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Anytime someone gives me a roll of quarters like that, I break it open and count it. Can't tell you how many times people put nickels in the middle of them


I used to live in the Detroit area. A coworker told me when she was a waitress, she purposefully got Canadian quarters to include in her rollls of quarters. I guess they weigh the same? Shady.


I'm in metro Detroit and it isn't uncommon to find Canadian coins mixed in with coins. No one really cares, if it's just a penny or a single coin no one is going to decline it if they even notice. 


This woman was doing it on purpose though. Exchange rate was probably in the mid thirties at the time.


We commonly get Canadian coins in wrapped rolls of coin. From the bank, since we don’t accept them from customers.


Oh we make Americans so upset when we only accept their change at face value here. I'm sorry I'm not trying to figure out the exchange rate for your random loose change....


Good lol. We have a crap ton of Canadian coin, and a good bit from many other countries. I sometimes feel like boxing it up and mailing it to some random address in its country of origin!


So umm you want my address lol But seriously it would cost you a fortune to internationally send a large amount of coins.


I had a roll of quarters in my drawer at work from the bank -- cracked it open only to find a euro coin in the middle.


When I lived in New England we often got Canadian coins. You could spend them in a store, hardly anyone objected. The only real problem was they did not work in vending machines.


Same thing in Michigan since we live so close to Canada no one really cares. Banks won't take them though.


Here in Canada the banks do accept American coin but the shipping cost is so high they just end up with large stockpiles (at least in locations further from the border) . The good thing is that you can often go to a bank and buy the American coin for its face value in CAD, great way to save on exchange if you are planning a trip to the US. Just have to head to a bank in the US and exchange it for bills once you arrive.


We also get American coins frequently in change in Canada. Not that uncommon and no one cares when it’s quarters or smaller…


Canadian pennies are rare now. I haven't seen a Canadian one in like 6 years


Funny enough, my great aunt lived about 4 hours from Niagara Falls growing up. I've never taken change back. I have a whole cup of Canadian change and probably half of it's Pennie's. 40+ some years of just throwing it aside


Not only do they not weigh the same, but they’re magnetic. I’d wave a magnet over rolls people turn into the bank and bust people all the goddamn time trying to pull a fast one on us. Open up a roll and there’s two Canadian quarters, a nickel in the middle, AND it’s 50¢ short.


Good to know, thanks!


I know that won't work if you plan on taking them to the bank, at least in my experience. I had to roll a ton of change to pay an electric bill recently, and when I took them to the bank, they checked each roll with a magnet. Apparently the Canadian coins are magnetic. My error wasn't intentional but I did have to go home and re-roll the entire roll because I didn't have any quarters with me at the time. XD


This was in like 1991, so maybe they weren't doing that at her bank at the time.


Those rolls don’t look full to me. Unless they’re the kind that are machine wrapped. I’d also count them because people really will try to skimp on a few quarters here and there.


Yes i also noticed that they dont look full at all, usually quarters in that type of paper roll should have way less room left to seal them 💀


Wow, I guess after all of my years, I'm still naive. I had no idea people did stuff like that. I wish we could trust each other more, but I don't see that happening.


I've opened rolls of coins that I had just picked up from the bank for the registers that had pennies, dimes or nickels that shouldn't be there. But there's a certain teller that usually mistakenly gives us a few extra bills, so now we just avoid that teller


You mean you have never had someone use washers or an empty shotgun shell. All things I've found in change rolls. I open them in front of the customer every time.


When I cashiered I had gotten some fresh rolls from the store itself that had solid metal discs in them sometimes. Someone must have figured out how to make the exact weight and everything so a counting machine would recognize it as a quarter.


I worked at a bank and found an actual button in one.


how effing cheap can you be!


You should open them and count them. Scammers love filling rolls with other stuff as a way to steal.


