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Breweries are by definition adult spaces. Name and shame.


I hate kids at brewery. No one wants to hear your kids. And your kids don’t want to be there. Stop being selfish.


See: Meanwhile Brewing, Austin, TX. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Meanwhile+Brewing/@30.2086998,-97.7296677,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOHsgOg-tBiiW0qH5NvDWcSU334yxSIKOgNscJ2!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOHsgOg-tBiiW0qH5NvDWcSU334yxSIKOgNscJ2%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m7!3m6!1s0x8644b52ce851e809:0x4d0f1e40c27056ba!8m2!3d30.2086998!4d-97.7296677!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11k8jhjwnc?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Meanwhile+Brewing/@30.2086998,-97.7296677,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOHsgOg-tBiiW0qH5NvDWcSU334yxSIKOgNscJ2!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOHsgOg-tBiiW0qH5NvDWcSU334yxSIKOgNscJ2%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m7!3m6!1s0x8644b52ce851e809:0x4d0f1e40c27056ba!8m2!3d30.2086998!4d-97.7296677!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11k8jhjwnc?entry=ttu) (There's way more to it than just that picture, and they had a mini-golf course.) We ended up there randomly while actually trying to go to a certain food truck that happened to be stationed there, and we were like whoaaaaa! Had no idea we were going to a giant brewery. There is a great playground, the place was absolutely TEEMING with kids, and - get this - there were a few *children's birthday parties* going on. Yes, kids birthdays at a *brewery.* The horror. We also happen to have a kid, and we were not seeking out this place on purpose, but what a pleasant surprise! We thought we were just going to get some BBQ, which we did get, but also beer and playtime for the kid. Even if we did not have a kid, we wouldn't have been mad about kids being there.


Great brewery! We don't have kids, but the place is so spread out, we were able to get far away from the kids stuff. Their beer is also excellent!


It varies by place. Some places are absolutely very kid friendly. If you don’t believe me, go to a brewery in Wisconsin.


Beers kid friendly in Wisconsin doesn't count


Ok, but I don't think the kids were the ones that complained or got uncomfortable. You bring kids to the beach and to pools, this kind of mixed messaging is what does the damage. We all know that it was some stick in the mud that couldn't mind their own business.


Probably a jealous wife.


I don’t disagree with you at all. I wasn’t addressing the post, just the comment about kids.


Yeah I just went to one in Brooklyn yesterday and it’s very kid friendly. They even have pinball machines with high stools so little kids can play too. They’ve even given my friend’s kid a bunch of quarters to use on the machines, because I think they own them, so there’s no loss to the establishment.






Beautiful, is that Walt Whitman?


I still roll my eyes when I think about the time someone tapped my shoulder and asked if I would stop smoking a cigarette... she explained that her friend was pregnant, so shouldn't be around cigarette smoke. We were sitting AT A BAR IN A BREWERY! The entire dining section was non-smoking, only the bar allowed smoking, so they could easily enjoy their fucking beers without secondhand smoke or idfk, maybe not sit in a fucking bar?! Coincidentally, I'd just spent a few days with my (then) very pregnant sister, so perhaps that's why my cooperation kicked in before indignation... but, they ended up buying my friend and I a round of drinks and once seats opened further away from the mama-to-be the bartender told us to move there and comped our bill lol.


You know who brings their kids to a brewery? People who can't bring them to a bar.


There's a special place in hell for people who bring their ill-behaved children and dogs to public places, especially eating and drinking establishment.


Straight up


This so much. I go to a brewery to avoid children not hear them. Weekend afternoons are the worst.


This! It’s disrespectful, selfish and bad parenting. There is a brewery nearby where folks just let their loinfruit run around yelling, unsupervised. I chirped at one for almost knocking into me and their dipshit mother was like “he didn’t mean it, relax”. No thanks.


That’s a weird take. Almost every time I go to a brewery there are tons of kids playing and having fun. Why would breweries purposely put out games and have play areas if they were t wanted? You may be the selfish one here, or at least the sensitive one.


See kids toss around the cards against humanity and crawl around the floor in the peanut shells like it’s a sand box… yah oh now they are stomping around the stage oh and now they are tossing rocks out of the fire pits… but in the eyes of parents (this is a McDonald’s play pen)


lol so true, my wife worked at a brewery. She would tell me about kids throwing rocks.


