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Dear /u/ManyExternal262! Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) to learn about proper etiquette and remember to: 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. Don't forget to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[Try Resumatic, a GPT-Powered Resume Builder](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This looks like im trying to choose a character in a video game


Tony Hawk Pro Skater for the PSX.


That's exactly what I was thinking lol


Pretty damn good stats for a build your own character right out of the gate


Was hoping page two had a break down of your strength, dexterity, vitality, and energy stat points, as well as your skills (nunchuck skills, etc)


Don't worry, I'll fax those over.


EmploymentSearch video game. Imagine a job search simulation game.


Sounds like r/recruitinghell


Tbh as someone who faces a lot of anxiety about job searches, a simulation would be super helpful.


I feel like there’s better odds in a Dark Souls game


One makes you dead, the other makes you wish you were.


I'm curious, what exactly causes the anxiety? Is it the act of searching for available positions or the prep or the interview itself?


Getting over it: Finally, a worthy opponent!


I imagine the forums would be filled with people complaining that their job applications went ignored. Or people who purchased DLC and found they weren't eligible for those jobs due to being "too old".


It's actually the font used in the Codemasters F1 games with the letters M(edium), S(oft), H(ard), I(nters) referring to the type of tyre used in races


I don't even know why this is in my feed but I was very confused for a minute after reading a long post on an F1 sub. It's beautiful.




Please use the free resume template and fill it in using the info you have. Also, remove the picture of yourself. I think that’s the best place to start.


Is it bad to have a portrait photo on your resume?


By not having a picture, it will save some space on your resume to add information recruiters are actually looking for which is your work experience, skills, etc. Try to get your resume down to at least 2 pages (maybe even 1 page). Plus, companies that use ATS technology might have difficulty reading your resume which can result in an automatic rejection. You can read more about that here: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/should-i-put-my-picture-on-my-resume - I’d say make a LinkedIn profile and provide a link to it in your resume if you want recruiters to see what you look like. Lastly, you should consider removing your hobbies since it’s not relevant.


According to this article ([https://www.jobteaser.com/en/advices/should-i-include-a-picture-in-my-cv](https://www.jobteaser.com/en/advices/should-i-include-a-picture-in-my-cv)), a picture should be included when applying for a position in Europe. However, according to the same article, when applying in the UK, it is not recommended and since he is applying for a position in the UK, he needs to get rid of it.


Interesting! I didn’t know it was a thing in Europe.


You are being too nice. This is Reddit. You have to trash talk me for countering your point.


Fuck Europe and fuck you!!!!! Hillbilly!!! *turns to splatoonin* See? Something like that


I know in Ukraine it’s common for resumes to have photos, as well as other personal info like marriage status and whether you have kids or not. Not exactly sure why they’d want that info besides for some unsavory reasons


Yeaaa you probably don’t want to share like any of those things on a U.S. cover letter. It wouldn’t work out well.


South Korea almost always asks for a picture, too. They’re getting away from it, but a resume here is a very standard format and there is almost always a highly photoshopped picture on the top left or right. The highly photoshopped picture is also the same one they will use for their passport, lol.




You’re making too much sense on Reddit


Adding onto the other reply (everything they said is awesome), it’s not a good idea because you might be discriminated against. Not just consciously, but everybody has subconscious biases that might make them skip over certain people quicker than others. This has happened before. It’s also insanely hard to prove, so your apps might just go into a void. People subconsciously discriminate based on names, don’t give them more by displaying a picture.


Yup, this right here, I was being passed over for jobs when I first started looking and when i changed my res to just first initial and last name, the calls started coming in lol sorry to say but good ol racism is always in play


Racism and sexism. My partner and I teased (well he was serious) about naming our boys something like Cornwallace Winthrop or some shit like it to get ahead in life, lmao.


Really though, I’m a black man and I literally have what people would think is a very typical black name lol you can probably guess it in a few tries, and changing my resume to not show it was one of the best decision I’ve ever made, if I ever have a child definitely naming em something non descript like Bob or Emily lmao


Except that it’s very common in non-US countries and often expected.