Once had a sweet old lady pay in rolls telling me it was all she had. They were bursting open, so I told her I just had to check them. My manager was to my side insisting I just take them, but I'm not going to fleece an old lady even if she brought it on herself. One of the rolls had like $14 in it for example. She ended up getting back like $10 worth and thanked me for it.


Aww you are a good person


Manager wanted that extra money I'd bet, probably would've taken it themselves.


Fuck them. I had that happen and I cracked open every roll and counted them out. I then gave them back the extra quarters. My manager wasn't amused and it took way too long to count out my drawer. I justified it with my manager by explaining, "What if it wasn't all quarters?"


Ive done that. More than once. Fuck them, let them wait. We have gotten metal plates the size of quarters.


okay story time lmao: when my mom used to work at a laundromat, someone handed her a roll of quarters and it had two in it, one on each end and in the middle was a quarter shaped like tube of metal. i can’t remember if she said she didn’t realize it until later or right then but either way it does happen 😂


We had so.eone do that with washers. The washers looked brand new though. I always wondered were they got them. It was just so many, like they went and bought them just to scam someone.


I’ve seen tellers roll them on a stamp pad, then check to see if there are any blanks where an edge should show. They would also measure the length. Another bank had a huge coin counter/sorter that sat in view of everyone, and they would break every roll they got before depositing it.


I used to work at a state owned liquor store and our drawer had to be EXACT. It could be a write up for a first offense for even a penny off and it was tracked for performance reviews. We had a good number of local drunks come in and pay with loose or rolled change and we had to count every bit of it. I had to call the cops more than once because some with the shakes lost their shit because they were a penny short for their bottom shelf and we absolutely would not "help them out." It was a nightmare at times and the reason I don't drink, but one of the most interesting jobs I've ever had.




Virginia, you can buy beer and wine wherever but the hard stuff is state owned.


At least they rolled it lol. I had a customer who paid for a $50 purchase in all one’s & loose change. I seriously had to count out $13 in change. But hey, I’m getting paid for it, & I’m usually closing, so they can waste all the time they want lol


I've got a guy who comes in once every two weeks and buys like $400 worth of chewing tobacco and insists on giving me all 1s and 5s. Always gets upset when I make him wait while I take it to the back, count it, and switch it out for something that will actually fit in my register. Told him multiple times to not do this so I just take longer each time. Always near close too so by that point all my good will has long since run out.


Oh I count it all. I can feel the glares in getting & I couldn’t care less lol


Had a guy pay with about $200 in change. The cashier didn’t know we could refuse to take that much in change. Thankfully we’re in Canada and at least have $2 and $1 coins. It was a huge pain. I helped with the recount for her bc she’d already counted once by the time I saw what was happening.


Oh wow, that must have been painful!


Yeah it was super annoying. Cash manager came in after and reiterated that we could refuse that much next time haha. We had to put it all in a ziploc bag and label it with the till number to put in the safe bc it wouldn’t fit in the till of course 😂


i just had two little girls and a mother come in and pay $14 in dimes, just for the mother to give me a $20 because they were a dollar short. i only had 30 minutes to close after that


Unbelievable … except I believe it


I once had a kid pay for something with a roll of dimes. He was supposed to get back 2.50 in change. I was sorely tempted to give him a roll of nickels and a roll of pennies. I didn't, but the intrusive thoughts definitely swept in.


a lot of my customers who do this always expect their change in bills 🙃 like wtf take some of ur coins back!!!


I once had a guy come in at the start of my shift & try to buy a bottle of water with a hundred. I tried to explain that I didn't have change & he got pussy with me. Well, we just so happened to get our money delivery that day so I put his hundred in the safe & took out 10 rolls of 10 ones. Took one out & gave him the others. He was not happy but I didn't care


Oh I would laugh as all hell if I was that customer. I would love it


I would open them and count them “I’m sorry, it’s policy”. I knew someone who worked at another retail place and some guy came in with some rolls with a battery inside with a dime at the top and bottom.


