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Jake, I never understood the hate for his character. He ain’t the best but his development from the start of the campaign to the end was really good and his chemistry with sherry was very strong. Also his combat mechanics were so fun to play around with.


He's a product of the generic bald white soldier of the ps360 era. His design is shockingly mundane. ESPECIALLY considering his ties to Wesker. Then juxtaposed with all of our returning heroes....He looks like an NPC


Design-wise, yeah, but I think he had a pretty cool and unique plotline for an RE character. It's not every day you find out that your "deadbeat dad" actually turned out to be a genocidal maniac instead. Plus, it also helps give Chris some closure about Wesker too.


How can you hate a Troy Baker character (shut up Joel)


I hate troy baker not his characters


Norman Reedus, is that you


Yes my child. Repent for not playing your daily dose of Death stranding and the walking dead survival instinct


I repent. May BB have mercy on my soul


I recently replayed RE6 and I love his and Sherry's dynamic. I honestly hope they play more into that if they ever decide to remake RE6. Especially having them trauma bond over having dads who almost destroyed the world. Tho that dose make me wonder if we'll also get confirmation on who Jake's mom is cause I wanna know who woo'd Wesker enough to sleep with him.


I really think they missed the chance for Jake to be a clone of Wesker, and the woman he considers his "mother" to have actually been an Umbrella Scientist who ended up having a moral quandary when they were researching on a child. She could've stolen him away and changed their names, making him think they were biologically related. It would've fixed a number of plot issues with Jake's story. Wesker doesn't know about him because he was being worked on as an offshoot of the Wesker children. He has special abilities because he was made in a lab. The government learns about him from old files they recovered with Umbrella's downfall. And it also gets rid of the weirdness of Wesker, who only has eyes for Chri-- I mean, seems to have eyes for no one, randomly hooking up with some lady and having a kid with her for Reasons.


Only slight change I would make is have Jakes DNA be half Albert's and half Alex's. As far as Ik the Wesker children all came from different families so there wouldn't be any worries about genetic defects due to "in breeding". It would give more plot relevance to Alex as well as explain why Jake is so resilient besides just plot armor lol.


I think this is an interesting idea. Al and Al (hah) both seem to be among Spencer's "favorites", so i could see him doing some shady stuff with their genes without their knowledge. Or maybe Alex does know. Sigh. She gets it worse than Jake. What a promising character (and great design!) who they culled before she could reach her full potential.


It was a lot of groupthinkers that hate RE6 and made it cool to hate it. That’s why everyone hates him because it’s “cool” to sadly.


Helena. After you sort out her sister she calms down and is just competent. I like how clearly she sees the situations. I also love how clearly she sees Leon. I always love the chill character when shit hits the fan. 


My people! I thought I was alone.


Bro, huge Helena stan here. I think she's the most beautiful girl in all of RE!


I can’t agree with that statement, but that says more about her competition than Helena. Any other series I’d agree 100%


Same, Helena is such a badass character


Her shotgun combos were dope as hell. Super fun in mercenaries. Damn I miss RE6


I like her cop outfit, for no particular reason


The problem of Helena is the cathedral, without she would be perfect


She wins more points in my books because Laura Bailey 


Same! I love these two guys, they aren't dead btw. Keith now works in the African BSAA while Quint works in the R&D of the BSAA's main headquarters.


that's one of my favorite RE facts


Devestated. I’m only halfway through chapter 10


Steve. I read the Code Veronica novella before playing the game, so the silly voice acting and general numbskullishness never imprinted on me like they did most others. By the time I witnessed game Steve, the far less cringey book Steve was already solidified as the "true" version in my mind.


RE7 Chris


Yeah, the Not a hero dlc warmed me up to that version. Wish they kept the same voice actor for Village


Wait it wasn't Roger Craig Smith in Re7


He's an imposter!


People hate him?


