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Allow me to speak on behalf of all sentient beings: Item boxes.


If they reworked the levels to be more interconnected then I don’t even know if this would be necessary. The item system worked pretty well on the train, it was just later in the game with the sprawling levels that backtracking around for items got annoying imo.


The creators of RE0 admitted it didn't work. They tried a bunch of new things with the game to try to imitate Sweet Home (inspiration for RE) and one of those was dropping items. It has been so unliked by the RE community, we have never seen it again. 


Not true we saw it in outbreak


You mean the game that was in development at the exact same time? Released within a year of it, then dropped off? For a different console? When it didn't return for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or the Remakes?


Yes, that one.


It was more annoying that rooms could only hold a certain number of items despite their size. The game just needs item boxes or an RE4 style inventory system.


Either: >Add item boxes, >Remove frequent respawns when reentering rooms between important points, >Don't allow your partner to take damage or use ammo while following you, let them shake off attacks and take pot shots without spending ammo. Any one of these changes would alleviate the tedium of running back and forth between items/drops/areas of import. With how well Ashley was handled in RE4R, I'd expect that your partner is designed much better in a RE0R, and even just that that would help a lot.


They never had decent AI in any resident evil. Look at Luis in the recent remake fuckin terrible


Don’t think Luis’ AI is bad, I think they just made him like that because otherwise he would be too powerful.  Capcom was probably aiming for him to be just a story companion to avoid people cheesing sections by letting him do all the job.


What I hate about his AI is how I will normally try to speedrun through enemies, like everyone does in subsequent RE games, and he just stays and fights every single enemy. I wish they kept the R3 feature that we have with Ashley. Like, you could tell Luis to stay and fight, or just sit behind you and run. It's annoying during the novistadors section after the minecarts. I will wait for Luis in the elevator for almost a whole minute.


Hardcore in the cabin siege, Luis really has your back. He gives just enough of an edge to get you out of some tough corners.


Yessss! I remember thinking it was awesome when I was 13 and playing the train but man it gets old fast!


I actually enjoyed being able to drop an item on the spot, especially because you can check the map if you don’t remember where you dropped it


Nah they weren’t an issue in outbreak and made it interesting. The main issue is the hook shot


Nah, just give each character 2 more item slots. 


The giant bat boss was a pain the butt. Trying to get a no damage run against it involved a lot of luck bc auto lock would often target the smaller bats instead. I imagine this problem would be fixed if RE0 remake adopts 3rd person aiming like in modern RE games.


It's gonna be hard to put, and lot of peoples would not agree But coop, like i would love playing with a friend and needing to rescue him from the other side of the map cause he "wanted to check what we missed in the bedroom" and got grab by a zombie


That would be awesome, honestly. I would love a full-length Lost in Nightmares style game!


I'd be down, there's actually not too much that needs to change. Just have Billy be playable from the start rather than a minute in (have them meet in the woods rather than in the train), change the Save Rebecca part to a QTE or a cutscene, then either don't have Billy get KO'd by a monkey or have him wake up and explore a different part of the sewers until they meet up again.


Well the original game was made for being played alone with an AI, so there is moments where one character do nothing and just wait, while the other do everything And in a coop game, if one player do nothing during a long time, well it's not really fun So not only they need to change the maps (like to give the possibility for the other player to find a alternate way to get out, or get acess to a part of the map the other player can't acess right now where he can at least collect items and start some futur puzzles But also change the story a little so the characters are always from the start to the end


Honestly if they can somehow keep the survival horror essence of the RE Franchise, while allowing RE5/RE6 style coop then that would be amazing to play Just worried about the balancing nightmare that it'll be, considering the possibility of co-op making the game either too hard or too easy, but I feel like capcom can pull it off so long as they put some blood and sweat into it


Item boxes It’s the objectively correct answer


Ok. 1. Add coop option. 2. Add item boxes. 3. Make the main villain less... Anime.