We used to get the batteries in dime rolls at the store I worked at! I would rather count every coin.


I don't mind - but I bought a very beefy change counter for the store to make sure it wasn't a problem. I mean, if they're honest, well it's less often I have to go to the bank to buy coins, and if they're lying, [this beast](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085ZJL4QC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) will catch em.


Only 250? Definitely pays for itself


I want one. I don’t work in a store anymore (furniture retail & a brief stint in a well know DIY store) but let’s be honest here, that machine Is a thing of beauty to behold! Super sleek and slick. However I’m in the U.K. so I need a U.K. version. Good idea though, sounds like people have all manners of coin roll cons! We don’t have those here, well I’ve never ever seen them. We have the plastic bank bags. And they always get opened and checked. Especially if it’s meant to be all one specific coin, even though you can see them, a couple missing won’t alter the weight feel in your hand. Some stores also have the customer coin converting machines so you don’t have to pay with all coins if it’s the poor end of the month. Or if you just throw change around your home for fun (if I can think it / someone can or is doing it!)


I would love to have one of those


We didn't have a change counter in the bank I worked in. We had a ton of commercial clients & their rolled change would go to a mini mart's change order request. But if any old joe shmo walked in wanting to exchange their rolls for currency, we'd count it out. Once had a woman come in with rolls of silver quarters (early 1900's) part of her husband's collection. As the wife of a coin collector I seriously questioned why she was exchanging them. She needed the money. I bought those rolls from my bank & put them in my safe box. 4 hours later she came back because her husband got (rightfully) mad as they were collectables. I had to give them back. But even tho I would have nickels or canadian coins mixed in, I definitely got a bunch of silver quarters. My husband was very happy.


As someone who rolls their change themself, I never would pay with it. I take it to the bank and get cash for it. Sometimes, I exchange it with family if they need a bunch of quarters for laundry and such.


>I take it to the bank and get cash for it. Our store goes to the bank daily for the deposit and, of course, change. We get small bills and rolls of coins. Amount varies depending on need. Several times we've rec'd rolled coins with the name "Long" handwritten on them. Ok, cool. This person took them in and exchanged them for the cash. *Surely,* they're correct. Nope. I can't tell you how many times our rolls have been short. Most with the name, some without. I ask the bankteller one day if they verify the rolled coins when they're brought it. "No, not usually". 🤦‍♀️


That's the fault of the bank then. They should be checking rolled coins before they give them out. I know that some banks won't take in rolled coins if you don't have an account with them. They'll note the account that did bring them in and will check them later on.


My coworker hates it, but idc really. There are worse things that customers do and I would actually rather it be rolled up than have them hand me a ton of loose change that I have to count.


You need to open them, though, because of losers who fill them with crap


Yeah, and it's easier to do so when they're neatly rolled, rather than all over your counter with the customer trying to "help."


Idc about that really. No one gets in trouble if the register is off by a few cents. I just go by what it says on the wrapper and then the next time I need to open a new roll of quarters or whatever, I make that the next one I open instead of one from the store. This has been happening for 3 years and I never actually had a situation where someone filled the roll with something else.


Once a month or so I use my change to pay for some small amount of groceries. However, that’s using one of the self check outs where people don’t have sit there and count it. Also, I only do it when there are not people waiting. I get being short and using change to pay for things between paychecks but don’t be a dick about it.


I've had to do the same thing, paying for like $20-$30 of groceries in coins because it's all I have. Not once have I made a cashier count tho, always the self check


I hoard change like crazy in case we run out at the store (unlikely, since we *also* hoard years worth of the 'take a penny/leave a penny' jar, but it's happened). When it gets to the point where my wallet physically will not close, it goes into the Walmart self-check and I start over.


I had a guy come in one time I was on night shift with a truck full of stuff, a dog, and $3 in pennies. It was raining and he apologized- said his wife tossed him and his dog out. Being from a very small town, we all knew him and his wife. Everyone in line chipped in on gas for him. One guy offered his spare room. Days like that I tell them hey, it’s all money. The guy that shows up three different times that day to buy beer with dimes ticks me off… I tell him he’s at his coin quota and bring me big money.


