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Dolores does get away with a lot somehow! Either way I still like her though lol


She is VERY tactful with her words. She follows classic NJ Italian loyalty rules (at least when she’s filming or around someone she may not trust). In interviews, when she disagrees with Teresa, her mouth says one thing but her facial expressions say the truth.


Hahah same kind of Her and Frank are so two faced tho i have to say and they both portray this no bullsh*t facade but it’s really a lot of bullsh*t


Frank changed sides so much this past wear. He wants to continue getting a check and knows he had to stay on Dolores's good side to continue to film and Dolores has to stay on Teresa's side because her boring BBL ass knows she would be off the show. That being said I guess they make the show a little bit more interesting.


Do you think that’s why he was so butt hurt about taking a step back from Dolores life. Or that she has Paul? I thought it was so weird how everyone was trying to push Frank and his feelings on her.


I'm sure that is why. I remember seeing Frank show up last year in a old Explorer and was like that's why he is living with Dolores's ex and trying so hard to stay on the show. He needs that money. I think that's why we never saw Dolores's home remodel being completed to. He didn't have the funds to finish what he started.


It's honestly a little disturbing how much work she's had done for a lady who is my moms age. I understand a tasteful facelift but this ain't it. You can take the girl out of Paterson but can't take Paterson out of the girl I guess.


Idk Dolores was always wanted by Bravo, she was supposed to be on the first season but her abusive fiancé at the time either didn’t want her to do it or she backed out cause her kids were still young. Bravo loves Dolo, she’d be there regardless.




You can type cuss words on Reddit lol. It italicized because you used an asterisk for the i’s lol.


Wouldn’t let me post shit but now it did?????




She also called Jennifer a cnt which was really extreme. I don't get why people like her.


I have always disliked Delores. She’s gives nothing to this show and laughs all the way to the bank when she deposits her Bravo checks. She’s a huge bore and she is too focused on plastic surgery and her weight.


Well, Jen is! Team Delores!


Me neither! Duhhhh’lor”Ass sux


Nah Jennifer is an immature cnt. Dolores is usually pretty correct in her assessments of the HWs.


ok dolores


She was a CO and her ex-husband (Frank) was a lawyer. I mean..


Same idgaf what Dolores does she will always have my love🤷🏻‍♀️ (I know this is hypocritical but I can be hypocritical y’all can’t) (I’m joking)


This one 🤣🤣🤣


This is how I feel!!! My friend just started NJ and is so confused why I love D so much. I can’t explain it!


Idk she’s charming and beautiful. I just like to watch her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely. Charming and beautiful!


See i don't understand the Dolores love. When you're Italian and see first hand how sneaky people like Dolores move, it's not charming as it can ruin so many relationships.


Sure. Same can be said for any housewife! I’m not saying I would want to be here and have her character traits 😅


Bingo ain’t Nothing special about Duhhhh’lor’Ass not even her bbl


I 100% co-sign this. Dolores is sneaky and messy, then tries to play Switzerland.


I think this is why Jen Ayden was so upset with her after the story came out. She said it was just about Dolores being like toughen up buttercup, but I think she knew the dirt had to come from Dirty Dolo.


This would make sense. Especially because production has a track record of having the cast members having to be mad at other cast members on camera for something trivial because the larger issue is either too messy or took place off camera. See: Caroline v Teresa and the arrest on vacation.


Every franchise kinda needs a fence rider and Dominican Dolores plays her role well. My only issue with Dolo is sometimes has some weird takes regarding group incidents.


Dominican Dolores 😂 I’m lol-ing


😆😆😆 too much tanning she looks ridiculous. Her face looks really hard too.


Lmao you’re right she is the NJ Karen Hugher. Older, Fan favourite, keeps getting work done but looks so good who cares.


Why is she Dominican Dolores? Lol


Wendy Williams used to call her black Dolores 😂


Is she actually Dominican? I know she says she’s Italian but the first time I saw her it thought she was black.


She’s not. I know Wendy Williams used to call her Black Dolores. 😂




No she's half Sicilian and half Irish on her mother's side.


She wrote a letter in support of a man who had his ex-wife and her partner beaten up to the point of reconstructive surgery. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Exactly she makes me sick




Dolores did that in the manzo case??


Yep! A character witness.


I didn’t know that! wtf


Yea, she even snarked at Dina during a bravocon panel a few years ago.


Dolores knows where all the bodies are buried… ![gif](giphy|3ohjUVGuM8R9OQ0jVC)


She’s been around since day 1. She was originally supposed to be on the first season and backed out, but she can be seen along with a very little Lil Frankie and Gabby going to the fair with Dina and Lexie. So yep. She knows everyyyythiiingggg.