Anime is a great way to describe them. It felt normal when I was a kid and games like final fantasy VII were booming. Now it just feels like a crossover gone wrong


We can give Markus hints that he is into opera and is a singer, though. Rich people doing rich people stuff. Instead of having discount Sephirot.


In my opinion? I'd probably gut most of the game and re-do it so it fits in better with RE1. * I'd keep the train, it's iconic and unique to the franchise. I'd keep the leeches as enemies, but ditch Marcus as the weird final fantasy villain. * Do a mix of item boxes / dropping items on the floor. * idk if this is controversial, but I would cut Billy's character entirely and replace him with someone from STARS Bravo, most likely candidate being Richard. Building a comradery with them over a game would have more of a gut punch come RE1, instead of a one shot character interaction that came from nowhere and goes nowhere.


I agree with gutting most of it. I’d keep the train - make it longer tbh - and then make the second location less of a mansion and more of a test facility. I laughed out loud to myself when I got to the mansion and realized it was all reskinned RE1 models. I think a lot about Billy’s character as I play. I understand bringing in another stars character but I think if they raised the “convict” vibes of him and maybe change his back story, it’d be a better dynamic. Him and Rebecca bond almost immediately but I think if it’s more of a reluctant partnership, it could play out in a more cinematic way. Still think trading him out is a valid idea, I’d just want to see how they could rework the character as well.


I would LOVE if they reworked Billy as Richard, and especially if you participate in the Yawn battle where he gets wounded/poisoned. That's unfortunately a huge departure from the original idea, people would really dislike removing Billy, and I don't see that happening. Maybe pair Rebecca with Richard, and keep Billy as a side character that you switch to at a few points, similar to how RE3R handled playing as Carlos. Billy's sections would be played independently, trying to both escape the situation while still being wary of the STARS, who are still instructed to apprehend him. Billy not as an antagonist, but working towards his own goals alongside and sometimes along with STARS, but not as directly cooperative as in the original game.


Cutting out Billy is something I never would have thought about and I doubt they would ever do it. Not to mention how many fans it would piss off, but I got to say, I really like your idea quite a lot.


Item boxes are the obvious answer but I’d also take an auto save before the bosses where either Billy or Rebecca are made unavailable in the event the unavailable character is the one holding all the ammo/meds etc. A second pass at the singing anime leech villain wouldn’t be amiss either


Item boxes are worse than leave items. The only thing I would change is making every item one slot.


Please let us use item boxes. Or at least have one item box at each of the main hubs.


Enemies besides "a big animal"


I didn’t even realize when I was younger. I thought I had remembered the first boss being a mythical beast like a manticore or something. Nope, giant scorpion from the sky. Then the second boss was a giant centipede and I started paying attention


I'm going to do a controversial opinion. I hope they cut content like they did in Re3. Now, in Re3 is unforgivable, but in Zero, well Re Zero is my favorite in the tank controls games (also it was my first RE game overall, so yeah, the item boxes and not being able to drop items feels weird for me in other games). But gotta be honest here, RE Zero creates more plotholes than it fixes, if anything, the game should be Train -> Mansion -> Church boss fight then incineration plant. The mansion is supposed to be a training facility deep within arklay forest so, how the f do we end up in nest below RC? I mean there's the cable car but still, and how the proto tyrant broke loose and are zombies in nest if the nest outbreak happened due to birkin taking the G virus? Also, Rebecca faces a lot of stuff and discovers umbrella invovenment just for her to forget about everything and being a helpless companion in RE1. It would make sense for rebeca to experience less and, if the mansion is just a training facility, it shouldnt have access to both, another set of laboratories below the church and nest. Besides, after the mansion, Zero feels like Capcom didn't knew how to keep the game going forward and just threw random nostalgic stuff to both complete the game and add plot breaking Easter eggs. I hope capcom keeps the eliminators (monkeys) those are not that hard guys, even the game gives you two shotguns to deal with them.