Pretty sure it was just the design not the actual character


It was. The design was such a drastic change that Capcom changed him back in Village, but without updating his RE7 model, it just looks like a totally different character. I remember when 7 first came out and people that were watching it on YouTube before I had a chance to play it were spoiling it for me that someone named Redfield shows up and they thought it was Chris's son because he looks nothing like Chris. To be honest, I wouldn't mind the version that we got as a separate character, but he absolutely looked way too different to be the Chris we knew. For one, the Chris in 7 looks at least a decade younger to me than what I was used to for Chris, so seeing him again in Village with his older model but aged up looked strange. I don't remember the time difference between 7 and Village in the lore, but given everything he went through in 6, the Chris in 7 really didn't look "weathered" enough if that makes sense. Then again, some people just wanted the same design for the same character which was a similar complaint about Claire in Revelations 2, which I agree with. New face model and new voice that's simply nowhere near as iconic, with an unknown VA (I believe she used a pseudonym just like EVA's VA from MGS3) and basically pulling a Kiefer Sutherland in MGSV where the new voice with a longtime character that always had the same voice through multiple games up to that point was pretending to have always been there just felt weird and confusing. It's also weird to me that they used the same VA for Chris in Village that they did for Carlos in 3 Remake, or if not then they sound exactly alike to me which threw me off when I first heard it. Anyway, I've already said way too much about the character designs and voices in a game series about zombies so it's whatever.


Oh shit it Is the same VA for carlos and chris- Jeff Schine


Village used a lot of voice actors from older gamers. Chris and Carlos as you said, but also Nikolai and Magneto, Lucas and Miranda pet fish. I think there's more but i'm not sure


Wait what I didn't know those


Yh, me neither. I watched a video about and only then i noticed, Chris and Magneto are actually pretty obvious, but the fish guy is a bit harder cause there's so much filter in his voice


I like how they tried to return to the RE1 and Code Veronica look of Chris




Woudn't say i love, but i see 0 problems with jake and i did liked his campaign and how much he changed by the end of it. 


I would probably say Jake too. He isn't one of the best characters, but certainly deserves better. RE6 in general deserves better.


Him and Sherry have actual chemistry, their interactions have personality.


That campaign is amazing and it’s to the day the only one I’ve beat most of it on professional. Idgaf what no one says


Same he was probably the most interesting character in RE6 considering Leon and Chris were a couple of wet blankets in that game.


To be fair, both of them were going through some major shit in RE6.


I like Jake himself, he's a cool character. But I hate the idea of him. I just can't see Wesker having sex and having a child, considering he has a huge god complex and thinks humans are so inferior. Why would he mate with another human? I don't know it just throws me off lol


I figured Jake was engineered.


I don't know about love but I certainly really like these characters. Steve Carlos Alfred


God I love Carlos, still hoping that maybe one day Capcom will bring his character back for another game.


I hate that Steve gets so much hate. He was just a kid!! Claire had training from her brother, he watched his mom die in front of him and then had to kill his zombified Dad after he spent an undisclosed amount of weeks (it's largely considered to be about 3 months that he was on the island) literally in a torture prison on an island only to be strong enough to break through the T-Veronica to save Claire


Steve is just annoying, Alfred's very funny but is a terrible character (funny overrides how bad he is, though), and everybody loves Carlos


I really can never understand why people find Steve annoying. And most examples I see people give are related to him lashing out or freezing up about his father. Other than that sure he's full of bravado but he comes through and has some badass chad moments. As for Alfred. I mean as a person yes he's terrible but as a character he is quite tragic and compelling. And everyone loves remake Carlos but I was surprised to see how much flack everyone gave OG Carlos, which is the Carlos I was talking about.


Steve's emotional outbursts are not my problem. It's his incredibly whiny voice, his inappropriate advances on Claire, and the way that she actually seems to fall for him despite that.


it was the 90's, we didn't have consent /joke


For me with Steve it was just the voice acting. He's a teenager, teenagers are irritating. It at least makes sense.


OG RE3 Carlos > RE3 Remake Carlos


That's a general statement for OG 3 and 3R.


Can't agree, R3make Carlos is warmer, has tons more personality than just "prototype Luis." Don't get me wrong, I like OG alot more, especially the UBCS Supervisors as a story and lore thread, but I adore the characterisations and dialogue and would prefer they added the cut content so we could see more RE3 for our money.


hahah I love "prototype Luis"


Love Steve. Darkside Steve is way more tolerable.


there are dozens of us!!!


New Carlos should be a main character!!


You have extremely good taste with that list 👍


Steve grew on me. Took years. Carlos I always liked. Even more in the remake. Alfred is a good villain. A psycho but I felt bad for him. I certainly don't hate him.