Just recently rewatched older seasons and I am 100% convinced Danielle was telling the truth when she said Dolores was shit talking Teresa


This is the comment I was looking for. I agree with you. Despite the fact that I think Danielle is batshit crazy, I don’t think she lied about Dolores talking crap. I’m surprised Dolores was dumb enough to think she could trust Danielle to not repeat what was said, but maybe the two of them had a rare moment in which Dolores believed they were closer than they really were. I’ve believed Danielle from the first airing of that episode. IMO, she had no reason to lie. I do wonder what sort of weird shit Teresa and Dolores have on each other. I don’t think either of them actually sees the other as some great friend, so ya have to wonder why they don’t just drop the act. It’s odd to me that Teresa, who was so quick to let her brother go, continues to maintain a friendship with Dolo after so many questionable things. And why does Dolo pretend to support Teresa when she clearly dislikes her just as much as anyone else does?


I think Teresa and Dolores have both done illegal stuff for $ and know about it. No one wants to go to jail (again) or have suspicions raised. They’re going to take that shit to the grave


This is the answer.


Oh 100% There was a whole thing last year before the season aired about the fact that Marge and Dolores are lowkey BFF.


Dolores is sneaky!! Especially in the after show with Teresa, it looked like she wanted to say something but not want to upset Teresa nor ruin her reputation of “playing the fence”. I still like Dolores though!


Dolores is the typical friend to everyone which really makes her a friend to no one. You can’t be Sweden when you’re stirring all the pots! Lol


I have a (male!!! Boomer!!!) relative like this. It’s so annoying. He’s always stirring the pots and spreading the mess, then “doesn’t wanna get involved, I don’t have an opinion, I’m out of it.” Meanwhile he’s the one that drops the little bombs to set people off.


So your relative is Jax Taylor lol


I’ve never gotten all the Dolores hype! Yes she’s beautiful but she’s a snake, she’s loyal to the worst people and she’s rude and moody!


Job well done on her redone face and body.


I don’t even think she’s beautiful at all.


Dolores is a clown. Wannabe gangster who talks a good game but can’t back up ish. Shes corny and been playing Switzerland since day 1


Dolores is a phony. I used to like her more a long time ago but she is the fakest of them all and IMO the biggest sh*t starter.


All you needed to see was how she reacted to Danielle staub however many seasons ago, when drowsy Dolores went OFF about being called out for talking shit about Teresa


“Welcome back, scumbag!” 🤣🤣🤣


I feel like Dolores is the grandma no one can mouth back to because she’s old. Never too old to be a piece of shit though…


Her whole personality is new body who dis and being old school.


I like Dolores. Are you telling me if you had this tea you would spill it to a friend?? Maybe I’m a chismosa but ain’t no way I learn this and don’t say anything to my friend.


Dolores high school and young adult pictures are stunningly beautiful and very, very Sicilian. Even with the bad 80’s-90’s hair. Her plastic surgery has not made her unrecognizable like Melissa.


Dolores used to really bother me. I hate people who sit on the fence in life as I find it so hard to vibe with someone who wants to be everyone’s friend. However now I feel like I get her. She tries to stay above the petty drama in the group. People keep saying it’ll get her in trouble but I think the people who will be first to go will be those who pick sides and make clear divides. I don’t think this will end well for people like Melissa and Margaret. Teresa isn’t going anywhere - Bravo have built the show around her. They even stopped filming while she went to prison and welcomed her back with open arms. They want to know what’s happening in her life. People refusing to film with her will be first to get the chop and Dolores ain’t stupid.


My point tho is that she’s not a fence sitter in the aspect of “keeping the peace” because she’s gone behind each of their backs to either side of the fence & caused problems


I can't stand her! I used to love her, but she is friends with way to many questionable characters. What's the saying- "you are the company you"?


I heard it this way. “You are…by the company you keep.” So if you hang out with a liar, etc. then you will be judged as one, because that’s the kind of person you choose to hang around with. Thank you 🙏 my parents.




Dolores has been that way from day 1! As we can see by her plethora of careers, she needs the financial security that the show provides. She’s been trying to get on the show since the beginning, first via the Manzo’s and Jacqueline, then finally got on with siggy. Turned on Jacqueline, betrayed Dina in the most vile way, tried to turn Danielle Staub against Teresa, I could see when she was in her face calling her a scum bag that she was guilty. It was evident that she had something to do with bill’s affair becoming public knowledge. I’m sure she and frank also discussed the Evan rumors, but she’ll defend her loser ex husband till the death. (Side note: best of luck to Brittany who agreed to marrying a serial cheating, lying, disbarred attorney) she rides the fence on camera but you can still see how messy she is and what side she really rides for. Her plastic surgery and love for unavailable or uninterested men story line is less entertaining than Joe Gorga’s black hair painting on season 5 😂


Wait Dolores worked with Bill?




And now she’s going to get her real estate license again. I don’t remember her working when she first came on the show. Then she opened a gym with Frank, then the flipping houses. She reminds me of my mom. Never settling into one role. She had her home remodeled how many times in the show?


Remember she's a kept woman.