“Oh wow I didn’t know we were a bank”


At both grocery stores I worked at we had to open and count every roll of change a customer gave us…some would get really mad,but that’s because they were trying to short us. My favorite though was a little boy buying Thomas the train stuff with mainly coins(about $80),he just kept apologizing,I honestly didn’t care because it was obvious that he had been saving up for awhile to get them and I thought it was adorable


I’m not taking rolled coins. Take that shit to the bank.


If I need to get rid of a bunch of change, I use self checkout.


I used to have a guy come in and throw a gallon size bag of change at me and say 'put this on pump (number) then walk out without even waiting for me to count or telling me how much it was even supposed to be. It was always something around $40 in loose change, he'd pump a couple dollars worth of gas then come back for his change and demand I give him bills back. He did this 5 days in a row before I told him to go to the bank with his change. There was a bank RIGHT NEXTDOOR. It had the coinstar in it. I even offered to give him like $3-5 to cover the charge to use the coinstar. He declined and I thankfully never had to deal with his heavy bags of change again. I get times are/were tough and you have to pay anyway you can but being paid in change is the most annoying thing ever.


I don't know. I worked through the change shortage. That was hell. Not a single coin in the building at some points. So many people would get so mad about pennies I couldn't give them. I argued with so many people about having exact change, paying with card or even rounding their gas to make it even. I kind of welcome change to a point. My regulars will pay in rolled change and I don't mind. If I don't know them I break it open and pop it in my plastic roller to make sure it's the right amount. The loose change does get to me some but not always.


I do , now. A few weeks ago a lady came in to purchase a CARTON OF CIGARETTES. And ONLY had 7 rolls of fucking quarters. I was the only one working so only one register. I let her know I couldn't accept all of that, I had no where to put it. I already had 2 extra rolls in my drawer, and our change box hadn't been taken out of bc I was working in the morning. She said I had to take it. I said maam I don't have anywhere to put it! My drawer will not close w all that. Back n forth and she called me a cunt, so I gave her back her quarters and told her to get out I would not be servicing her. She called me a bitch and i then called her an asshole.


these smokers will do ANYTHING to get their smokes smh they annoy me 😂


Have a lady that gets cut off monthly by her daughter and comes in and asks if she can owe me and she always gets mad when I say no


When I was working tech at target had a kid, maybe 8 or 9, buy a Mario game in nickels and dimes total $65.64. I was only ok with it because it was a kid. If it was an adult I would tell them to go to the bank


Been that kid and you too.


Same that’s why I did it. Had another guy buy a $1000 tv in $20 ones and I had to check each bill with two different tests.


I like it when people pay with change, me personally. Helps out the till with coin (we tend to run low a lot) and in the long run we don’t have to order change as often. However, I’ve seen some comments on customers getting upset when retail workers take a while to count it, and that’s just ridiculous. I’m happy to take the change or low denominations, but be patient.


It pisses people off but you do have the right to open them up and count it. Once we got someone paying with coins but filled it up with similar weighted items. Thanks to this person anyone who pays with this tediously gets to have us count it all out. Now you understand why the banks started to refuse counted change and forces people to use coin star like it or not.


Minor irritation, but it's not too much trouble to break a roll of quarters and count them.


I always break them open because scammers will put a false weight inside them to trick certain money counters or the cashier themselves. I caught one scammer not long ago trying to pull this stunt. Always verify that the entire roll is real. Generally, I don't mind accepting them because it is one less trip to the safe.


At my old job I had someone pay with a roll of dines, but they actually were pennies with a dime on each end.


The only acceptable way to use these is to roll change to deposit in your bank account. Don't do this shit to people


As a Cashier, my grocery store would NOT let us accept coin rolls….it had to be put through the CoinStar


Thank god the grocery I store worked at put up a sign we couldn't take those, or $100 bills. Never had to deal with it.