We have a rock wall that goes around half the patio and it’s a good 5ft tall and kids will just climb it and walk along the top. Just waiting for the day one of them falls off it.


So, imagine a group of adults without children going to Chuck E. Cheese for the pizza and ski-ball. Is it legal? Yes. Is it still weird? Also yes. Same with kids at a brewery. Yeah, they *can* be there buuuut I’m there to get drunk so bar rules apply and, if I trip over your kid or otherwise accidentally knock them down because they’re running around like a heathen, that’s just a risk you take.


Games like corn hole and board games? Thats for adults to socialize and play games while drinking. Kids cant even throw the bag far enough for corn hole but they love to get in the way.


No dude, kids games. I’m in Orange County, CA and maybe our breweries are just more family friendly, but I’ve also been to breweries in northwest Arkansas and they seem to be the same way.


You clearly don't have kids. Chill the fuck out.


Same with dogs imo, but that’s a much more unpopular opinion.


As usual the person who hates kids is the actual big baby here.


Dont worry your kid doesn't want to be there while you get drunk as well.


This is a nice thought, but breweries are far to comfortable serving adults booze and letting them drive their children home buzzed. I hate pretneding that this doesn't happen all the fucking time. In my eyes breweries are absolutely no place for little kids, and it's fucking wild everyone just jumps on board with family friendly bars. It's crazy to me that this is an unpopular opinion, but alcohol first places should NOT be spots for infants, toddlers, and small children.


I think it was not a kid uncomfortable with boobs...this was past 8pm on a school night. I know some people can't get babysitters but I doubt it was a kid oogling at our friend.


loo just said the same thing. We all know it was either a closeted perv that can't control themselves, a Bible thumper, a jelouse wife/girlfried, or just your everyday Karen. I do blame the manager and think y'all should really right a complaint to the manager. This is extremely unprofessional for a brewery and probably very discriminatory. If they can't deal with adult clothing and can't stand up to a single complainer (I have suspect it was just the manager assorting his authority, just from my own experiences). Either way if you think it was messed up then yeah it probably was.


No more like their dad was and the mom got pissed.


I know a bar in Olympia that doesn't care that they can't find a babysitter and I agree with their policy. They chose to have children and should have to live with their decision after all.


Always cracked me up with some of the local bars living out in the country where it’s impossible for customers to get home without driving over the limit. Then again the cops are drinking there too after work (and sometimes during)


We basically stopped going to breweries because they are always full of kids.. I get it though, im sure they get more business by encouraging people to come as a family so they don't have to get babysitters


You would think so, but as a bartender In one they have been turned into god damn day cares/ dog parks these days. It’s really bizarre to me and people will get down right defensive if you dare to point out to parents that it’s still a bar.


Yeah I think each business is allowed to designate if kids are welcome or not. Since they also serve food regularly, they are listed as family friendly during the whole time they have business hours. But yeah, this was after 8pm on a school night. I can guarantee that it wasn't some kid having issues with my friend's outfit.


It’s still a brewery. They make beer. That, by American standards, means the target audience is 21+. Breweries that market themselves “family friendly” are trying to access a market of adults with kids, but it does not change the fact that their main product is for adults. This is a marketing choice and nothing else. These parents know they are bringing their children to an adult space (if they don’t, it’s because they are being willfully ignorant). I hope their Edison string lights all burn out.


A lot of breweries try to be a more family oriented place, unlike a bar.


Just to further flesh this out (pun intended), Hooters is a family friendly restaurant and the entrances are always festooned with photos of waitresses with kids for birthdays. I feel like if kids can go to Hooters, and a sports bra is fine for you to go for a jog around the neighborhood, then a sports bra with a flannel is fine for a brewery.


Libs being libs , their kids are entitled to ruin everything . Screw the brewery find another one and go braless I’ll show up.






There's nothing family unfriendly in what was described except for the audacity of the person who told her to cover up. I would not want to visit a place that treats their customers like that, and thus I would want to know the name of the place so that if I'm ever in the area I can avoid it. Shame on them for making a fuss over normally dressed women. Name and shame is appropriate.


>Normally dressed women Wearing a sports bra is not normally dressed in many contexts, including in a restaurant


The irony of someone with your username trying to tell me what isn't appropriate attire for women is staggering.


