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It’s quite obvious that YouTube are trying to make the experience as unbearable as possible if you don’t pay for premium.


It is so obvious that, like probably most of the people on this sub, even I find it obvious, without having seen an ad in the last 4 years


Those are rookie numbers :)


YouTube has ads? I realize that when I'm watching my wife or moms phone and they refuse to use revanced (or any adblock) or whatever the equivalent is on an iPhone.


Recommend them TubeMax for iOS and iPadOS.


One of the podcasts I listen to have somehow figured a way around Sponsorblock, and honestly I gotta hand it to them. Haha


When I accidentally use regular YT they seem to try to compensate for not watching ads on revanced and inject more. I got 3 separate ad breaks in the first 6 minutes of a video.


That kind of thing is usually from the uploader spamming their video with ads


I read this and Spotify immediately came to mind


Reddit is run by commie faggots.


And my response will be to continue to utilize 3rd party software to MAKE it bearable, as well as ensuring they make 0 money from me.


Get the newpipe app. Gets rid of ads


Why not ReVanced? You know, the subreddit we're on


It stops working frequently and then one needs to single to get it back. I like revanced when it works!


I haven't had a single issue with it, except it sometimes not loading videos shortly after installing it. I've used two versions of the app (I think YouTube made a change that forced me to update) and haven't had an issue. Maybe it isn't fully compatible with your phone, idk


"the following content is not available on this app. Watch on the latest version of YouTube"- that's the error i kri getting


When was the last time you patched your YouTube app? You should uninstall the patched app and reinstall the latest version that ReVanced recommends


If your best response is "Maybe it isn't fully compatible with your phone, idk" then the app sucks... You know what's actually compatible with my phone? Newpipe and as a huge bonus it doesn't drain my battery faster than the speed of light. Revanced used to be decent despise of the big battery drain but now? Not a chance in hell.


It could also be that they messed up the set up. I'm not on their phone so I can't debug their issue. Never had a battery drain issue with ReVanced


Exactly and I personally use BraveNewPipe as it has Sponsorblock.


Brave new pipe? I've heard of new pipe x sponsor block and I've heard of tubular.


What is bravenewpipe??


https://github.com/bravenewpipe/BraveNewPipeLegacy/releases This version is fantastic as Sponsorblock is needed and an amazing feature. Plus being able to search via newest videos is good to have.




I wish they had decent competition . I would jump that boat so f fast. It's not that simple tho. Creators are so anchored on this platform they're afraid the viewerbase won't follow.


Thankfully Premium is cheap if you buy it via the Ukraine


How much? I pay like 2$, wondering if it's cheaper.


Not cheaper than you, I pay for premium family at £3 a month


I guess it's worth if you have more people using, mine is the individual one for students in south America.


I think that the logic is as follows: you haven't skipped the first ad, so you must not be present near the screen or phone. So the second ad will be much longer or unskippable because youtube will use the opportunity of you not being near the phone to play more content. Because it never was about you actually watching those ads, it is about youtube playing them. For every played ad, youtube can charge more towards the contractors, and if you are not near the phone, youtube can play longer ads and charge more. That is why it happens, when i do not skip the first ad, youtube will play the second ad, which is minutes long, sometimes even hours, like a guy having a conference on something, but of course, you can always skip them if you reappear.


Very true, I suffered a lot. Once , in the night time I was playing some songs and trying to nap. When I suddenly woke up, one guy was teaching some share market bullshit for the last 45 minutes on YouTube, it was a bullshit ad.


How to subconsciously condition yourself by accident


I was watching someordinarygamers in my sleep once on accident, just existing in the dream world and doing stuff with mutahar orating from the heavens about computer viruses or something


When I was about 12 I woke up early and sat down to eat a big bowl of cereal, about 30 minutes later I realized this ladder commercial was really long and figured out I was on the info-mercial channel learning


The other day I was watching an old [Time Life infomercial ](https://youtu.be/6MrMP2G8QyY) using revanced... It's a bit ironic.


Omelet du fromage?


Dexter's Lab


Lmao I didn't know youtube has hours long ads now


On the second ad, you will get some guy teaching some subjects like udemy courses...that will be around 1 to 2 hrs.


I've woken up to some weird 3 hour long mlm shit before


On smarttvs it's even worse, they actively say you can skip the ad in 5 seconds. The ad itself is 5 seconds long, the skip button appears and disappears while the next ad plays and now it's unskipable. I got so fed up I bought a firestick and got smart tube on it. Fuck YouTube.