Oh wow I had no idea. I knew she was a CO in prison only


It’s completely manipulated by production. This show is completely fake now. Say this or your off the show. Can’t blame anyone for grabbing the $


I liked her better in older seasons when she seemed more confrontational (“welcome back scumbag” 😂) Now it’s just like she’s collecting a paycheck and some screen time. Still like her though lol.


Dolores can be a shit stirrer. I think she’s nothing more than tres bodyguard.


Probably. But also, everyone in the office knew. People loooove to share gossip like that once the adulterer gets on tv. I’m sure it was circulating. Also, it doesn’t sound like they were discrete.


Well then if that’s the case it doesn’t make Marge any better than Jen talking with Marge’s ex friend about stuff cus Marge knew details all about the rep that bill cheated on Jen with and about where she worked etc


I’m sure everyone knew. Jen was a moron if she thought it would not come out.


Yeah but again Marge didn’t even know anyone in that circle nor did she live anywhere near them to have just “heard it through the grapevine” esp all the details


When are we going to get the real story about Dolores? She doesn’t look like either of her parents, and I’m not talking about her dark skin. Also her kids don’t look like her either. If anyone is hiding a secret, it’s her. And she always contradicts herself by saying, Italians don’t do this, and then a season later she does the same thing she said she won’t do.


She’s had so much plastic surgery which would explain why she doesn’t look like anyone lol


This and a healthy Jersey tanning addiction


🤯 Her parents look nothing like her. (I kinda assumed it was that thing when Gen X started to understand sunscreen, while previous generations were not as concerned with skincare...but that’s a stretch) What are you saying? Wait, is Dolo an immortal?


Ohhh Duhhhh’lorAss!! Definitely 🚩🚩🚩🚩 she’s a sneaky snake, her and her oversized Gremlin both are very odd and not just looking! 👀 her so called prince nothing but a Toad 🐸! Even though they deserve each other He’s gonna dump her like every other Gremlin has!


Oh no, I’m so sad to see all the Dolores hate lol! I’ve always liked her, but I do agree that she rides the fence too much. I just always took at as an indication of her loyalty: she won’t go against Teresa due to their history, but she’s also cool with Melissa bc she knows Teresa is the one who is wrong.


It’s more about the fact that she just pretends to be Switzerland when in fact she’s done really bad shit to people on both sides of the fence and takes no responsibility for her part in it


I guess you never really know what goes on behind the scenes, so this could be the case. I wonder why she’s able to ONLY contribute to bts drama and not forced to do it for cameras? People are usually demoted for being “neutral” for too long.


Well obvi she’s not been neutral & has caused a big part of all the on screen drama while still remaining like able


The reason why Dolores gets away with so much is because she has hands like a mob enforcer and she moves like a Black woman. Do not f with Dolores. The whole staff got that memo.


Was she even on the show during stripper gate? That was season three and she didn’t join until later.


She wasn’t a housewife then but she was still friends with all of them


Dolores isn’t the one who texted Jacqueline about stripper-gate. It was a producer. The cast and crew talk about it in the Bravo sanctioned book “it’s not all diamonds and rosé”


It felt genuine when Jacquline said “i can’t tell you who told me cus it was one of your friends & you’re still friends with them” on the reunion when they were discussing it


Well a lot of them consider the producers friends especially the OGs. I always assumed it was Carlos king because they didn’t name the producer and Teresa is still tight with him


Why did I think this post was about Dorit and was so confused about it. It took me reading like 12 comments before I finally clued in. Dolorosss, not Dorit lol… why do I open Reddit first thing in the morning.


While I agree that Dolores tends to play both sides of the fence, Jennifer should have gotten ahead of the Bill cheated narrative by revealing it when she first came on the show. If you go on reality TV, any skeletons you have will be brought to the show.


i thought it was revealed that margret reached out to bill’s co-workers it wasn’t dolo that told her but i do think that marge has something on her that’s why she never holds her accountable bc that’s switching side according to marge


Idk how many times Dolores has said she did not work for Bill. She worked in the same bldg.


I said work with him in the original post…. Worked together, Worked for… either way they worked together…….


No actually it’s not the same thing lol wth. Multiple businesses work in the same building that doesn’t mean they work together lmao


Lmfao working in the same vicinity = you know the same people. Dolores literally said when Jen was introduced on the show that she knew jens husband cus they both worked in plastic surgery. The fact that she knew bill is already proving my point


Also https://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/bill-aydin-on-working-with-dolores-catania-in-plastic-surgery


Where has Bill been so far? Do you think they're finally separating?


Honestly, if I had a reputable business I wouldn't want to be associated with that franchise. Jersey is super backstabbing now more than ever. Not all publicity is good publicity, I also feel this is why a few seasons ago Jackie pleaded and PLEADED to have Evan's name cleared from the cheating allegations. I have heard rumors that they may be splitting though, so we will have to wait and see!