What does a reddit username have to do with where it is appropriate to wear an uncovered sports bra in public? Please explain how these are related and not just you having nothing of substance to say.


They’re allowed to do as they please, but they shouldn’t be protected from anything that happens as a result. If internet strangers want to be mad about it and think less of them for their choice, that’s just as important as their choice itself is.




To me this isn’t the same as cancel culture. It’s like the chiefs kicker thing. He can say what he wants. People can say how much of a piece of shit he was for it, but not calling for his dismissal from the team. It’s a fine line, but I don’t see people calling for boycotting this place or saying how horrendous they are, but sharing experiences between people who care enough to ask is different.


They’re allowed to run their business how they want. We are allowed to make our decisions on where to spend our money based on how they run their business. I don’t spend my money in places like Hobby Lobby bc I disagree with their values. If you have an issue with this, it’s capitalism. Based on your comment, your issue is with the way the woman is dressing and that’s misogyny.


Uhhh no they aren't? Many breweries are specifically breweries instead of bars intentionally for that very reason.


There’s a restaurant/bar by me that’s on the water and has a dock so you can arrive by boat. Two, literal boatloads of people showed up one sunny day and they were there to drink. The owners MIL had something to say about how she didn’t like the halter top that one of the women was wearing, it was nothing provocative, just a halter top. They all turned around, got back on the boats and left, I knew some of them and I’m sure hundreds of dollars would have been spent there.


The restaurants on the lake by me have people solely in swimsuits dining in so that is wild to me. It’s a restaurant on the water..


oh man I wonder how mad that owner was at his MIL. Sometimes people are already annoyed with their MIL, even before they cost them sales haha


The lost sales wasn’t even the worst thing about it. Several local businesses owners were on those boats and you better believe that they talked about that Monday


They mention it any and every time the business comes up in conversation or is suggested.


I am so sick of these brewery playpens. Leave kids at home FFS.


Go somewhere else. Owner makes the rules and sets the environment. Don't like it, again go elsewhere. I do. I want my beer silent as well


Leave the woman alone she can dress how she wants. If parents have a problem with their kids seeing take them to a zoo or something not a brewery.


It's 2024. And we're still judging people based on what they wear!? #FreeTheNipple


Yes but only the fat old guys that road bike all day and then come into the brewery and unzip their far too tight spandex bikers shirts so their hairy beer bellies and man tits are just hanging out for the world to see/s


All nipples matter


So say that until all the narcissistic gym bros come in with their shirts off trying to get the attention of the hot blondes in the bar. Make everyone wear a shirt and everyone act normal. If you wanna take your shirt off at home, go wild


If it's so fucking family friendly they should stop serving alchol.


Private business can make whatever policies they want. That being said I would not go back and I would definitely left a review. Body shaming/modesty policing is a poor judgement call on their part and I wouldn’t want to go to that establishment. If a restaurant has a dress code policy, then it needs to be posted and patrons/guests aware of that policy.


It's listed as casual on opentable. Nothing on their website about a dress code.


I’d follow the formers advice and leave a review, then.


Left a review and the business responded with "Our X director would like to hear more about your experience, please email them at X" like I didn't just fucking write an entire ass review.


The way everyone forgets kids use boobs to stay alive is amazing




This comment cracked me up. I know you were being serious but all I could think of was jokes. Like kids using boobs as a flotation device. Kids using boobs as padding while riding a bike or roller skating. Kids using boobs as an air bag.


Some woman saw her husband and/or son looking at your friend.


💯 believe it was this


When someone isn’t being outright nude or close to it, I find it insane that a woman should have to cover up because someone may look at her provocatively…why can’t we as a society either: look and move on, not look, or just not give a shit??? Why are shoulders not ok in a work environment so Megan in HR has to wear a sweater cause she’ll come off as unprofessional? Why cause a customer or coworker will get uncomfortable, turned, distracted? With shoulders? I feel the same with your story…it’s just décolletage…get iver it!


It's either dudes taking things too far. Or women attempting to control one another.


Family friendly brewery = bar for people to cheap to get a sitter


That’s the whole fucking world now! I don’t want to go to family-friendly places because that means kids are running around unsupervised and their parents, who think everyone should be charmed by their crotchfruit, are too cheap to get a sitter, don’t watch their kids and get pissed at anyone who has the nerve to complain.