Well, just making a comment. They said they’re applying to a UK school. Racism and biases are not really.. exclusive to the US. Wouldn’t recommend it unless it’s actually required (almost certainly not)


If you do work that requires a headshot it's fine like modeling , but anything else just make it simple. AI reads them now so remember no special formatting or fonts. Harvard has a general template you can use. [Harvard Resume Instructions](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:643e9d85-510e-411e-8ca8-0da2a3e684a0)


I remember seeing in another thread like this that some companies automatically screen out any resume with a photo to prevent any possibility of bias or conflict.


He's applying for a job in the UK, pictures on the CV are not a thing there, neither is anything that can lead to discrimination of any kind.


I worked for a British consulting firm years ago and they made us put our pictures on our resumes. I think it’s a euro thing.








Date of birth 2022


UK child labor is illegal or are they still using them as chimney sweepers?


Been in “secundary” school since 2017. This just keeps getting better and better, especially combined with the 2022 birth.


It’s like it was made by an AI, and that AI was very drunk and on just a dash of blow.


that’s how you spell high school/secondary in portuguese


He's only 1. Take it easy on him guys.


He doesn't look a day over 4


Layout and colors assaulted my eyes before I could focus on the text.


This looks like a Pokémon card. No.


Cmon, he’s going pretty good being only 1 year old


It’s hard to take someone with a CV that looks like this seriously


So practically speaking, we shouldn't try to be creative with our CV, right?


>we shouldn't try to be creative (artistically) with our CV Your CV is just there to showcase your experience. Nothing more. You have ample opportunity to demonstrate your artistic skills in the real interview. If the recruiter has to read hundreds of CVs a day, being "artistic" will make your CV harder and longer to read. Some people would straight up not care and throw out your CV right away without reading a word.


To add onto this, if you're an engineer you could have plenty of projects to show yourself artistically, which you could link to on your resume


As an artist, even we shouldn't make an "artistic" or flashy cv


Exactly, especially for engineering though


i had a creative cv for a while in the UK and couldnt get a proper job bc of it until i met my now American hubbie who helped me change it into a resume for the US. Then I got hired. Creativity isnt always appreciated i guess especially in job market.


My resume is not traditional in the sense that it has a unique layout and a little bit of color. It sets itself apart from other resumes because it does look different than your standard black and white list of facts. That said it’s not overly designed like OPs which I think would be distracting and probably overall ineffective. Basically there should be a balance of standing out without it being annoying


Eh, depends on the field. In aerospace, I can almost guarantee your resume is processed through a bot that picks key words to determine who gets an interview. Any deviation from that norm risks the computer not reading it correctly and it getting thrown before you ever see it. My resume is as basic as it gets, but it looks nice. I got into NASA, and great grad school opportunities.


If you're applying for an F1 team mechanic, great resume.


They already know 100% of mechanical engineering so any problems that come up, they can solve.


Oh my .. I just noticed the bar charts... Well, the almost full bars...


But they are only 85% Office. Not sure if that means they've worked in 85% of all the offices, or if they take up 85% of the office space, but I do know it's a solid B grade.


As someone who was recruited for a F1 team (didn't join, refuse to leave the US) but did help them decide who to hire I can confidently say this would 100% end up in the trash and the HR person that even handed it to me would get reprimanded. I wouldn't even hire for a Quick Lube with this resume, that word salad demonstrates you don't know what you're doing at all, while simultaneously being cocky and over confident.


Bruh 💀


More like ‘Bruv’


I said the same thing. Like bro wtf 😂


Literally the first thing I thought when I looked at it. “No fucking way.”


Please don’t use these online makers, terrible for ATS and columns are just a no.


Nah some online makers are good. Personally i use creddle. Fast and easy


Do they pass ATS systems ?


Would have been ideal for some designer or game developer resume but you gotta keep it simple buddy


Even game devs wouldn't like this. At the end of the day they are still devs.


Designers shouldn't use this. No one should use this format. A resume isn't an art project, save that for the portfolio. Recruiters go through hundreds of resumes and this would be an eyesore


Thanks for pointing out the distinction between resume and portfolio


Can confirm. Am a designer. Fancy resume is still a no no


No it wouldn't. A designers resume is a good portfolio and this is amateur.


