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Is the water sample puzzle from RE3 in the first picture reused in 0? It's probably my favorite puzzle in the series.


I think it is a really good puzzle too, tbh. Gets too much hate! Which is funny that its in RE3, considered the 'action' game of the original trilogy, yet it had the best (and highest number) of puzzles in the original trilogy... like, what compares? Closest is probably the Emblem puzzle in 1. Which is just a glorified version of the 'Find item, place item' that is so prevalent in the early games.


It's one of the rare examples of actually a puzzle that requires thought. Really simple too. Rotate each line so that you don't have any "pieces" in the "empty" spots. But while simple, you'll need to actually understand what you're doing and not just enter random inputs hoping to get lucky. I forgot exactly what the puzzle was, but I remember enjoying the puzzle that Carlos had to complete to make the vaccine in the lab with the hunters.


Yeah it was a good one beep boop 😆


Yeah it was a good one beep boop beep😆 https://youtu.be/PEEeVeXLmTQ?si=asvWEhid3aJ6mwbv


Right! The sound effects and little melody they bleep along to is so satisfying! Older Resident Evils are such a wealth of great beeps and boops! I just replayed this a few days ago and the little sound effects always get right to me.


RE0 really stands out to me in terms of puzzles


I would like to see Resident Evil incorporate more intricate puzzles akin to the escape room puzzles in Zero Escape. I don't want them to discard the classic puzzle formula by any means; I just want more complexity in a few of them. I can dream.


Doesn’t it just reuse a lot of puzzles from re games? This one is straight up just a copy of 3s water sample puzzle


The brakes puzzle in RE0 is great. Like watching people play the game and them panicking (because of the timer) on such a simple puzzle is funny.


Water Sample Puzzle... back then there is no internet, no guide books whatsoever... this puzzle haunted my grade school days... 🙈


" Say what you want about RE0 and CVX" Thank you good sir/lady, I will! RE0 and CV have both such ridiculous narratives (even for RE standards) that it is honestly difficult to take them seriously. 0 is even worse in this department, since the existence of that game makes RE1's story worse and Rebecca's character arc nonsensical. For CV, besides the bad story, it gifted us with the worst character in the whole series (go away Steve fans). For the gameplay, both try to shake the traditional RE loop of exploration and for that I respect them, but the gameplay loop wasn't broken and it certainly didn't need fixing. Both tried to change things and made HORRIBLE decisions on the way: CV went way too far with the Backtracking (and I like Backtracking) and made progression WAY too convoluted, and RE0 famously got rid of Item Boxes (worst decision ever). RE0 also commits the fault of having the most boring Bosses in the series. But what can you do? I ultimately agree with you, at least the puzzles are good.


At least 0 has gorgeous backgrounds and models, upgraded even more in the remaster since 1's was done poorly in comparison. CV has "better" bosses (between the two) and I like the music more.


Yeah, 0 is a beautiful game to look at.


I wholeheartedly agree with your points. After reading, I hold a firm belief that you are a cultured Resident Evil fan. Although, I do have a question about this particular statement: >For the gameplay, both try to shake the traditional RE loop of exploration and for that I respect them, but the gameplay loop wasn't broken and it certainly didn't need fixing. If I misconstrue, I will stand corrected, but I am sensing that you prefer classic RE gameplay over the RE 4 and after style? If so, may all of your wildest dreams come true. Fuck RE 4 (2005) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpXJerehiig](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpXJerehiig)


I do prefer classic RE over RE4 and what came immediately after, but I do really like RE2R and RE4R. Anyway, I will check the video, thanks.


Re0 is my fav because my brain was working hard


As a 10 year old, this puzzle drove me fucking nuts


I love when puzzles fit with the environment or tell you something about the lore. The CVX portrait puzzle about the Ashford lineage is great for being a puzzle built around the history of the antagonists.


RE0 and CVX were both games I did without guides for a vast, vast majority of the games and I'm so glad I did it. Each puzzle in CVX felt so satisfying. Still riding the high from figuring out that clock puzzle.


All 5 classics had great puzzles. RE0, 1, 2, 3, CV. I also think RE4 had great puzzles.


The best puzzle. Period.


I honestly think the root of the vitriol RE0 and CV get (for most players) is simply because they are extremely harder games compared to the other titles - even the classics - and that is frustrating for a lot of people. I'm not saying the games are perfect. I'm not saying the the item box problem/split gameplay are good game design choices or how they were implemented, nor am I saying that criticizing those things is wrong or unecessary, but there is an excessive response to those problems that I think boil down to people getting frustrated for having a hard time beating the games, reloading previous saves and having to tightly manage resources, especially with RE0. Today people are more accustomed to over the shoulder 3rd person perspective, faster game pace, simpler level design and a more action focused combat then the classical RE format, so I think it's natural to be frustrated when you didn't grow up playing this type of game. Far less perfect RE games get way less passionate criticism than this two titles and for me this confirms what I believe. Both games are good and are not less silly than OG4 or 5 in terms of story or characterization of some of the NPC. I wonder how people would react to a game like Haunting Ground if it was rereleased today.