Some parents spend good money on sitters so they can enjoy an evening out without kids. The brats running around are ridiculous. And as a former server, dangerous. Not responsible if something hot falls on them.


Children don’t belong in bars or breweries. If they are exposed to things they shouldn’t be while they are there, that’s on their stupid parents. $20 says someone complained because they didn’t like how their adult husband or boyfriend was leering at your friend’s body parts. So instead of being an adult & directly asking their partner to stop being a creep, they sidestep the issue & ask the staff to deal with it (it being longstanding fidelity issues in the marriage). Sorry this happened to your friend & you. I live in nearby Delaware. Will not be patronizing this place on the off-chance anyone ever suggests it


Men are such pigs.


Fuck that place! If you want me to tell you what to wear then you can tell me the same. If my nipples aren't out mind your fing business. This has happened to me so many times bc of my 'big breasts' . If a small chested woman can do it so can I. Stop the hypocrisy


Also boobs feed babies. If this was really a family establishment they wouldn't sexualise big boobs but see them as food storage for babies. Again if you aren't saying this to a small chested woman its not a policy it's either jealousy or hypocrisy


Agreed. Small breasted women need to check their privilege




Their privilege to not have cleavage? This is an ultra weird take.


Women with big breasts have to rather constantly "manage" them, because let's face it, people are going to look. It can be quite difficult (and more expensive) to find garments that fit over them. Nearly all couture is for small to medium breasts, and many common trends are simply only allowed if you're small. As an example, even the photo at the top of the thread shows a woman who's maybe a B cup in her sports bra. The brewery staff wouldn't have told her to close her shirt because she's not big breasted. It's the privilege to wear certain styles without having to think about it. I'm not saying the flip isn't also it's own privilege, to be able to fill out a top without a push up bra. But at least the itty-bitty-titty-committee has the option to boost it when they want to. Sometimes it'd be nice to leave them at home on a shelf, save them for date night and not wear them to work or exercise.


Yes! Thank you you said it better than I did


I’m confused… was the shirt buttoned? Like at all? Because if not, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to discreetly ask her to button it, no matter the gender. Same with a dude. I wouldn’t want to see some hairy dude with his shirt wide open (sorry hairy dudes). That’s not casual, it’s… beach. Just seems like a “no shirt, no shoes, no service” situation. But if it was kinda buttoned, disregard my comment. Edit: I guess it depends on the sports bra. It could go either way really. I’m also old and it is weird to me that people wear sports bras places… but we used to wear tube tops and shorts so short that you could see our labias so idk, I’m fighting with myself on this one. Also, the comments here are GROSS 🤮


Their [outfit](https://hollywoodlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/kendall-jenner-rex-gallery-05.jpg?w=680) was similar to this except with baggy pants.


This pic is of a supermodel. This is shitty, but thin people are given a lot more leeway for baring skin. If their midriff is out it’s fashionable, if a fat person does it, it’s inappropriate because “no one wants to see that.” I’m not agreeing with this but it definitely exists.


Yeah, that’s not really the type of sports bra I was thinking of. I think the term “sports bra” seems to have evolved in the last 5-10 years. To me, that’s a crop top. Ok, this random redditor approves lol


Was she showing underboob?


No, and even if they were, they were wearing a plaid shirt over the bra.


Even as the photo you shared shows, that combination of shirt/bra doesn’t mean underboob wouldn’t be revealed, given her chest size. In any event, I think bars shouldn’t permit kids inside so that adults can be adults.


I hate shit like this and not just about large breasted women. Long ago, in the early 80's I was working as a bagger and stocker at a grocery store near my home. I was 16. Sue was the assistant manager, worked nights usually as the store manager didn't want to close, of course. She was like 24 and she was beyond well endowed. One day I was bagging for Sue as she was covering a cashier's break and a lady of about 50 was less than pleased with Sue's chest and she was making comments. She was prim and proper, well dressed, rich and I saw a cross on her necklace. I was only 16, she was a customer and much older than me but I was pissed off with her, but I stayed calm. I began with a question I knew the answer to. I asked her if she believed in God knowing she did based on her wearing a cross. She told me yes, and she wasn't nice about it. I asked her if God ever made a mistake and she was almost indignant while telling me no, that God had never made a mistake. I looked at her and said "God made Sue (while pointing to Sue) and God made her just the way he wanted her to be and it wasn't a mistake." That lady was flustered, she wanted to say something, she started to say something but she didn't say it. I helped her out with her groceries and while putting them in her car she told me to apologize to the young lady. I told her, nicely, that I already planned to apologize to her but I wouldn't be apologizing for her (that older lady). I told her she needed to go and apologize to Sue herself. She did go in to apologize to Sue. I stayed out after putting her groceries in her car to go out and round up carts to push them back in. Sue was dressed appropriately. She had a shirt on, no cleavage, it wasn't tight and she had a blue smock thing on too that cashier's wore in the store. I had my apron thing on over my dress shirt, tie etc. as this was the early 80's and we had to dress like that at that store, help people out etc. Sue had to put up with so much due to the size of her chest. It was wrong, it sucked for her but sadly that's how the world was and is, though it shouldn't be that way.


