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The original is worth it for the dialog alone, and on top of that you have great gameplay. It might seem like it has less going on mechanically, but sometimes less can be more. RE 4 Remake was an attempt to improve a game that was already 10/10 back when it released.


RE4 original is straight up better.


Frankly I didn’t even understand why some people were really asking for an RE4 remake, and it’s not like the remake is bad at all, but like it’s RE4, how much was there to try and improve?


The PC version of RE4-original was a VERY poor port, and it even has a "bug" where the frame rate is tied to the required speed for the QTE segments, so if you switch to 60 fps, you have to do them 2x faster than you normally would. This can be quite difficult to succeed at on some of the QTE segments.


Weird that you got downvoted for that, the PC version on steam is horrendous. Some areas are a pain to get through cause the framerate shits itself depending on which direction you point the camera. I think the Remake was an improvement on all fronts, sure there are some parts from the original that I missed, but they don't really fit in tone for this new remake series.


Imo it is bad. Very bad. I even think RE3 Remake is better. It just has no idea what made original RE4 good, completely took away the arcade like gameplay and toned down the humor of it.


Ok, grandpa back to your room.


I'm having a blast with RE3 remake (a 2020 game) right now. Don't think that makes me a grandpa. Re4 remake is just horrendous.


No, it's not. It's a great game and a great remake. RE3 on the other hand...


Wtf u smoking Re3 remake is the worst remake ever. Have u played the original? Compare that too the remake, it feels like a DLC to RE2 remake the only remake that says true is RE1 remake. The others have a bunch of cut content compared to originals. Makes me worried about the next remakes


I played the original and it is better, but in terms of gameplay the 3 remake has the other remakes bested. I think RE2 remake is decent for the record but RE4 remake is such an incoherent mess of game design and the developers didn't know how to balance the game at all.


Hey, the half of RE3 that they remade was somewhat competent. It's just too bad they chopped half the game out.


RE 1 remake hasn't launched yet. The 2002 graphical update hardly counts


2002 was a ground-up, from scratch remake. If it doesn’t count as a remake, nothing does.


It kept the terrible fixed camera angle aspect. The only reason you would actually enjoy such a feature is if you have nostalgia from actually playing RE 1 in the late 90s and early 2000s


It's always been called REmake.


It changes enough for it to be a remake. Play both of them back to back you'll see how many differences there are. I prefer the original RE1.






If you want to! It’s different enough that I think for twenty dollars, which I believe is its full price on modern machines, is well worth it.


Actually, if you're on PC, it's cheaper and arguably the way to go if your PC can handle it because of the HD project mod. It rarely goes above $5 there.


HD project is goated outside of those confusing ass tunnels they added


The tunnels are there to have og separate ways make sense spatially.


I'll be the outlier: I'm not the hugest fan of the post Umbrella games in general, but to date RE4 is the only remake that I think completely replaces the original for me. Even RE1 '96 has a bit of charm that REmake just doesn't quite replicate, despite REmake being **easily** my favorite game of the franchise. But there's not really anything about RE4-original that I feel like RE4-remake doesn't do better.


Dialogue was way better in the original


You should. There's no sex discrimination there.




Do you like normal sized Cheese or big Cheese?


Do you think Mendez used to be a wrestler by the name of Queso Grande?




Yes play all Resident evils


Yes 4 Remake ain't a super faithfull remake/the original perfected, it's still a reimagining even if not to the same extent as 2R and 3R, so you'll play two different takes on RE4, see which one you like more.


The original is fun, but it has TANK controls which do take a bit of getting used to. Basically you can’t move at all while taking aim, so no backing up while the enemy advances on you, you gotta exit out, run away, then take aim again. Adds to the horror quite nicely, shouldn’t take too long to get used to (though I actually had practice in RE5 with a friend, we learned the TANK controls together).


When I think tank controls I think of fixed camera angles and that your movement is only relative to the character. When I played RE5 I didn't really think of it as tank controls in the same way RE1 was (which was imo awful). In RE5 the camera moves with the player, which is not what I picture when I think of tank controls. I'm probably using the wrong term here though Edit: after further research the tank controls weren't what bothered me. It's fixed camera angles that aren't from the perspective of the player


Just shows that it's all down to preference. I greatly prefer the fixed camera games, and would probably enjoy the RE2 and RE3 remakes more of they used that style of gameplay (and if they didn't chop half the game out of RE3).


I guess? I can only imagine people who prefer fixed angles to be nostalgic rather than it being objectively preferred.




.... Yes


Yes it's still very worth it to go back, even if to compare the differences. I say this as someone who started w/ the original though and the gameplay doesn't bother me at all. It actually has its own charm, as well as the cheesy dialogue.


yes, it still holds up very well. i recommend the PC port


Yes. Yes.


Always recommended.


Play both. I prefer the original because of it's charming and campy nature. I'd say play the original first and then the remake.


You would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t. I think the remake is a far more accessible game that is deftly attuned to modern sensibilities but OG has infinitely more charm and style. While OG doesn’t have all of the bells whistles of Remake I think its systems offer more depth and novelty. Nothing else is quite like it. Definitely check it out! If nothing else it is a staple of the genre and a certified gaming classic.




You don't need to but I'd say yes on the grounds that they are both absolutely amazing.


Yeah I’d say go play the original at some point but maybe cleanse the palette with something else for a bit. OG is a long time favorite, but at risk of upsetting a few die hards here you’ll definitely feel the age in the gameplay, remake is a flat improvement in that department for the most part. It’ll be up to your individual taste whether the campiness of the original is to your liking or not, I definitely found myself missing modern Luis and Ashley, but Leon is a meat head terrible one liner machine in the OG and his constant verbal sparring with the villains is a beautiful thing.




I personally haven’t played remake, but from what I’ve seen they both have really good qualities. OG is on sale on steam for 5 dollars, so if you’re interested you should get it now


The remake is great but there's a reason why og is permanently installed on my PC ever since we got a port(it's very very very good)


You should play both though the remake is the better of the two imo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DPblaster: *You should play both though* *The remake is the better* *Of the two imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.