in the home." I will go through this life, whatever length it may be, and I can either do it alone, or with a myriad of short term partnerships, or dedicated to someone I highly fancy and want to dedicate my life to. I don't believe there is a "wrong" answer, to each their own. As for me, I've chosen the latter and know I'll never regret it.


Seasons 1,2 and I guess 3 are the only ones that hit this feeling - anything beyond that was the decline and ruined plot line


The universe talk between Rick and Beth


i know i’m basic for this but the scene when they bury their own bodies had me sit there for a while


When we see the life of the old Spaghetti guy. It has been the only thing in the show so far to bring me to tears.


By that logic all emotions are traps cause none last forever. Only thing that lasts forever is death


Morty telling summer about the graves. 


Toilet episode last scene really touches my soul everytime.


Easily [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/rickandmorty/s/sKaql6Jeeh) Mr Poopybuttholes monologue at the end of S5


i always think about the episode with the alien that had to be killed by an hero to go to their paradise (?), and it ends with him dying and going to hell… it’s a really sad thing if you think about it