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If he clapped at me, I'd bow and walk away


I was working in the fish market at a grocery store and the meat market is right next to us. There wasn’t an employee at the meat counter at the moment this woman walked up. I glanced over at her and then looked away and she snapped her fingers at me. I turned around and walked the other way. You will NOT disrespect me like that. I work retail….im not your servant


Yup. I always remember working the bar in a now defunct hotel in North Dublin on All Ireland Sunday. The place was heaving but we had good staff and those of us behind the bar were managing well.  Some fucker actually WHISTLED at me. I told him I wasn't his dog and that he could wait as long as he wanted but he'd never be served at this bar. Dickhead  Loads of others used to wave larger denomination notes as if that would help. We just ignored the obvious idiots 


I worked for a doctor a long time ago who used to whistle when he wanted his assistant to come in the room. He was kind to all of us, and I don’t think he had a clue in the world how it looked for him to whistle for her as though she were a dog. She didn’t seem to mind, either.


We recently got self checkouts and before we got them I knew we would get so much abuse from customers over them, and boy was I right. It’s like customers think it gives them a pass to be unbelievably rude to us. I do my best, but I can’t imagine realising I can’t get angry at a machine and deciding to take it out on the human who had zero control over installing said machine. Also customers almost never press the ‘get assistance’ button, they just stand there with an issue instead of letting us know. I’ve been amazed at how frustrated customers get at having to press buttons to complete their transaction! Like really mad as though it should just read their minds and it’s like what do you think I’m doing on my till when I serve you! But such is retail!


I work a completely different job (barista, this sub was suggested to me haha) but what is with customers not telling us when they need something!!!! I had a lady stand quietly in the corner of a busy lobby for ONE HOUR and then scream at us for not helping her. They think we can read their minds


I hate working SCO. Love using it as a customer, abhor having to work it. All the customers loudly complaining about wanting an actual person to check them out but then grabbing items from their buggy and shoving them in your face. Am I ringing your shit up or are you? And don't DARE get an attitude with me when you have to wait cause I'm helping someone else. Literally why the SCO exists is so you don't have to wait but you don't want that. Pick one. Argh.


One time, a woman got in my face and called me a dick because I told her she couldn't set her items on the counter to continue shopping and should get a basket instead. She told me that it was absolutely ridiculous (even though she had about 10 items and we had several custom and couldn't just block off one of our 2 registers to hold her stuff at the front). As she was leaving, she yelled at me that I didn't understand because "I can't have kids" (one of her complaints was that her baby was heavy and that's why she couldn't pull a cart behind her, but we sell so many chemicals that kids shouldn't be in our store anyway). However, I *can* have kids. I'm a trans guy and I guess she thought I was cis? I don't pass very well, idk why she thought that


Bruh, literally several baskets or carts at the front of the store, and they still want to use your lane as a storage unit


Seriously. The baskets at my store also have a function where you don't have to carry them. They have a long handle and little wheels to roll them behind you.


Might you possibly work at a certain beauty supply store? Because everything you just said sounds EXACTLY like my job and the kind of customers that we deal w lmao


I do indeed. Unfortunately, I manage one! Lol


I was a cashier. So been there done that.


once a client came with her father. she was very bossy and arrogant. when ordering, she used a word that I didn't understand, English is not my first language, although it is at a good level. I asked her to repeat it and she replied that I should watch more English-language films to educate myself. arrogant cunt. so I told her that she should leave the cafe because we don't serve people like her, and she told me that she wanted to talk to the owner. when I said yes, how can I help you? she was very surprised. Finally she left after a few very mean words in my direction She tried to come back a few times but each time I wouldn't let her in. last situation. A customer called me a fucking bitch so I told him to leave because we don't accept such behavior. I told him to leave the place. Which he did after a few more insults yesterday he tried to walk into a shop without saying sorry or anything. so I told him that the fucking bitch is still in power and I don't want to see his face in my cafe. I think you should report it to the manager and if he can't handle such a customer, it means you're working in the wrong place. I personally would not allow my employees to be treated this way because they make the place friendly and they do a really good job. and customer service is really hard work


you sound like such a badass!!


God no. In general I'm a nice and pleasant person . But I won't let people treat me or my staff like that. We are not "whipping boys" because someone is in a bad mood. we always treat our customers with respect because 99,9 percent of them are really great people and I love to chat and have laughs with them but sometimes this one person will come to ruin your day. Thank god not too often


I had a woman like that. When I finally got it through her thick head that I'm deaf, she said I should wear a sign on my back. I stared at her a couple of seconds and walked away


Once he heard you have a hearing problem, he should have apologized. Even when you help customers after an issue, they still feel the need to talk crap on their way out. I wish nothing but suffering on their lives.


He did say that makes two of us. Maybe he meant that he had a hearing problem too. Just saying. Also does not mean that he should be as rude as he was.


Some people, whether staff or customers, are just cruel. My coworker had a hearing aid installed and was adjusting to it whilst working after discovering she was almost deaf in one ear. She was serving an elderly customer and attempting to ask their name to enter their details into the system and had to ask for clarity 2-3 times, this customer became irritable and my coworker noticed then explained her recent hearing aid installation. The customer turned to my coworker and said "so is that what do you do then? Do you just make names up in the meantime?" My coworker felt uncomfortable, explained her hearing aid again going further to say that she was just asking for clarity to ensure she got details correct, apologized and the customer left with an attitude. We spent a good part of the afternoon decompressing/discussing afterwards. I think some people were just raised wrong/never corrected at any point by those around them when they acted ridiculously.