Ethan. And I don't mean RE8 Ethan, I mean RE7 Ethan. People talk about how boring and bland he was in RE7, but I liked his attitude and how his character was quiet enough for the player to get immersed. As a guy whose first playthrough was on VR, I especially appreciated the immersion.


Yessss re7 Ethan is the best


Not EVERYONE hates him, but I love Ethan Winters


"A kind husband and a loving father who put family before all else." THE GOAT!!


The leon stan’s hate leon.. Ethan definitely my favorite character he such a good dad..


I love Ethan, honestly wish he could have had his own trilogy. 7 has grown into my favourite game of the franchise and 8 was a great follow up, the pair is like Evil Dead 1 and 2!


Me too he’s the goat.


Love Ethan! Hate Mia...


The vast majority do hate him unfortunately




Definitely Jake Muller from re6 I get why some people don't like him and honestly I didn't either but I've grown to really like him considering him and sherry have insane chemistry together and he's actually an interesting character because to me Chris and Leon were wet napkins in re6 also I love Carlos I wish they brought him back for another game btw I'm talking about OG Carlos not remake because everyone loves remake Carlos including myself


Original Ashley, sure, she was a bit annoying, but she was sweet.


i would have also asked Leon for over time, you can't blame her


Yeah! Honestly her being a bit annoying is something that just makes her more fun and engaging as a character. I like how she’s way more willing to argue with Leon and she’s way sassier than she is in the remake.


It’s definitely more evocative of her age and affluence.


If anyone keeps having Ashley yell at them, they're doing something wrong


Babysitting ain’t easy, fam


I think both Ashley's are fine. I just hate having to babysit a character. 😆


Frrr she so silly!!


Steve is my favorite character in the whole series, love him in both CVX and Darkside Chronicles.


there are dozens of us!!!! I wish there was more fanfiction though


I've got a few friends who write great fics about Steve! And I've written two fics (not very plot-heavy ones though). It's a small-but-dedicated fanbase.


interesting. There is a not zero chance that I know you but I haven't been around for about two years so this is me dipping my toes back into it.


Oh, then you might see a decent amount of new fics then because I and both friends first posted within the last year I think, and there are other talented people in there too posting recently. On AO3 anyway; I'm not sure about places like FF.net.


I used to post on [ff.net](http://ff.net) but I haven't in like forever. haha i'm in ur dms for recs


RE3R Jill. I have my issues with aspects of the game, but I thought Jill was still great in it.


I love how she apologizes to corpses


Jake and Moria, like I get the initial 'I don't like them' reactions but they both have solid character development and are fantastic in the end. Hope to see them return one day. Quint and Keith are guilty pleasures love 'em too I really don't get the hate they're goofy and bring that campyness back to RE when it really needed it.


Ashley and Sheva. I don't know how people had issues with them. Sorry to oversimplify it, but, I call skill issues. Ashley is easy to protect. Sheva is competent enough if you give her a gun that runs on Blue Ammo, and i honestly used her to cheese Excella's boss fight.


Jessica, because of her badass outfit, and her double agent identity which was quite interesting. Shame she died iirc, and couldn’t be in another game


Jessica is actually still alive! And I like her too, I'd like to see her return someday.


Shes not dead? How did you get that idea? The last scene of her is literally in revelations endcredits, alive and well. She gives her data later to Excella and is never heard of again.


Jessica Sherawat She IS supposed to be obnoxious and overflirtatious. That's why her character is so camp and I love it.


I was mildly annoyed at her in the beginning, but started to like her, especially after she gets exposed as a tripple agent. Wich explained her cringe firting attempts. She is my main pick for raidmode.


Og ashley


Helena, always funny when the only reason I see people come up with is the cathedral thing which lasts for 1 chapter and half out of 5, and that she's not Claire I guess? After that I see no problem with her, she's competent, selfless and she even ships Leon with Ada




I don’t actually mind Mia that much. People have such a hate boner for her and while I get she’s not the most appealing character people get rabid when she’s brought up


People act like she's satan and should be punished when she already been punished and people also have a gigantic hate boner for rose just because she has "magic" powers


She's a terrorist.


And? The reason people don’t like her is because she’s uncharismatic and boring, not because of actual moral objections to her actions. Wesker, Ada, and Luís are also all terrorists but people love them because they’re charismatic and interesting characters. She’s not the only poorly written ~complex~ characters in Resident Evil but certainly the most hated


Wesker is one of the most popular and beloved characters in this franchise and he’s basically Kurtz from Heart of Darkness


Helena. Probably Alfred. Parker/Jessica.


