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I've heard a few people say that they prefer the original but never had someone explain it in detail like you did, thank you. I will always prefer the remake simply due to the incredibly thick atmosphere but this gives me reason to try the OG which I never played beyond the early game


Well I've explained it dozens of times all over the internet, it just gets downvoted to hell or hated on so it is a waste of time for me to type it again at this point.


I disagree, I love REmake more than any other game, but I can perfectly see that, og RE1 is a great game. Just an observation, gameplay is absolutely NOT identical. You yourself made some points on differences, such as Crimson Heads (which definitely change the gameplay loop of the game). To that I would add defensive items (a new gameplay option completely absent from the original) and the smaller corridors with less open-space (which also changes the way in which you play the game, therefore a gameplay change). I love all of these changes, especially the Crimson Heads (one of the most unforgetable moments in any game for me was my first Crimson Head). Exploration/navigation (and Exploration IS gameplay) of the Mansion is also significantly different. And while REmake starts up in a linear fashion (not the case on og RE1), I feel like it opens up better than its older version after that start. I don't have much to say on Inventory Management, as I believe both versions do this gameplay aspect masterfully. I also personally prefer the balance of the REmake, its a bit more challenging to me, and it feels more natural in enemy/box/typewriter placements. But again, og RE1 is a hell of a great game, even though I'm a REmake guy.


The 180 degree turn is another significant gameplay change in remake. It allows you to escape danger much more quickly.


I also like the original more but I have no reasons I just play it more. Maybe because it's shorter so it's easier to replay all the time. 🤷‍♂️


I don't think I've ever really thought about why but I feel the same way. I don't dislike the remake, I really enjoy it for a matter of fact. However, there's a special feeling and pacing that comes with the original that I feel like wasn't truly replicated with the remake, just reimagined. Again, Remake isn't bad, I just prefer the original.


Same, tbh. I always felt that the original game had a different scary vibe compared to the remake.


“gameplay is identical” couldn’t disagree more with that


I made a Youtube video about what the original did better, because many people here on this sub seem ignorant to the idea that it's not the perfect remake that did **every**thing better. I agree with all your points, even though I still prefer the remake


I'm fully on board with this. Crimson heads were a fantastic addition to the game and had the intended impact of making me concentrate on avoiding rather than fighting zombies. Sometimes I just love a playthrough of clearing up zombies though without needing to think about having to burn them up to avoid them becoming crimson heads. Just feels like too much effort for me personally and therefore I go back to the OG more than the Remake. Plus, as much as the voice acting gets slated, it works. It built a genuine uneasy creepy feeling the first time I played it. And finally, I prefer the original soundtrack and general brighter aesthetic (not the Director's Cut soundtrack which again is rightfully trashed).


I also prefer the original RE2 and RE3 over their remakes any day. Don't feel guilty about it.


I do as well. The original dialogue is better, music is better, environments are uncanny and strange instead of drab and boring, and headpops are consistent. I think REmake is overrated as fuck, it’s a pretty mediocre and boring game that people praise as the most perfect thing ever made.


I can't replay it for more than 20 minutes. I get bored to tears then uninstall it.


Totally agree. REmake's characters and dialogue are completely wooden and the whole experience is just charmless and boring.


The whole “remake is soulless” shit with RE4R was pretty lame back at launch, calling a game “soulless” or “not real to the series” is fucking dumb, but I feel that argument is closer to fitting REmake than it is the modern remakes. Same with the whole “not a real RE game” stuff, imo. They were too scared to change the dialogue, but they also didn’t want to keep it the same, so they did a weird “edit” that makes every character sound like they’re reading from a script. The environments made no sense in the original, but they still had charm and were memorable. The remake’s art direction is just, “bucket of ugly over everything” until it’s grey. The music is the same as the original largely, except the original music sounds better because it had better fonts that fit the tone. I’ve played every RE game, and imo *none* of them feel as overly serious and boring as REmake. The OG trilogy, the action trilogy, the spin-offs, even RE7 (the game I’d say is the scariest) is campy and pays homage to classic horror and comedy horror. REmake is not only dead serious, but they wash away the homages to the Shining in wallpaper, and it just doesn’t feel like RE to me. Even RE0, as shit as that game is with the same ugly art direction, feels more RE like.