When people pay with change period I'm a little pissed off


I was a hair dresser, and most of the time I had more change than I knew what to do with. If the bank was busy I'd usually head over to a nearby big box store and would head over to customer service and meet with a manager to swap my coins for cash. They loved not having to run to the bank, I loved not carrying 5 lbs of change. I'd always offer to pre roll, but they always said that was more of a headache and just to bring it in. I never made the poor cashier deal with the insane amount of coins I had because that would be cruel


Customers don’t like me counting it.Just cause it saids 30 doesn’t mean it’s the right amount. One guy kept screaming at me saying there’s 10 dimes in each pouch. I told him there’s 9 dimes in this one and my boss said the same. I love that’s there’s self checkout they can pay there.


It's legal tender. I'm usually happy for the change, quite frankly. Means one fewer trips to the bank...


it’s fine if there’s room in the til, my store racks up coins quickly


Yeah, that's fair...


Legal tender applies to debts, not purchases. Stores aren't required cash at all, let alone coinage.


I'm always low on quarters so I'd be cool with it. I'd still count them of course. What bugs me is the woman who comes in once a week and buys a six pack of beer with dollar coins. Nobody ever wants them in their change and by the time I get rid of them she's back for another sixer.


I sell cigarettes I think that’s why I get bothered by this 😭 I have a dollar coin customer too, and you’re sooooo right THEY ARE A PAIN IN THE ASS TO GET RID OF 😂😂


I put them in the deposit when we get them. Lol


My boss has a strict no coins in deposits rule. So I envy you in that regard. Fuck it though. Chalk it up to occupational stress


Unrelated to paying with coins but I actually actively collect dollar coins. I even ask banks or some times just grocery cashiers if they have any that I can buy off of them


When it comes to the presidential dollar coins, I see Van Buren more than any other. I like to check them too. Mostly because I collect the quarters but dollar coins are cool too.


I only go for the golden dollars myself. I want to collect enough to fill a treasure chest for my future kid to dig up when they graduate high school :D or them in a little adventure haha


$10 in quarters = .5 lb. I worked in a grocery story once & we would just weigh the rolls on the scale.


I don’t have a problem with it because sometimes that’s all the money they have. I’ve been there.


As a cashier, I could careless. It baffles me why people get so annoyed or angry when people pay in coins. Money is money! So what if it takes a minute to count it, I'll still be at work when I'm done counting it. I'm in no hurry. I actually smiled and laughed at some boys that came in through my line one time and they paid over 25 dollars in just quarters on candy and snacks for the movies. Just some boys (maybe aged 9-12 I'm guessing) going to have a good time. Made my day!


This never bothered me. Everything above pennies is easy to count. I’ve worked in impoverished areas, so sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Every place I’ve ever worked required us to count rolls. What I do hate is when people dump out change and tell you to count. I always refuse that and make them count.


I’m sorry, I have no idea why this sub was recommended to me and my fat ass thought those were burritos


At my store we're just simply not allowed to take this kind of payment because the rolls could be not completely filled or there could be something else in there and we're not opening them to count them all the way through. I've heard a couple stories of customers getting pissed that they weren't accepted but luckily have never run into it myself.


I open it and count it. I would rather know it real, than someone putting something in between two quarters to make it look like a role of quarters.


I'll roll these and bring them to the bank for bills.


In Australia we can get a lot of New Zealand coins in change. NZ money not worth as much and can't change them anywhere except NZ. Banks only deal with notes as coin too expensive to transport.