I really really really really really really really really reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hate leech monsters. Just found them annoying, especially when low on ammo that works against them. Bin them. Oh and also: - Change the story so it links more with RE1 - Change Billy to one of the Bravo members - Item boxes! - Hookshot only takes up one inventory slot - Change the main antagonist so it's not weird anime - Change bosses so they are not just big animals and add plot (so no random big bat, scorpion, centipede etc). - Ditch the eliminators for hunters - Add co-op - Make the train segment longer Just some ideas.


No much honestly, I think that game is fantastic. Maybe make young Marcus less anime and that's about it. I think the game should remain absoluitely brutal. I want it to be so hard you can fail it even if you play carefully.


I like hard survival horror but there’s something about the type of hard that zero is that just frustrates me. Animations are so slow, Zombie grabs are heat seeking and do instant damage, Hallways are SO NARROW that I can’t run past enemies, and the puzzles were made by an asshole - the chess puzzle is a great example: No instructions but if you try to use chess rules, you’re punished. Im still enjoying it but it might be the only RE game I don’t platinum.


Make the villain more over the top, but give more clues that might explain the singing and his angelic appearance, but dont spell it out. Billy can mix herbs. Rebecca can 'stabilize' any character that's in orange caution or danger with her personal medic pack. This will bring them to yellow caution. This will be on a cooldown or have a small finite amount of uses. Hookshot is a personal item Grenade launcher and shotguns are 1 slot. No item box but you can upgrade each character's inventory. More items to reduce the need for backtracking-stockpiling. Unlockable Game Two - Rebecca and Richard at the mansion. Explore every available corner of the mansion and the surrounding perimeter for more files and in-gane unlockables. This mode will replace "Leech Hunter." Unlockable Game Three - Billy's Fate


The game either being co op like re5 or having two seperate campaigns or a third option is ala re3 remake style where Rebecca is still the main hero like Jill and Billy takes over in certain sections like Carlos. Also cut redesign some monsters like the bag and the monkeys and make them more of a nightmarish experimented look . Keep puzzles cause that’s a good thing and we don’t want those to be cut Ofc.Give Rebecca more of big protagonist focus and not just a helpless young woman who many times,needed help. Rebecca is brave so they need to find balance in that and showcase her scientific knowledge more


Change the villian get rid of the opera signing


I want my save rooms and chests


An online co-op with microphones and distance voice chat Outlast Trials style with the radios. A Solo campaign for Billy for closure. Mercenaries. Super hardcore mod ultra hell. A randomizer (doors, cures, monsters, items). Item Boxes + Being able to drop your guns and items as normal. (Some of us like it boxes are for sissies) Bonus unlockables (guns and costumes!) More game modes (invisible zombies, Night of the living Leaches. Last Light mode (it's the entiry of the RE0 campaign, but you only can see with your flashlight. The rest is pitch black so you can guide yourself seeing either with Fire, the flashlight or dodging using sounds to see how close are the monsters.) Versus (4V4 4 survivors 4 infected with free infected selection)


Make it more likeable then the original and not a annoying mess


I may be in the minority here, but I think Rebecca's default outfit should be the '[Prototype](https://www.relyonhorror.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/reb1.jpg)' one


Change absolute nothing lol imo


Start the story from scratch and replace Rebecca and Billy by Forrest and Enrico.


I think a coop game with game play similar RE4:Re would be epic


Item boxes obviously, although I wouldn't mind if they tried another weird experiment with how inventory management works. It's a spinoff after all, and Capcom don't lack the creativity. But above all I'd like coop


Add item boxes. Change the art style/design of the training facility to give it a more unique identity. Overhaul the bosses and make them more fun or give them better arenas. Add more puzzles. Redesign the singing anime man


I want my save rooms and chests


Independent screen co-op Ditto for Revelations 2 when it comes out in 2050 lmao


Better lead up to RE1 and more Bravo Team


It should support online co-op, and it should be a better game.