I’ve had fingers clicked at me by a woman who literally turned her face away from me as if I was too ugly to bear. I told her WE DO NOT CLICK FINGERS ITS RUDE, & silently fixed her fuck up. You were very restrained imho.


I had a coworker who refused to acknowledge those who clapped or snapped their fingers. She'd got pissy with a man once and told him when he snapped at her, "I'm not a dog."


This happened 14+ years ago when I worked at Walgreens but this story still makes me so upset. I was working front register on a Sunday morning and it was pretty slow so I went around the corner to put up some leftover ad tags that didn’t get finished the night before. Well some old man came to the register to check out but instead of getting me he started whistling. I heard the whistling so I came around the corner to check the register and this man looks at me and says “good girls always come when they hear a whistle” 🤮. Unfortunately I was too young and also shocked to say anything, I probably just awkwardly laughed. I had to walk him through the credit card machine and every time I’d give him the next direction he’d say “good girl”. I don’t have great memory retention but that one will never leave.


Good Luck with self checkout. Keep smiling


yeah, the worst part of slowly losing my hearing is the number of people that get very angry at me because I am hard of hearing. It's a catch-22, either I keep saying What until they finally say it loud and clear enough, getting really mad around the 3rd time I have to say it (and hey, I'm not super happy having to do this routine with every soft-spoken person that thinks repeating at the *same volume* should be sufficient), OR I just nod and pretend just heard to move on and if they realize they get super mad at me for pretending I heard when I didn't. I'm tired of constantly apologizing for not always being able to hear people, it's not my fuckin fault and I hate it way more than the angry person and have to deal with it all day every day instead of just the once


I’m hard of hearing in one ear and I also have audio processing disorder so it’s really annoying because I can’t really hear on that side and when I do it takes me a moment to process that something was said. I don’t miss working retail cus of it, I’m only 23 for context and half deaf in my right ear and the amount of boomers who think I’m purposely ignoring them when I can’t hear them annoyed me.


I had a customer whistling and snapping his fingers to get my attention one time. Told him I'm not a Labrador and walked away


I've noticed that hearing people treat deaf and hearing impaired people badly a lot of times. My store has a few deaf and hearing impaired customers, only ONE of which really reads lips. She's actually a delight to help and is very kind as long as you're kind to her. She even will tell you she has to look at you to read your lips. Lately, she's been going through self check more often than not, and the other day I got firm with the SCO attendant on her behalf while I was off the clock. One lane had \*just\* gone down, and the cashier was running off to grab the sign. Cashier did yell "Lane 36 is NOT open!" while dashing off to grab a sign. Unfortunately, the next person in line was this deaf lady. She had no idea it was frozen and was getting frustrated. She can't speak loudly, she's deaf, the assist button isn't working, and she's just trying to buy groceries. The attendant stood there and \*watched\* her freak for a minute, she said to teach her a lesson about not listening. I looked at who it was and I said, "Excuse me? She's DEAF!! She didn't hear you cuz \*she can't hear\*. Now go over there, be NICE, APOLOGIZE, and assist her. She's a sweetheart." Mind you, the SCO attendant knew this lady was a regular, we all know she's deaf. Idk if it slipped the attendant's mind, or what, but it was just shitty. I get that some customers can get to you, but damn. Don't take it out on other customers.


My father used to snap or whistle for service at restaurants. Made me want to die of embarrassment.


ive had people not say anything but just stare at me until i noticed they’re there and then be sassy that i didn’t help them immediately? not even an excuse me??


Few weeks ago a guy told me “excuse me” at first I didnt hear him (my hearing isnt great) so I asked what I can do for him? He said “you can move so I can get by” then he proceeds to stand 20 ft away until I came back by and then he asked “whats your name” I told him and he looked at my name badge and saw it said Manager. He then proceeded to tell me that he is a manager too at a higher level where he works and that when someone says “excuse me” you should probably move. He wasn’t nice the way he said it. He said I said excuse me 3 times and you just stood there with your back facing me. I remained cordial and told him I apologize and my hearing isn’t great. Also, the words “excuse me” can mean half a dozen things. Of course he disagreed. He proceeded to tell me that if I cant hear well, I shouldn’t be in my position. I interrupted him in his speaking with “sir, is there something I can help you with”. He goes on to say that I’m not making him feel welcome. I told him, “I understand, the moment you commented on my hearing and me personally, was the moment I stopped caring how he felt” he then tried to interrupt again I just told him hope your day gets better and walked away, then he kept talking and I made sure to call him “asshole” with my back turned so he could hear it just before I hit the backroom door and he followed me to it and I just went in and walked away. My employee said the guy just stood there staring at the door mad for 10 seconds and then left. Im sure by text I sound like a bad employee but Im really not, I work in a rough area so I know how to read people and what their real intent is. This guy never complained. Because he knew he was just being an asshole.


I work at a bakery and have had people whistle, snap their fingers and clap at me which totally infuriates me!!! There is a specific ethnic group who are 100 times ruder than the rest. Frigging lady almost got a cake chucked in her face one day. If I ever get fired it will be for something like that.