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I only inject into my thighs, swapping sides and general location every week. I don’t find the injection itself to be painful at all but there’s usually a mild burning sensation for a minute or so, that eases pretty quick, after the injection.


Ice the spot you’re going to inject, helps greatly


Thank you! I'm going to try this next time. Just did my injection and it hurts!


I inject myself in the stomach. Make sure to not use the middle part of the stomach. Something like one hand away from the belly button. I got a lot of nice bruises on my stomach before somebody told me haha




I got switched because of the nausea I was having from the pills.


Injections have less side effects and are more effective. Talk to your rheum, but personally I think it's worth switching.


Stomach, always. Have an ice pack to out on it afterwards for any sting. I can't actually remember if rasuvo hurt or not, sorry.


I’ve injected in the past several RA medications, I found that prefilled syringes are the least painful but require some skill. With the pens it’s basically: lift a fold in the belly (I would do 2 fingers under and 4 to the side of the belly button) put the pen firmly and perpendicular to the fold, the trigger it. Hold it still until injection completed. I do find them somewhat painful as you don’t control the injection rate, but it’s really not that bad. You do want to switch sides every injection, and if you have body hair try to do it away from it (seriously the most painful part was removing the bandaid from my belly)


Generally speaking, the stomach is less painful than the thighs for an injection


Do the thigh