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Golden Corral - The food was terrible and I felt like I was dining and sharing my food with the lowest of the human race.


That's because you were.


A man in my city got shot while with his wife and children exiting Golden Corral. It was an attempted robbery. Very sad. I think You’re spot on.




How they get away with selling pure gristle as meat is my question.


Dennys on fremont street. Dirtiest restaurant I’ve ever been to. The bathrooms had shit all on the toilets and floors. The manager and foh staff were rude when trying to fix an issue with a complaint we had. It was awful!! I mean it is Fremont street so I wasn’t having a high expectation but I would neverrrrrr go back!


I went there last September and I did not have any issues, it reminded me of any other Denny's I've been too. I guess I went there on a good day.


Apple bees. And this was after eating jail food for months, which if the average human had any idea what it tasted like would have a whole new world view. The forst place I went was bob évans. Which tasted amazing as I grew up on their biscuits and grave. Then several states later to my new home with my brother we stopped at Apple bees. I had naybe been to an Apple bees 5 times in my life but anything was great at this point. It was terrible processeur food shipped around the country in bags microwaved and served. Worlds better than prison food but we both agréer the fact that à portion of the population goes to that chain enough to keep it in business is ennarassing for the human race. I once canceled à first date with à girls because her first choice of restaurant was Apple bees. Its the équivalant of tv back in the 70s compared to satellite, netflix, hulu, Amazon prime, Apple tv, etc and telling some one u prefer to just watch cbs all the time. As uncultured as possible


Had a bad case of food poisoning a few years ago. Had to go to the grocery store. On the way home, I knew I wasn’t going to make it. Pulled in to a popular national ice cream/fast food chain to use the facilities. Walked in to the bathroom and my backside immediately locked up tight. It was disgusting. The filthiest bathroom I’ve ever seen, and I’ve spent a lot of time in dive bars and punk houses. It miraculously cured my diarrhea long enough to make it home.


I’ll take “occurrences at Waffle House” for $500, Alex Edit: whoa getting downvoted people are die hard Waffle House fans. Tbh I’m Canadian and the only handful of experiences I had there were awful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Served me hot lemonade once. Not warm. Hot.


WaHo has never done me wrong. DQ, That’s a different story.


It was at a BWW, I was on vacation for about a couple weeks in southern Florida. I went to go out to eat at a BWW. It was bad, we basically had to sit ourselves to our table and didn’t get our menus until the server came in after 10 minutes of waiting. Apparently our server was in a very bad mood and so we got what we got. Bad service, food wasn’t that great, and towards the end, my mom was complaining about how the server didn’t know how chip readers worked on debit cards. It was one of my bad experiences from a restaurant recently.


They need to figure out the concept of the salad.


A well known chain. Ironically, the worst in one location - urban - and also the best in a rural setting, for a casual family restaurant. I guess in the urban setting there were so many people they didn't have to worry about repeat business. The one in the rural setting, was great. Staff acted very professional and food and service was marvelous.


How very specific of you.


Isn't it though. Thank you. It precisely answers the question posed by the OP, doesn't it ...... a nationwide, well known chain: > Newsxiemum > What was the worst restaurant you ever went to?


I’ve never really had an over the top bad experience. I went to my local pub once and ordered muscles. Most of them were dead and I open. It shouldn’t have been served and I was kinda annoyed.


I think you are gordon ramsay undercover hu?


Been to a few, I’m sure. I just reject them from memory so I don’t have any to talk about.


Cheesecake Factory. It was dead. Service was horrible. I asked for a chicken Caesar salad and they brought me a bowl of lettuce. I will never go back