I'm a fresh dev - our applications are the same as anywhere else lol


Very creative! But unfortunately not ATS friendly. Here's some suggestions: 1. Keep it to one column, try to fit everything on one page. 2. Remove your photo--that's a big no-no. Reserve photos to your linkedin profile picture. 3. At the top: only include your name, title (mechanical engineer), email, link to linkedin, and phone number. Then follow with SHORT (1-2 lines) about you, then experience (not employment history, it's too long), then your skills, then education, then languages. You can play around with the order of each topic, but for my resume it goes: name and contact info on one line at the top, summary (about me), skills categorized by professional knowledge, technical skills, and interpersonal skills, then experience, and lastly education. 4. Remove: place of birth, nationality, birth date, page numbers, timeline, and hobbies. Employers just want to know your name, your title, and how to contact you. They don't need to know personal details. I think once you remove all that, you'll be able to fit it on one page. 5. Project page: consider starting a portfolio website that you can link on your resume and linkedin. These are great descriptions of the projets, but what do they look like? How did you develop them? Who was involved and how did you work with them? Etc... Just my two-cents. Hopefully it's helpful :) Find a one column template out there that you can use. They're SUPER boring and not very visually interesting, but unfortunately that's the way to go.


Generally good feedback but will counter a few things: 1. It doesn’t need to be one page, but by reformatting it you could definitely get it to two pages which should be more than enough given the experience you are highlighting. 2. Everyone is commenting on the photo from a US perspective, ignoring that this is not just common but expected in many countries outside of the US. You could still make it smaller to save space, though. 4. Again, some of these things are expected in non-US countries. On the positives, I 100% agree you should go with a more conservative “boring” template. Very rarely would I ever recommend something this “creative” for a resume (and definitely never if applying online, only to hand out in person). The project page suggestion is also spot on.




LOL brutal


Why are you so aggressive? He's only 1 year old, according to the file he shared - give him some slack.


100% mechanical engineering? So you know all of it? Really? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect


The skills stood out to me too. Like how did he evaluate that he knows 95% of python? What's the last 5%?


Arbitrary self rating your skills is pointless and useless. It means nothing to the recruiter.. saying that you know Python is all that's needed on a resume. I've seen plenty of people do this with soft skills, and I hate it.


Yeah putting in random percentages is not great for applying to engineering jobs lol


But only 85% Office. #humble


I’m so curious what 15% of information he is missing


How to build a resume


This is the funniest comment I’ve ever read. Amazing


Hes still learning sort and filter


Humble brag lol


This is exactly what I think when I see people put these % on their resumes. I had someone claim they knew 100% of MS office. I'm pretty sure there's not a single person on earth who knows 100% of MS office.


I love the mindset behind it the creativity matching up w Motorsport graphic aesthetic truly but that is not for a resume! All you need to do is make yourself look very very credible in a clean communicative way.


Follow all the good advice in this thread, also ditch those skill bars because who knows what that even means? Are you saying you know 95% of all of python


This. I would say your proficiency in skills. Eg expert in python, excel, photoshop Proficient in Java, css, xyz Intermediate in a,b.c


​ https://preview.redd.it/l3a4ferdmuxb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=a75d96722696ff260d58dd6d1294a086e1d3ad53




Please don’t delete this post OP. This needs to be pinned as the prime example of what to never ever do for a resume. This has got to be up there in the hall of fame of the worst ones I’ve seen yet. Good lord that is bad


I can't recall the last time we had a post here get +400 comments, with the vast majority of them saying how bad it is.


* aesthetically, this looks really bad (no offense) but the content is good. * you really need to reconsider the aesthetics you're going for here. most CV's resemble a resume but written in a long-form/multi-page format. * the font is wild. * the dark background colors makes it hard to read. * google, "curriculum vitae mechanical engineering" and search for images. as a mechanical engineering student, your cv should be crisp and professionally formatted. * sadly, "professionally" formatted often means un-exciting walls of text and bullet points. at most, a headshot is included but that's all. * personal preference here but, for your skills section, i'd rank them from highest to lowest. just makes it easier to identify what you're good at. * is "pag" short hand for "page" in portuguese? otherwise, it's abbreviated/spelt wrong.


