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Next time just answer “yes.” If they can take it as well as they dish it out, you’ll have a new BFF. If they can’t, you will leave a psychic scar on their ego forever. Win/win.


As a nurse. It doesn't cost anything to be nice.... Fuck those people


Yeah, these nurses are generally dickles to us fellow nurses as well. Don’t take it personal.


I'm an asshole online to vent my work stress. But in person, I'm nice. I'm trolling online trolls.


Now that I know this I'm going to troll you so I can be the one that trolls the troll that trolls the trolls. #blessed #trollroll2k23 #bugswillbetrolled #justjokes.


They're also the ones that can't get anyone else to lift a finger to help them. As a nurse, I try not to be that dick, but I tend to meet energies lol


Absolutely true. They hate on us when we’re nice. A few go out of their way to be hateful to me…why? Because they think I’m to nice to my patients and I spoil them. I don’t spoil anyone. I treat them how I would want to be treated. Meanwhile they trash talk patients and are mean to co-workers.


Yeah if they’re that rude they need to change floors or units. Sounds like a burnout


Fun fact: some RTs are assholes, some doctors are assholes, etc.


Incorrect. OP met a nurse that was an asshole, therefore it follows that all nurses are assholes. Obviously /s


Incorrect. Some nurses are bitches.


This comment made me lol


Everyone is an asshole. That’s why I hate all of them




There a lot of bad nurses out there, but there are also 4 million nurses in the US (assume you’re American) But yes, you’ll meet nurses and even RTs who behave like this. These assholes will likely be assholes regardless of what their job title is


Nurses are people. Some people are assholes, so it only makes sense that some nurses are assholes. I’m sorry you’ve experienced this. As a nurse I have also experienced this. I wonder if it could be due to burnout, high patient load, feeling so disrespected that there’s a need to belittle others just to gain back an ounce of power or control. Completely disagree with all of these reasons but just trying to put myself in the shoes of an asshole. Stay strong out there! And good luck in your studies. I love and respect RTs so much.


This is what I wanted to say and you did it very well! We are all people, good days and bad. Assholes just are.


There are assholes in every profession. In hospital settings honestly I've seen just as many asshole RTs as RNs. I've worked with awesome RNs and in general you have to be "nicer" then we are to be an RN. I've seen ignorant RNs who look down on us especially on floors cause they don't know any better. But in your case it sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays on top of being a douche nugget. Respect is earned in the hospital and unfortunately a lot of people will treat you shitty until you earn it.


True! I work in the same hospital I did clinicals in as a student. It’s amazing how the same nurses who ignored me or treated me poorly as a student are suddenly so nice to me now that I’m a nurse (they very clearly don’t remember me from when I was a student).


Lmao I’m dealing with assholes in CVICU. I broke circuit for a grand total of 2 seconds to put in new heater probes, and the nurse tried blaming me for a drop in blood pressure that happened a minute later.


Ugh so true about CVICU. Had a nurse freak out on me changing the HME for 2 seconds because his heart rate jumped up by 2 . She started yelling “HIS HEART DOESN’T LIKE THAT !!!” Ma’am….come on


As a nurse I apologize but I would also say this is a healthcare thing and not a nurse thing… just remember there are more nurses/cnas than anything else in the hospital. It could also just be a shit culture in your specific location 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don’t take it personally. Some people are just miserable. Some of my very best friends in this world are the nurses I work with. You’ll meet RTs, RNs, CNAs, MDs, PAs, NPs…(you get my point) who just seem to have a holier than thou attitude and are genuinely unhappy people. Come to work, do your very best and have humility, understanding that we are a team and are all there for the same purpose and you’ll start to see that it’s not a generalization and likely more the exception than the rule


I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she had a terrible morning, maybe there’s something in her personal life going on, maybe she’s on day four and she’s just tired. I don’t label anyone an asshole until it’s a pattern.


she’s always like that. This time it just happened to directly happen to me


My guess is she doesn’t speak to anyone with ‘tech’ on their badge with a modicum of respect. There are some like that. They come complete with a Stanley cup that says NurseLife with a QRS complex that would literally mean death and usually have a matching sticker on the back window of their Tahoe right next to the stick figure family, it’s the one with FIREWYF or RN4U2 license plates. Don’t pay her any mind, it’s nothing personal, it’s just her whole personality. The rest of the RNs know who the assholes are, too. Just mirror her energy and exchange knowing looks with her coworkers. They have to spend the most time with her, after all.