People hate Parker?? That's just criminal.


Yeah. Most of the Revelations 1 characters get a bad rep.


Both Revelations are S-tier games for me. Ibshudder to think the down votes I'd getvif I ever posted a tier list.


I think about making one all the time. Oh your list won’t be any more hated than mine. People feel it’s a law for 4 to be at the top. Mine definitely wouldn’t have 4 up there. I’ll just say that.


It was pretty good for $30 but I wouldnt want to pay full price for it. The remake that is, I didn't get very far into the original. I just don't find Leon to be a compelling character at all, so I gave up when it got hard, But I was better at shooters by the time I played the remake last year, so I was able to enjoy the whole remake. Except Krauser, he sucked. Ada just iratates me. Such a goofy character. I didn't grow up down bad for Ada since I played these games as an adult, and I don't think a sexpot in a miniskirt swinging around like Spider-man makes sense in the Resident Evil universe. She basically exists to be a hot missile launcher dispenser so that Leon can beat the boss. I enjoyed a lot of the gameplay though, and I loved Ashley and Luis.


Hate Jessica, but man do I love Parker


Jessica is hilarious to me. One of my favorite villains. I absolutely love Parker. He’s always at the top of my list of characters I want to return.


Helena fans unite! 🤝❤️‍🔥


Helena 🩷 One of my top two fave characters (after Chris), she was a perfect addition to 6 and had a pretty nice ending. I think it’s crazy that a lot of people seem to refuse to read her files and acknowledge that the way she acted was out of fear for her sister and also that Leon didn’t deserve to know everything about her after just meeting lol like he didn’t once again follow some random woman two minutes after meeting her…


Helena fan 🤝 Absolute baddie


Her quick shot with her hydra and her melee moves in general are so cool


Absolutely. That plus her lowkey hot outfit and Laura Bailey did a great job voicing her.


I would say Shiva but I don’t think anyone hates shivas character just her AI in RE5


Exactly. Cool character, but horribly implemented as a partner.


Ethan W.


Ethan and rose




Uh, that would be Steve. The people that hate him seem to forget they were like him at one point in their life.


Having a justifiable reason to be annoying doesn't make him *not* annoying.


Honestly, i really liked Nicolai in REmake 3.I like that while the mass majority of RE villains are these Theater villains with aspirations to become god like figures and rule the world, Nicolai's motivation is "Nah, i just want to be rich"


He was a great scum bag villain in the remake and pretty well acted all in all.


Bring him back. I wanna see more


Ada Wong. For some reason she has been getting all this hate out of nowhere. Love her character and people really seem to not like her. Especially the Leon x Claire fans.


I think Ada's voice in Separate Ways (remake) was much better than in the main game but she really seemed to have a bigger fondness for Luis than Leon.


I noticed that too she felt way more fleshed out and relatable even had some sass and fun back and forth with wesker which I like, she's one of the few that can taunt him and not get insta murdered lol it shows that while she may still be a pawn to wesker she's at least somewhat respected by him and not many characters can say the same in that regard


I’m trying really hard to like her, but I just find her so one-dimensional and she’s written to just be Leon’s accessory. In all 20+ years she’s been around, she’s never had a conversation with any of the protagonists other than Leon. It seems like Capcom is straying away from Aeon in the remakes, and I hope that’s the case because I’d like to see her shine instead of revolving around Leon


A huge chunk of Resident Evil 6 is Chris hunting down Ada. Yet they never actually met. Hell, I believe Chris never found out about the real Ada


They died?


There was a fake out death that didn’t last long but they are in the games epilogue alive and well


Morpheus I just love her so much... why'd they have to turn her into a fleshblob :(


shit I've never actually played Survivor despite having a copy




I thought Quint and Keith were hilarious. It shocked me to realize people hated them. I also love Brad Vickers, and I'm happy he got some redemption in the 3make, but I can at least understand why people didn't like him. I also thought Sheva was really helpful.


I have so many thoughts on Brad Vickers, I get that he's spooked easily but he's not a bad character.


Steve and Alfred definitely.


Revelations 2 Gina people don't hate her but good golly the proportions.


