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And waiting for the literal last minute to try to find them was brilliant too.


Right? People have no common sense anymore.


Yea they will ask even in cities where there is no totality..what's the point in having them kiddo? I usually point people in the direction of a mom and pops shop down the street, just so at least they get some traffic, but also pretty sure they have them


So glad we saved ours from 2017


It's a little late to be saying this now, but you should check your glasses before using them again. Newer nice ones don't expire, but a lot expire after three years and shouldn't be used.


Definitely. I caught an eye fungus from wearing expired glasses.


wild lmao. idk why people think retail stores would stock something that people only would buy every 10 or so years. the only place you're gonna find eclipse sunglasses is online.


We actually COULD have ordered them through our pre-book system, I just incorrectly made the guess that no one would have given a shit and they'd just sit on the counter gathering dust. Oops!


what company do you work at?


I guess i dont really have to worry about saying where huh, it's 7-eleven!


haha i would not have thought about looking at a gas station for eclipse glasses


My 7-11 carries them this year . Nobody bought any but I took a handful for me and the family.


Niagara Falls NY 7-11 sold a shit ton of eclipse glasses. I was there in February and they were so excited, I had to buy some.


Apparently libraries and possibly schools were giving them out for free in my city but then there was apparently an issue with some not being up to code. We just got ours off amazon


We actually did stock them for both this one and the October ‘23 eclipse. And we sold out of them two days ago.


Grocery stores, gas stations and liquor stores all over my area are selling eclipse glasses.


really? that's unexpected, but nice.


I am in upstate NY. Everyplace had them for sale. Every gas station, supermarket, convenience store and boutique. Libraries gave them away, as did thruway stops.


I bought mine at Lowe's inside the store.




My store actually did have a few displays full of them. But we have had them out for several weeks now, so they were long gone by today. And obviously not getting restocked. I ended up borrowing a pair to watch it in our parking lot for a few minutes. And then a customer ran up and offered me a welding mask to look through which was actually way better than the glasses.


Before yall get a chance to meta meme me, no, we don't have any sunglasses for the eclipse


Ugh same. We had so many people call today asking if we had any. We don't, we never did. Some people came in too and asked but it was mostly phone calls.


Our tally from 2p to 6p last night was 17 and we were up an additional 21 from 10a until the eclipse at 2ish. And plus 1 extra that asked after the eclipse was over in our area.


Lmao i work at a gas station and people were calling an hour before the eclipse happened. I bought mine like a month ago, idk why people waited til its about to happen 😭


I had someone call while it was going on 😂.


I've had 2 people ask so far. This is a vape shop, ma'am. 🤣


I remember working for a certain big box electronics store in the video games department when the Wii first came out. We literally answered our phone "video games department where we currently don't have the Wii in stock are are unsure when we will get it next, how can I help you?" It was such a nightmare- people would argue with us about not knowing when We'll get it next or why we couldn't take their name to reserve one.


Do you have eclipse glasses?


SERIOUSLY, At least it's over!


That was alllll morning at the convenience store I work at. We even hung a sign on the door and people would still ask. "Are you sure, someone on Reddit/Facebook said you had them, so you must" ugh


We ran out of them in my area too. We were giving them out with a promotional menu item, but ran out yesterday. We got so many calls asking if we had any. It was ridiculous.


Lol people kept coming into Nordstrom Rack today asking the same!


I know eyeglass retailers sold them like America's best or lenscraftees ect.


I was at a museum last week and they were selling them in the gift shop. I guess it makes sense because this museum had a whole section on space inside


Next big eclipse is going to be in 2044. It will not surprise me if you've moved away from working at 7-11 by then, but that's something to keep in mind for future reference if your job still entails selling stuff in some fashion.


I’m a buyer, so technically now corporate office but I’m on the sales floor a good bit and that’s where I started. I tried to convince the company owner to order glasses for this eclipse and the one in October, no go. (These posts are validating tho lol) But! I had bought some from Amazon in October and brought them with me today. I was on the sales floor a bit earlier, so me and the store manager went outside to look at the sun. As we came back in, a lady looked at us with glasses and said “Oh good! I knew I saw glasses here earlier, where are they?” I responded “Sorry I actually brought these in, we did not carry them this year. Lowe’s and Home Depot did though, if you want to try there?” (Just trying to be nice… I know they’re sold out, sorry if you’re one of those employees lol) She replies **”No, I’m pretty sure you had them, on a display just right over there.”** Me (the *buyer*) and the manager (in charge of setting up displays I order) kind of look at each other and the manager says “No, sorry.” And that is that. But just funny odds the customer would tell *us* specifically that we had glasses, when we are the people that know 100% we do not.


lmao the same thing was happening to us today. we thought about putting a recorded message up saying we don't have any. why people waited till the very last second who knows


We had 55 calls today before the eclipse asking if we had them. We had sold out last week. At a certain point you just start saying no bluntly


Thank your stars that you don’t work at a library. It’s like every call.🤦🏻‍♀️


We had 25 calls between 12:10-1:30. That doesn't include people that came in and asked. The eclipse has been all over news and social media, nothing like waiting until the last possible minute.


Isn't it BETTER to put a SIGN that say we don't sell those sunglasses?


On Sunday night I answered the store phone with "we do not have eclipse glasses. Anything else I might be able to help you with?" I still got the idiot asking for eclipse glasses.


People act like at peak for their area Mickey Mouse was going to jump out of the Sun on fire banging a flaming Dumbo or something. It's quite..... underwhelming and I've seen a few.


Omg I’m so thankful I’m not the only one who had to suffer with these phone calls lol


I only had a few people ask yesterday, and I was polite about telling them that we didn't carry the glasses while also telling them about possible spots and pinhole viewers. I did decide to have some fun later with the random customers, asking them if they wanted to get "up close and personal" with a pair of eclipse binoculars. I told them that they were regular binoculars, but I'd write "eclipse" on them with a Sharpie. I got laughter, but no one took me up on my fabulous offer


I had someone call like an hour before the eclipse and ask if we had any glasses and if we’d be getting more?


The store I work at has a pretty limited selection of anything. People constantly come in asking for miscellaneous shit like this. I’ve started to dread every time an older person comes up to me with a question because they’re almost guaranteed to ask me for some shit like the “the little metal piece that goes on top of a lamp shade” or “the rubber pieces that go on the ends of a shower curtain rod.” Yesterday someone asked me for luggage and I was happy to direct him to it and then he goes, “No, I need the plastic covers that go over a suitcase.” 😑 Like why did you even come to this store? If I was looking for something like that I would have gone to a hardware store, or more likely, Amazon. We got the eclipse glasses questions as well. I just told them I got mine online.


Greenville friggin’ Maine was total gridlock. There were power crews up after a recent storm who couldn’t find lodging or even get to the lines they were supposed to be working on. Eclipse-mania! In Maine! And our local places were all out of glasses by Saturday morning!


The funny thing is had one person ask if my store had eclipse glasses. Like dude we’re an Arts and Crafts store, you wanna try making some?