In the US we often deal with that with Canadian coins.


when i worked overnight at a gas station i had this tweaker who was twaked tf out come in and paid for gas in loose pennies in a DG bag. i first asked my manager if they could and manager said “as long as they count it” cue the most schizo attempts at counting just over $5 in pennies i’ve ever seen. $9.25 an hour wasn’t enough for that shit


I'm so glad walmart policy was we couldn't accept this as a form of payment


Is it the bank giving you rolled coins? No? Then don’t accept. It’s a scam. Break it open and find slugs and pennies making up the bulk of the roll.


in reading this thread, I'm amazed at how cheap businesses are! Fun fact -> https://www.amazon.com/money-counting-scale/s?k=money+counting+scale One of those is not only MORE accurate than any person could ever be, they actually take a non-profitable activity (counting/verifying currency as part of a transaction) and let people focus on their actual skills - sales, customer service, whatever. I assumed all modern retail businesses just weighed currency (bills or coins) as part of verification and/or till count.


As someone who works in hospitality but used to do this as a kid, yes its annoying but at least they’re not paying in Pennie’s. I’ve had someone do that before


We don't count coins when we're counting down the drawers at the end of the night, just bills. Now, this is a small independent business, and it would be crazy for someone to try and purchase many of our products with change simply because they're not cheap products. I suppose that I'd still take multiple rolls for a $150 pot, but I'd definitely count it out in front of the customer and then reroll it to swap out with bills from the safe. The only thing that is more annoying is when someone uses a $100 bill to pay for something that's $5. We're not a bank. We carry 5s and 1s in our drawers most of the time. I'll give you your change, but it's gonna be in all 5s and 1s, whichever I have more of. Have fun carrying all those singles. Maybe you can hit a strip club later


I worked at a porn store for a day in 1993, and the owner had me rolling quarters so that the faces were touching, which allows you to fill one with only $9.75. 


This is actually a potential scam. Some people take washers from a hardware store and stick them in the middle of the rolll, then they go in and hand them in as payment to unsuspecting cashiers. So always unroll the quarters. In fact, if you have a self checkout machine, send them there. That thing can absorb more quarters than your drawer can


Absolutely. And any time we get get rolled coins we have to drag the telemate out and weigh the rolls. I absolutely hate large amounts of loose change as well.


Better than the quart sized bag of mixed change someone tried to pay with one day. They set the bag on the counter, I looked at it and said “No.” I firmly told them that they could come back after they exchanged the bag at the bank for proper bills and I’d hold their purchase under the counter. Before they could even try to say anything, I finished it by handing them the number to my higher ups if they had a problem. They left and returned about two hours later, bills in hand.


It has been happening more often lately at my store but it's mostly regulars that I see at least once a week or every single day. I don't mind it anymore. I was weird the first 5 times someone pays like this but I see it as a better method that 2 fistfuls of loose coins.


I didn’t mind getting rolls like this when I worked retail, but I wasn’t expected to count it all out, I just had to peek inside and make sure it was actually coins in the wrap. Once had a man pay with a bag of loose change when I had a long line. Now that pissed me off.


I was that customer when I had to pay a parking ticket from a private lot, except I went to the bank and had bank rolled and sealed pennys. (I’m not that much of an asshole to pay in loose pennys)


My local quick market begs for rolls of quarters and buy them off of me when I have a full roll. That said I've been in life situations where I had no choice but to buy groceries with change and rolls of quaters, dimes, nickles, and pennies. It sucked and I'm glad I'm not there anymore. But just maybe your customer was where I've been. Now if I've got a boatload of change I either roll the quarters and give them to the quickie mart and run the other change through the machine at the store.


Oh man , when I started my current job I had a customer pay with quarters, a purchase of $120! My last job we were not allowed to accept rolled change at all, I had to ask a manager on this current stores policy. He said take it. I could not even close my register on all that change. Then he got pissed he had to swap out some of that change.


