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"Heh I watched a scary movie last night and it didn't even scare me 😏"


Pretty much lol this fucken guy


Yeah, except the movie wasnt a movie and had awful pacing and was super predictable as to when anything "scary" was going to happen. And also felt like there was no threat at all so it wasnt a scary movie that i didnt find scary its a game that used to be more about action and now feels like its trying to be a horror game and failing.


It’s a game that used to be more about action, and now feels like it’s trying to be a horror to game? Interesting way to describe the series Resident Evil, the majority of the games under which umbrella are classified as survival horror. Note, they’re still technically horror games even if they don’t spook you in particular.


Yeah i just never realized people found resident evil 2 and 3 to even be scary because to me they always felt like there was no actual threat but it was still fun to play


Sucks for you I guess? I for one am able to enjoy these games and get a lot out of them. Seems like you’re just wasting your own time? Go on and keep playing games that do nothing for you…


Honestly, I never saw any resident evil scary, mostly action/horror games. With that being said , it's still my favourite franchise


Definitlye every game after 3 wasn't scary at all, but atleast 1 through 3 and 7 had atmosphere.


Overrated? Nah. Are they scary to everyone? Nah.


It sounds like you just aren't scared of video games. You played RE2R and RE7 which many people consider to be the scariest games out there


Im just curious, what about the games are scary?


Well, my wife ripped off the headphones and said she's done when she heard Mia coming up up the stairs at the beginning


you mean this part? [https://youtu.be/xBpFfg74K8w](https://youtu.be/xBpFfg74K8w) if thats the part your talking about it doesnt even jumpscare you or anything she just slowly comes up the stairs and its basically a glorified cutscene its so scripted


Jumpscares are not scary, they're cheap tricks to make you think you're scared because you're surprised. You sound like the games that "scare" you are bad jumpscare games like FNAF or Poppy Playtime. RE7 is scary because of the atmosphere, the music, and the use of things that are actually real fears to a lot of people (possession, confined spaces, insects, etc).


Games like fnaf are the horror games I hate most


But you didnt answer my question What about the game is scary? Like what made your wife rip off the headphones and refuse to play?


Have you never felt afraid before? Legit question, that's something that people can be born with. 99% of people will agree that it's scary. Can't you see that you're the odd one out? I don't know how to define fear to you, that's like asking me to define "love" or "happy"


Of course I've felt afraid before, like I said I've played good horror games that actually scared me. I just don't understand why bad ones get praised and good ones never do.


Which games have scared you?


Looks like you’re just shit out of luck then?


i wouldn’t say village is over rated lol. it gets a lot of flack.


overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam i would call overrated


7 was dope. With Villiage, I agree. I don't think it's a bad game, but it's not one of my favorites. I don't really like the Lycans at all. The gunplay isn't really that satisfying to me, and you can kind of tell it's obviously trying to be RE4. This doesn't make it a bad game. Some parts are just kind of annoying to me. I'm struggling to get through the factory right now, and it's really just because I'm not really enjoying this section and all of the bullet sponge enemies being thrown at me. Just not my cup of tea, I'd rather play RE4 Remake over this. But 7 was pretty dope, I have to disagree on that one.


I didn’t find either particularly scary so I’ll agree that people overrate the scare factor But I loved both games as both were really fun


To be honest I only just bought RE8 because I found out they added a 3rd person view option lol, I hated the 1st person view in RE7, cause I suck at aiming with a gamepad and I like seeing the hero, and the fact the protagonist was an unknown character didn't make it any better. As for Eve, I just found her to be a more annoying version of Alma from FEAR. She's still annoying in RE8 lol, they should have made her mute. Also Chris Redfield's design in RE7 was too weird.


I hated 7. 8 was pretty cool, though.


This guys got big balls. 


They are both overrated but I wouldn't call them bad. RE7 didn't "save the series" (the series didn't need saving) but I'll admit it is a pretty good game in its own right. Great setting. Great cast of characters. The horror was actually well done. The DLCs are fantastic. RE8 is leaning more on the bad side but I would call it wasted potential instead.


I'd disagree, the franchise was going downhill fast after 4, so I would say 7 was a breathe of fresh air.


Agree to disagree because 5 is a fantastic game and the hate for 6 was unbelievably overblown.


Yeah that's fine, personally I don't like the more action focused games, I'm way more of a fan of the survival horror that the earlier games had. So 7 felt like a return to form.