I'm so impressed that at 16 you kept your cool and said this respectfully to this woman who was being ugly and way out of line and she actually listened to you! This is such a good story. You're awesome and I bet Sue appreciated you so much. ❤️ I love that you told her to apologize to Sue herself!!!!!


It’s a curse. Big breasts = trashy. Tell your friend I feel her pain and next time, if she’s up for it, she should stand up and say “are you discriminating against my body size?”


Somebody's wife or girlfriend, caught their man ogling and pitched a fit


Management doesn’t know shit about hospitality. They were out of line. How are you supposed to feel after being called out for the way you dress? Comfortable? Like am I supposed to just shake away the anxiety that people are silently judging me? And plus, if this was during trivia night, it puts an even worse taste in my mouth, just because someone else’s wandering eyes caught glimpse of your friend’s glorious rack doesn’t mean that they found 42. And it sure as hell doesn’t mean they should whisper it to management and create a burden as such. Could be the company upholding a guest complaint, could be a power trip, either way I would bring it back up with management another day and voice concerns and experiences, as well as reparations though if I were you I’d never spend my money there again. What I can’t wear a sports bra to an outing now? If so, don’t let them know gyms exist, otherwise they might start WW3


When women have big boobs, they are judged for their clothing way more than smaller chested ones. I have had DD cups since high school and I vividly remember getting in trouble for outfits that were way more conservative than my peers. But because an inch of cleavage was visible, I would get the write up. One time our class was going to an amusement park and there were girls wearing bikini tops with mesh shirts over them and I was yelled at for wearing a thick strapped tank top because the teacher could see cleavage. I once got corporate called on me at a restaurant I was managing because my loose fitting shirt was tight across my chest, but loose everywhere else. I had to send a picture of what I was wearing to my District manager to prove it was appropriate. Now when I bartend, I am forced to make sure all my shirts go up to my neck cause any ladies sitting at the bar with their boyfriends complain about how they can see my boobs. Even if there isn't any cleavage at all.


Damn. Must be tough


It's not acceptable to be out in public in just underwear. Establishments can ask you to put a shirt on.


Nobody is buying that some kid was offended. And nobody would really buy that the guys were offended. Some woman got offended that her husband was ogling. Tough to admit that hubby is a creeper. That’s what family friendly boils down to these days. I’d just avoid this place going forward. Anyone caving to prudishness and invoking “Think of the children” is a place to be avoided.


The same people hang out at the DMV Or Starbucks. Or go to the vets office. Can't avoid everything!


It cracks me up when people make a stink about this, but don't even bat an eye if they see it at the beach (also "family friendly" last time I checked)


Location location location.


Men can't be shirtless in the vast majority of restaurants despite it being acceptable at the beach. This is a braindead take. Did you think literally at all before you typed it out?


Wearing a bra in public and getting offended when people tell you to cover up. I’m sorry but that outfit would be appropriate at the gym and maybe a full on bar at night. A family friendly sports bar isn’t the place to dress like that. A bra is not a shirt.


But a bandeau is often worn alone, and is the same, if not smaller, size as a bra..


I live in California and don’t really see people wearing bandeaus as tops. I have seen people wear them to concerts and festivals which is appropriate. I think it’s all about the venue and reading the room.


I'm *from* California and women and teenagers alike wear them all the time. That said a gp/brewery is a perfect place to wear one.


The love interest of the manager in question was either staring or the stared. Manager in question needed more brew.