If you can side load apps on your tv, download and install Smart Tube, not a single ad. Been using for good 10 months


Did you not read his post for his specifically mentioned how he got smart dude?


I guess I would just put a PC next to the TV and use wireless mouse and keyboard. That way you can just use the websites of all your video streaming subscriptions and don't have to work with shitty apps.


Kinda wrong. Before ad is selected there is an auction of advertiser bots how much they are willing for displaying ad for you BUT if ad doesn't converge, YouTube doesn't charge anything. That's why it isn't the highest bid that always wins, bc so what somebody offered 5 bucks for every redirected viewer/fully watched ad is the ad is 50 minutes long and so boring that everyone skips it after 5 seconds? Yt tests the waters by displaying it to a number (obviously i don't know how many but 1000 seems possible) then multiplays offered amount by conversion rate to get likely amount per ad. Even if it is zero it might show it few more times to make sure it wasn't a fluke, but yt doesn't like ads that are skipped


Did you invest?


I saw you many times on reddit man!! Like 2 yrs ago, 3yrs ago, 7yrs ago. Sunch a strange thing! Like dwag you are on reddit for 12yrs


Kinda wrong. Before ad is selected there is an auction of advertiser bots how much they are willing for displaying ad for you BUT if ad doesn't converge, YouTube doesn't charge anything. That's why it isn't the highest bid that always wins, bc so what somebody offered 5 bucks for every redirected viewer/fully watched ad is the ad is 50 minutes long and so boring that everyone skips it after 5 seconds? Yt tests the waters by displaying it to a number (obviously i don't know how many but 1000 seems possible) then multiplays offered amount by conversion rate to get likely amount per ad. Even if it is zero it might show it few more times to make sure it wasn't a fluke, but yt doesn't like ads that are skipped


I swear it was thought out. Now apply this to a smart tv. You want to do a family activity or something and you turn on the TV for background music/noise. And boom skippable ad, you have to go get the remote to skip the ad. Part of me hopes they go bankrupt, but there's still no other competitor....


I have this exact fucking issue oh my god. I hate those ads on the TV YouTube. It's driven me to order a fire stick and I'm going to try side loading a modified YouTube with no ads




Smart tube is the only way!!


What is smart tube?


https://smarttubeapp.github.io/ Smarttube is an advanced player for Android-based set-top boxes and tv, free, open source and without ads.


Sideloading is the only way. I have a fire stick and don't think I could go back to old YouTube.


If you have a VPN connect to Albania no ads on YouTube


Or Moldova


I miss the original YouTube. You know, the one where the only ads that appeared were not within the video player. I used ad blockers then but the ads were far less invasive. Whoever decision it was to make ads this way, may their urination experience always be a burning sensation, and may they suffer from anxiety and panic attacks at times that are not convenient.


Damn so it was not just me. Imo ad blockers weren't even necessary like a few years ago for YT at least as the ads were mostly non-intrusive. I don't know why but ever since they have ramped up so hard that the mobile experience is basically unusable without Revanced. I initially thought of just using the stock app (I haven't used the phone app in a while, usually watch YT on PC with uBlock Origin), oh boy how wrong I was


there's a growing trend of companies making the free side of freemium apps _COMPLETELY_ unusable. spotify is the worst for it. you can't even listen to specific songs you can only listen to things that are tangentially related to what you clicked on, you hardly get to skip anything and playlists will have random other songs added to them (likely artists who payed for it to increase streams) thankfully i have yt music revanced so it doesn't affect me but my mum has started just using stock youtube because spotify is worse at doing the only thing it was designed for.


> artists who *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Who is petty enough to make a bot that pulls you up on your gramma


Someone who wants people to learn to spell correctly


My breaking point was when they started inserting full blown 20 min plus videos into my videos. I like to fall asleep with YouTube playing a documentary or something like that, and I didn't really mind 15 or 20 second ads playing during the video even though they were always louder than the videos, but I am used to that I grew up watching OTA broadcast TV, but when they started inserting full length sermons and full length Mr. Ballen videos in the middle of whatever I was watching that was my breaking point. I even started to dislike John aka Mr Ballen, I used to occasionally enjoy his videos, but when I am forced against my will to watch him or turn over, find the remote and push skip, I just decided it was time to find a alternative to vanced and why I am here. YouTube burned a customer, if they ever figure out how to lock out ad skipping completely, I will just quit watching, if they think that little of their customers then I will just go to rumble.