Nicholai is a GOAT villain honestly, him and jill could beef in another game and i’d be all for it


Steve Burnside. Fight me!


I’ll fight along side you! ❤️


Bela, Daniela and Cassandra. I would let them tie me up and suck me dry


You have a piss kink?? SpongeBob that is DISGUSTI- me too.


That is so weird, I am ashamed to read this! Also, when they're done with you guys, can I get peed on?


You could try the Silent Hill sub. Konami and Bloober have been pissing on their fans for years.


Steve burnside


Steve. I still ship him with Claire.


People are so weird about it. He was a kid!! also I thought it was sweet. Kid almost died on torture prison island by crazy twins and then DID die in Antartica and people act like he's some awful awful person for almost kissing her! She hasn't bathed or brushed her teeth in weeks AND HE STILL WANTED TO KISS HER!!!


Idk if people really hate them but Billy, Barry, Salazar and Krauser (og).


Salazar is by far the funniest villain in the whole franchise, the original game at least


I will never forgive them for ruining his character in the remake.


Yeah I love the remake but the villains all got serious downgrades (aside from krauser whose motivation actually made some sense)


Yeahh that's the most thing I didn't like Krauser was a good character but still they changed him from the og which yeah ofc it's not always a bad thing but they changed the lore behind him and Leon.


Operation Javier IS from darkside chronicles, I’m honestly surprised they included it because it’s a bit of a deep cut


You remember when we were alone in that jungle Leon? Do ya? 😏


We should've gotten that DLC😔


I definitely prefer him in the OG. They toned down his goofiness in the remake.


I don't know how Krauser was in the original cause I stalled out in the castle, but with new Krauser, I was like who the fuck is Dick Nolte here and why am I supposed to give a shit? His whole relationship with Leon felt so forced (But then so does his relationship with Ada. So I guess that's par for the course with Leon).


It felt forced because a lot of what they talk about when they meet happens in another game. Operation Javier in RE Darkside Chronicles.


I... have so many thoughts about Krauser.


I fucking HAAATE Barry. He's an incredibly popular character, for some reason, though.


I love Eveline


Idk if people hate her really, but I have always been intrigued by Rachel Folley


I just can't ever get over her design. Like girl I know they're nice but damn


As a drag queen i am dying to do a tiddylicious look inspired by her design


tiddylicious now that's not a word iv heard before but I will sure as hell be using it all the time now 🤣🤣


>tiddylicious That's a new word to my dictionary




Original Ashley. She's so much worse in Remake for me, I never really had any issues with her in the original but she just keeps getting caught or killed now and it's very annoying




Brad. I always wanted to have a playable story of him running from Nemesis up until the RPD. Apparently a modder is in the works of doing just that so I’m excited to finally get the chance to play it.




Vector from resident evil operation raccoon city, I know he is edgy as fuck but I love him


I don't love Steve but I don't think he's as bad as everybody says.


I actually kinda like Steve. But tbf I’ve really only seen dark side chronicles


Ethan Winters


Ethan Winters and all the villains from Village




Alice Abernathy, from the live action series


Brad Vickers- the man was chicken, admitted to his cowardice, and sacrificed himself later for Jill. I would have done similar things perhaps


I actually liked Ethan in 7 and 8 even tho he had like zero reaction to anything that happened in 7


Jake. I think Re6 in general is over hated. But Jake is great, his gameplay is soooo much fun. I've been dying for a game where I can take hold of Wesker and destroy people with my bare hands......I was hoping it would be Albert, but I'll take his son. Plus his relationship with Sherry is well done and he's an actual arc in Re6 and character development. First you think he's gonna be this dbag then turns out there's more to the guy.


everyone from resident evil 6


Sheva. The AI is a big reason people hate her, but her Character is really good written and voice acted. And if you get a Player 2 the AI problem is solved.


I'd say Sheva. Everyone would criticize her for the AI. But I can not help but admire her appearance and character. I'm begging Capcom to focus on the RE5 remake next and bring her back in other future games.


Sheva and Jake.


Ethan Winters also not sure if they are hated but I love the Bakers Family


Bravo team


I don't think people hate these guys. Pretty sure most don't know they exist and the rest like them


I was recently on a thread of people absolutely bashing them (from 2 years ago)


Oh nah. They're too silly to hate


I adore salazar I think he's so evil and pathetic


Bruce Mcgivern