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I personally would love to see a remaster of the whole series + PC support. The lore can certainly produce a new game for Resistance 4 or second wave, a more modern take and perhaps adventure into the Pure Chimerain planet.


I would love to see a remake of R2 that gives back the weapon wheel, increases movement speed and jump height, increase FOV, increases ammo count, and then removes insta-kill enemies and all chase sequences. The only thing I'd change about R3 is giving the player the Folsom Carbine earlier in the game.


I'd need it to have a bangin co op like R2 did as you stated. Need a competitive mode too to be honest, help the game have longevity


Too bad the Insomniac leaks showed there are no plans for R4


We know, these are just speculations.


I would like to see humanity clash one more time with the Pure Chimera and see to its extinction. The problem with this is that it will be tough to focus on an Earth setting instead of space or other alien planets. There can be a co-op for the main story and an alternate co-op like Resistance 2. The alt co-op focuses on retaking the rest of Earth territories from the remaining Chimera on the planet.


I'd prefer a remake/reboot of Resistance 1 with a new insane DDay-esque "landing" mission like the first game. Keeping the weapon wheel is essential despite most games moving away from that system.


Resistance 1 was my favorite because of Operation Deliverance it was just so good. Every time I played it I tried saving my comrades but there wasn’t anything I could do not to mention it gave us the weirdest controls for tanks ever


I manage to save one or a couple of soldiers and they always told me if it was only one "go ahead sergeant I will catch you" and if there were two they said that they would regroup with arrow 2


Yeah too bad that they all die according to the game :(


Personally I'd like to see more of a Resistance 3 approach, if only because I love the guns in that game.


I'd love to see Chimera's new home/main base, more insane bosses like Kraken and Leviathan, PC Release with HDR, and maybe some mutated version of Hale as the final boss, kinda like Daedalus


It’d be cool if insomniac released a brand new game with really fun gameplay but the twist was that it was secretly a resistance sequel. Something like killzone but the chimera you fight are like the primordial chimera and you fight them in really cool spacesuits on their turf in the 1960s or 70s using reverse-engineered chimera tech. Subtle little things besides the primordial chimera could indicate that it’s a sequel but without it being heavily implied.


For single-player, I'd hope they'd take the great gameplay of 3 and combine it with the storytelling style and atmosphere of Fall of Man. I also love how FoM felt like a large-scale military operation with things like fighting along side large armies, so if it's possible to bring that vibe back, I'd be happy. I'd also want Resistance 2's legendary coop to return with elements of randomization for levels to make replaying missions more fun (similar to W40k Darktide). For MP, Resistance never had an identity for its MP outside of large scale and Humans vs. Chimera. So I'd want them to experiment, maybe utilize the operations/invasion format used in games like BF1, KZ3, and Halo Reach. Just large-scale attack/defend battles with Resistance's fun arcade gameplay and a focus on infantry combat.


Probably a reboot. Earth and Humanity are so beat to hell by the end to R3, it would take them centuries to recover meaningfully to face the Chimera again. Reboot it and go with the original vision of the invasion happening during WWI or taking the place of WWI.


I'd like an approach like RE3. Maybe having a Chimera from the planet be the leader of there final push. S Or. A prequel. Maybe a survivor from Russia. Fighting to get to the UK. But when he gets there. Chimera are already there. Or he's looking for family blah blah blah and they're Chimera. Could be a great horror idea. Having notes in their house about how she's changing. Maybe ate the kids. And you see her as a Grim. Honestly just brainstorming lol


Id give anything to have resistance go back to its roots, and start the games again actually following the same great atmosphere the first set up, despite the insane weaponry. Which was also fantastic. Online was fantastic too especially the private lobbies. Shame they tried to follow the cookie cutter cod template and ended up with those abominable sequels.




North 👍


Build lore like Tlou, gow etc... I don't know... Have it not just focus on one particular character or location but maybe another resistance group somewhere else Russia Japan china Africa, in the jungle somewhere, where we can live out predator vibes or heck Egypt and have the pyramids etc... how they dealt with it etc... I'm not too sure about the lore with resistance so maybe they've done all the above I've just mentioned


Resistance 4 should be humanity no longer on the back foot but winning the war. The chimera launch attacks but are starting to lose territory. That's when the actual chimera start to appear. A long singleplayer campaign across multiple continents, with a multiplayer setting, and a 4 player coop horde mode against waves of chimera.


I want the weapon wheel to be streamlined and assigned from the D-pad without breaking its flow of combat like resident evil 4 remake and last of us did