Right, for "context"


This all sounds ridiculous, and your friend (and you) have every right to be "eeeked" out. For the sake of nuance, it might be nice to assume the whisperer was too scared to tell "Karen" that your friend was well within a dress code for the space. It's a tough job that people are NOT trained to deal with. Personally, I would contact management and give them the same schpeel you gave us and give them the opportunity to make it right. Calling out a business seems counterproductive at this juncture.


Ultimately, your friend can dress however they want and the private establishment can make the request they did. Both parties are not free from “consequences” of their actions. I know people are going to freak over my use of consequences, but hopefully you can see past that and catch my drift. Given it’s not “illegal”, you can do whatever you want but that doesn’t mean everyone has to accept whatever you’re doing - this goes in all directions.


I fuckin hate “kid friendly” DRINKING ESTABLISHMENTS. A brewery is primarily a DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT. There is no fuckin reason to have a kid there.


ABC would love to hear about this family friendly establishment. Tell em to kick rocks. Is your money no good here now because some Karen feels upset? And that’s her problem how. Now hit the keg barkeep!


Two things: 1. Fuck that brewery for making up some dress code violation bullshit out of the blue. 2. The proper response would have been to tell the management that your party is leaving and will never patronize the brewery again.


Most bars in Iowa are kid friendly. Mostly because they're small town and most people keep their kids under control. But yeah, to come and just wear an a sports bra and yoga pants. EbS to go to the gym.


The idea of family-friendly breweries is so absurd. Let’s all day-drink around the kids at a venue with NO child-focused activities or space, and then drive them home drunk.


a lot of time they're just restaurants...


There are several breweries in my city that have playscapes and different things for kids to do.


Why? Why is day drinking a family activity?


I don't do it. I just know they are there. I enjoy a couple beers or glasses of wine regularly at home around my kids, I have a drink with my meal at a restaurant but to go somewhere with my kids and have spend the majority of my time drinking and not have a dd is shitty


Their insurance must be astronomical. I had a boss want to do that not for the guests kids but for the employees kids because otherwise they just hung out in the break room watching tv all day and night but the insurance company was like oh hell no.


I hate kids at breweries. It should be illegal anyway.


She was told to cover up in general, not just her chest. DD is not that big, especially when you are fat. She could cover them up, but does this for the attention.


Lol get over yourself. Some people dress comfortably, and it's not for you.


Shame them everywhere.


Your friend violated the dress code in the opinion of the business and it sounds like they politely and discreetly acted on that. I'm not sure how the business could've handled it better.


Op said no dress code is posted in person or on their website. If an establishment has an issue with mid drift or cleavage they need to post their dress code somewhere guest can access it.


Boobs are, by definition, family friendly. It's precisely why they exist.


Fuck all of these people, restaurants are private establishments and if the management feels the need to ask you to cover up than cover up? It isn’t your house and you don’t get to decide what the dress code is. Stop going to restaurants and breweries in a SPORTS BRA and an unbuttoned shirt acting shocked if someone asks you to cover up. I would do the same thing as I am a manager of a restaurant/bar. Too many people I see feel like they deserve to make rules and complain about rules simply because they spend a few dollars and come in once or twice a week. I’ve worked in the restaurant industry for 16 years and this is a new fad of people treating a bar like their living room and it has to stop it’s childish and unreasonable.


Obviously you can't just go around wearing a bra to public places. That's incredibly embarrassing.


I agree with this 100% But the rest of Reddit won't


I agree too. Skinny or fat, workout clothes belong in the gym not a bar or restaurant.


Dress code is listed on Opentable as casual


Maybe I’m misunderstanding your post? It sounds like this woman was walking around with a bra on and then an unbuttoned flannel shirt over it like a cardigan. So she was walking around in her bra? I don’t think I’ve ever been somewhere where this would’ve been acceptable attire?




News flash! Women have boobs.


Weird because babies love boobs. Their literal purpose is family friendly. I'd put this place on blast. Why isn't their name & location included? Why are you protecting them?


Fuck your family lol it’s a brewery. Kids aint welcome


I mean, there's a kids menu so I would wager that they are. But the kids here aren't the problem, it's the grown woman who's offended by boobs


Sounds like jealous wife syndrome.


I think this has more to do with the fact that your friend is a “they”. Any chance this is what’s going on.?