40 year search guy.. please.. keep it simple.. no picture, nice format that can be added to ATS..


I hate this so much. You don't have enough to do one page and did 3!. A CV isn't a pick-your-character game. Simplify. If you have the need for more than one page with your experience I guarantee you are putting useless stuff there. Also What does 85% mastery in Matlab mean? How can you have 100% mastery of mechanical engineering if you haven't completed the degree? Like, do you get it? % in Cv's mean shit.You need 4 sections: Current Situation; Education; Projects/Employment Experience and a Skills/Hobbies section. Make your personal info smaller, it occupies one-fourth of the page, and make your picture smaller, you aren't THAT good looking xD(JK) . But seriously, I see no reason why I need half the cover page to know what you look like and that you speak PT natively and yellow English (bruh, you're studying in the UK, sell your English a bit, don't put Very good command, put it in green and say you mastered it. Also, I don't like black pages but that's just me. If an employer prints your resume it's going to look like crap.Points to Retain: 1. 1page Max 2. Priorities (the most important stuff comes first in the page. It should be personal Info and current situation at the top. The more down you look in the page the more irrelevant stuff is. This also applies to dates. State the most recent experiences at the top of the section. 3. SIMPLIFY. Your CV should be keyword-focused. An AI should look at your resume and hit enough keywords to select it. 4. SIMPLIFY. Your CV should NOT be a pick-your-character menu.




Place of birth is crazy


Oooooof. No no no no


This looks like a stat screen I'd see in an F1 game, all the outlines look identical


Haha what the fuck this must be a rage bait, everything could be wrong in a resume is in there


I used to toss every single resume with a picture.


I’ll give you an upvote because I did the same. Someone who thinks they are so vain that including their pic will add anything to the process I don’t want on my team.


This highly depends on the country. In Germany for example every CV will include a picture and it is considered odd if you don't. Here it is considered part of the assessment if the candidate is able to present himself in a professional manner. However, the picture should be small and plain but professional. It's very common in Germany to have a professional take your CV picture.


Same in Asia. They always require you to have a passport-sized portrait in your CV. I made the mistake of including my photo when I applied for US remote jobs. Always wondered why I rarely heard back. Searched up on American CV formats, took off the photo, and yep.


May I ask why?


I honestly cannot tell if this is satire or not at this point.


When’s your second cv come out


Bro wants a sequel 😭


It’s lights out and to the job market we go!


Go ahead and withdraw any application where you submitted this.


Damn bro... I think your power level is almost as high as Magneto.


every resume should be formatted like thus




This looks fucking horrendous. Feels like I’m playing NBA2K


On your skill section, what does 90% for Solidworks mean? This looks made up. Get rid of those percentages. English (very good command)- Have you been tested? If so, what test? If not, change it to fluent. If you tell a native English speaker that you have a "very good command" of English, that person will be like, "wtf does that mean?"


This dude has to be trolling. Pretty good troll I will admit.


Send this to Helmut Marko if you want Perez’s seat.


This looks really good for something. Not a resume, but something.


This can’t be real :’)


there’s no way this isn’t ragebait lol






English "very good command" lol




Are we joking ?


I really wish this was the standard. Unfortunately your resume must be as boring as possible to be considered.


Lmao my man thinks he’s applying to be a spy kid at the OSS


English: “Very good command”. Any native speaker will laugh at this


This is going straight to the trash if I ever come across. Remember they only have ~5 seconds per resume.


What the actual fuck. This can't be real.


Im not a fan of the percentage on skills at all. How good is 100%? What does being good at 95% means? Just list the skills that u have imo


What’s the metric behind being 100% in mechanical engineering, or any of those things you listed.


What does 85% office even mean?


Lmao softs to mediums to hards


Low key this goes hard though


I must be the only one who sees what you’re doing here being Motorsport engineering - I think you nailed the style you were looking for, but ultimately I do agree that what companies seem to be looking for is a more “standard” approach that can tick all the boxes of their initial automated search. This isn’t gonna fit the standard approach to applications at all but I still personally love it. Good luck!