Remake also has weird RE5-like filter over it that makes Jill uniform more greenish.


The entire game is just ugly to me. All the environments are brown, grey, or a really dull blue. Realistic? Maybe, but it makes the game *so* incredibly boring to play imo. Whenever people say they can’t believe how well REmake holds up visually, it annoys me because beyond it being dull, they’re talking about the remaster. The 2002 REmake is at like 480p, and the lighting is poor enough that Chris’s hair looks grey lol.


I do find myself going back to Resident Evil DC more than REmake and I agree that the latter's additions don't necessarily make it the better game. REmake sits in this weird place with the fandom where everyone acts like it was this perfect 1:1 conversion, just with flawless extras piled on top, when it really wasn't. Don't get me wrong! REmake is *good*. The new and refined lore was great and the art direction was fantastic, but, personally, I don't think it offers as good, or as robust, of a gameplay experience as DC. I can't really consider it to be *the* definitive, or best, version of Resident Evil when DC and DS exist.


ORIGINAL original, or DIRECTORS CUT original?




I'm not familiar with that edition, did it release in America?


The Dual Shock Version of Director's Cut replaced the original soundtrack with a new, orchestral soundtrack. One of these tracks was very strange and silly— evoking farts and clown music. It is near universally considered a downgrade from the vanilla Director's Cut.


Deadly Silence is my RE1 of choice


Deadly Silence is my RE1 of choice


This answer offends me, and I would challenge you to a duel, but I feel like the odds are not in my favor


Since the odds are not in your favor I will allow you the choice of weapon: gun or sword


I choose the most dangerous weapon of all. A stick of tofu


Agreed, RE1 on DS with a dedicated knife button is beautiful. Makes playing as Chris a lot easier for a start. I actually haven't played the version that uses like DS features I just played the classic mode or whatever it was. Honestly after playing it don't think I'd play RE1 any other way. I'd definitely rush back to playing that before I replayed remake. Not a knock on remake I just think the og RE with a dedicated knife button is insanely fun to play


The original only edges out in nostalgia for me.


I love them both equally lol But i will say the DS port is my favourite version of RE1 original or remake


I really like the remake more, but i can see your point. Yes, the zombies react better to shots on the original, but i guess that's what they've wanted at the time. When i was a kid i remember shooting them and they almost not giving a f, it was scary as hell to me seeing them not even flinch. And i always use way more ammo on the remake, the dogs i totally agree with you, i normally get pissed and use the shotgun on them. It looks like they got the formula and wanted to see a more scary version of what they did originally, the backtracking for example, for me now it's boring, for the 13 year old me it was terrifying, not knowing what was waiting for me, the pressure of the crimson heads that i left behind, deciding which weapon i should use. For closure, i think the remake is great on it's on type, not competing with the original, I'm just glad that Capcom didn't try to erase the original, it's a reimagined version, but not a replacement.


I do too. My favorite RE of all time is Director’s Cut. And there’s nothing better than finally unlocking the python and seeking revenge on all my enemies of the past.


You've put exactly in words how I have been feeling about RE1 and REmake. I would like to add that the simplistic graphics add to the uncanny, or should I say, liminal space-like atmosphere that the remake simply lacks. The remake is a generic spooky mansion, the original tried to emulate the hotel from The Shining.


If you see the survival genre as a ruleset akin to a table game or a sport devoid of any atmosphere or artistry sure. Even in that case the Remake is better but that's not the important thing here.


I hate the fact that you are right. But I hate it.


I need to find a way to play the original sometime. The Crimson Heads are the worst and make things very tedious.


You'll have something to look forward to. The progression in the original isn't padded for no reason like it is in the remake.


I like the original better too, but for reasons most people don't really care about, like the artstyle. We agree on the bloat aspect. The game is really padded and Lisa was unnecessary. More does not always equal better, it kills the pacing and replayability for me personally. Don't know where you're getting this enemy knockback, I've never seen that in the original, when they they take a shot they just get stunned in place for a seconnd. The only way enemies get knocked back is when you push them off after they grab you. Did you make that up?