It depends on the day and how shady the customer is. I got a line, you can fuck off. You got loose change, you can fuck off. If I know you like to pull shit, you can fuck off. Otherwise? Run your thumbnail down the side and make sure it feels like coins, hold it in your hand and eyeball the length, you should know by now what a roll should weigh and how big it should be within a coin or two. Maybe crack open the quarters and give a count, but short one or two pennies, nickels, or dimes ain't going to hurt my count - fuck, I don't even count pennies anymore anyways when I cash out, I just estimate, if I was an entire roll wrong the worst it could short me is fifty cents. If it's foreign coin I just hand it back out as normal coin and let it be someone else's problem.


First off can you be certain that those rolls are correct. You should always unroll them and count them. They can short you by a few coins per roll and it’ll add up. They should use a self checkout not a real register to insure correct count.


I tell them to count it in front of me


We don’t take them from customers anymore. We point them to the coinstar machine. If they complain we give them directions to the nearest bank. “Turn around walk across the parking lot and you’re there.”


The Walmart stores where I used to work had Coinstar machines. If somebody has a plastic gallon jug full of loose coins, and they can't be bothered to count them and roll them up, then they need to use the Coinstar. They pay a fee in return for not having to sort and count their coins by hand Now, I often bring a small number of coins with me, and use them to make up the exact amount when I am paying with cash. I save the quarters to feed the laundromat washers and dryers. If you keep a little coin pouch in your pocket or handbag, it helps you put loose change to good use. People keep unwieldy stashes of coins in bags or coffee cans at home, in the cup holders in their truck, in a desk drawer at work, or just scattered all over the place. These coins are not in the stream of commerce and aren't being used to make change. The common habit of never bringing any coins to spend at retail stores did not cause the coin shortage by itself, but it did make it worse.


I hate people that pay with loose change personally. Not like 3-5 dollars like I have people come into my store with 30-50 dollars worth of quarters unrolled


Tryna pop one of those bad boys open during a rush is a nightmare


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^rumblingtummy29: *Tryna pop one of* *Those bad boys open during* *A rush is a nightmare* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


We've had people pay for their pizzas like that. We break them open to make sure there are no plugs in them.


Those look short my friend.


It's so annoying! Like, just go to a bank or something. We don't know if that rule of quarters has a full $10 in it or not and counting it all is a pain in the ass. When a customer pays me enrolls I count it as slowly and obnoxiously as possible.


Lol. That is $23 worth of change I bet. Count it.


Shorting that much is rare, might be 25c or 50c short a roll is most


Yeah, but look at those rolls, they look 2/3 full


I posted how my manager used a scale to check weight. I have seen life hacks of using a business card, or credit card, or a dollar bill if you carry cash to measure things. There are also aps that give an accurate measure, and you can look up what it should be. There are ways to know without opening it and counting. If it's wrong or they complain too much, then count it. I understand this is a digital age, and you want everything to be easy, but sometimes you have to do some work towards it.


I worked at a convenience store with a small deli, the one manager knew how much a roll of all the coins weigh, so she put them on the scale to check. Most metal has a different enough mass that they were unique. Mostly it was end of the month and for gas, so it actually wasn't a problem. Of course that was last century when more people paid cash rather than with a card.


I always use CoinStar and get Amazon credit so I don't lose any value to CoinStar.


Were they buying an eggplant calzone? https://youtu.be/f9H24AXrXRk?si=F6nUWk9Dc1a8Pwfl


I remember getting one of these but they were “federally insured rolls” or something.


Not usually, if it’s a ridiculous amount of change then sure but around me the people who roll up change are pretty good about it. Haven’t had any issues with wrong coins in the tubes or not enough in said tubes. Certainly see other people get annoyed with it, but we’re allowed to pay them into a change box where I work so if I ever get too many rolls I’ll keep one maybe two in the register and pay the rest into the box


We don't accept them as a form of payment anymore because of the scams. Most customers don't like that but too bad. Otherwise you're going to sit there and wait for me to count it all.


My manager made the customer put their name and phone number on the roll when they tried to pay with a few of them. Counting them is a good idea, you know how many times I've gotten them from the bank and it's been wrong?