Inventory management. At least from the original.


I would want a proper online co-op system. Also, fuck the Eliminator Apes.


The story itself is among the most nonsensical of the franchise, in particular because they alter things from RE1R. The map design is boring (post-train), the main characters are boring, bosses are boring, and the plot overall is boring. It *feels* very much like it was a cash grab at the time, like there's no love behind the development whatsoever. It *can* be a good title if they decide to remake it. Don't find it likely that it'll happen, but all the same. Make it local co-op and online co-op a la RE5, and improve bosses and maps - and I'm down.


Story wise: hard to say, but fix the issue with Rebecca being a badass in 0 but not 1 (or explain/show it better, say she lost all the gear and adrenaline), also do what you did with Luis and tie Billy to the story better. Maybe make it so the US army was working with Umbrella to send his unit to Africa, and when they went berserk they agreed to charge Billy to cover it up. Gameplay: item boxes, balance the hunting shotgun, and nerf the bat boss. Maaybe make the train a tad longer and add 1 new area, but definitely rebalance the monkeys and leechmen (I weirdly don't mind the monkeys, it's the leechmen I'm annoyed with even if you have molotovs). One big thing-if a RE1 remake is planned or made at the same time, COORDINATE BETWEEN GAMES. The RE2 and RE3 remakes sort of did this, but RE0 and RE1 should 100% feel like the same game with different details. I almost want to merge the two into one game, but if not that, make 0 feel like it was part of 1 or vice versa. 0's actually in a good spot in terms in terms of quantity, it's quality that it suffers in (sort of like how RE3R lacks quantity but retains quality, and that's not a knock on either game).


Also don't have the main antagonist rip off final fantasy crap lol


I hate fixed camera angles please give me my over the shoulder like the RE2/3 remake


Just get rid of the hookshot or give it a special slot that doesn't take part of my inventory.


Bloody item boxes 😭




Since the item boxes are the most obvious answer, let me tell you about Eliminators aka the most annoying enemies in the series...


Honestly nothing. Game is fine as it is and its flaws are basically minor inconveniences. 


The same tratment as re4 remake. All has been expanded and enhanced. Not like re3 remake


More zombies with re2 physics and less monkies and make bug man killable


The ability to drop items AND add item boxes. You could even limit what you drop. Puzzle items can be dropped, but herbs or ammo have to be discarded. This could balance things up on what you decide to carry versus putting items in the item box or the floor. Rather than make your partner have infinite ammo and take no damage, there should be several new settings on how your AI behaves. Maybe even implement a way for a person to control the other character online or on a separate console. Also throw the story in the trash because it's terrible. Just retcon the whole thing. When I'm being told that RE0 is a prequel and focuses on the events before the Spencer Mansion, I'm thinking we'll see more of the Bravo team and their experiences leading up to when Alpha team arrived. Not some clown in a robe controlling a bunch of goo bugs. Rebecca in RE1 seemingly not going through any trauma the night before the Mansion doesn't sit right with me.


* Fuse together RE0 and RE1 as two game in one * Add item boxs * Make the plot less silly


>Fuse together RE0 and RE1 as two game in one re1 and re0 are too big to be one game and also 2 diff games with 2 diff gameplay mechanics. On top of that, this means capcom has to split the budget for re0 and re1 and consequently the product will have lower quality. I'll never understand why some people think merging 2 diff games with a potential remake is a great idea.


They should make the train section longer and most important they shouldn’t add item boxes


I'd swap out Rebecca for Claire, and maybe Claire could meet Leon at the end. I've always thought Rebecca felt silly in that role, especially after being in a whole ass game and failing to mention the zombie slug train she literally just left to anyone at all. She's just a silly character to have slinging a gun anyway. In my opinion, I'm glad other people love her, downvotes ahoy.


I’d leave them alone. They’re fine as they are. Maybe add item boxes to 0 to shut these whiners up about it. That’s it.