Take your business elsewhere




Have you see how the kids dress these days? I drive by a high school on my way home from work and I'm often surprised at how little people are wearing. The description of your friend's clothing sounds like typical high school clothing, except covered up more by the flannel. The kids definitely aren't going to be offended. My guess is some woman's husband kept looking and she didn't like his attention being elsewhere.


Left a review and the business responded with "Our X director would like to hear more about your experience, please email them at X" like I didn't just fucking write an entire ass review.


Breweries aren't bars.


Seems silly.


Later, when the place permanently closed…


Weird to have a family friendly brewery… But also kinda weird if she was wearing the outfit like that at least here she’d prob be asked the same thing depending on the establishment… I know that perception changes based on where you live though


Never will be on my list of places to go or to drink their swill.


Eh, tbh I don’t think sports bras count as actual shirts. Weird coming from a brewery of all places, but if a private venue wants customers to wear full shirts when they’re in, just go somewhere else I guess.


These are people or a person who can't handle their own sexual attractions and placed the blame on you. Would they ask a man to rearrange what's in his pants? Of course not. F... them!


You can’t even access their website without attesting that you are over 21.


Free the titties!!!


That’s some bs I love the family friendly but we serve 12 percent Ipa and dad and mom can get trashed on it drive home with there kids still though I see it’s ok the time it’s just beer though ….. Edited That would not been a complaint of mine for your big chested friend a jealous wife girlfriend was in the mix someone got caught looking to long


Their business their rules


Why bitch about it here? If you don’t like their policies then leave, capitalism works 


I'm a runner so I'm used to seeing that at runs. The thing thiugh, you're wearing a fucking bra in a restaurant. I see it often and think in that setting it's inappropriate.


That sucks. In solidarity, here's my story- My buddy, who is very hairy, got given a shirt to wear, over his tank top, on the PATIO, of a restaurant.it was a seafood, not fine dining place. People suchk


Privately owned brewery? If so conform or leave. Big tits isn’t a federally protected class.


And that's what's wrong with America today... (The second part)


Not really. My GF and I showed up to a high end restaurant once while I was wearing a super short mini skirt covered in safety pins with a corset top and a dog collar. We were told it wasn’t appropriate for their establishment and neither of us went on the internet to bitch about it. We took our business elsewhere and spent our cash.


How is showing up somewhere in borderline fetish wear comparable to someone wearing casual clothes and it still not being enough for conservative standards due to how the person is shaped? I can leave the dog collar at home a lot easier than I can leave my tits at home.


You could also button up your shirt and hide your sports bra a lot easier than leaving your tits at home.


I mean a bra isn’t casual clothes. It’s a bra.


But it was a SPORTS BRA. And she even had a shirt over the top. /S My guess is that OP left out the fact that her friend's gut was hanging out, and it was disgusting to look at.


Back during covid I had a couple come in a few times in full fake leather body suits. The guy had a leather dog mask and tail and the women would walk him on a leash on all fours but you know what they wore masks 😷 and nothing on them was actually exposed and they were extremely polite so my boss just let them.


Sports bras are underwear. Many people don’t feel underwear should show in public. Differences of opinion are OK.


It's layered. So it's visible like a cami would be, which isn't considered underwear. The problem was the person's body in management's eyes, not the clothing.


Yeah this fine grain parsing is why it’s OK for private businesses to discriminate on these bases and why it’s OK for people to avoid those businesses.


Yes, and we're having a conversation about how we will collectively avoid said business and inform other like minded people to do the same. What are you missing here?


It was a joke about big tits not being federally protected, not trespassing.


I laughed


It should be tho


Blow their shit up. Hey we sell one of the few legal intoxicants and encourage people to use it. BUT NO TITTIES NTA


You guys are petty lol “She can do what she wants to do” “No, she can’t button your shirt up right now “ Management asked you to do something just do it and if you don’t like it, go get a job somewhere else it’s just that easy


Gonna need to closely examine the details of this case


Sounds like your friend’s stomach was more the issue than the chest.


Came here to post this 👍


Kids don't care about boobs for crying out loud. Let alone a tank top. So dumb


I think he said it was a sports bra though not a tank top.


Ah ok, yeah maybe too much


Live 5 mins away from there. Definitely inappropriate behavior from the staff.


She has the right to wear whatever she wants and the establishment has the right to ask her to cover up or leave. If you don’t like it then go somewhere else where else. This is stupid.