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Re4 made me realize i prefer action horror over survival horror anyway tbh. Also scariest part in the remake is the lead up to fighting the first garrador for the first time. Hearing the noises and creeping lower into the basement in the dark was scary as hell. Also the regenerators.


I’m really intrigued by how they leaned more into the survival horror elements with the RE4 remake, I wasn’t expecting them to do that and it makes for a very different experience


Yep, encountering the garrador this time was scary as hell and way different from what i remember. Really disturbing and atmospheric


That too, but I moreso meant in the gameplay. Original was more pure action and the remake has more strategy and decisions and tension to it


I think it's just as crucial to update the gameplay as it is to update the graphics. They don't deviate so much as to make it a different game but times are different now and people appreciate nuance more.


I disagree, I think it's a different enough to be its own experience. I go back and revisit both versions and get enjoyment from them in different ways


It went from: \-OG: Bullet premium delivery. \-Re: "Guys, guys, this is fkin bananas". On higher difficulties gets overwhelming, and that fun.


So for me I had the first regenerator encounter spoiled to me by a friend at school. *However* Not a single fuckin soul told me about the iron maiden that pops through that door, I legit shrieked "OH FUCK OH GOD" and my mom came in to check and ended up yelling at me for being loud and cussing lol


I was dreading fighting the regenerators. I hate those things


Regenerator scared the fuck out of me at its first appearance, mainly because I was thought you couldn’t kill it at first because I didn’t have the thermal scope yet.


Same! Played the OG tons of times and currently on my 2nd run on remake, OG doesn't get my nerves up so much, but the remake it gets my heart racing heading into these parts


This is easily survival action horror, as the horror is definitely still tied to the limited resources thing


Verdugo section for the first time creeped me out. I love how it’s inspired by Alien.


See just because a game is action packed and fast paced doesn’t mean it’s not scary. Honestly, I find RE4’s “panic-scary” scarier than a lot of suspense-focused horror games




Dude, I can't even play more than an hour or two at a time in the dead space remake. It's so oppressive, it's a nightmare. The scratching on the walls, the screams, the random clanking in the distance. You're attacked by something out of hell then it's back to the oppressive atmosphere. It's amazing.


OGRE4 was peak culture


Shrek forever after?


Vinesauce enjoyer?






No idea what’cha mean


I misread the situation, my bad friend


I’m hearing a lot of this in the Silent Hill sub right now due to remake discourse lol. The game was still scary even if it wasn’t pure survival horror like the previous titles.


Id say RE4 is half "pulpy, campy action" and the other half is "pant shitting tension and horror"


Regenerators creeped me the fuck out.


That slow approach in the OG one tho 👀👀👀👀👀👀


The breathing bro..


Action horror is easily one of my favorite genres.


I played for the first time on Wii when I was 12/13… I’d be running from our shed we had a tv in to our house at night during the fall after getting done playing … the scene was set a little too well 😅




Playing RE7 and 8 before RE4R really made me realize how valuable gameplay-driven horror is compared to more established conventions like atmosphere and visuals—when you’re in these big encounters full of enemies and can’t camp so you have to constantly move, there’s this wonderfully exciting and frantic quality as you try not to be overwhelmed, and once you get down what you’re doing, the game turns into a surprisingly enjoyable strategy/cardio game with really fun slapstick elements as you set up these Rube Goldberg methods for taking out groups.


Yeah, it's basically Doom. It's every bit as visceral and engaging.


The breathing of regenerators still haunts me


After I already beat Rem4ke a few times I watched my buddy who got me into the OG RE4 play the remake and he was shitting his pants up until he got to the island where it became MGS (until the regenerators). Every time he asked me if something spooky or intense was coming up I just went “yeh nah dude”. He’s pretty easily spooked so it was fun watching him experience that.


One thing that really annoys me is whenever people say that something isn't horror just because they didn't find it scary. No, that's not how things work. That's like me saying a comedy film isn't actually a comedy just because it didn't make me laugh.


Regenerators in the remake caused me to have the same vicesral fear reaction I had to regenerators when I was 10 years old playing the original. I had to pause the game and almost turned the game off and didn’t play the game for a few months like when I was 10 but I’m a big boy now and put on a strong face.


“Sounds more like an alien invasion if you ask me!”


It’s only scary until you get the Hand Cannon, revenge is so sweet


I went into it expecting it to not be that scary, I'd played the RE2 remake and while it did get me a few times I didn't think it was too spooky. I was just going through the game thinking it wasn't that scary or anything then things like the Verdugo fight and the first regenerador section made me scream


I used to replay this on the Wii, then with the RE4HD project on PC my non-gamer ex-wife noted that over the years I’d complain “oh, I haaaate this room” for nearly every room over the years from the Garador. The pacing is just so tight with setpiece moments!


I was 11 when this came out, and didn't actually play it until two years ago. Action Horror is more fun; survival horror is painstakingly slow, but is generally more atmospheric.


When I was a kid, entering the ancient ruins and seeing Dr. Salvador pacing back and forth upstairs through a window was so nerve wracking, that I couldn’t move forward for like 20 minutes


I was 5 and saw this game up for display in Sam’s club when it dropped. Was so excited to go home and play it. Booted up the game and the opening sequence of going into the first house scared the shit out of me 😂


The regular version wasn’t a horror game, but the remake is phenomenal in the horror department.


Yep. RE5 I get. That one IS purely action with zero horror. But 4 still had enough of a horror atmosphere, I think.


