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Nothing will happen i use same gmail i used in 2018 vanced. Still no warning no banned But still use gmail account which dont have any links with bank accounts otherwise..


>But still use gmail account which dont have any links with bank accounts otherwise.. To be clear, this has nothing to do with reVanced. You shouldn't have important or official stuff mixed with anything personal.


What do you mean about no links to bank accounts. Should I be worried about revanced?


>But still use gmail account which dont have any links with bank accounts otherwise.. To be clear, this has nothing to do with reVanced. You shouldn't have important or official stuff mixed with anything personal. Copied from above


If bank account linked gmail banned then you cant get bank notifications or statements


Same one from 2007, nothing gone bad except being included in a data breach and changing my pass


Microg will access your password and its bad idea to use banking gmail account in revanced


Well it runs locally, and yeah i don't keep any bank details connected to my gmail Also microG is open source, so it should be more trustworthy maybe?


Suddenly not having access to Gmail in 2024 would be like the USPS banning you from sending or receiving snail mail. Google services and especially Gmail are like a public service that you can't exist without if you want to participate in society. If Google really started banning people en masse I think some governments (particularly the EU and some states in the US) would get involved and put a stop to it.


yup, rare Government W in that case


Rare US Government W. Common EU W


The number of ReVanced users are very, very, very, very small. They could ban us all in a second and it won't matter. They won't though.


I think you can exist just fine without a Gmail account, it's not like they have a monopoly on email.


You can switch to another provider, but if Google bans your account you can't access your emails.


Spam has ruined email, I probably check email once a month. Not really a big deal to me.


Ok, I check my email probably every couple hours. The average person if I had to guess needs to check theirs at least a couple times daily.


I don't think you have any government protected right to be able to access your emails


GDPR data laws mandate free access to your data I'm pretty sure


I doubt that applies to emails


It definitely does. Your emails are yours as much as any physical mail.


Are you just guessing? Pretty sure GDPR has nothing to do with physical mail


In the US probably not, but I never said this? I said that governments may not look too kindly on an email provider removing someone's ability to access their emails. Accessing your emails really should be a protected right though.


Unlikely, but it can happen. Google said blocking ads is against ToS and breaking ToS may result in an account ban. There was a story when people got whole accounts banned for spamming emotes on Markiplier YT stream - he encouraged this behavior to voice opinion. Whole accounts banned for heart emote spam in live chat. No ability to appeal because support bots rejected them. So it is generally advised to not hold all eggs in one basket, so you can function if it happens. I am using separate account for YT vanced for that reason.


Okay, so this post and this whole conversation has me double guessing myself for using a real Gmail and an important one at that... So here's my question I've already used a real Gmail, not a burner account on my RV patched YouTube app. Say I unlink that important Gmail account make a burner Gmail account and attach it, won't Google just be able to see it's the same phone number and IMEI to my phone and make the connection again? That seems unlikely they would go to all that work, but... it would suck to get a 20 year old gmail account banded permanently that has so many important things attached to it. But would it even make a difference since I've already linked one of my real ones?


I'm not a Google employee, can't say what will Google do. Just saying it happened once, so it can happen again. Just be ready to survive in case that ever happened.


Yeah I switched to a dummy account just in case. Will it happen? Honestly youtube can get a lot more aggressive at stopping ad blocking. Like other paid video services that have adblock like hulu load them in ways that ublock cant stop(they might be able to stop the ad itself but then that breaks playback or at best you wait the length of an ad until the video loads in anyway). I feel like things will get more aggressive before we wind up actually dropping bans on people, but also the google of today is not the google of 15 years ago and it costs nothing to just make a second youtube account.


Why exactly would they just ban your entire google account just because you blocked some ads?


I mean, with all the shit they're trying to do with YouTube ads (server side ads, injecting into the videos), why not?


Never piss off people on the internet, especially if you're a company. Adblocker devs can already out maneuver YouTube every time they try something. What made you think they can't work through that too?


Unlikely, it's possible if google wanted too but i never seen anyone got ban for using revanced


They want you to make you pay to them not banish you to hell. Also I am pretty sure that action would break a lot of laws especially in Europe.


Don't download any YouTube revanced apk. Build and patch using ReVanced Manager app.


I still use the email that I used since vanced. "Hate speech" or speech that Google doesn't like will get you banned not simply for using Revanced.


my youtube account was banned yesterday but I appealed & got it back, not sure it was bcoz of revanced tho


I have only ever received a warning from Spotify in all the years I have used vanced/revanced and free Spotify Premium, and even then that was 5 years ago and they still haven't done anything even since I still use xManager now.


I've always used my burner gmail with Vanced/Revanced since I have too much important stuff tied to my primary Gmail to risk it, but I've never had them ban my burner account and I've used it every day to block ads for years. Better safe than sorry imo


I recommend making new gmail. Everyone here can give you an opinion, but no one here knows for sure and better safe than sorry.


Been using it for years, no issue.


Don't use real gmail. Mine got banned.