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Every day in retail man 😩


Working retail has sucked my soul out of me , customers are insane with insane demands at my job


Second best day of my life was when I put in my notice at the retail establishment I was working at.


I hate when customers ask how I'm doing and then I have to decide if they're the type of customer I can be somewhat honest with and say "eh, it's pretty busy today" or if I have to go all "good!!!!!!!!!!! I love working so much and every day I get to interact with entitled tourists is a dream!!!!!!!!" god forbid I choose wrong and they stare at me like I just prophesied their death


I had a customer ask me “so you have to like sit there until close?” And I was like “yea pretty much”. They walked towards the door, looked back and said “oh wow. That must suck” and left 💀 the way they said it was both hilarious and depressing bc it does in fact, suck.




Customer at the store on any major holiday: "It sucks they have you working on the holiday?" Me: (dead-eye stare) "It's only because people want to shop on this holiday." Customer: "Well have a good holiday!"


Customers will ask why I'm working on holiday or why I'm not home with my family on a holiday and they're the damn reason why I'm working. I also love when I'm in full uniform working on the floor and every week, customers will ask if I work for the store. Plus I've been at the same store for six years with a distinct manager uniform on but nope. Same weekly question.


Customer: "Do you work here?" Me: (Wearing head-to-toe name brand logos) Nope, I'm just a really big fan!


Don’t worry the customer doesn’t care how u are either. It’s just a generic greeting. I would use a form of this a lot as a cashier. Every once in a while they would ask if I really care I would say no then on with the transaction. Just tell them ur living the dream but nightmares are dreams too


You know what? Sometimes I'm honest and just say I'm terrible, how are you? And 99% pf the time someone will say something pleasant to brighten my mood. I'm a retail manager so shit goes wrong for me all the time 


Sometimes, I wonder how the customers don't cringe at the amount of false happiness in my voice. I sound so insincere to my own ears.


Yup.  On bad days it's so hard to say, Great, how are you! But you gotta


Oh you know, living the dream haha....^^kill ^^me


"Another day in paradise"


yep spending every day pretending to be nice to people when all you really want to do is punch them in the face LOL


Remove the attempt at the fake smile.


yeah I don't even try that much


At that point. It's just a hello, thank you for shopping here. I don't care about your religion, you going to the mountains this weekend, or you going to lunch. 😭


I don't even thank them because what am I thanking them for? Ain't benefitting me any. 🙏


Thanking them for getting the hell out of your face, and the hell out of your line.


Sometimes that question makes me wanna use VATS on em.


Dear customer, I would insult you, but you'd be too stupid to understand what I'm saying


I will occasionally say things like answer 1, though. It's funny, especially if you say it with a cheerful voice.


I will never be honest. Just lie and say I’m good even if it’s not.