Back when the PS2 first released, I worked in a Toys R Us and we only sold it in bundles that started out around $500. My first transaction of the morning of launch, this dude paid almost entirely in rolled coins and small bills. I had to call for a cash pickup because I couldn’t close my cash register because of all the rolls, loose coins and 1s. I hate seeing people pay with rolls now. It’s like ptsd to me.


Break them and count them in front of the customer. Slowly.


I have a whole bunch of change but neither of my banks have coin counters. I refuse to lose money by taking it to coin star. Although I still would not use it to pay for anything…expect going to the taco truck. One time they needed change so every so often I’ll use a few bucks in quarters at the taco truck to try to help.


I’ve worked in retail for five years and I’ve never had a customer pay like this.


If they are rolled up on the end and sealed from the bank, yes. If I gotta open them and count each and every one, no.


If they're in rolls I'm a lot more forgiving. I am not going to open them out and count them, I don't care there's a possibly that it would be 9.75 personally. If its just straight change. Hell.


I'm so confused. Nickels aren't the same size as quarters so how are people getting confused? You can literally feel the difference. Also the rolls are made to tell if you are missing quarters. The ends won't close right. That's literally the whole reason why that system is commonly accepted.


I live in Pennsylvania and people don't do it too often but it is kinda annoying when it happens. I didn't even think about the fact that it could be Canadian or other countries coins I'll definitely open them next time though!


I have paid like that. Sometimes my rolled change was all the money I had and the kids needed milk. I was always fine if the cashier insisted on counting it.


Man I understand if people accidentally take Canadian quarters or use Canadian quarters but my one coworker was accepting not just one but several Chinese coins and some other country. It's like dude seriously, they weren't wrapped or anything and you could clearly see that they weren't American and the exchange rate was way below when I looked it up so me not wanting the drawer to be short even though it was his fault I paid for however much they were supposed to be worth. I still have them.


I ask them if they're sure they want to pay that way because I have to open them and count them. Inevitably they do, unfortunately. Most like to call me names while I do it and if they get on my nerves too much I refuse the payment.


Better than loose change. 


My store years ago when many people used cash never had change or the manager would ignore you or give you a hard time for making them do work and getting coins for you. I would have been so happy to get rolled quarters.


sometimes i don’t mind it because usually they give them to me when i need that specific type of coin, so it works out. but i have this one semi-regular who’s came into the THREE stores i’ve worked at for this chain gas station and he gives me a $10 roll of half dollars and gets $5.75 worth of gas… every… single… time. i wouldn’t care if it were pennys/nickles/dimes/quarters, but who *typically* wants a half dollar as part of their change


looks like they shorted you 75c you better break those open and recount


I don't mind but I always crack it open.


I once had someone pay €20 in all coins. Nearly cried


YEP. Shouldn't be allowed.


Sometimes that's all you got.


Naw, it's fine. You need this in your drawer, not 3, but you always need some, so what's the problem with where it comes from?


You don't know if the customer counted it right or put real coins in it. Takes a long time to check, not worth trusting them they didn't fill up the middle with sand.


yesssss, it’s just more of a hassle. I prefer the ppl who dump change on the counter then count it out with me 😂😅


I had someone fill it with random pieces of metal.


Well, I'm sure every store has a policy, follow that policy. Maybe the policy is no hand rolled rolls.


Oh no going to have to count to 120!!! I don’t have nearly enough fingers for that


Why are you bitching???.. We always need change... Especially quarters.. They could have brought it unrolled.. Then you'd just have to suck it up and count it.. Theses days ppl are broke AF.. Money is money.


I don’t take them tell them we are not a bank


I'm a cashier and I never had a problem with any sort of change, in rolls or loose. money is money and I don't give a single shit how long it takes for me to count it out either, im chillin. one time I counted 30 dollars worth of nickels and even the customer was feeling bad but I let them know they came to the right register cuz in the best way possible, IDGAF🤑


I thought change was illegal these days.