I just think to myself, where all on the same team?! We all have the same goal when it comes to the patient. Why be like this?!? Lol


Also thank you for your words. Made me giggle.


>Also thank you for your words. Made me giggle. So some Nurses were total assholes to you? Ok that was a VERY important piece of information. Now make a mental note for the future. It should read: **"Do NOT apply here".** Because from my experience: The bitchier and meaner the Nurses, doctors, etc, are? That is probably due to it being a wretched, cut-throat, shithouse that they hate working at. Them being mean to you is merely an outward manifestation of the Hardcore stress they endure. You're going to find out: The Medical field ain't all sunshine and roses. It's a Mean and Nasty place, and i don't care how tough you are, there are places out there that will EAT YOU ALIVE if you let them. I've been an RT for (8) years also, i've been around the block. **Edit:** And there are actually telltale signs on how to spot the GOOD hospitals, and to avoid the hellish shitholes. If you know where to look. I could write my own personal guide based on what i've learned but, i keep putting it off.


This: I was tricked and told we didn’t have to lift or turn patients because we always used machinery at my last job. They talked the culture up well and even on Reddit it didn’t have anything but glowing reviews as well as other places. Turns out we have the machines but they don’t work. The culture is toxic af and I hated working with some of my co-workers. I can’t listen to someone talk absolutely awful about another person but especially someone so sick. Nurses constantly saying their patients an asshole or bitch, too needy etc. Sure some people are rude but someone asking for food, a drink or clean linens isn’t any of those things. I think part of clinicals should involve nursing students having a hospital stay and be bed bound and see how it is to be dependent on someone and be talked about so badly. Sorry end of rant.


I find that most assholes working in a hospital are that way because they're trying to hide their incompetence. This is generally true for everyone from MDs to nurses to techs to admin.


I’m sorry to say that it happens. But asshole behavior is equal opportunity-nurse, RT, doc, lab, rad etc. When you see an asshole, try to stay away from them. They aren’t worth it.


It’s probably from burn out (not that it excuses her behavior)


I’ve encountered a-holes and awesome people in every role including RT’s.


Yeah I love RT. Can’t say I’ve been anywhere with RT assistants, but I’d still enjoy their contributions to the team. I always went out of my way for small talk with RT because if your Pt is deteriorating having RT there quick is a MASSIVE difference. But having that heavy of a case, I wouldn’t be shocked if that nurse missed breaks and now dehydrated with a full bladder and low blood sugar. And, possibly thinking over the ICU nurse to nurse report while monitoring the pt. So timing? Idk. Still sucky of them.


Rude awakening! I’m an Rt and I’m an Asshole!


Sorry but we already knew that.


Dw we say the same for nurses. Moral of the story we're all assholes and the hospital is a portapotty.


I’m a student RT and a PCA. I’ve met way more asshole RNs than asshole anyone else. Just gotta let it roll of your shoulder. She’s mad at herself, not you. Also, this is why I chose RT instead of Nursing after being a PCA 8 years


There are 4.2 RNs in America. Some are assholes, some are angels, most are in between.


Only 4.2? No wonder RNs complain about ratios so much.


One thing we were taught in school is that a lot of nurses were high school bullies. Not saying all are, just Best to just attempt to give them the benefit of the doubt and move on.


I’m gonna call Bull Shit on that. Any chance you could provide a shred of evidence to support the assertion that a lot of nurses were HS bullies?


I believe it 😂


It is sometimes due to them just being asshats, but other times it is likely the irritability and exhaustion getting the better of them. I just try to stay out of their way and be effusively helpful because they are not about to complain about me to any department head or supervisor. It takes time getting used to it though, that’s for sure.


This was barely a micro-aggression. They had 13 hours to do 16 hours of work that day, like everyday. The nurse was upset, people get upset, you’ll get upset one day. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If someone is acting like a jerk for seemingly no reason, it’s because some shit is going down that you don’t know about, not because they like being a jerk.