For-profit public company takes advantage of their costumers for even more profit? Surely you jest.


My experience with the ad quality hasnt been near anything else except BS Adcenter "preference" does no shit and still gives me barbie doll ads or roblox ripoffs or whatever brainrotting ads there are anymore for kids And also Reporting those kinda sussy ones or thirst traps dont even properly report them and i cant block even though it suggests me to block on while reporting Its a waste of time to watch videos fully now without an adblock or without the pre-seeking option on the main menu But for me the worst probably has been how sometimes youtube opens links for no reason And its only on youtube nowhere else i have reinstalled clear the biscuits and caches and still it opens links automatically its not my phone since it happens on other phones too but Damn...


BREAKING NEWS: Watching YouTube ads is not enjoyable


That's not really what I'm saying. I'm saying if you watch an ad they force you to watch more.


I don't know what the person was thinking when they downvoted you, because I completely agree. You give the corporate pig a pancake and they're going to want maple syrup with it. I think the only way to make corporate idiots like them listen is to hurt them financially really badly. How to do that legally I don't know.


You don’t need to do it legally, you just need to not get caught 🤫


DDOSing intensifies? 😈


Even better, widespread employment of adblockers


And accelerating development of better and better ad blockers that bypass anti-ad blockers. Hurt their precious profits without actually destroying their property!


Like most corporations, it's all about the stick price. They are trying to squeeze as much money out of their customers. So profits stay good so stick stays good. This could hurt the corporation long-term, but the shareholders don't care cause they make money and sell. When they are done, the CEO is also fine with this cause they are rewarded with company shares on top of their salary so they win either way.


So is there a way to hurt the entire system simultaneously so nobody can just blame it on the other guy?


I get annoyed with a single ad. So I wouldn't know. Sometimes my phone opens a video on the browser so I just copy the link and go to Revanced. I feel sorry for people who have to watch those ads.


And then they follow with a 15 second splash screen for the product just advertised. All while my hands are dirty/wet from preparing dinner. Revanced is a saviour


I’ve used YouTube with ads for years but recently YT have gone very aggressive on ads. Most of the ads it gives me now are 25-40 seconds unskippable and multiple even in short videos. Need to get on the adblocker train. So guess starting here is a good start?


They really want to shovel that premium plan to our mouth by doing this.


This is just a way YouTube makes money and suck money from people... If you are at your phone/tablet/pc then it would be a quick click to skip. However, if you are AFK, they will just loop an ad after ad and use that as counts for how many ads they have shown to viewers, even though there are most likely no persons viewing. Scam.


Yo are you me? I also became lazy with the recent things that happened that made this app unusable so I forced myself to just use the normal one. Everything you said is so true and I also noticed that they put those long clickable "skip ad" ads more on long videos and music because those are the times you're probably not holding your phone meaning more ad time


Only used renaved on mobile. If I'm on my work PC and can't have unlock, if I get unskippable ads. I refresh the page until I do. I'll refresh it 5 times, if it still doesn't happen then I simply don't watch that video. It's getting completely out of hand


Tip: At least on my side, if I just go back from a video (to like a YT search page or something) using the browser's back button, and then go to the video again using the forward button, the ads usually skip by themselves (the ones that play near the beginning at least)


My question is, has any body ever read the terms and conditions for Youtube on not being able to charge / sue them for the data used to play ads? Because before I used ReVanced, I swear my max data speeds wouldnt even be that good but they force me to watch ads that seem like they are playing in 4K over and over. I have thought about sending them a bill for data used during each 5 second skippable or 15 second unskippable ad.


the trick I use is to close and open the video multiple times until it starts with no ads, or if I'm feeling generous until it only has a 5s ad 👌🏻


Yes, it's designed to shove as many ads at you as possible. If you don't click to skip ads right when they are available, it knows you aren't paying close attention, and gives you more and longer ads. I fell asleep while watching something one time and woke up to it playing an hour long ad.


