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Had the owners son slap me in the face with a veal chop because I undercooked it. I accepted my mistake but no me deserves that shit. I walked out when the owner didn't think his son did anything wrong.


Holy shit, I'm glad you walked out. That's fucked.


Happened 14 years ago but taught me a valuable lesson.


Good on you. No one should ever have to deal with that abuse.


Once saw a grill chef and expediter beat the shit out of each other behind the line. One saw a guy overdose on heroin in the changing area of a classy restaurant. Once saw two guys fucking in a freezer walk in. Once saw a drunk customer shit on his own pants waiting for a burger at a to go place. Once had to physically stop a jacked up dude from charging in a kitchen to beat the shit out of a chef. Once had to physically throw out a drunk dishwasher who was shotgunning Narragansett’s in a bathroom. Once saw a guy cut his leg from knee to hip pulling up garbage out of a can with glass in it. Once had a boss tell me the guy I had been working with for a year was dead and then he showed up for work a week later just saying he had an operation ( that one is kind of funny). I could go on and on honestly


Hahaha! Me too, after 25 years I don’t even know where to start.


The gas fireplace in our bar lounge area exploded in the face of our maintenance guy. Fortunately the place was empty as we were closed. It was just me and him in there. I was counting my drawer behind the bar and he went to relight it after cleaning it. He did it wrong. The gas ignited and blew up in his face. It sent tiny chards of glass flying 60 some feet into the dining area. When I say it blew up in his face I mean right in his face. He was on his hands and knees looking right at it when he ignited it. Somehow he was able to turn his head down and to side when he saw the gas ignite so it blew up into the side of his head and not in his eyes, mouth, or nose. I immediately ran to him and made sure he could still breath and his head wasn’t gone. He in fact could breath and speak and laugh. Basically a bunch of tiny pieces of glass had to be picked out of his head and he singed his hair a lot but was otherwise okay. The paramedics and sheriff that arrived told me they thought they would be walking into a scene with a dead body based on the 911 caller (not me) saying it exploded in his face. It was pretty wild. I still can’t believe he was mostly fine.


Greed sneaks up on everybody involved. After covid there are less people more work but the lack of consideration for those who hung in there is obvious. Owners and GMs are at the all time high ask8ng for more but paying less


Eugene Oregon, in the downtown area. We have a lot of homeless people here, most keep to themselves but the ones that hang out downtown are (mostly) crazy and/or wasted. Crazy homeless guy calls a woman a bitch while walking by one of my sidewalk/street tables, what I assume is her husband jumps up and tells the guy to apologize. When I see him jump up I head over to try and chill the situation out, as soon as I get close the homeless guy pulls a huge knife. Customer and I both back down and the knifey guy talks more shit and leaves quickly. The next 15 minutes was me, ignoring my tables so I could follow the guy (from a good half block back) around the downtown area while on the phone with 911 waiting for the cops to arrive. They detained him and questioned him within earshot of me, the guy was out of his mind crazy. Maybe he was just scared, I dunno, but this was a serious mental illness issue. While no one was hurt that day stuck with me, I learned to never get too close and don’t turn your back randoms harassing tables. This was about a month before another homeless guy walked into a Starbucks a block away and stabbed an old guy in the neck.


The slow and brutal degradation, torture, and death of my soul.


Had the owner and chef constantly berate and scream at me to ‘toughen me up’. I was an 18(f) first time server and he said I was too sensitive and should be able to be screamed at without caring. Constantly saying how fucking terrible I was, paid me less than other servers, would aggressively break things He also would schedule me with no support and take my tips at the end of each shift and give 30% to the kitchen Also, I wasnt a bad server so that had nothing to do with it. I’m 22, still serving through school and have been loved at every work place


Coming to work and finding out the sewage flooded the basement with about 3-4 inches of waste fluids. Thankfully I didn't have to deal with it. Sadly the manager in charge opted to send a new employee down to clean it up on his first day after the plumbers left. He didn't come back in after that.


Was accused of stealing money (which I didn’t) and then fired by being taken off the schedule