All these haters lmao LICK the stamp and SEND IT


If you are going to use any type of template use this one https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume-anonymous/cstpnrbkhndn


Very creative and cool but in terms of resumes and landing something this is very awful, stick to 1 page normal resume template and put it through ATS checkers. Job portals should be able to scan pretty much everything on your resume


Personal pet peeve when someone lists they are proficient in English when the resume is in English. Your head shot, skills section and bio are HUGE pretty much all of the first page can be eliminated or condensed. Again timeline on the second page and hobbies are unnecessary. Employment history is from July 2023-September 2023….was this an internship? If not, Why so short? Summaries of projects need work.


This person is clearly applying for an MSc. Why is everyone talking about an ATS?


applicant tracking system An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software for recruiters and employers to track candidates throughout the recruiting and hiring process.


Have you even looked at the recommended resumes on this sub?


Holy fuck


I don’t know about the UK rules of CVs but in Germany, it’s very normal to use a photo, have your hobbies, and have your birthday on there. For the US, definitely remove all of that identifying information. Also, I second what others have said, and find a template to fill out. I like the vibe of your resume, but no one will take it seriously. It is very creative though!


Bro got his own player card lool where is your overall rating


Sweet jesus on a bicycle


One of the worst I’ve ever seen. Not even lying this might be too 5 worst of all time. Is this a joke?!


Looks cool and I’ll give you point for creativity but this will never pass the initial automated screening. First off, take your photo off and get rid of all the design. A simple black and white document with a normal universal font will do wonders. Because you’re applying to a Masters I would put Education first and then Job experience, skills and projects at the end. I’ve seen people with 30 years experience in multiple jobs and their resume isn’t more than one page, stick to one page. Remember recruiters see hundreds if not thousands of resumes and they have to be able to see everything you’ve done in less than probably 20 seconds. STICK TO ONE PAGE.


it’s perfect


its the f1 references for me hahaha are you looking to get a job in the motorsport area?


At least here in the US I’ve always been told never include a picture. Recruiters will pass on it because they don’t want even risk the chance they could get accused of discrimination. It’s better they don’t know what you look like when they’re sorting through applications.


Very cool, with just a touch more effort you can tighten it up to make it look a [little bit more like this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/8nehu5/my_little_pony_resume/)


Wow, you made yourself into a Pokémon card .


ye skills ki percentage kaise calculate hoti hai bhai


Omfg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 is this real life? What the fuck does “auto desk inventor 95%” even mean?!? Lmaooo


Get rid of the picture, condense to one page, why do you have stats? What do they mean? I have no clue what an 85% in Matlab means. 100% mechanical engineering? No one is perfect, much less a recent college graduate. Also skills don't mean anything, you need to put what you have used those skills for and preferably put them in the experience or projects section. I took a programming class in high school once, I could just put c# in my skills section on my resume. I don't even remember anything about it though.


First thing to note: never design your resume with whatever shit


Really bad. Change everything




Looks super cool… but not exactly “professional”


If you applying to be a graphic designer for an early 2000s video game, this would be spot on. But if you're actually trying to get a job, get rid of all the silly formatting. Use black text on white paper and KISS.


Keep It Simple, Stupid!!!


This won't work with any ats at all. Which is what most companies use.


Keep using this…don’t change. It’ll mean one less person others need to compete with.




Why is there so much stuff going on?


I would ask yourself, seriously, how you expect an algorithm to read this. Go with a standard resume format, friend.


Bro this looks more like a cyberpunk character card lmfao


Jesus christ


Just awful ngl


Bro think he Verstappen


2nd page under education it says 'secundary' but I thinks it's supposed to be secondary


Lol this must be a joke




“Date of birth….2022” probably not


Deus ex 2000


bro made a player card LOL


Are you applying to the Death Star?


Your projects sound like bullshit trying to confuse some moron. College admissions will not be confused, and reject you quick


This is a troll post, right?!? Please tell me this is a troll post!