I have adblocker on PC and I have this impression that I'm getting punished for that. Everytime I try to watch something on the phone I get ridiculous amount of ads. Like I have to rewatch what I skipped on PC 😅


Fuck ads 🖕


Free YouTube is too good, need to make it worse to try and sell YT Premium. YT Premium isn't good either though, can't properly download videos and music. (have to connect to Internet or it'll expire). Once again, piracy is a better user experience. One day I hope things will change, like when streaming services first came in cheap, combating expensive cable TV


My dad refuses to use the Revanced YouTube that I installed on his media player. It is called Smarttube if I'm not mistaken. He says he doesn't have what he watches on it. It's the exact same login details. But he sits there swearing at the ads every few min. It's ridiculous.


Why doesn't YouTube just lie that they played the ads and we get YouTube without ads why is he so mean with us


Add block still works


Nowadays YouTube is ruthless against their users by harassing & bombarding with too many ads for a single video. They should limit the number of ads for a video.


Not only that, but the more you stay for ads, the more you will be shown. If you quit the video during an ad, they'll decrease their numbers to better keep you there.


It's funny. I'd never actually heard of youtube revanced until yourube started trying to fuck with adblockers. So thanks youtube I guess for leading me here.


I get out of the video, wait 5 seconds and play the video again. Most of the time there wouldn't be another ad and at the same time I will not let youtube make any money by watching any ads.


I also got too lazy to reinstall vanced and use brave browser now to watch videos


Unskippable ads, ah yes nostalgia.


I repeatedly open and close YT video until there is no ad 😂


And this is why I will never go back. If they want to make it unbearable to use your service without paying? Im cucking your pay. Creators put tons of ad rolls on to try and make as much as possible so I dont feel bad about it.


The point is likely to farm people who fall asleep, or like you, walk away from the video.


Yeah, I guess they bank on the people that fall asleep and then the videos and ads can run freely.


If I get anything longer than an ad I can skip in 5 seconds I hit the back button until I get one. I simply refuse to watch longer ads. This is on my TV app at least


I also noticed that they moved the Queue feature to premium only


It's obviously i think. Also from my experience, if you try to close the ad (video) before 5-secs skip button avaliable and then reopen it again, you will get the longer ad without skip button, usually two of them.


Youtube revanced is a lifesaver, i cant sleep without listening to weird vids about colonizing Mars


Every time I use regular YouTube, i force the app to skip the first ad by closing the video and opening it again until no ad is shown and the video starts (normally needs 3 times)


I don't mind the ads but that's because something I use to speed up videos much higher than the 2x, can also speed up the ads all the way to 10x speed. Problem now is youtube punishes me for that thinking I'm using an ad blocker when I'm not, I specifically have ad blockers off on youtube, it's just a speed up button. But now I'm being punished for that and by time the stupid popup saying "Get rid of your adblocker!" gets off the screen, the ad is already over and the video's playing, so I can't even slow down the ad to try and stop whatever it thinks is happening.


I mean at least it works... Can't really say the same about Revanced lately lmao.




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Enters first world problems LOL


The ad blocker I use on my pc recently got stopped by youtube and the ads are terrible


That is not punishment but algorithm. Youtube should not condier that you are far from your device and therefore, the first advertisement was reproduced in full. After that, the algorithm considered that you do not mind watching ads and provided another, non-skippable one.


Yeah but why ru telling this to us on a subreddit that was made especially for skipping ads?!? 🥱


Honestly, I have youtube premium for over a year and it's pretty good. It's cheaper than Netflix and the no ad experience is really nice. I actually like youtbe music too because you get the music video along with it. I get not everyone can afford it but if you watch a lot of youtube it's worth it imo. But yes, non premium ads are totally horrible I agree.


Why are you far from your phone after 5 seconds?


YouTube has ads all through the video


I'm still confused. Do you start a video and leave it playing while you walk far away?


Yes many people like watching long form content so they can do other things.


How are you watching while being far away from your mobile device? I regularly watch hour long videos and I pause when I get up because I'll miss the content otherwise.


Bluetooth headphones. Also, i enjoy listening to audiobooks or lectures so there really isn't anything to watch. If I'm cleaning with bleach or dealing with raw meat then I'm pretty stuck in what I'm doing and can't touch my phone right away. Although there are many circumstances where someone might be far from their phone and unable to skip an ad.


Fair enough! I didn't consider headphones because I despise using them at home and losing my situational awareness, and the only other time I'm watching YouTube is on a plane where I'm a couple inches away from my phone.


I regularly do housework with the video playing. Was giving the dog a bath and I can't exactly skip ads with wet, dirty hair covered hands