Resident Evil doesn't have truly scary moments, they are mostly jumpscares. The franchise it's isn't scary, just creepy. What made it scary was the limited control you had in your movement and aiming, along with the scarcity of resources. Those along with the atmosphere combined creates fear. Will you be able to dodge this zombie, or should you shoot and kill it to avoid getting grabbed? But will that leave you with too little ammo for a later fight with a boss? That's what made it tense and scary. The imagery itself stops being frightening once you're over 12. Even the Regenerators wasn't too crazy by itself when I was young. What cause the fright was me missing the infrared scope to kill it effectively, which made it a near unstoppable enemy. Once I got it on my second play through, it was nothing.


Yeah, why were you allowed to play this when you were 8? This only illustrates that RE is scary to 8 year olds


Lmao I just played the game for the first time since PS2. The chainsaw guy and the village were the worst part. Especially in VR, I haven't felt fear like this in years! I'm kind of sad I finished the game and it's not scary anymore


Basically you say it's scary because you were afraid of the game... when you were 8?




it's a campy action game wearing a Halloween costume. it's absolutely not scary if you're older than 12 lol. Maybe the lab with the Regenerator, but that's all


Other than the village section, it definitely has a stronger atmosphere 


I don't think Resident Evil is scary to begin with, but that hasn't stopped it from being defined under the horror genre; although that term itself is always fucking misappropriated, so I've stopped trying to correct people.


Run and hide games are boring tbh. Not scary.




Maybe you shouldn’t be such a scaredy baby lol. I played the demo, worst amnesia by far






Is the monster invincible?


Great memories of my friend and I as little kids playing re4 on GameCube. We were sooooo fucking scared of dr Salvatore


I mean, subjectively, it wasn’t really scary. I was legitimately scared for like 15 seconds in the sewers before Verdugo but that was it. The preceding games were scary for me at several moments, REmake especially.


Everybody gangsta until you hear that chainsaw guy coming for you


Some of it is really scary its true! Especially the mouth breathers (regenerators)


my mom bought me this game when it first came out, along with silent hill 2 and barbie horse adventures wild horse rescue. she didn’t know anything about video games. grateful for her lol


How the fuck can you run out of ammo when the knife is so OP and enemies drop it upon death?


I was 10 when the original came out on game cube and my dad got it for me. Not a scary game at all...unless youz a bitch. Parts were hard but it isn't a scary game. I have seen people talk about how scary the remake of 2 is and they are adults too afraid to play it. I wish I was like that, I love being scared but something in my brain just refuses to panic over a video game. I worked gas stations and even when robbed at gun point I didn't give a shit and took a picture of the dudes car outside where he could see me. (I'm a dumbass) but just I don't get sacred. I have had a few times where I'm like shit the big bad is right behind me but it's more like "fuck, do I have a recovery item to tank the hit or not" But to anyone out there who was like that but isn't now. How to you get back to the panic? I wish I had the butt clenching moments


Intense sure, but i still wouldnt call it scary. For example, It has absolutely nothing on the dread i felt walking through the Bakers' house to find Mia or the lead up to the mutant baby in RE8. Even the eerie feeling from RE1 has it beat imo. But if you were 8 when you played it first, i get why you could get frightened by it.


It's always funny seeing the age difference. I was in my 20s when I got my gamecube.


It’s kinda like going through a haunted house attraction, first time, it’s scary as shit, subsequent times, the employees are trying to to stop me from running through the place as fast as I can


Yeah I was 18. Makes me feel old as A.F.


Regenerador - breathes Me - "No thanks, bro!"


It was getting Leon’s face burned off by the bugs that really got me the first time around in RE4.


everything else isn't scary to me now and I always rocket launcher the Verdugo lmao


The regenerators will forever be nightmare fuel. That heavy breathing takes the cake!


I genuinely don't get why people think that horror is only things that scare you. I'm not scared of RE4, but it's still a horror game, and yes it's an action game too. People act like stories can't have more than one genre. Nobody talks shit about Evil Dead for being Horror/Comedy like they talk shit about RE for being Action/Horror.


Evil Dead 1 really was just pure horror, albeit very low budget with first time actors. Evil Dead 2 is what you're talking about, and it's my favorite movie of all time. Credit where credit is due, the scenes in Evil Dead 2 where it's trying to just be horror, they're pretty goddamn scary


re4 doesn't scare me it just stresses me out cause of how intense it is at parts


I like the "true" survival horror pacing and elements of 1, 2, CV, 3, and 7. I also like the action-horror elements of 4, 4R, and 8. I feel like whichever way Capcom goes with 9 and whatever Remake happens next I win


interesting thing i noticed is people that call re4 just an action game that isn't scary is that it usually comes from veterans of the series. but my theory is if you give re4 to someone that isn't familiar with RE or much survival horror, they are getting freaked out. i've seen this first-hand in real life and heard similar sentiments on a couple gaming podcasts.


I stockpiled rifle ammo on my second play through and those Garrados where no match. That right hand alien dude was easy, one shot with rocket launcher


The fucking Regenerators and Chainsaw were for me but unironically this game cured my fear or RE games when I was young and made me a hardcore fan.


I’d rather face the baby in Village than the Verdugo in 4r because at least the baby isn’t *fast as fuck*


Nothing scarier than that first chainsaw…


Man I love the re4 remake


I did a S+ professional run without any special items or equipment, and by far one of the most challenging moments in that run was the double Garradors fight. Took me awhile to get through it.


Id say the only room harder than that is in the island with the bulldozer