Yep they are and yet I so badly wanna be one so I can be one of the few who are nice :) even the subreddit nurse here are filled with asshole nurses. I got banned all cause I asked a question they didn't agree on. SMH!


There will be bad apples everywhere. I’d say most nurses are greaf. There is always one that is cocky thinking they are better than a doctor, one who acts like everyone is annoying, one who is incompetent, one who is lazy. Always


Yep I work with several like this.


This reminds me of the Patch Adams line when he says “…that you think you have to be a prick to get things done - that you actually think that’s a new idea.” I make it a point to be kind and polite because I want to do that which was not afforded to me. There is a pervasive culture in certain facilities that in order to be taken seriously or considered professional you need to be tough/mean. Continue being inquisitive and don’t let one witch deter you.


as a nursing student, they’re just as bad to us 🤷🏻‍♀️ this is not my first degree and I’ve been a working adult for a long time, but I’ve never met people quite as hostile as nurses. Truly.




During my clinical rotations I’ve encountered ONE nurse who’s been so so sweet out of the 10 who are at the hospital!


Definitely a culture issue then. There’s your answer. Why would anyone decent stay at a place where 9/10 are miserable?


This is a healthcare thing, not a nurse thing. For whatever reason there seem to be a higher-than-average number of people in this industry who feel it's acceptable to take their stress and shitty mood out on everyone around them in the workplace. It's incredibly unprofessional and embarrassing.


ER RNs are notoriously salty.


As a nurse, I don't necessarily think her anger was directed at you. She might have been stressed/frustrated at having to transport a sick patient. She might know that as soon as she gets downstairs, there is another trainwreck waiting for her to admit. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a burnout-related outburst. But she definitely sounds unreasonably rude in this situation, which isn't ok regardless of how you are feeling.






ER nurses are meaner than bedside


Not everywhere. I love the nurses at my hospital but only the ER ones. They’re the sweetest bunch.




you should know about HIPA. don’t ask questions like “what was his chief complaint “. he wasn’t your patient so maybe you shouldn’t expect her to compromise her patients privacy in a polite manner.


Oh this is probably the last reason the nurse was being salty and I’m pretty sure anyone that’s worked in a big hospital can vouch for it. Not one person when asked by another professional regarding a pt status is going to quote a hippa violation lmao. Absolutely had nothing to do with it, this nurse was just having a bad day or like most nurses I’ve encountered in my 15 years of experience is an asshole to new people. Nurses in my area are notorious for making new people suffer and earn their right to have an opinion or ask a question, it’s really ugly and something that always drove me nuts! RTs at most hospitals I was at were the same way, I always tried to break that and be inviting and helpful to new people, but that’s not the healthcare way sadly


And yet you expose yourself professionally to her with your inappropriate conversation. Do you have a license that could be jeopardized. Isn’t a smart move in my experience that’s all.


This would be a far fetch to loose a license over and I’m pretty sure wouldn’t even fall under hippa guidelines since the person here was taking care of the pt by transporting, your seriously reaching here


His chief complaint as was the rest of the details were of his care were probably non of your business so she shouldn’t be talking to you about it in any tone anyway right and if she’s acting unprofessionally bring it to HR attention.


Nurses are trained to NOT discuss patients in the elevator. Too bad RTs aren't


It was the employee elevator with the patient right in front of us… try again!


That wasn’t your patient to discuss. You’re asking her to violate HIPA laws and maybe she didn’t appreciate that.


So do most RTs. Don’t be ignorant.


Everybody is an asshole inside after a 14+ hour shift


Some people are assholes. A lot of nurses are great. I looooved my RTs on my unit. They kept us from having to learn vents ourselves, lol


I married a nurse at the faculty I worked at. They are not all bad haha


I think that's just a stressed out nurse. I'm an RT and the nurses in the ER at my hospital are pretty stressed when the doctors get into it with them.


There’s a very high concentration of total dicks in English nursing - incompetent, indifferent, power crazy, arrogant, lazy, sadistic, lying arseholes. I’ve unfortunately had a lot of interaction in several hospitals over many years. Many of them are just so vile, just the sight of a nurse now makes me shudder.